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Live and limping on the Dawn


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I Hope The Dawn Gets Home Safely To New York,,, Last Year We Were A Day Late Going Out To Bermuda On The Majesty Because The Cruise Ahead Of Us Hit Bad Weather And Had Broken Windows And Water Damage.....we Got A One Day Credit Per Person From Ncl......due To Go On Dawn For The Mothers Day Cruise To Nowhere....then Due To Go On Rcl Jewel Of The Seas In Oct... And Just Read About The Couple With The Bed Bugs,,,,,,yuck

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Is there something about NYC and the Atlantic ocean? We sail the end of May out of NYC and I am starting to get spooked. We are headed to the Eastern Carribbean.


How far from land was the Dawn when the wave hit?


It is my understanding that the Dawn was sailing north from the Bahamas and encountered the wave east of northern Florida. Conditions were bad along the entire east coast from Florida to Virginia so many ships sailing from Florida this weekend also had rough sailing.

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You know, we weren't there experiencing the fear that those people were. We can read about it and sympathize but we did not live it. But, in order for me to feel that NCL was negligent it would have to be proven that the captain against better judgement or advice took the ship right into the storm. Could he have avoided what happened? I did read that somewhere but I don't know if it is actually true. On a customer service level, everything I have read seems like NCL is doing the right thing here. Every news channel had some info on it tonight including channel 7 had amateur footage. Some guy was saying he felt like he was on the Titanic. An exaggeration to us hearing it but I am sure he felt that way at the time.

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I too AGREE. We need to hear from those other passengers too. KUDOS to Eileen for posting her reality and the praises for the NCL crew. We just returned from our first NCL cruise and found NCL to be service "Fabulous".


All in all, thank goodness for the safety of all those involved and the fact that everyone made out alive, even if scared and bruised for just a moment (or even a lifetime for some). I can sympathize for water "fear". Nothing fun- but this in no way could ever be NCL's fault.


Unfortunately, the 5 or so passengers featured on news all over the country are a poor excuse for media and marketing to yet again sensationalize such an unavoidable event. Isn't a shame that the media continues to pride themselves on the sole "negative" portrayal of a company's misfortune??


I will be flabergasted if the media CARED to show someone like Eileen or any other passenger that would praise publicly the positives of NCL's response. But no- instead they chose to plaster a "sensational" character that only wanted camera exposure- "Ohhh my "Goddddd"- we couldn't even call the poulice!" PLEEEEEZZZZ Lady! In the middle of the ocean?? Get a life... :cool:


To those on that sailing- GOD BLESS YOU and my prayers are with you for whatever you did experience. My hopes for your ability to overcome this really soon. ;)

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My thoughts and prayers are with all on the Dawn. Having met the Captain i am sure that he had everything under control . I know the crew is great havinh just sailed on the cruise right after the dry-dock...March 20th-March 27th. It sounds like the damage is minor...and the injuries as well. I hope those of you on board will have a good voyage the rest of the way "home"!


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wait are you trying to tell me my cell phone doesn't work in the middle of the ocean?????


time to file a suit against cingular!



these people are RIDICULOUS....and i'm sooooo sorry for the guy whose lifetime of memories were ruined.


please, cruisers leaving tomorrow...knock the ambulance chasers into the water.


next thing we're going to hear..."i'm suing mother nature for causing this wave!"

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:cool: WOW this has been quite an event. Hope for all the best to all involved. We got started with our cruising with Norwegian back in the 80s but we are loyal Holland America cruisers today and have been for over 15 years.


But as some have mentioned we are all cruiseaholics and have our favorite line to cruise with. My mom & were on the Rotterdam during her trans atlantic last September when we had our problems with hurricane Karl while at sea from Belfast, Northern Ireland to St. Johns' Newfoundland. Our problem was that the rough seas stirred the tanks and caused clogged lubricating oil filters. Have also heard since this happend that we had bad lubricating oil also. On the 24th of September we were westbound across the Atlantic and the 3rd of 4 scheduled days at sea when we were trying to go around Karl to the south as the hurricane moved north. We were very well informed by our captain what was ahead earlier that day and while we were dead in the water for 3 hours being broadsided by 30 foot seas and rolling to as much as 28 degrees that evening. We were kept up to date as to what was going on. We were also told more than once we were not in any danger and that he didn't want people up walking around due to the uncontrolable motion of the ship. Well there of course had to be some that didn't listen and we did have a passenger break a hip.


Oh yes and the crew. They were all over the place checking on everyone to make sure they were OK, giving out bottled water, soda and sandwiches from the dining room staff. We were with a very good friend of mine that works in the Beverage Dept and he called our cabin to check on us. He spoke to my mom who rode it out in our cabin and was made aware of where I was which was watching the action over the bow from the Crows Nest. Most passengers on board were experienced cruisers so there was also no panic and would talk about things in a positive way to take our minds off of what was going on.



Took 2 hours to get one engine back up and running and a 3rd hour to get the 2nd engine that we needed for propulsion.This happend in the evening and was still going on after it got dark. All evening activities were suspended and no one was able to have dinner in the dining room. Eventually later that evening after everything was cleaned up the Lido did open for those that wanted to get something to eat. There was a estimated million dolllars of cosmetic damage to the ship which some has just finally been repaired during a drydock in Freeport. But there was no hesitation from the passengers to help the crew get things cleaned up as I was one of them. There were a lot of passengers on from Florida who were used to cleaning up after hurricane.


Because of having to change our route leaving Belfast due to weather north of Northern Ireland and Hurricane Karl our stop at St. Johns was canceled and we proceeded to our scheduled stop at Halifax, Nova Scotia. 4 days at sea turned into 6. Some have thought we diverted to Halifax which is not true. We also ended the cruise on time in New York and the Rotterdam sailed as scheduled later that same day. Some have been critical about our encounter with Karl, well, we were trying to go around it and it decided to fall apart on us instead of continuing to move away from us to the North. Once again, mother nature does what she wants, when she wants. WE were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Our waves wern't as big as what the Dawn faced but instead we were being SLAMMED by them for 3 hours while dead in the water. I have the sound of everything falling & breaking behind the bar in the Crows Nest from all of this on my video. Oh and the chairs that had fallen over and going from one side to the other. Some that hadn't fallen were sliding with people sitting in them. Eventually those chairs were grouped together and tied down.


Regarding compensation Holland America was also quck to respond. The next night after being dead in the water we had open bar before dinner. All tours that passengers had booked in Halifax were paid for by HAL and credited everyone's shipboard account and also increased the capacity of the tours they could so more could take advantage of this. During sail away from Halifax we had 2 for 1. But the BIG ONE was that ALL PASSENGERS were awarded a 50% REFUND. We did have to sign a waiver on that one but practically everyone did. So for those that wern't aware, well, now you know. Holland America as one of the oldest in the cruising industry will take care of you when things happen.


Once again all the best to all on the Dawn and the ship too. As I have said since our version of the Perfect Storm, The Rotterdam is one tough "DAM SHIP" For those not familiar, HAL ships are known as the "Dam Ships" for obvious reasons.


In closing the pics posed by Zackiedawg are from the waves that hit the Rotterdam off of Greenland in Aug. 03, NOT last September's crossing.


R. J. Bean

43 cruises on HAL at the age of 40

473 days at sea on 11 different DAM SHIPS

8/05 Alaska on the Veendam

12/05 Holiday Cruise on the Zaandam

If Holland America doesn't go there WE DON'T GO!!!!

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I don't think anyone here is insensitive to or downplays any fear the pax felt. But to rave about not being able to "call the police" saying accusingly (like there was something WRONG with it!), "all the captains kept saying we were 100% safe", and refering to a freak event from Mother Nature as "a lifetime of memories destroyed" is just TOTALLY RIDICULOUS. Get a life, is right! I agree with whoever posted that these are the same customers who complain when their decorative cauliflower isn't cut right (or whatever).



This morning on the NY Channel 7 news, the newscaster said (with this terribly disapproving look on her face), "One passenger reported that they played the theme from the titanic! Over and over and continuously!" And "several passengers said (again disapprovingly) "it seemed like the Captain just sailed straight into the storm!"


Well, DUH. There's nothing wrong with sailing into a storm unless it's a dangerous one, which the Captain would have been aware of. And how would they possibly know if they WERE going "straight into the storm"? Are they experienced boat or ship captains or weather experts? Puhleeze.


And if anybody was playing the theme from the titanic, it was either a passenger or a Dawn member who was encouraged to do so by the pax. Gimme a break. When I was on Carnival, we hit a storm and most people were confined to their cabins/beds for an evening. They offered The Titanic as the in-room TV.; I thought it was great! Hee.


The news reporters are irresponsible. The "passengers" they quoted are ignorant.

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I was just watching the Today show and they had a passenger on who did give NCL credit for doing a good job with the situation. So I guess it isn't all bad press coverage. CNN by nature is gong to be sensationalistic in their coverage.


YAY! I'm really glad to hear this.:)

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Kind of like the case of six people on a city bus, the bus crashes, when the police arrive there are ten people on the bus.


I warned them over on the RCI board that after the bedbug report, there will be more coming out of the woodwork (So to Speak). Sure enough, threads are coming up, I was on an RCI ship and developed a rash, should I make a claim against RCI. Most cases, the party involved had gone swimming on most of the islands. Guess they never heard of sea lice. Read a report, someone may get money, hey, the same thing happened to me.


NCL has done wonders for these people and most of them will appreciate it. There will be a few however.


And I am afraid of what is to come. Now people who will be cruising the Dawn in the future will be freaking out about the water damage. Freaking out about the "mold that has infested the ship". Being sued about respiratory problems that NCL gave them. I can see it now. It will happen just as those who have jumped on the RCI bed bug bandwagon. GET A LIFE PEOPLE!!!!

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I agree that not having been there, we really can't relate to the fear that the passengers experienced. I wouldn't want to downplay that. After that kind of experience, some people might be very emotional and lose perspective and make negative comments about NCL. In a few days they will get their perspective back and realize that NCL wasn't to blame. On the other hand, there will ALWAYS be that handful of people that are just waiting for something to happen so that they can take advantage of the situation. It's a shame but it's the way it is.


I wish all the pax the best and I hope that the pax on the 4/18 cruise have a wonderful cruise.

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I just saw some of the video of onboard the ship during the ordeal and it was pretty nuts. I sure would have been scared. However some of the reactions of some of these people were just stupid. Someone said that during all of this the piano player was playing the theme to "Titanic". I find that pretty hard to believe. Also, some people onboard said that the captain steered the ship into the storm instead of around it. How the hell do they know what the captain did? It is just frustrating to me that people have the nerve to blame a cruiseline because of something that was out of their control.

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I'm with you Greenie. I seriously doubt any crew member was playing the theme from the Titanic. Come on! It does make a good story though and the person who said it got face time on TV.


I am sure the crew did a great job. I'm sure it was a scary occurance. And, I am sure that seeing as these things happening are a little like hitting the lottery, the captain could not have planned for it or adjusted in time to avoid it.


I am looking forward to my cruise on the Dawn and am not worried at all about her safety.

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I can understand people who went through this being upset but really - 'a lifetime of memories destroyed" and "deliberately sailing into the storm". Next thing we know someone will be claiming that the captain sailed around hunting for a rogue wave so he could damage the ship and ruin the cruise. Do the news networks run around dockside with signs asking "Say something outrageous and you will get to be on TV"? This really was an 'act of God' situation and NCL appears to have handled it quite well. It's great that someone like Eileen is posting sensibly about the experience. My sympathies to those who went through it and kept a sane perspective. I am glad to hear that NCL is making a good effort at compensating people (even though they are not obligated to do so and the problem was something completely out of their control).

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Now let me see if I got this right.........the piano player was playing the theme from the Titanic when the rogue wave hit at daybreak? That piano player was either up really early or out really late. Wow! and they say Carnival is a party cruise line. What most likely happened is after being pounded for 48 hours, the piano player tried to add some levity by playing the theme from the Tiatanic. After all, anyone who was really frightened by the rough seas probably wasn't there partying when he played that song.

As far as mold growing I wouldn't be concerned. The interior of the ship is always exposed to water, albeit usually not as much as in that video. Proper ventilation and cleaning practises will prevent any mold issues. We are booked on the Dawn for this June. We have been very apprehensive about sailing NCL as we've only sailed Carnival after our first cruise on the Oceanic back in the mid 80's. This incident has greatly increased our confidence in sailing NCL. The captain did a great job of ensuring passenger safety and corporate did far more than they were obligated to do. As far as passenger reaction to this incident I wouldn't be too critical. It's not easy for a "macho" guy to admit he was as scared as a little girl.

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The scariest thing for me would to have to put on the life vests.. I would have taken that as a very bad sign.. Those folks must have to be very scared.. I remember how freaked I was going thru hurricane Ivan, and this is so much worse.. Living my life by the water, you always want the bow of the boat into the storm, never do you want to get broadsided..

My heart felt sympathys go out to the crew and passengers..

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I can understand people who went through this being upset but really - 'a lifetime of memories destroyed" and "deliberately sailing into the storm". Next thing we know someone will be claiming that the captain sailed around hunting for a rogue wave so he could damage the ship and ruin the cruise. Do the news networks run around dockside with signs asking "Say something outrageous and you will get to be on TV"? This really was an 'act of God' situation and NCL appears to have handled it quite well. It's great that someone like Eileen is posting sensibly about the experience. My sympathies to those who went through it and kept a sane perspective. I am glad to hear that NCL is making a good effort at compensating people (even though they are not obligated to do so and the problem was something completely out of their control).


I wonder if that passenger will want NCL to pay for a new wedding,reception and cruise on another line to overcome his lifetime of memories that were destroyed? I sailed on Carnival Tropicale, first sailing after the fire,when we returned to port after the cruise all the local news stations were there for updates.When they approached us and we gave a thumbs up report,they ran over to another family looking for negative comments.

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I don't even know where to begin..... so I won't


All I can say is that if any of the pax aboard this ship don't want to go on NCL again then please let me know and I will gladly take your 50% off your next cruise. :D

I wonder how big of a wave it would actually take to sink a ship the size of the Dawn? I can't say I would not have panicked, but I wouldn't have run screaming down the halls. Some people tend to over-react. Your on a boat in the middle of an ocean...you have to realize there are some risks involved. Same goes for flying in an airplane. At least you know if your boat sinks you have a better chance of surviving than if your plane crashes.

I also believe that NCL compensated these pax very well. 50% off a future cruise....I would be heading to Hawaii in "suite" style.

Oh well, enough of my rambling. I can't wait to see the reviews...I am also booked for the Dawn in June and I am not worried a bit.

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Living my life by the water, you always want the bow of the boat into the storm, never do you want to get broadsided..

My heart felt sympathys go out to the crew and passengers..


Very true....the last thing you want is the Dawn capsizing.

If I get a chance to see the Captain on my June Dawn cruise then I think I will have to shake the man's hand for a job well done.

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