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Am i the only one grossed out by robes in buffet line?

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That would be one HELL of a cover up!!!! WOW! Not sure I'd want to see that either.


A swim suit and cover-up however wouldn't bother me. That's what the Carnival rules dictate when at the pool area/Lido area... wouldn't bother me a bit.


Robes --- hmmm, not really sure on that one. If it's 6am and one is running up to the Lido to grab coffee and a danish (or the like) in a robe, then no, not a problem for me. If you're lounging about, going through the buffet line, scratching/itching yourself and/or revealing to me what is actually underneath that robe, then yes, I would have some issues with that. :eek:


It's all about timing and presentation as far as I'm concerned. :cool:


Ditto! 6 am grabbing coffee and pastries and rushing back to your cabin is okay. Lunch time at the buffet? Well maybe if your luggage was lost and your doing laundry. Other wise get some class. Its folks like this that make Americans look like trash..........just sayin' if you want respect then dress for it. If you want to be treated like a Walmart fat @zzz bimbo then dress for it.........

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I have worn a robe outside 1 time late at night like 3 am walking around the outer decks of ship. Nothing like the feel of tropical wind blowing on parts of body that normally dont get wind.. LOL. Since its late at night, nobody out there to see.. I usually wear kilts anyhow around ship, so i guess its not much differnt.

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ummm... if you read it.. what i was ref. to, was that i lost my appetite. was only JOKING PEOPLE! sorry.... wont appologize for not being fat. and its still gross to wear your robes all over the boat at all times of the day. sorry, but i dont know what you have on under there and your sitting on the chairs !! yuk! i am naked under my robe. maybe others are not???


Ever think maybe women are naked under their sundresses?


i find it absolutely ridiculous you're grossed out that people may have nothing on under their robe and they're sitting on a chair. I know I shouldn't judge how other people feel, but really? The robes are thick, and they're sitting on the robes. They don't hike it up so their bare bum sit on the chair.


You've got a pretty thick barrier between the chair and their bum. Vagina/Penis/Butt germs don't seep through thick terry cloth.

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I have worn a robe outside 1 time late at night like 3 am walking around the outer decks of ship. Nothing like the feel of tropical wind blowing on parts of body that normally dont get wind.. LOL. Since its late at night, nobody out there to see.. I usually wear kilts anyhow around ship, so i guess its not much differnt.


there was a guy in his robe one earlt mornig the last time we pulled into one of our ports on the viewing area above the bridge.


i guess he didn't realize how the wind swirled, being he was also going commando. passersby got quite the show.

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Earlier this month while on the Miracle, I did see robes in the Lido buffet, mostly during breakfast. Perhaps Carnival should post a sign in interior dining areas, "no shoes, no shirt, no service;)." Do you think Carnival washes the robes after each cruise??? Yuck. :eek:;)


Ewwww. God I hope so.


I really don't care what people wear, as in it isn't going to phase me if someone comes to elegant night in jeans. I really don't care. But bathrobes at breakfast - it is gross. I don't care about fashion statement, it's basic hygiene and courtesy. I wouldn't go out without a shower & putting clothes on in the morning. If someone did shower then how hard is it to put on some clothes?


If I didn't feel like doing that before I got my coffee I would just order room service. Can't imagine leaving the cabin in a jammies or a bathrobe, unless it's to walk out on to my own balcony.

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Ditto! 6 am grabbing coffee and pastries and rushing back to your cabin is okay. Lunch time at the buffet? Well maybe if your luggage was lost and your doing laundry. Other wise get some class. Its folks like this that make Americans look like trash..........just sayin' if you want respect then dress for it. If you want to be treated like a Walmart fat @zzz bimbo then dress for it.........


Agreed. And we Americans can convince ourselves that most anything goes if we have a mind to.

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Oh no! I'm one of these horrible inconsiderate people that would wear her PJ's to walmart! The HORROR! I did it just the other night when I ran out of paint when we were painting the living room and had to go pick up some more! ack!


Now, I wouldn't wear a robe to lunch (unless by the pool), or without anything underneath of it, but I do use my robe as a cover up for when I go swimming. So you will see me wearing a bathing suit, a tied up robe and flip flops on the deck, or heading back to my room. Again, how could I commit such a fashion faux pas as to walk around with it on!?


I'm sorry but I don't waste my time caring about what other people think about me, especially if I'll never see them again. You can sneer and snicker all you want. I do what I need to do and try to be considerate in the process but my fully clothed PJ's and synched shut bathrobe covers are less offensive to me than these (men) speedos/ budda bellies or (chicks) tiny bikini's/thongs/ mini skirts/ "sport shorts" that women are wearing so that their bottom biscuits are always popping out to say HELLO!


So, if I'm in the buffet line, I'd rather see a bathrobe then a chick that is wearing a mesh / see through "cover up" that is so tiny that it doesn't begin to cover her flabby dimpled arse that appears to be fleeing by sliding down the back of her leg.


OH! also.. for those that are talking about showering and being lazy by putting on a robe, people do take showers at night. I don't like going to bed feeling grimy, therefore, I take a shower at night.

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Oh no! I'm one of these horrible inconsiderate people that would wear her PJ's to walmart! The HORROR! I did it just the other night when I ran out of paint when we were painting the living room and had to go pick up some more! ack!


Not going to lie...I have gone to walmart with sweat pants on. It was late, I needed one thing...I was going to change, but then I said to myself "ahhh F it! it's walmart, I'll fit right in!"....and I did LOL


To real "issue" at hand. I don't think "grossed out" would be the word to describe robes at the buffet. I mean, yea it's kind of weird and I may get a chuckle out of it, but it does not bother me at all?.....Nope.


I think there is way more gross people and gross things than a robe. Is it okay for fully clothed people to use there hands and help them selves at the buffet? Noooooooo or little kids picking their noses to touch all the plates and utensils? So no...robes don't gross me out...gross people gross me out!

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Do I pay attention to what people have on??...

Well, yeah. I definitely notice.

Do I have thoughts about what people have on??

Yes, absolutely.

Would I wear a robe to the buffet?

Absolutely not.

Do I care if other people wear their robes around the ship??

No...don't care but I do notice. Just like I notice and make mental note of everything else....these are observations.


I do find I care less as I grow older. I recall a time as a teenager that I wouldn't walk across the street to put something in the mailbox unless I had make-up on. :p I'm slightly less fussy/anal at age (almost) 50 but I do take pains to present myself a certain way because that's what makes me comfortable. If you are comfortable in a robe at the buffet, go for it.

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I quit paying attention to what other people were wearing when I became an adult.

Unless someone is psychically assaulting me what they do or wear is none of my business.

Perhaps when you see things that "Gross you out" try not looking you would be amazed at how simple life becomes when you do not muck up your brain with such silly things like what someone else is wearing.

In other words mind your own business.



I agree... They are not in the dining room wearing the robes, they are in the buffet lines. They are on vacation and if they want to wear a robe that's their choice. As for the chest hair and hairy legs, you would see a lot more of it if he didn't have the robe on and was just walking around in a swimsuit.

Enjoy your vacation and don't let the way other people act affect you. If you don't like it don't look.

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tee hee .... I'm just sitting here imagining the world's hairiest couple ... all slack jawed and yee hawin' about Walmart with coupons for the ports bustling out of their Carnival robe ... trotting around with their FunTimes/Capers and a highlighter, figuring out how they can get into the front row of the port talk to get some free stuff to take home. WhoopS! Not before we fill a coffee carafe with juice to put into our mini-fridge to drink throughout the day!


Oh crap - some of this is starting to resemble me - see another post where I confess I live in a trailer with a stainless steel and granite kitchen AND have a much more prestigious career than most of the people I know - I really don't want to be house poor, so paying off student loans, paying for my son's private education, and vacation funds come first.


We all have weird habits when it comes to cruising. Even 6'5" transvestites in stars and stripes bikinis ....:D:p:eek:

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To my mind it has nothing whatsoever to do with what is covered or not or hygenic or not. If that was the bottom line we could all just grab clean sheets and wrap them around us, or clean blankets. Covers everything up nicely.


I don't wear my bra and panties to the swimming pool not because they don't cover just what my bathing suit covers but rather because as a society, at one time anyway, they were considered underclothes. I don't wear my fancy party dresses to bike races, nor my workout clothes to church. After grubbing around cleaning the oven, I get cleaned up before going out to dinner and put on clothing that is appropriate to the situation. This appears to be a notion that many wish to toss out as dated. PJs are what you wear to bed, or hanging around in your own home. Fuzzy slippers are for walking around the house. These are apparently old fashioned notions that many find to be out dated. But what you wear does influence how you act. Just as your surroundings influence your behavior. Playgrounds invite running around and loud voices. Formal dining rooms bring out more formal manners and subdued voices.

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To my mind it has nothing whatsoever to do with what is covered or not or hygenic or not. If that was the bottom line we could all just grab clean sheets and wrap them around us, or clean blankets. Covers everything up nicely.


I don't wear my bra and panties to the swimming pool not because they don't cover just what my bathing suit covers but rather because as a society, at one time anyway, they were considered underclothes. I don't wear my fancy party dresses to bike races, nor my workout clothes to church. After grubbing around cleaning the oven, I get cleaned up before going out to dinner and put on clothing that is appropriate to the situation. This appears to be a notion that many wish to toss out as dated. PJs are what you wear to bed, or hanging around in your own home. Fuzzy slippers are for walking around the house. These are apparently old fashioned notions that many find to be out dated. But what you wear does influence how you act. Just as your surroundings influence your behavior. Playgrounds invite running around and loud voices. Formal dining rooms bring out more formal manners and subdued voices.


You hit the nail on the head. Wearing a bathrobe to the lounge or buffet looks tacky!

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I totally agree. I also don't like seeing people wearing just their swimsuits in the buffet line. i think somewhere it says that you need to have a cover up over your swimsuit but I see this all too often. Perhaps they should be refused service until they are more appropriately dressed!

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appropriately dressed


This is the concept that seems to divide us here. Whether or not this is a notion that is meaningful any longer. Whether on vacation or at home. Some people think it remains an important concept, others find it old fashioned and quaint and too much bother. Or I guess that is how it is seen.

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appropriately dressed


This is the concept that seems to divide us here. Whether or not this is a notion that is meaningful any longer. Whether on vacation or at home. Some people think it remains an important concept, others find it old fashioned and quaint and too much bother. Or I guess that is how it is seen.



I think the problem is that many people have a different concept of what appropriate is as well. I for one, agree. I don't want to see a bathrobe at the buffet, but I don't even notice it at the pool ... I personally don't have a problem with most short skimpy cocktail gowns on formal night, but my mom immediately makes note of them (of course, her note is more something like "Wish I could get away with that!" :D)


What it comes down to is common sense ... I liked what someone said earlier - if you wouldn't go to your hometown restaurant wearing it, don't go to the buffet or dining room in it. If you wouldn't go out to get the mail in it - don't go up to get coffee in it ... If you wouldn't go to the gas station wearing it, why on earth would you go to the purser's desk wearing it ... on and on ... Of course, as previously stated, lots of people WOULD go to all those places in pjs or robes ... so ... :rolleyes:


I'll just stick to wearing clothes when I eat, and everyone else can do what they choose ... kindly do not drag your robe sleeve through the chicken masala! Thanks!

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please stop wearing your robes in all the public places, esp. in the buffet line. i dont like seeing your hairy chest sticking out, or a hint that you have on no bra. it grosses me out~ am i the only one who thinks its gross? Before you leave your room, ask yourself:


what is a Robe? when should it be worn? do i look like i am too lazy to dress? am i going to a slumber party? am i an adult?


please. im just asking please. :eek:

Again I'm so confused as to why people are so worried about what others wear. How does this gross you out? Because someone wears a robe around? If they don't care how they appear to others why should it concern you??

I will admit I have NEVER worn a bathrobe around anywhere, but if someone wants to wear it, I don't really care.

If people want to look like bums at dinner, it's not going to ruin my appetite, if they want to wear a bathrobe to MDR dinner it wouldn't "gross me out, or make me less happy with my meal"

Those that stare at and judge others bother me, those that talk loudly and drunkenly disturb my meal. I'd rather be surrounded by people in wife beaters, cut offs and flip flops quietly eating their meal that by loud, obnoxious, COMPLAINING people that want nothing more than to "correct" others dress or meal consumption, loud drunks, drama queens or the very annoying "poured my whole bottle of cologne or perfume on, but don't you dare let me catch a whiff of your smoke" people <rolls eyes> and btw I don't smoke either.

JMO, Carole

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I quit paying attention to what other people were wearing when I became an adult.

Unless someone is psychically assaulting me what they do or wear is none of my business.

Perhaps when you see things that "Gross you out" try not looking you would be amazed at how simple life becomes when you do not muck up your brain with such silly things like what someone else is wearing.

In other words mind your own business.

You really had me on your side until your last sentence. That could have and should have been left out.

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You hit the nail on the head. Wearing a bathrobe to the lounge or buffet looks tacky!

Depends on the region you live too waldo, here in Nebraska we don't wear our PJs out or go barefoot to the store. My sister lives in So. Cal and I thought she was exaggerating when she said people go out in pjs, but I was there a few weeks ago and stopped at Walgreens, lo and behold a girl in pjs with no shoes on, stopping at Walgreens.

No one batted an eyelid. So I do think it's a regional thing, Texas seems just fine with nice jeans to a nice dinner, and people were all up in arms over this a few years ago.

I come from a very conservative state, but I still prefer to just worry about my own self and let others do their thing, really how is it going to effect me? Simple it's not, because I don't allow it to.


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The people who wear their robes out in public around the ship are probably the same folks who wear their pj's to the grocery store, Walmart or the gas station! It seems to be the thing to do now since I am seeing more and more pj's in the store (not on the rack either). You know the ones I'm talking about-the usually fuzzy pj bottoms with clouds, stars, Disney characters etc. No doubt about it that these are not slacks!



Could this be the reason some have referred to Carnival as "Walmart of the Seas?

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