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Concordia customers suing for all of this money, be happy your alive!!!


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I know this will fall on deaf ears, but you really should take a break from Cruise Critic for a while. Your posts on the past few threads I've seen you active on have not painted a very good picture of you. You just keep digging your hole deeper and deeper. But whatever - if that suits you, then fine. :rolleyes:


Really? Please stick to Concordia... And stop stalking me :rolleyes: in 6 years I've posted maybe 6 times....

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Again read the posts and you will see just how ridiculous you sound. You are not worth my time or my patience. You've just started responding to this thread... Get a life and stop consuming yourself with mines....


You do realize that quotiing everything someone says about you and defending yourself and attacking them back isn't going to ever help this end for you? I imagine you must be exhausted by now trying to keep up with this thread from morning until night. Don't let it bother you if it isn't who you are. Just pick up your head and ignore it. Walk away from it for a while and realize that you opened the floodgates to a very sensitive topic and that regardless of who is right or wrong, people feel very heavily about this topic.


I'm not judging you at all but many of your posts come off extremely insensitive to this tragedy. I don't know you personally or how you react to everyday things in life so I can't judge you based on this one incident. But people died and those who didn't... some of them went through absolute hell on earth and none of us have the right to quantify what that was worth. Like I mentioned in my previous post on here, 14k wouldn't come close to covering my personal belongings losses much less anything else.


With all of that said, this whole lawsuit business does sadden me too but honestly, it saddens me for selfish reasons. If Carnival corp and the other cruise lines lose too much money as a result of this, who knows what might happen to the future of cruising whether it be scaled down, becomes obsolete or becomes too expensive. Maybe nothing will change in terms of being able to set sail and have awesome cruise vacations and selfishly, I hope that's the case.


But if I had to never go on a cruise again so that the people who endured this tragedy could get everything that they deserve, I'd selflessly root for them to do just that. I have no right to determine what they deserve but someone out there does. And we have to trust that such will happen.


A woman spilled hot coffee on her lap and got bad burns and got a million dollars here in the U.S. Seriously... who doesn't know that coffee is hot. That ticked me off for a long time and it ticked a lot of other people off as well. (But as quickly as I just judged that woman, I would be just as quickly remorseful if I found out she had mental health problems or asked for her coffee to be cooled down with ice, etc.) We don't walk in the shadows of the people we judge and know the way their minds work. So, it makes it impossible to know what kind of people they are for the decisions that they have to sleep with at night.


But to compare the million dollar McDonalds lawsuit which seems to be neglicence of the lady (Not McDonalds), it definitely does seem like 14k which would barely cover most peoples personal belongings, cruise and airfare.... is chump change. (From my perspective.)

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I genuinely cannot believe that this thread is still running and hasn't been closed down and removed. The personal insults in here are absolutely out of control. (From all perspectives).


None of us live in each others homes and therefore we can't testify to the character of who someone is outside of CC. We can only make assumptions based on the small tidbits of information we get here, much of which is normally driven by topics that push buttons.


Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion and to utilize their own mind in any capacity which they see fit. There have been so many things thrown up in this thread which have zero factual foundation. The saying "ignorance is bliss" comes to mind immediately.


To the OP, I completely disagree with a vast majority of what you've posted here. You weren't on the ship and therefore you cannot imagine the terror that these people went through. As for nightmares not causing anyone to miss work, I think you're sadly mistaken. I don't judge you for this because I don't know you. Perhaps you've simply not been privy to the knowledge that can only come from first hand experiences regarding trauma and the after effects which result in things like PTSD. Nightmares cause individuals to lose sleep and sleep deprivation causes people to lose focus, to become somber and to miss work as a result. Severe nightmares cause panic and anxiety and makes an individual unstable and unfit to focus properly on their duties as an employee.


Thanks for your feedback!! And I agree with nightmares causing sleep deprivation. However in my opinion and from what I have seen first hand the anxiety and panic is not from the nightmares themselves, per say, but from the actual trauma, which in that case missing work is coming from what happened to them and not the nightmares. I will also agree that not being able to testify to someone's character because of not knowing them is valid. This is what I have said for the duration of this thread. Because your post appears as if it is a slap on the wrist to everyone here in this room, you will likely get no response other than mines. Ooops, I said that now they will respond just to prove me wrong :rolleyes: Thanks again for the response.

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Italianfemmy, Host Mach is on the bloggers cruise, so that is probably why this thread is still here.


There are other hosts, and CC admins...


Any other thread about the Concordia is usually quickly moved over to that forum. But I think the OP already has the same thread over there. Maybe they can combine the two.

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Again read the posts and you will see just how ridiculous you sound. You are not worth my time or my patience. You've just started responding to this thread... Get a life and stop consuming yourself with mines....
No 7 reacts to criticism anger etc
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Again read the posts and you will see just how ridiculous you sound. You are not worth my time or my patience. You've just started responding to this thread... Get a life and stop consuming yourself with mines....


Really? I think YOU need to start reading the posts, you will see that the majority are against your opinion. Since majority rules...........YOU ARE WRONG. I started responding to this thread as soon as I saw it, I don't spend my life here, have other things to do, but now that I have found it I choose to post. Believe it or not, just as it's not up to you as to the victims right to sue, it is also not up to you to determine who should post here.

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I'm think 14k+ is a very nice compensation for having to go through that ordeal and not be harmed. Plus I'm sure they are all writing a book or selling news stories on top. I think this country is way to sue happy! I'm shocked how many don't think that amount is enough. What would be enough? Do sue happy minds ever think they got enough? jmho

You are sure that they are all writing a book and/or selling their news stories? :rolleyes:

0 credibility on your part

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Hummm...for some reason, I have a feeling that this thread is a study on human emotions. I know Behavioral Health Therapist who run groups on so many uncomfortable subjects. It is about bringing things out of people that would ordinarily stay bottled up. She is encouraging everyone to say how they feel about a topic that many feel is wrong. There are many who feel the same way she is describing, but would never say it out loud. You all don't know it, but I think this is going to be a topic in a BH Group session, or a paper she is writing. I very well may be wrong, but this is my opinion. I don't need anyone to quote me as to the insensitive nature you feel she is going, and why. I am just saying what I think she is doing. OP..you have lots to work with if I am right.

yes..I idea that this was a research project and we were her subjects did come up awhile back...and I totally agree that is the case here......


only she aint gettin nothin from me.....only she dont know it!! yep...I know I am using improper English!:D

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But to compare the million dollar McDonalds lawsuit which seems to be neglicence of the lady (Not McDonalds), it definitely does seem like 14k which would barely cover most peoples personal belongings, cruise and airfare.... is chump change. (From my perspective.)




Are who are any of us to judge? To tell people "just be happy you're alive" takes ignorance to a whole new level. First, many of those people are not alive as a result, and unless anyone here has been on a sinking cruise ship, felt the fear of thinking they might die, painfully I might add, then we cannot pass judgement. Those people went through hell - a hell I pray we never have to endure, yet we have some retarded arm-chair quarterback passing judgment from the comfort of their recliner. Sad. Just plain sad.

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There are other hosts, and CC admins...


Any other thread about the Concordia is usually quickly moved over to that forum. But I think the OP already has the same thread over there. Maybe they can combine the two.



Well, heck if I know why this post is still here. IMO, it is way more inflammatory than the sex toys thread.

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Yeah, a bad day on a cruise is better than a good day at work. They have exciting stories to tell their children and grandchildren. Just kidding. I'd sue them too for as much as possible and feel badly for anyone going through such a traumatic experience.


Yes but a really bad day on a cruise, ......could be your last!!!!!:eek:

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OK, so I am going to step in and moderate for a moment. The OP started this post with her opinion and we have all responded with their opinion. No one is dictating to the lawyers to telling anyone to do anything, they are just stating their thoughts on the subject. If we want facts, we can read the news, to chat and voice our opinions we come on here.


It seems to be in most peoples nature to argue when people don't agree with their opinion, but no ones opinion is any better than anyone else's and while we may agree or disagree, I think the one thing that we can agree on is that this thread has gotten completely off topic and out of control.


If everyone would ignore the posts that don't pertain to the incident, than all of the BS posts on here would stop. I don't think that people need to make personal attacks against people and just keep going and going and respond to every post and then they respond and then someone agrees and then they get a response...it is like a pyramid scam on her!


So, we all seem to agree that the passengers are entitled to some sort of compensation, and since we are not the judge, we will have to wait to see how much that is.


So, lets all play nicely and find something else to talk about!;)

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OMG! It was the best and funniest thread EVER. It was Saturday morning/afternoon.


I would like to know why they took that down. I think it is something that is fine to talk about if you want to and just don't read the thread if you get offended. We need some lighthearted, fun threads on here.

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Personal insurance policies probably won't pay out on something like this. They always ask the question: is this claim the result of someone else's fault?


When my son broke his arm, my health insurance sent me a form to fill out stating what happened and whether anyone else was to blame.


So I don't think you can say for certain that in this situation insurance would pay out on, for instance, if an insured watch or ring was lost because of the Concordia incident.


Yes, this is according to your policy. I know my policy has a mysterious loss rider so this would be covered under that, but upon reviewing my policy realize that there is a nuclear disaster exlusion...so, I guess losing it at the bottom of the ocean is OK but not if you are vaporized into dust during and nuclear explosion!


Actually, I don't ever take any of my good jewelry on vacation. The best I will take is maybe my Tiffanys, but I prefer those little $100 necklace and earring sets you buy at jewlery parties. I even have a vacation wedding band and engagement ring so when we are snorkeling or are anywhere on a beach or island I don't have to worry about losing anything...

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One thing for sure is that I noticed during the stint of this thread, there are many people with many views of the Concordia disaster, Hot coffee, and what they think would be considered me.


I am the one that orginally brought up the McDonald's coffee lawsuit- it was only to bring up the amount for which it was settled. Even after appeals- she still received around the 600k mark.


My point was to compare settlement amounts, not to compare an individual's negligence in spilling coffe in her lap vs. the negligence of the Captain of the Costa for running aground nor the accountability of Carnival Corp...I personally think 14k is insulting. :mad: I respect your opinion although I disagree...$14k is an offer to make it(them) go away. If they accept that offer they have to sign an agreement that they will not come back in the future and seek further damages. For most- that 14k will cover everything and be a fair amount, but for the others that may have issues later...it just isn't satisfactory IMO...


I think the point that most here are missing (myself included) is that we are basing our opinions regarding a fair settlement amount based upon US court system. However- this will more than likely never even see the light of day in an American court- it will be tried in Italy. So, I have no clue how the legal system works over there or how a settlement would be reached.


Perhaps someone who currently lives in Italy could maybe give us a quick snap shot as to how this might play out...I'd be curious to know how it would be different compared to a trial here in the US...


Take care,


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I am the one that orginally brought up the McDonald's coffee lawsuit- it was only to bring up the amount for which it was settled. Even after appeals- she still received around the 600k mark.


My point was to compare settlement amounts, not to compare an individual's negligence in spilling coffe in her lap vs. the negligence of the Captain of the Costa for running aground nor the accountability of Carnival Corp...I personally think 14k is insulting. :mad: I respect your opinion although I disagree...$14k is an offer to make it(them) go away. If they accept that offer they have to sign an agreement that they will not come back in the future and seek further damages. For most- that 14k will cover everything and be a fair amount, but for the others that may have issues later...it just isn't satisfactory IMO...


I think the point that most here are missing (myself included) is that we are basing our opinions regarding a fair settlement amount based upon US court system. However- this will more than likely never even see the light of day in an American court- it will be tried in Italy. So, I have no clue how the legal system works over there or how a settlement would be reached.


Perhaps someone who currently lives in Italy could maybe give us a quick snap shot as to how this might play out...I'd be curious to know how it would be different compared to a trial here in the US...


Take care,



One thing I know is that in Italy most lawyers require you to pay upfront, not like these class action guys who just take a big percentage of the payout when it is all settled...so that is going to be a gamble for some people. If they don't the money to pay for a lawyer than they may want to take a settlement if it is fair to them...


This is also some good info that I found:


Like United States maritime law, Italian law allows for the recovery of pecuniary losses (danno patrimoniale), which is loss of income and medical expenses arising from the injury and for two forms of non-pecuniary damages: injury to the victim's personal integrity (danno biologic) and pain and suffering experienced as a result of the harmful event (danno morale). The one major difference between United States and Italian maritime law is that Italian law does not allow for punitive damages. The Italian Supreme Court in 2007 stated in the Corte di Cassazione decision, "tort law aims at re-establishing the economic integrity of persons who sustained a loss suffered... the objective of punishment and of sanction is alien to the system and for the purpose, the examination of a wrongdoer's conduct is irrelevant." As such, Italian jurisprudence does not allow for punitive damages in personal injury or wrongful death claims no matter how egregious the conduct. Consequently, should the court apply Italian law to the COSTA CONCORDIA cases, punitive damages will not be recoverable.


In conclusion, the COSTA CONCORDIA problem is very complex. The survivors and the families of those who perished in the disaster should be very careful and very selective in following the advice being put forth in various media. For those passengers, crew and seamen affected by this terrible event we strongly recommend you contact a qualified maritime attorney to discuss your rights.

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OK- Hot Coffee. this is one of the urban legends here in the US, often used as an example of frivolous law suits. In fact, there was indeed merit to this case as shown by the court and also McDonalds. McDonald's was superheating the coffee. So when there was an accident, instead of hot coffee there was superheated coffee which in fact resulted in serious burns. Following this incident McDonald's agreed to stop this practice. If you would like a discussion of what the case is really about http://msgboard.snopes.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?/ubb/get_topic/f/107/t/000479.html

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I would think that there is not one passenger on that cruise that wasn't hurt. They lived thru a life changing experience. The fear they must have had and will have if they ever decide to go on another cruise. The vacation meant to relax turned into their worst nightmare. I think it is very easy to sit here and decide what amount they should sue or not sue for when it didn't happen to us. I feel that what each one of them decides to do it is the right thing to do.


The cruise industry needs to set better testing and rules for their Captains as does any travel industry that is transporting passengers.

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I would think that there is not one passenger on that cruise that wasn't hurt. They lived thru a life changing experience. The fear they must have had and will have if they ever decide to go on another cruise. The vacation meant to relax turned into their worst nightmare. I think it is very easy to sit here and decide what amount they should sue or not sue for when it didn't happen to us. I feel that what each one of them decides to do it is the right thing to do.


The cruise industry needs to set better testing and rules for their Captains as does any travel industry that is transporting passengers.


I Love cruising.

If I was one of the passengers on that ship and that experience took away my passion for being on the sea and replaced it with total fear, I consider that a HUGE loss and a terrible alteration to my life/lifestyle....and that's before we even get into any PTSD, nightmares or whatever other psychological problems people wound up with.

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OK- Hot Coffee. this is one of the urban legends here in the US, often used as an example of frivolous law suits. In fact, there was indeed merit to this case as shown by the court and also McDonalds. McDonald's was superheating the coffee. So when there uwas an accident, instead of hot coffee there was superheated coffee which in fact resulted in serious burns. Following this incident McDonald's agreed to stop this practice. If you would like a discussion of what the case is really about http://msgboard.snopes.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?/ubb/get_topic/f/107/t/000479.html


The facts of that case make it a viable lawsuit...unfortunately too many people dont understand facts and just follow the crowd and honestly believe that was a frivolous lawsuit....which couldnt be more wrong....mcd served scalding coffee.....they were negligent..coffee is not served scalding hot..because that makes it dangerous

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