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Carnival Glory Wedding Review! 11/13/11


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Hey everyone! I'm back from my wedding!!! After a year of planning, obsessing, organizing, etc. I am warning you that it is VERY long and if you are not into detailed reviews..then this is not for you. It was on embarkation day aboard the Carnival Glory on November 13, 2011 in Miami. I am going to start with the Friday before the wedding (Wedding was on Sunday).




On Friday November 11th, my parents hosted a "meet and greet" at their house because some of my family flew down that still had not met Laz <-- that's my HUSBANDS name =).. my family was there and so were his and also all of the bridal party. We did a mini rehearsal that night. There is a rehearsal about 15 minutes before the actual wedding but I get very crazy if I don't actually see with my own eyes to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be lol. Earlier that day we (my hubby and I) checked into a hotel in Brickell called The Viceroy..it's about 5 minutes away from the port. It worked out perfect because my MOH lives in that building. Later that night we all went to a club in that building called "Club 50" because at midnight (Nov 12) it was Laz's birthday! (Yes, we got married the day after his bday) It was a nice night but ended early for me because all I kept thinking about was if I had packed something, left something at home (not that I live far, about 15 minutes, but still), what bag did I put something in, etc.



The next day (Saturday) was the day before the wedding, Laz woke up early and left the hotel without telling me...we didn't want to see each other till I was walking down the aisle. I woke up, re-checked all the bags and waited for my MOH to walk over. Once she got to my room, we left the hotel and went to get brunch at The Cheesecake Factory. Then, we went to get our nails done and eyebrows waxed. In the meantime the boys had checked into another suite at The Viceroy on the other side of the hotel, on a different floor (I had requested ahead of time that the rooms be as far away from each other as possible). It was so hard not to call Laz to make sure he packed everything. Or just to say hi. That night my mom slept in the suite with me. I had a long bubble bath with a glass of wine and that is where I wrote my letter to Laz.



Ahhhh it's my wedding day!!!! My wakeup call was at 4:30am! I didn't get a good night's sleep...I was tossing and turning..my nerves were kicking in. I jumped in the shower, put my "Bride" shirt on and at 4:55am I got a phone call that the makeup artist was parking. I started freaking out because all my bridesmaids were supposed to be there at 5:00...but right before I was going to call them they were all knocking on the door screaming and yelling that it was my wedding dayyyy!!! They immediately popped a bottle of champagne and got the mimosas started. LOL my friends are crazy.

This is when things got crazy (a good crazy) I had myself, 5 bridesmaids, 3 Jr. Bridesmaids, 2 flower girls, and my mom who were all getting hair and makeup done. I also had 2 other friends in there with us, Laz's mom, the Jr. Bridesmaids moms, the flower girls mom, 2 hairstylists, a makeup artist, and a photographer. The phone kept ringing because the front desk had to call and ask every time someone was going to come up. Laz kept calling my maid of honor asking last minute questions...he left his watch in my jewelry bag, he needed his boutonniere, etc. We were all done by 9:45... I sent one of my bridesmaids to check out of both rooms and we had cars downstairs waiting for us.



Carnival told me ahead of time that Laz and I should arrive 15 minutes apart to the port to avoid seeing each other. Once we got to the port, all the girls got out of the cars, dresses in garment bags, hair and makeup done, all holding a carryon bag. There were already guests waiting outside to go in. So my MOH put a newspaper in front of me so that no one could see me. The coordinator found me as soon as I walked in to security. Some people had already gone past security and I was next in line and find out that they are not letting one of my flower girls in because "she wasn't on the list". Well, I brought one of those plastic filing things that people use for bills, receipts, etc. and I had the list that I emailed to Carnival (Thank God I had every single email between me and carnival, all paper worked that I ever faxed, EVERYTHING) and what do you know, her name was right there. So the coordinator went somewhere and came back very quickly with a paper for me to sign to allow her to come on. She escorted my MOH and I into a separate room and checked us in and everyone else were in a different waiting room. This is where we waited for the ship to clear customs. The coordinator went over every detail with me again to make sure everything she had was correct.




Each of my bridesmaids had carried on a bag for me...one was the bag with all the reception decorations, one was with all the bouquets, one was with my shoes, garter, veil, underwear, etc...one had mini everything..like hairspray, lipgloss, sewing kit, deodorant, stuff like that. We were the first people on the ship before anyone else...I was in my suite by 11:30am and the wedding was at 1:00pm...we had another room we requested to be ready for the boys also. OH! I almost forgot!! As I was sitting in the waiting room I realized that my MOH kept answering her phone and walking away..then she answered again saying "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" and she knows me and I was like "what!? what's going on?!" well the boys ended up parking at the WRONG ship!!! WHO DOES THAT?!?! It is VERY clear that the name of our ship was CARNIVAL GLORY! lol so I freaked out for a few minutes but then she told me that they were there in the other waiting room. I could totally picture it...7 guys in tuxedos..running down the street with all their luggage from one ship to the other.



Ok back to the room..some of my bridesmaids went up to the Lido deck to get lunch...they just hid their guest tags and got it for free..Shhhh. In the meantime...I was taking out all the bouquets, making sure nothing had broken or fallen off any of the decorations. The coordinator let 2 of my friends go decorate the reception...we had a guestbook, pen, favors, wooden letters, bloom boxes, napkins, and cake decorations. They were allowed to get to the cake and put the decorations on it as well. I put my dress on, jewelry, shoes, & garter...put lip gloss on...my makeup was still perfect. At 12:30 everyone had to go down to the Ebony Cabaret (ceremony location) and do the rehearsal. I was by myself in the room for about 10-15 minutes. The videographer came in and did the interview..lol I was so nervous by then I had no idea what to say. She was AWESOME though! Her name is Eleanor (Ellie)..she made me feel so comfortable. She left to go to Laz and do his interview.




At about 12:50 the coordinator came to get me and took me to the ceremony location...I met my dad down there. She told us where to go & where to stand..but my dad already knew from the rehearsal they had before. By this time my ring bearer and one of my flower girls were due for a nap. One of my friends was escorting the ring bearer down the aisle and he was asleep lol he turns 1 this Sunday. And one of my flower girls was crying to daddy who was the best man and wanted to walk down with him..she ended up just walking to her mom who was seated already. Then I heard Canon in D come on and my bridal party started to enter the ceremony. The bridal march came on and it was MY turn =) It was so perfect walking down the aisle with my dad...and seeing Laz waiting for me at the altar with a huge smile on his face...truly the perfect moment. I was so nervous...my hands were shaking like crazy...then my parents gave me away. I could hear all my bridesmaids crying lol I saw all my friends and family in the audience..so perfect. The ceremony took about 15 minutes or so and then we still had about 10 minutes till we could all go to the reception..the photographer took advantage of that and got some shots of all of us. Then we went to the reception. The bridal party had a special entrance to "I got a feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas and then Laz and I had a special entrance to "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry. They went straight in to the first dance, father daughter dance....which the DJ started to play the song for the mother & son dance..which pissed me off but we all laughed it off and he changed it very quickly, and mother and son. We danced and I made my rounds to everyone saying hello and thank you for coming..we had about 65 guests. Then it was time for the toasts...the best man, MOH, and my dad each made a toast..had us in tears. Then we went in to the cake cutting...then bouquet toss and garter toss...then we had about an hour to just dance, party, drink as muchhhhhhh as we could with the open bar, and mingle. I didn't get to eat...that was the last thing on my mind but it really didn't bother me. From what I heard, everything was delicious.



By the last 30 minutes or so..everyone was pretty drunk and having tons of fun. They gave us an extra 30 minutes...I'm not sure why but my guess is because the DJ messed up on the song. After all the guests left at around 3:30 it was time for the muster drill...which was pretty funny. There were 10 of us sailing and we were all drunk (not me or my husband..we were just a little tipsy) but we were late to the drill so we were the first people in the line and we had to walk all the way to the end..everyone was cheering for us and saying congratulations..I loved it! Then the photographer took Laz and I around the ship for pictures. By this time we were exhausted and the photographer was annoying me. I guess he was just doing his job and I was so tired but the whole "tilt your head, lean forward, chin up" thing was annoying me. The videographer was there for everything but I didn't even notice her but I DEFINITELY recommend getting the videographer..she was amazing and the video she made for us is more than perfect. It is 45 minutes long but is just perfect. I was in tears when I watched it. Half way through the cruise we met with her on one of the sea days and she followed us around to the bar, shops, deck, ect. I love it.




All in all, it was amazing. Everything was perfect. The coordinators, officiant, bartenders, dj, photographer, videographer..they were all so nice. And best of all...I married the man of my dreams!!!!

If I could make any recommendations for future brides I would say...seize the moment, it goes by so quickly...eat something, get sleep the night before, bring copies of all your paperwork..and don't freak out because even if something goes wrong...it's YOUR day and NOTHING can mess that up..you are marrying the man/woman of your dreams. That's all that matters.



Here's the link to my professional pictures that I purchased and some of the pictures that my guests took...once I get my "getting ready" pictures from the other photographer, I will be adding those to these albums. The album titled "kayysums album" is the pro pics.. and the album "wedding pictures" is the album with pictures that guests took. My pictures from the cruise are also there.







I will be happy to answer any questions you guys have...

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Hi, I enjoyed your wedding photos. My h2b and I are planning a cruise and a possible wedding onboard. Was wondering why there were no photos taken outside. Also were you able to choose your flowers or did they, as I would like to go with the tropical flowers if given the option. val

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Hi, I enjoyed your wedding photos. My h2b and I are planning a cruise and a possible wedding onboard. Was wondering why there were no photos taken outside. Also were you able to choose your flowers or did they, as I would like to go with the tropical flowers if given the option. val




We had the option of going outside but to be honest we were so tired all we wanted to do was take a nap so by the time he finished the inside ones...we were over it. lol The photographer was going to take us up to the deck but we were done. I brought all my flowers onboard myself..they were not real ones (which I prefer because now they are sitting in the bloom box on my mantle at home)...I did this because I did not like the flowers Carnival provides...even though it is included in the package...we still received their bouquet but only used it as a decoration on one of the tables. You should look into Alexis Grace Designs..her name is Kim and she is amazing! She made my bouquet, all my bridesmaids & jr. bridesmaids bouquets, bouts, corsages, cake decorations, flower girl baskets, ring bearer pillow, bloom boxes, guest book, pen, everything. For an amazing price and she was the best to work with..she made everything the way I wanted.

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congratulations. Great review and beautiful pictures.


1 I love the way your cake looks. What did you bring the decorate the cake and what was pre existing?



Thank you. I requested that the cake have no pipe work done. I brought everything...the ribbon, rhinestone banding and flowers. I had asked carnival for the measurements of each tier beforehand.

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I am getting married on the Glory in August. So funny that your dress was one of my "final 4" picks. I truly did love it but went with something else.


how come you guys were married in the ebony lounge? was there another wedding that day also? or did you request that spot? we too are having our reception in the disco, but i was thinking that i might want to have the ceremony in a different room other than that green room people keep mentioning....


did you happen to notice the green room? what was it like?

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I am getting married on the Glory in August. So funny that your dress was one of my "final 4" picks. I truly did love it but went with something else.


how come you guys were married in the ebony lounge? was there another wedding that day also? or did you request that spot? we too are having our reception in the disco, but i was thinking that i might want to have the ceremony in a different room other than that green room people keep mentioning....


did you happen to notice the green room? what was it like?



OMG as soon as I saw that dress I loved it!


I had requested the ebony cabaret..only because it was my favorite from pictures I had seen of the other places...yes, there was another wedding that day but she had a smaller party and theirs was in the bar blue (I think that was the name of it) I went to the green room later on in the cruise just to see what it was like because that was the other option. Its very blah...the ceilings aren't very high..lower than normal. But it is smaller so guests actually sit in chairs where as in the ebony cabaret its booths..sort of. I guess it gives off more of the chapel wedding feeling. If you get what I mean lol

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  • 3 months later...

Enjoyed reading your review, as my daughter will be getting married on the Glory this November. Just wondering if you would share, what favors did you give your guests? I am trying to come up with something and poring various websites for ideas. Lots of great info in your post!!

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