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Capnpugwash on QM2 after the 2011 refit


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If everything on the menu is now priced individually, are we to assume that the Diamond perk of a "free lunch" now has a set limit for the total bill, and that passengers now have to "add" up the cost before they order?


Will this a la carte pricing also be used on the QV?


I think it will mean that inthe next few weeks we will hear that Diamond members will no longer get lunch at TE as a "reward"..


Since there are quite a number of Diamond members on this board an answer from TE or Cunard will be appreciated.

I wasn't aware that you had ever partaken of the TE lunch perk - or did I misunderstand?
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Update no 2


The afternoon tea was magnificent as usual; the little rolls, sandwiches, cakes and scones were all very tasty. I didn’t do them justice but I did eat my fill. After that I went to the spa and did my normal routine, I am just back in the cabin to rest up for the evening’s entertainment. We are almost stationary wherever we are, there is land to the north at about 10 miles distance and we are heading east south east, I believe that it is Poole that we are passing. I think that we should berth tomorrow morning by 6am so we have about 12 hours left before we arrive at Le Havre. The first tour bus will leave just after 7am for the long journey to Paris although I have no idea why anyone would take that trip especially as the vast majority on board are from the UK, to me it makes more sense to go by Eurostar from St Pancras and spend a weekend there rather than a 3½ bus ride each way to only spend 3 hours in Paris.


It is now 1.30am and I have no idea where the evening went, a couple of cocktails followed by dinner and I was in the Commodore Club just after 10.30, we were having such a good time that the next time I looked at my watch it was ten to one. I finished my drink and wended my way to G32 but I could barely get through the doors as it was so crowded, 2 or 3 deep at the bar and the rest of the room was standing room only. Discretion proved the better part of valour and I turned on my heels and left for my cabin. My journey took me along deck 3 past the champagne bar; the carpet has a very swirly pattern and the seats are very pale but I think that it looks pretty nice and certainly seems to reflect the Veuve Clicquot style.

I am off to my bed now as we dock in about 5hours time.


More later

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Jim - glad to see you back on the ship and love reading your posts. Just got off the phone with Cunard trying to see if I qualified for their 3 day transatlantic sale that ended today for next summer. Will be interested to hear if there will be any changes to Todd English for Diamond members. Enjoy your trip. Katherine

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If everything on the menu is now priced individually, are we to assume that the Diamond perk of a "free lunch" now has a set limit for the total bill, and that passengers now have to "add" up the cost before they order?


Will this a la carte pricing also be used on the QV?


I think it will mean that inthe next few weeks we will hear that Diamond members will no longer get lunch at TE as a "reward"..


Since there are quite a number of Diamond members on this board an answer from TE or Cunard will be appreciated.


Yes, you will still have a free lunch as a diamond member. No, they won't take away the perk that has been given for years and no, you don't have to add up what you order for lunch. On the QE, in the beautiful Verandah Restaurant, we had our free lunch with a starter, a main course and a dessert and then just signed the bill. I'm sure it will be the same on the QM2 and, if the QV starts doing ala cart, it will be the same there.

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A great review as ever.

I am also on board just now and agree that the carpets look fine. The only thing that I really don't think it fitting are the horrid silver cushions in the CC.

I also noticed that a re registering certificate in the bridge viewing area refers to RMS!

Must away now for breakfast....

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Update no 3


The appearance of a pair of lamp-posts outside my balcony at 6.30am announced our arrival at Le Havre; this bathed my cabin in a warm yellow light. I fell for the warm glow and opening my balcony door I walked out into the fresh air and was quite shocked by the significantly lower temperature than the warm glow had led me to expect. That got rid of the cobwebs and I was able to watch as the ship inched closer and closer to the quay, the lines were thrown ashore and the heavier mooring warps were then pulled across the water and secured to the dock. We then winched ourselves inch by inch until we rested tight against the harbour fenders.


I decided that I would give Britannia a miss this morning and went instead to the King’s Court, I had woken with idea to have a bacon and mushroom sandwich which accompanied by a cup of coffee from the brand new machine formed my morning meal. The bacon was not the best I have seen or eaten and I had to cut at least half of it away to end up with the meatier part of the rashers, it is unusual because in my experience it is a much better quality product. Not the end of the world really but nonetheless worthy of comment.


The weather today is expected to remain overcast with a high temperature of 9/48 degrees and a low of 5/41 degrees, still provided the rain holds off it will be ok. I don’t know whether to go ashore today or not so I will play it by ear and decide later in the day. Everyone has to be back on board by 8.30pm this evening as we shall be sailing shortly thereafter for Zeebrugge.


We are blessed to have the Irish comedian Adrian Walsh on board; I use the word comedian advisedly. He performed the first time on Thursday evening and maintained his usual poor standard apparently; anyway we have obviously done something wrong as we are being punished by him appearing again tonight in an allegedly brand new show. I sincerely doubt that it is all brand new as he did the same brand new show the last time he was here which was only a few weeks ago. I wonder how many people have never to have seen the show in order to qualify as brand new.


The pub is get its first major airing this afternoon as they intend to broadcast the football match between Manchester United and Wolves, this will be shown on the 4 big screen TVs in the Golden Lion, I must remember to avoid that bar until at least 6pm. There are live rugby matches being played but the chances of them being shown are somewhere between nil and slim.


I am heading for the spa to formulate my strategy for handling this visit to France.


More later.

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So nice to see you back on board. As I think I surmised at the end of your last voyage, if only to myself, I knew it would not be long before you sailed, notwithstanding your planned voyages that you had listed at the time. I think it is grand that you are so close to SOTON as to be able to go at a minute's, more or less, notice.


As for the furnishings, I was somewhat dubious as to them before, but I have just seen the QM 2 refit video #2 on Peter Shanks' We are Cunard blog and I think they look really fine--much better than the still pictures seen earlier on these posts would have led one to believe.


As for the RMS, I am confused. I know it refers to Royal Mail Ship, but I thought that the ships did not carry mail anymore, so why the pennant then? If they are still under contract with the Royal Mail, which I believe is the basis for the RMS designation, then I do not think that a reflagging would have an effect on the ability to fly the pennant. In fact, it seems that if the Royal Mail chose to enter into a contract with any any ship, including one registered in some place like Monrovia, then that ship could still fly the RMS pennant by virtue of such a contract. As an observer from across the pond, any enlightenment as to the accuracy or lack thereof of my observations would be appreciated.


I am looking forward to your future posts. Hope you have another good voyage. Any chance of ditching the "God Squad" people? We had breakfast with such a couple, which went fine until they realized that my partner and I were two of "those people", upon which, the wife froze in mid-sentence, stood up, and announced, "we have to go." This was not on a Cunard ship, however, and we have no expectation of such an experience ever occurring on Cunard, given the sophistication of its passengers. Still....?

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I wasn't aware that you had ever partaken of the TE lunch perk - or did I misunderstand?


I was not able to have lunch in TE on the QV on my Panama Canal trip last year, it always seemed to be closed ,even on sea days, I tried to get a reservation on one of the few days it was open, but made the mistake of saying I was a Diamond Member, only to be told "we are fully booked"


However I did have lunch at the TE on a Trans. B2B on the QM2 in Aug. Almost empty room. This time I made the reservation and did not say I was a Diamond member until handing in my "invitation" on arriving at the room.


I did find it odd though, as I was waiting to be seated, a couple came in who did not have a reservation,(they claimed they did not think they needed one). The Maitre D" told them "we are fully booked" but as stated the room was almost empty, they remarked on this, but he maintained the "fully booked " line, and they left. Do not think they will give TE a glowing report to their friends.

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Update no 4


The spa was almost empty of passengers when I went in and the water in the pool, the steam room and the sauna were all well below their required temperature, it seems that they are operated on a time clock. My suggestion would be that they set the clock to come on an hour earlier so that the equipment is useable as soon as they open; there is nothing so dull as a cool steam room or sauna. I did meet a very nice lady there with whom I had travelled on the tandem crossing with QE2 in 2008; she posts on here sometimes using the pseudonym LadyL1 and is utterly charming. Returning to my cabin I went onto my balcony for some fresh air and I could hear a choir singing in the terminal building which I overlook, I am not sure if it is live or recorded but whatever it is it sounds very festive.


It was recorded I discovered as I disembarked a little after noon but it didn’t diminish the pleasure it gave. I went through the fairly basic terminal and out to the shuttle bus and cab area, I got a cab as I knew where I wanted to go. There is an 8 Euro fixed price fare to the centre of town and the driver wouldn’t move from this so I gave him the address that I had gone to in October and he duly took me there. In France there is no need to tip cab drivers so I didn’t. he dropped me in Rue du General Faidherbe which is not far from the port but is before the main area of the town. I had eaten here before but this time I wanted something different so having walked around I settled on a wine and tapas bar called Esta Vina at No 51 and I am so glad that I did, they offered charcuterie and cheese so I ordered a melange and if you view the photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/117604515292735584030/QueenMaryDecember2011?authkey=Gv1sRgCPe7x4q307CsIw# you will see the choices that I had to make and the plate that I ended up with, it was absolutely marvellous and I unreservedly recommend that if you are in Le Havre you eat there. The bread, cheese and meats were just so very nice and the wine really hit the spot. A coffee and pastis followed which rounded the lunch off nicely. Just as I was leaving Jerome who owns the bar insisted that I have a bottle of the 2011 Beaujolais Nouveau which I took with me to the Commodore Club and shared it with a few of the bar staff. It was actually a very nice example as it is obviously very young and some in years has been almost undrinkable. The cab back to the dock was only 4 euros which explains why they have the fixed price away from the ship.


I ran into LadyL1 and one of her daughters who had also been on QM2 in 2008 in the Commodore Club and we all had an afternoon cocktail and chatted about our shipboard adventures and experiences for half an hour, they left to go to afternoon tea which is the last thing that I could do now.


All in all it was a great day and I just hope that Bruges is half as much fun tomorrow. It is 4.45 now and I am back in the cabin to rest up for tonight.


More later

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and if you view the photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/117604515292735584030/QueenMaryDecember2011?authkey=Gv1sRgCPe7x4q307CsIw# you will see the choices that I had to make and the plate that I ended up with, it was absolutely marvellous and I unreservedly recommend that if you are in Le Havre you eat there.




Thanks for the updates and photos! On one of your photos you have a picture of the cabin sofa "before". Do you have a pic of what the new sofa will look like? Perhaps they are changing it out on your cruise?


Personally I'm a little disappointed in this refit. The chairs in the new Golden Lion look like something from a Greek cruise ship in the 80's and not very "pub like". Although not part of this latest refit, I'm probably one of the few that preferred the original elegance of the Chart Room when QM2 was first introduced. Now the decor could be on any number of ships. Not sure how I feel about the new Champagne Bar carpet. I'll have to wait on that until I see it in person. On the positive, I think the carpet and chairs in the Commodore Club look superb. Very smart and somewhat nautical looking.


Rather than this fairly minor cosmetic update (that Cunard is playing up as something much more substantial), I would have rather seen work done on the four areas that probably need it most. The Winter Garden, the Boardwalk Cafe, King's Court, and Todd English. Instead, I don't think any of those areas were touched and Cunard concentrated on public areas that I believe were all quite fine to begin with. I don't quite understand their thinking.


When I see the major $$ and planning that Royal Caribbean and Celebrity are spending to upgrade their older ships (Millennium Class & Vision Class), I'm a bit disappointed in what Cunard has done with QM2.


I'm also rather surprised to see the rust colored couches in the standard cabins have not been replaced or reupholstered. They are looking dated but I'm happy to hear they are being replaced. I see there are now flat panel TV's (long overdue), but unfortunately Cunard has long since disconnected the Interactive system where you could view your bill, have a music playlist, etc. It's an interesting decision since most all other major lines have this system, yet Cunard decided it's not necessary on their flagship even after paying for it.


Overall QM2 remains one of my all time favorite ships and I can't wait to sail on her in January. This being said, I only want the best for her and I think Cunard has fallen a little short on this latest "upgrade".



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Update no 4

I had eaten here before but this time I wanted something different so having walked around I settled on a wine and tapas bar called Esta Vina at No 51 and I am so glad that I did, they offered charcuterie and cheese so I ordered a melange and if you view the photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/117604515292735584030/QueenMaryDecember2011?authkey=Gv1sRgCPe7x4q307CsIw# you will see the choices that I had to make and the plate that I ended up with, it was absolutely marvellous and I unreservedly recommend that if you are in Le Havre you eat there. .


Thanks for the photos! The ship is looking lovely, and your meal looks most appetizing. I do hope my Mum and I can find a similar establishment when we are in Zeebrugge/Bruges in June. I am so glad that you managed to get on to this voyage and give us all the updates. Sail on:)!

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As for the RMS, I am confused. I know it refers to Royal Mail Ship, but I thought that the ships did not carry mail anymore, so why the pennant then? If they are still under contract with the Royal Mail, which I believe is the basis for the RMS designation, then I do not think that a reflagging would have an effect on the ability to fly the pennant. In fact, it seems that if the Royal Mail chose to enter into a contract with any any ship, including one registered in some place like Monrovia, then that ship could still fly the RMS pennant by virtue of such a contract. As an observer from across the pond, any enlightenment as to the accuracy or lack thereof of my observations would be appreciated.


No one has mentioned this (that I recall), but could it possibly be continuing as an honorary title, in honor of the many years of history of Cunard being official "RMS" ships? I don't know much about how mail physically gets transported these days, but I would think with the masses of airplanes flying all over the world, that transporting by ship would be quite impractical and take far too long. Perhaps it's just an honorary title out of respect. Just as Bill Cosby was given the title of "Doctor" by Yale, I certainly wouldn't expect to have "Dr. Cosby" give me any sort of exam! (no need to flame me on the different types of doctorate degrees, as I was just making a joke to make my point!)


But even before the change in registration country, was the QM2 REALLY being used to physically transport our mail? If so, im a little jealous of my postcards getting to travel so well!!

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I'm really confused about QM2's RMS status as well because Cunard has removed all references to this on their US website and US press documents. That, and questions were deleted from Cunard's facebook page. If she didn’t lose it why not just say so?


QM2 was given honorary RMS status upon entering service as a gesture to Cunard's history. However she only carried a token amount of mail (which could be a single piece) to meet the legal qualification.


The only other two ships that still have this status are the RMS St. Helena, which actually does carry mail to the south Atlantic island of St. Helena. She is registered in London, UK. The second is the RMS Segwun, a steam-driven tour boat in Ontario, Canada. She has RMS status given to her by Canada Post and is registered in Canada.


The document often cited for QM2's RMS status is an August 2007 issue of the Courier, a periodical published for employees of the Royal Mail. Unfortunately it's not available online. RMS status is so unusual today that only an insider would know how it is granted, kept, or rescinded. What happens if she is later registered in Panama - a country with no legal connection to the UK? I know I’m more obsessed with those than the others here but “RMS” made the QM2 special and makes her a living link to the great transatlantic liners. To lose that would take away some of the charm she has for me.

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I'm really confused about QM2's RMS status as well because Cunard has removed all references to this on their US website and US press documents. That, and questions were deleted from Cunard's facebook page. If she didn’t lose it why not just say so?


QM2 was given honorary RMS status upon entering service as a gesture to Cunard's history. However she only carried a token amount of mail (which could be a single piece) to meet the legal qualification.


The only other two ships that still have this status are the RMS St. Helena, which actually does carry mail to the south Atlantic island of St. Helena. She is registered in London, UK. The second is the RMS Segwun, a steam-driven tour boat in Ontario, Canada. She has RMS status given to her by Canada Post and is registered in Canada.


The document often cited for QM2's RMS status is an August 2007 issue of the Courier, a periodical published for employees of the Royal Mail. Unfortunately it's not available online. RMS status is so unusual today that only an insider would know how it is granted, kept, or rescinded. What happens if she is later registered in Panama - a country with no legal connection to the UK? I know I’m more obsessed with those than the others here but “RMS” made the QM2 special and makes her a living link to the great transatlantic liners. To lose that would take away some of the charm she has for me.


Wiki - not always reliable - writes QM2 has lost RMS status on leaving the UK registry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Mail_Ship

Although no citation is given, it does make sense and corresponds with the removal of the status from the website.

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Wiki - not always reliable - writes QM2 has lost RMS status on leaving the UK registry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Mail_Ship

Although no citation is given, it does make sense and corresponds with the removal of the status from the website.



If that's the case, well, Cunard is an American company now. It's not the taking away of a British institution, only a former one. It's not as if something is being removed from the UK that was not already gone years ago when sold to an American company. Britain will carry on without Cunard.


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If that's the case, well, Cunard is an American company now. It's not the taking away of a British institution, only a former one. It's not as if something is being removed from the UK that was not already gone years ago when sold to an American company. Britain will carry on without Cunard.



I agree. QM2 is to all intents and purposes an American ship and has been for some time. The final vestiges of UK legal regulatory aspects have now gone with the moving to a flag of convenience and removal from the British merchant navy but I doubt the practical consequences will become apparent for some time nor affect most cruisers enjoyment of the ship.

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Thanks for the reports. I love it.


I hope that those who spent so much time worrying about the new carpet are okay now???


I met Rob Camby on Queen Mary 2 last year and he is very cute. Mind you Capt Wells definitely had the charm....

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The second is the RMS Segwun, a steam-driven tour boat in Ontario, Canada. She has RMS status given to her by Canada Post and is registered in Canada.


If Canada Post can authorize RMS, what's to stop the Post Office in Bermuda from doing likewise? Her Majesty is not just the Queen of the United Kingdom and all kinds of 'Roya'l designations exist in her other realms.


Incidentally the Segwun began life carrying passengers, freight and mail on Lakes Muskoka, Rosseau and Joseph. Those lakes are still prime cottage country for Toronto and Southern Ontario. The difference between 'old' money and 'new' money on the lakes is whether the Segwun can tie up to the cottage dock.

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Update no 5


I omitted to say that the plate of cheese and charcuterie was really enough food for two people and only cost 17 Euros including the bread which was great value for money. Tonight is an elegant casual dress code so it won’t take me too long to get ready for dinner.

I went up to the Commodore Club first and then down to the Chart Room and had a couple of cocktails, heading into dinner I encountered the 7 water drinkers again. I realise that it shouldn’t affect me at all but it does so having bought a couple of bottles on day 1 which should have lasted until tomorrow night I finished them off and intend to go to an alternative restaurant tomorrow evening. You may think this is an overreaction but that is what I intend to do.


After dinner I headed straight to G32 where I have been for the last 4 hours, it was a blast tonight and much quieter than yesterday when it didn’t close until 6am so I had a lucky escape by turning on my heels. Tomorrow I am heading into Bruges at around noon so I will do the spa first thing after breakfast and then meet up with my fellow travellers to head into town and have some more fun.


More later

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