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Costa Concordia SINKING!


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Firstly, as a woman, I appreciate you pointing out that women should not be called bimbos.


But I do believe that Uniall is entitled to his/her point of view. Firstly it has transpired this week that Domnica's clothing was found in the Captain's cabin. Secondly, by her own admission, she knew he was married and that he had a daughter (even said he had his daughter's photo and showed it often). Thirdly, she is not an ignorant minor - she is in her 20s and apparently has a 2yr old daughter. So I wouldn't exactly call her a bimbo, but I certainly don't think she is innocent - certainly as regards to having an affair with a married man.


There are many verses in the Bible about adultery too and they are not viewing the act of adultery in a good light. I just don't want any non-christians viewing this to think (from your post above) that Jesus would condone adultery. It is against the teachings of the Bible.



Wasn't she also found to be an UNREGISTERED guest?? How does this even happen, don't the authories not going over the manifest prior to sailing?? So who was hiding what right from the beginning?

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Sidari wasn't commenting on what you wrote just on the list having all those names actually listed gave me a cold shiver. Interestingly when I read the crew list according to that our Egnlish Crusie director who I said was issuing the announcements and was totally shellshocked after the cruise was only 22, that really stuns me, me thinks maybe some of the DOB's of crew maybe incorrect.


To the rest of the _______ ( insert what name you want), this is supposed to be a discussion of the events of the sinking not a cat fight.


The orginal list was closed down because someone said something extremly nasty about me can you please have your argument about whether a woman sharing a married mans cabin and dinner does or does not make her a slut or a bimbo elsewhere.


If it is proven that he was taking more notice of her then where his ship with me and my family onboard was heading then I will have much more than those words to say about both of them.


As to previous questions about the trial I have no idea what they want us to do about it, I have laywers emails appearing in my emails and letterbox everyday they all want a peice of the action on the settlement but none have mentioned this trial.

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Wasn't she also found to be an UNREGISTERED guest?? How does this even happen, don't the authories not going over the manifest prior to sailing?? So who was hiding what right from the beginning?


That was hearsay... the truth:


The statement said: “Costa Cruises would like to clarify that the law as it stands, safety regulations and the control systems applied meticulously by the company do not permit the embarkation of unregistered passengers.

“Based on the pictures broadcast by the media, the woman stated as being in the company of Captain Schettino on the evening of January 13th was certainly embarked on January 13th in Civitavecchia and duly registered.

“The company is ready to provide the authorities, when requested, with the identity of the person and the number of the ticket purchased.”


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nasty about me can you please have your argument about whether a woman sharing a married mans cabin and dinner does or does not make her a slut or a bimbo elsewhere.


You've earned the right to call "END" on any thread on this topic. I'll speak no more of it and challenge the others to follow suit.

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And it was my (currently blond) daughter who suggested the word "slut" to make the point... as she considers "bimbo" to be the exact same thing. Are you saying she's wrong?


Just catching up on all the reading on this thread, and have to ask you what your point is in asking the others to refrain from using the word "bimbo" as it offended your daughter...but yet she suggested the word "Slut"?? REALLY???


If I was her father I would be more concerned with having a chat with her and discussing her choice of words, rather than being on here preaching to other CC's for their choice of words as Adults!!!

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Montego Bay or Kingston.


Day trip to Bob Marley's birthplace.


(add ethnic activity here)


After that, a few ice cold Red Stripes and some Jerk Chicken.


Just do not bring anything back on the ship.


What in the world are you talking about????????????????:confused::confused::confused::confused:


Me thinks you have one to many windows open or......





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As to the questions on how we are doing, things are starting to retrun to normal, I have been back at work for 2 weeks now, Katharine and my middle boy went back to school Thursday, and hopefully Johns doctor gives him the all clear to return to work when he sees him Monday. I am now sleeping without the tablets ( although the hot nights do not help). All I need is for the oldest to finally get the call to go to the Uni he wants to go to ( fingers crossed), and we have his 18th next week, re-eancting meeting as well so I think returning to a routine is helping.


I am also planning another holiday I cannot not have one in planning, Katharine has however requested "NO BOATS" in this one.


I am hoping at some stage to ask Carnival if I can Visit one of their ships when they are in harbour in Melbourne some time just to see if I can actually walk onto a cruise ship again, I think I could but until you try......

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Michelle ... it may well be that the woman you speak of is only 22, unless of course she did actually look much older. I would guess that worldwide many cruise ship crew including officers will have never been faced with an emergancy situation of any kind and it is understandable that your English rep was totally shocked at what she was faced with.


With regard to a cruise holiday we have a saying here that if you fall off your bicycle you have to get straight back on, I hope that you and your family are able to do that because it would be a real shame if you never did a cruise holiday again! Having spoken on these boards prior to your holiday I know it was what you were looking forward to.

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I guess it is difficult for you to understand that I was comparing the word "bimbo" to one of its synonyms. You can look it up if you have a thesaurus handy. Other words with bimbo include prostitute, harlot, etc. I was attempting to demonstrate the derogatory nature of the word in question through the use of similar terms. I am sorry that you were unable to catch that subtlety... but I cannot always make my points simple enough for everyone to catch the gist. As you find the "logical reasoning" of some posters to be fascinating... I find the same thing with the inability of some posters to completely miss, and/or deliberately mischaracterize, the cogent points made by others. I am also at a loss to why so many here are threatened by the opposing viewpoints that they claim to appreciate so much.


And it was my (currently blond) daughter who suggested the word "slut" to make the point... as she considers "bimbo" to be the exact same thing. Are you saying she's wrong?


Deleted as being to negative and off topic.


Thank You Michelle for pointing us back to the proper discussion.


My apologies to everyone.



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Michelle ... it may well be that the woman you speak of is only 22, unless of course she did actually look much older. I would guess that worldwide many cruise ship crew including officers will have never been faced with an emergancy situation of any kind and it is understandable that your English rep was totally shocked at what she was faced with.


It was actually a male English crewman, and I am sure he did look a lot older but maybe he likes to tan :). I am not surprised he was shell shocked and probably scared he had been made to tell passengers everything was okay for over an hour, I am sure it will come out if they knew something was wrong and were being made to tell lies or if they were truly in the dark, but I think he was scared that we may have blamed him for telling us the lies. Oh and now to my dismay on rereading the listing, it actually states he was 32, gosh I shouldn't try math so early on a sunday morning.

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As to the questions on how we are doing, things are starting to retrun to normal, I have been back at work for 2 weeks now, Katharine and my middle boy went back to school Thursday, and hopefully Johns doctor gives him the all clear to return to work when he sees him Monday. I am now sleeping without the tablets ( although the hot nights do not help). All I need is for the oldest to finally get the call to go to the Uni he wants to go to ( fingers crossed), and we have his 18th next week, re-eancting meeting as well so I think returning to a routine is helping.


I am also planning another holiday I cannot not have one in planning, Katharine has however requested "NO BOATS" in this one.


I am hoping at some stage to ask Carnival if I can Visit one of their ships when they are in harbour in Melbourne some time just to see if I can actually walk onto a cruise ship again, I think I could but until you try......


One day at a time.

Perfectly understandable about doing a different type of vacation.

I would hope Carnival Corp would honor such a request when you and your family are ready.

Joanie, just Birdman's way of changing the subject. ;)

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I guess it is difficult for you to understand that I was comparing the word "bimbo" to one of its synonyms. You can look it up if you have a thesaurus handy. Other words with bimbo include prostitute, harlot, etc. I was attempting to demonstrate the derogatory nature of the word in question through the use of similar terms. I am sorry that you were unable to catch that subtlety... but I cannot always make my points simple enough for everyone to catch the gist. As you find the "logical reasoning" of some posters to be fascinating... I find the same thing with the inability of some posters to completely miss, and/or deliberately mischaracterize, the cogent points made by others. I am also at a loss to why so many here are threatened by the opposing viewpoints that they claim to appreciate so much.


And it was my (currently blond) daughter who suggested the word "slut" to make the point... as she considers "bimbo" to be the exact same thing. Are you saying she's wrong?


Well, I am called upon to undertake so many roles and functions in my everyday life so, if you don't mind, I'll pass on advising or correcting your daughter. I think that's more of a parental task?


And can I suggest it might help matters if you left your thesaurus back on the shelf and respond, if you so desire,to what other posters actually wrote, not what you say they wrote or intended to write?

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I am hoping at some stage to ask Carnival if I can Visit one of their ships when they are in harbour in Melbourne some time just to see if I can actually walk onto a cruise ship again, I think I could but until you try......


Hi Michelle,

we read your first posts after the disaster, and some later ones, and were moved by how courageous you were to post so soon afterward and continue to post as time went on. We are glad that you are making good progress. I don't think I could be so courageous after an experience like that. You and your family, and the other passengers and victims have been in our thoughts constantly. We cannot imagine what you must be going through, and wish you and yours all the best as you process and heal from this difficult event.


It may be very helpful, (and again, we are impressed with your courage!) that you would consider taking a tentative visit on a Carnival ship when in a port near you. We think Carnival should offer the kind of visit that you mention, free of charge, with trained therapists on board, to any and all Concordia January 13 survivors and families who would wish to do it, as part of their compensation. It could be a helpful healing opportunity for some. If Carnival is smart they will honor your request and offer it to anyone who wants it. Edie and Dale

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Two red lights, one above the other = vessel not under command


I thought I'd see what I could find.




(a) A vessel at anchor shall exhibit where it can best be seen:


(i) in the fore part, an all-round white light or one ball; and

(ii) at or near the stern and at a lower level than the light prescribed in subparagraph (i), an all-round white light.


(b) A vessel of less than 50 meters in length may exhibit an all-round white light where it can best be seen instead of the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule.

© A vessel at anchor may, and a vessel of 100 meters or more in length shall, also use the available working or equivalent lights to illuminate her decks.

(d) A vessel aground shall exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) or (b) of this Rule and, in addition, if practicable, where they can best be seen:

(i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line; and

(ii) three balls in a vertical line.


Rule 27 Vessels Not Under Command or Restricted in Their Ability To Maneuver




(a) A vessel not under command shall exhibit:


(i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen:

(ii) two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen;

(iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.


(b) A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver, except a vessel engaged in mine clearance operations, shall exhibit:

(i) three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light shall be white;

(ii) three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen . The highest and lowest of these shapes shall be balls and the middle one a diamond;

(iii) when making way through the water, a masthead light or lights, sidelights and a sternlight, in addition to the lights prescribed in sub-paragraph (i);

(iv) when at anchor, in addition to the lights or shapes prescribed in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii), the light, lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30.

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Meaning?? It was on Manual or no controls left?


Red over red can also mean engine or steering failure.


Those lights may well have been there up to the grounding and remained after the abandon ship. It'll all come out in a hearing/inquest/court case

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I believe one of the lessons to be learned from the Concordia

disaster is it may be safer in an emergency to be in a group.


Here are three 30 second video cartoons on the subject:

It's Smarter To Travel In Groups

They are hilarious.


I received them from Mary (GramCapeCod) who sailed with me on

the NCL Spirit from NOLA to Boston (Beads to Beans) in April, 2010.




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Point is...


Calling someone a bimbo is like calling them a slut... and you have no basis/evidence (besides a bunch of hearsay) for that kind of name calling. No one at this satge knows what was going on, but even if she was sitting on his lap... IT IS STILL HIS FAULT. He's the captain and he made terrible choices. His choice to spend time with this gal is not HER fault... and certainly not worthy of being called a slut. ”

The words "bimbo" and "slut" have entirely different meanings. Bimbo is "an attractive but empty-headed young woman" while "slut" is "an immoral woman". The young woman in question may be a slut, but we have no indication that she is a bimbo. :)


P.S. After reading the last couple of pages of this thread I am sorry I mentioned the "b" word and the "s" word again!! I wouldn't be happy if my blonde daughter was called a "Bimbo", but I would be incredibly offended if she was called a "slut" so I am surprised someone thought slut was less offensive than bimbo. By the way, neither of those terms is applicable for my daughter.

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:( This is just coming out of Rome - will look for an English translation. The article mentions a 4 month pregnant woman on the Concordia losing her baby shortly after the mishap. She is suing Costa for 1 Million Euros.



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:( This is just coming out of Rome - will look for an English translation. The article mentions a 4 month pregnant woman on the Concordia losing her baby shortly after the mishap. She is suing Costa for 1 Million Euros.




Read about that early this morning in La Repubblica. Unfortunately the translation was so bad I didn't even attempt to bring it here. When I tried to check a second source, there wasn't one at the time.


Edited to say, 5 months was what LaRepubblica said.

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