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Some thoughts about carnivals autotip increase, and tipping in general


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Sorry you don't get off that easy. A link will work just fine. You can even PM the link showing where Carnival cruise ship chefs are making 2000 bucks a week.


If you want to throw out numbers you have to back them up with facts.


Lastly it wouldn't add to carnival's taxable income because they would pay it out in salary. Unless they kept a portion of the autotip. If you bring in a dollar and pay out that dollar in salary there is no income


no gifts. mr google is your friend.

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no gifts. mr google is your friend.


exactly you might as well just put I'm lying to try and prove my point. I don't have to look it up I know what it is, but your not going to get away with coming on here and claiming that. You posted 2k a week for the chefs now back up your claim, or say hey maybe I was misinformed.

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Carnival should have just increased the cruise price by $10.50 and left it at that.


The reason they didn't is the same reason every gas station prices gas at a price ending in 9/10 cent.


They need to accomplish two things: pay their employees and adequate amount (salary, tips, benefits, whatever) so the can retain them, and price their product competively so they have customers.


The customary practice is to price cruises as a combination of base fare plus service "gratuity". They are pretty much forced to allocate between those like their competitors do.


Their gratuity amount was less than many competitors, so it made perfect sense to increase that rather than increase the base fare.

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no gifts. mr google is your friend.


The executive chef is the head of the galley and must have extensive restaurants or hotel chef experience. Most cruise liner companies only offer executive chef positions to chefs with more than 8 years in the industry in a subordinate position. The executive chef will be responsible for the entire galley staff, plan the food, and do quality control. You can earn between $ 4,300.00 and $ 5,200.00 per month as an executive chef on board a cruise liner.


Assistant Executive Chef or Sous Chef: The assistant executive chef or sous chef is the person in the galley that looks after the rest of the chefs and galley and also makes sure that the day to day running is smooth. The sous chef or assistant executive chef must have 4 to 5 years of cruise liner or restaurant experience and will also help the executive chef to plan meals, assist with quality control, and with the preparation. An assistant executive chef can expect to earn about $3,500.00 to $4,100.00 per month and the sous chef will also be considered for promotion to executive chef.


Source Job monkey. Not even close to being 2000 a week

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exactly you might as well just put I'm lying to try and prove my point. I don't have to look it up I know what it is, but your not going to get away with coming on here and claiming that. You posted 2k a week for the chefs now back up your claim, or say hey maybe I was misinformed.

I will be very surprised if he replys and backs it up, more likely some smart a$# response as that's basically what he does.

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it is public info on the nets, so check it out for yourself. and make it 28 dollars. there are 4 of us. give it to your favorite charity.


but that's a pittance compared to the tax savings carnival banks making you pay a tip, as opposed to collecting it as taxable income, and raising the staffs salary.


they are glad you are contributing to keeping their profits high.


It also allows Carnival to keep the costs down for the consumer.....

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Again you do not KNOW they are sharing the tips. It just says these people work in alternative services .. that does not mean 1 + 1 = 4.


Until you find out how that $2 is divided .. you like others are just jumping to conclusions that EVERYONE who works in alternative services is sharing these tips .. which is not what it says. reread what it says, it only says these people work in alternative services.


get some facts before you jump to conclusions. You are reading into what it says .. then jumping to your own conclusions without facts. le grrr on people who dont have facts ... but making them up to suit their own scenerio..which could be true. but most likely isnt.


I stated that I do not agree that entertainment is now included in the tip pool. I was under the impression that alternative services were now including the folk at the guest services desk. If that is the case I am stating that I do not agree with the policy.

I do not make up scenarios nor do I find it pleasant being attacked in such a aggressive manner. Surely these boards are for people to discuss or add a comment to a thread {in a civil manner} that either interests them or may help a fellow cruiser without worrying that some person will accuse and communicate aggressively.

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Sorry you don't get off that easy. A link will work just fine. You can even PM the link showing where Carnival cruise ship chefs are making 2000 bucks a week.


If you want to throw out numbers you have to back them up with facts.


Lastly it wouldn't add to carnival's taxable income because they would pay it out in salary. Unless they kept a portion of the autotip. If you bring in a dollar and pay out that dollar in salary there is no income


Is that a 100% true statement? If CCL brings in a dollar off of my credit card and pays out a dollar,are they not losing 1 percent or more to credit card fee's?

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Again you do not KNOW they are sharing the tips. It just says these people work in alternative services .. that does not mean 1 + 1 = 4.


Until you find out how that $2 is divided .. you like others are just jumping to conclusions that EVERYONE who works in alternative services is sharing these tips .. which is not what it says. reread what it says, it only says these people work in alternative services.


get some facts before you jump to conclusions. You are reading into what it says .. then jumping to your own conclusions without facts. le grrr on people who dont have facts ... but making them up to suit their own scenerio..which could be true. but most likely isnt.


As I have said in an earlier post, yesterday I asked the question on Johns fb page. He said he would get back to me shortly and so far no answer.


If he does answer me will report back. Starting to think he has been told not to answer the question. It is his blog but remember who signs his check.


In the meantime remember this is cc. Here we beat things to death and show no mercy over the corpus delecti.


Still do not understand why people will call other people cheap when they want to know where their tip money is going. Seems like a valid question to me.


If satisfied I will stay with auto tip. If not will reserve the right to reallocate my tips as I (and DW) SEE FIT!

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just for you, darlin'.







Did you read what you posted? Did you see the salaries? The executive chef pay is 4500 to 7800 a month. Now understand there is one executive chef per ship. Also understand the leadership of the ship. It will go captain, staff captain, hotel director, f&b manager, then executive chef, restaurant manager or head matire'd, and director of housekeeping. executive chef, head matire'd and director of house keeping being on the same level of each other. You have taken someone that is 5th on the chain of command and used the highend of their salary range as your guild. Lastly still we have yet to see where a chef on board is making 2000 bucks a week.

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Still do not understand why people will call other people cheap when they want to know where their tip money is going. Seems like a valid question to me.


If satisfied I will stay with auto tip. If not will reserve the right to reallocate my tips as I (and DW) SEE FIT!


Stu does it bother you that you don't know where your tip goes when you eat in a land based restaurant? I can assure you the server never gets 100 percent of what you leave.

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Stu does it bother you that you don't know where your tip goes when you eat in a land based restaurant? I can assure you the server never gets 100 percent of what you leave.


Ok lets be fair here......if Carnival breaks down what their waiters, assistant waiter, and room steward makes (which they do)......I would hope that that amount goes directly to them........wouldn't you:confused: I know that the 15% tip I give for my drink goes directly to that drink server and that if I purchase it from the bartender it goes in a pool.

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Stu does it bother you that you don't know where your tip goes when you eat in a land based restaurant? I can assure you the server never gets 100 percent of what you leave.


Worked in the hotel/restaurant industry for 11 years. Never shared a tip with anyone as a waiter or bartender. I always got 100%. Let's not talk in absolutes. Feel free to say you shared tips, but don't say it's always that way.

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Worked in the hotel/restaurant industry for 11 years. Never shared a tip with anyone as a waiter or bartender. I always got 100%. Let's not talk in absolutes. Feel free to say you shared tips, but don't say it's always that way.


How long ago and were they corporate restaurants? There is some mom and pop joints out there but for the most part if you work in a place that has hostess bartenders busboys food runners matrie'ds and wine stewards there will be tip sharing. Its not 100 percent but its close there is always the exception to the rule, and I'm glad you found that place.

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How long ago and were they corporate restaurants? There is some mom and pop joints out there but for the most part if you work in a place that has hostess bartenders busboys food runners matrie'ds and wine stewards there will be tip sharing. Its not 100 percent but its close there is always the exception to the rule, and I'm glad you found that place.


Hmmm. Yes corporate. 18 years ago. Perhaps its changed or maybe it's because I live in Canada? Who knows. I just don't like misinformation out there. How long has it been since you worked in that field?


And I forget why we were worried about what a chef makes but either way, I don't tip them :)

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Stu does it bother you that you don't know where your tip goes when you eat in a land based restaurant? I can assure you the server never gets 100 percent of what you leave.


Not at all but have to believe it is all going to food based employees.


Do not understand why we should be tipping the people who are in guest services or entertainment.


At this time thinking that Carnival is sorry they ever gave out that info.

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Hmmm. Yes corporate. 18 years ago. Perhaps its changed or maybe it's because I live in Canada? Who knows. I just don't like misinformation out there. How long has it been since you worked in that field?


And I forget why we were worried about what a chef makes but either way, I don't tip them :)


I still do this kind of work. I've worked for or have friends that have worked for most every major restaurant group in the US they all do it. Can't speak for Canada though. lol As for tipping chefs I have twice when one made me a chef's dinner, and came tableside, and last year on my cruise one chef stood out and helped me with a food issue.

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Not at all but have to believe it is all going to food based employees.


Do not understand why we should be tipping the people who are in guest services or entertainment.


At this time thinking that Carnival is sorry they ever gave out that info.


I know we will never get the breakdown from Carnival. but its pennies on the dollar your worrying about. There just isn't that many entertainers on the ship. I mean in the grand scheme of things your paying their salary as it is with your cruise fare.

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Did you read what you posted? Did you see the salaries? The executive chef pay is 4500 to 7800 a month. Now understand there is one executive chef per ship. Also understand the leadership of the ship. It will go captain, staff captain, hotel director, f&b manager, then executive chef, restaurant manager or head matire'd, and director of housekeeping. executive chef, head matire'd and director of house keeping being on the same level of each other. You have taken someone that is 5th on the chain of command and used the highend of their salary range as your guild. Lastly still we have yet to see where a chef on board is making 2000 bucks a week.


guess what? when i aim for a job, i aim for high end. in any case, i'm not pulling figures out of the air.


and again, the ones that deserve the tips are the service personnel making $50 a month. it's an insult to them that after 10 years, they are getting only a third of the raise, and this makes some here happy.

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Hey buddy guess what I worked on a cruise ship. I know what they make. I can assure you the chefs aren't getting 2k a week. I doubt the executive chef is getting that much, however lets assume for argument sake your numbers are right. They work at least 70 hours a week. Probably more like 80 or 90, but we will go with 70, cause I know it isn't less. remember I've been there. the waiter is making .18 cents an hour plus tips. The cook 7.14 an hour, and those chefs are making 28 an hour. Which I promise you isn't the case. I work in one of Charlotte's finest restaurants, and our chefs don't come close to making that. Last time I check my company has never lost a chef to go work on an international cruise line. I would put the average chef's pay on board closer to 800 to 1000 a week.


They also get room and board too. Want to get an idea for that. Go into your wife's or husband's walk in closet remove all the clothes and shelves. Now put in 2 sets of bunk beds and a bathroom. there's your room. As for the food open up a can of dog food heat it up and serve it with some rice let me know how it tastes.


Lastly remember you are the one that is upset with having to give 7 extra dollars per seven day cruise to the alternative services. If its that big of a deal give me your address and I would be happy to mail you 7 dollars for your next cruise:)


I would love to make 800 to a 1000 a week and get free room and board and meals. And now they want us to tip these people. Are you nuts?

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I think where Carnival has gotten itself in trouble here is saying how the tips are being split....if they said nothing and just said there would be an increase do to the fact that they haven't done one in 10 years ....there would have been no problem.


I totally agree with you. I am not adverse to increasing the tips, but even with Honest Guy's thinking that only pennies go to entertainment, I feel I have already paid for entertainment when I paid my cruise fare.


I do think the cabin stewards and wait staff deserve an increase. I don't even object to increasing tips to cover the buffet workers, but that, at least from what I have read, isn't where the increase goes.


Also, tipping the Guest Services people is ridiculous. Why should we have to tip them? It's kind of like tipping the hotel director. I know Carnival wants to keep prices low, but don't do it through tipping.


I have always been one who thinks a service charge should be billed instead of tips, but adding people to the tip pool puts me over the edge.




PS We tip our stewards and wait staff cash in addition to what is billed to us. We also tip the people in the buffet that help us, so it isn't that we are cheap. It's just that certain things should be included in the fare, and not left to the cruisers as an addition.

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Let's see.. Land based chains.. I worked for O'Charleys Steakhouse, Outback Steakhouse, IHOP, Mayflower Seafood and Olive Garden. I never had to share my tips with anyone. The bartender had a tip share at Olive Garden that went to the bus boys.


On the sheet H8tosea posted, the exec chef can make up to 7,800 per month. At that level, we're talking $1,950 per week which in all fairness is about as close to 2k a week as you can get. :-) Semantics. I digress. Looking at it as a whole (amongst all the chefs on board).. no... you can't say they all make that. However, you also can't say that "none of them" do either.


However, you can't state in such certainties that nobody is making that.

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