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Surprise first cruise for kids--need ideas!


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We are taking my DDs (ages 6 and 8) on the Allure for their first cruise this August and I want to keep it a surprise as long as possible. My goal is to have them board the ship without knowing we are going. Do you think this is possible? Since they've never cruised before, they won't know all the procedures and may be naive enough to think that we are just going on board to check out the ship.


I've already put together an Allure scavenger hunt to do while we're on the ship, but I'm trying to come up with fun ways to tell them we are staying on board. Any ideas? (My husband laughs at me for being so excited about this, but I just know they'll flip. They've watched us go on cruises for years and always ask when they will be old enough to come along.) Thanks!

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We are taking my DDs (ages 6 and 8) on the Allure for their first cruise this August and I want to keep it a surprise as long as possible. My goal is to have them board the ship without knowing we are going. Do you think this is possible? Since they've never cruised before, they won't know all the procedures and may be naive enough to think that we are just going on board to check out the ship.


I've already put together an Allure scavenger hunt to do while we're on the ship, but I'm trying to come up with fun ways to tell them we are staying on board. Any ideas? (My husband laughs at me for being so excited about this, but I just know they'll flip. They've watched us go on cruises for years and always ask when they will be old enough to come along.) Thanks!


They will FLIP for sure!! The only snag I can see is that after you check in at the terminal and before you board, the girls will need to get their muster station wrist bands and the girls explain what they mean as they put them on....maybe you could talk to the girl quickly first and have her tell them it's bracelets for kids to get on or something.....but you board on the Promenade, so once you're on, there is SO much to explore, I don't think you have to say anything to them other than you're checking it out!! Make a quick stop at Sorrento's pizza and possibly Cafe Promenade then I would say head right up to the sports deck/pool area! There is so much to see that between the scavenger hunt you did and just exploring, it will keep them plenty busy!

Happy Sailing!!!!


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We are taking my DDs (ages 6 and 8) on the Allure for their first cruise this August and I want to keep it a surprise as long as possible. My goal is to have them board the ship without knowing we are going. Do you think this is possible? Since they've never cruised before, they won't know all the procedures and may be naive enough to think that we are just going on board to check out the ship.


I've already put together an Allure scavenger hunt to do while we're on the ship, but I'm trying to come up with fun ways to tell them we are staying on board. Any ideas? (My husband laughs at me for being so excited about this, but I just know they'll flip. They've watched us go on cruises for years and always ask when they will be old enough to come along.) Thanks!


Just another point of view but wouldn't you want them to share in some of the pre-cruise excitement. Our first cruise with kids was Disney, about 3 weeks before I 'accidentally' left the cruise brochure on the kitchen table right before supper. My daughter spotted it first and started flipping through the pictures. "What's this?" she asked. You can imagine the screams and shouts when I responded "Oh, I guess I forgot to mention we are all going on a cruise".

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Sounds amazing and you sound very like me wanting to keep it a secret. The only thing I would say is that we kept our latest cruise a secret from the kids (5,11,14) and planned to keep it that way until a few days before but.....we cracked and told them and are so glad we did. They have all said that they are glad we told them as half the holiday is the excitement of knowing, planning, family chats over dinner etc.


Tough one but worth thinking about.


We currently have 3 brochure pages on the freezer as a daily reminder!!!

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There are some fantastic videos on YouTube of people surprising their kids with cruises when they are driving up to the port. It will be easier for you since you have young kids - older ones/teens are much more suspicious and would figure it out. The reaction is going to be priceless! :D

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You could do up an "official looking" letter to mail to yourself saying that you are invited to tour the Allure on _____ (date you embark). That way the kids would know you are going there but not know you are staying on board. If you have to fly and are packing for a week it might tip them off (even at 6 & 8).


I think I would also tell them ahead of time so they can enjoy the planning and anticipation. We are taking the kids on a (their second) cruise in December. We plan to tell them on June 25th (half Christmas) since it is their Christmas gift. The waiting is KILLING me!! I so want to clue them in cause I know they will be as excited as I am (DH is not so much a planner and doesn't get into the whole prep like I do)

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Yeah... I would tell them in time to get used to the idea and perhaps plan a bit! Even at that age, I enjoyed finding out SOMETHING about where I was going, what books to bring (I was/am an avid reader!)....


I think surprises are ok, but sometimes, folks enjoy the anticipation! Give'em at least a week to prepare and be excited!

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We did that with our youngest daughter. Almost made it all the way, too. That was 8 years ago, and she's in college now, but still talks about it (very positively). We told her to pack warm clothes for spring break, and hinted about taking a road trip (stay in a different place every night, etc). Meantime, DW packed her for the Caribbean. We headed out after school, like we were driving cross country. Drove to a hotel by Dulles, but got there through "back roads", so she didn't know we were that close. Took shuttle from hotel to airport in the AM...surprise #1. When we checked in, agent said, "OK, three tickets to Miami"...surprise #2. Got to Miami, caught the shuttle, and she was sure we were going to spend the week in FL. Until the shuttle dropped off a crew member at the ship (Radiance) and casually called back to us: "here's where you'll get dropped off in the morning" as we headed to the hotel. The look and (almost) sound that came our of DD mouth were absolutely *priceless*. First time (and last) she was ever speechless in her life. Was definitely worth it! Good luck! Would do it all over again, if we could (and she didn't question every little thing we did from then on)!

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Oh, yeah...we also encouraged her to do a research report on pirates (leveraging her Pirates of the Caribbean interest). So we visited Blackbeard's castle in St. Thomas with her, to complete her "report". Ends up, her summer job is now as a pirate in Baltimore's Inner Harbor! So that surprise is even helping to pay her way through college!

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On the roll call I was on for a cruise last year, the family surprised their kids (they were older than yours btw). They had a friend take them out on a boat the day they sailed to look at the ship and told them they were going on the Oasis while they were crusing the harbor. I love the surprise idea, you may never get to surprise them like that again. If they were a tad bit older there might be pre-teen angst over not having the 'right' clothing and accessories for a cruise.

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My goal is to have them board the ship without knowing we are going. Do you think this is possible?


Since you have to check your luggage before you actually check yourselves in and board, they will probably realize at that point that they are actually going. That being the case, I would tell them a week or so ahead of time. As others have said, half the fun is in the anticipation and planning. :)

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There are some fantastic videos on YouTube of people surprising their kids with cruises when they are driving up to the port. It will be easier for you since you have young kids - older ones/teens are much more suspicious and would figure it out. The reaction is going to be priceless! :D


Here's an idea that combines the two: one of those videos is a member here on CC who took her kids to FLL, said it was a hotel vacation then took them out onto the Jetty on Saturday to watch Oasis sail out. As it went by they told the kids...you will be on that same ship tomorrow when we sail on Allure. Pandemonium!


Honestly, I wouldn't do this. My kids are anxious anyway and they would flip the wrong way if not given some time to acclimate. Also, my youngest loves loves loves to help plan, so there's that.


You probably know your kids better, and being young they aren't as developmentally able to anticipate things as long as we are. Your kids are small, so definately, they don't need to know years in advance. At our preschool we recommend sharing big news ( new baby, move, vacation) at about 2 weeks for each year of their age ( so tell a 2 year old 4 weeks in advance, a 6 yo about 3 months in advance).


I'm sure your girls will love Allure, have a great cruise!

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This sounds like a fun idea.. surprising them. I do agree that telling them a bit before might be a good idea. I had a friend who did something similar.. smaller scale trip.. her kids just stood there and stared at her.. and weren't nearly as excited as she thought they would be. They missed the opportunity to tell their friends they were going and to help plan as well.


Sorry not to rain on your parade.. but even if you told them a day or two ahead of time.. allowing it all to sink in and allow them a chance to tell their friends and help with planning. Just a suggestion however, you know your kids.



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I think I agree with most who say to let them know ahead of time, so they can tell friends, plan and watch some videos or read books, about where they are going.


However~ You know your kids and what you want to do for them.


So if you want to surprise them, maybe you could tell them that it is a special tour for kids whose parents have cruised before and that is why they are on the ship and walking around eating lunch etc. Either way they will have a great time! Those of us that have the chance to do this for our kids are so lucky! I count my blessings every day!

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We tried that with our son once before going on a trip to Las Vegas. We told him that we were going on the plane just to visit with DH before the plane was going to take off.


Someone in the row ahead of us turned around and asked whether she should be concerned that an abduction was in progress. We hadn't considered how others might overhear our well intentioned deception.


We told our son the truth at that point and enjoyed the flight to Vegas.

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You know your kids, if you want to surprise them do it. However, if you are planning on using Adventure Ocean you need to consider how they will react, I believe you can sign them up before boarding. From what I have read alot of kids abandon the parents in favor of the kids programs. My teens were split, one stayed with me and one only showed up for mandatory family events....

However you do it they will be thrilled to be on board.

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My kids are now grown and in college, but we loved to surprise them with trips and such, pulled it off several times. It was always great fun for all of us. But, others make a good point here.... the anticipation and planning, telling of friends, doing a little research, being in on decision making for what you will do in port... knowing how much we adults love that, imagine how exciting it would be for kids.


But alas, you asked for ideas of how to tell them. Hmm. Well, let's assume that the surprise isn't spoiled somehow during check-in or by the muster wrist bands (new to me, I don't recall them putting these on my kids and/or explaining their purpose), and you may get no choice here, safety standards and all. I'm not sure if you plan on being on board prior to cabins opening at 1pm... if so, maybe keep it under wraps until that time. Then take them via elevator up to your deck , still under the guise of exploring, get to within a short distance of your cabin. Then tell them you want to show them something that they are just going to love... but they must cover their eyes first. Bring them to the cabin door, or even inside... then let them uncover their eyes. Surprise! This is OUR cabin for the whole week - we're ALL going on a Caribbean cruise together!


Or, another idea would be to have their scavenger hunt end at the cabin.


It's so tough to hold it in, as the parents. I remember barely being able to keep myself together. Good luck, I hope it all goes well and everyone has a great time.

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I love the idea of surprizing your kids. Have scavenger hunt end in cabin w dad dressed in pirate costume telling them they can join his crew as they overtake the ship aaaaaar. Ala Johnny depp and then have a small cardboard treasure chest in cabin with cruise related treasures (arcade tokens, mardi GRAS beads, foil candy coins etc)

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Wow, if you can hold out until on board and then some, you're a stronger person than me! I agree with others that the luggage check-in and other check-in items are probably going to be a giveaway.


For Christmas this past year, we gave our kids (4 and 7) a trip to Disney, but it was 19 days after Christmas. I made a big felt countdown thing with 19 pockets (I cut out Mickey Mouse shapes and sewed them onto the felt, leaving the tops of the ears open for pockets). Each pocket contained a slip of paper with Disney facts or trip details. On Christmas morning, they were underwhelmed, but as we read a new slip of paper each day, they got more and more excited and loved it. They have declared that I have to do that for all big vacations now.

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Thanks so much for all your ideas and advice!! I know that I get so excited about cruises that it will be hard for me to keep it in. Right now, all the girls know is that we said they should be old enough next year to go on a cruise. I use that as an excuse to talk about the ship and all the cool things to do. We even sat together last week and watched a 45 minute YouTube video on the Allure. The girls were bouncing in their seat and so excited about the possibility of going on the ship one day!

My mother lives in Florida, so we can always tell them that we are going down to see her as an excuse as to why we are packing. I love the idea of making it a pirate theme, since I think we are doing the pirate ship tour in Jamaica.

We'll see how it goes as we get closer. We'll have a long summer to get through and i may crack. Right now, it's just fun to think about the possibility of an awesome reaction when we get on the ship. They'll be thrilled either way!

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I have 4 kids and before the 4th was born our first 3 were 4, 3 and 2. At that point we had mostly flew but this particular time we drove since we had just purchased a minivan with a video player in it which would make the straight drive to Disney a little easier. We didn't tell our kids that we were driving to the most magical place in the world. ;)


Our kids slept through a lot of the drive. I can't even decribe their faces when they realized when they saw the "Mickey and Minnie" entrance signs to Disney along with all of the other Disney decorations that we were in Disney. This is one of ours and our kid's greatest memories off all time and I have it all on video to watch over and over again. :)

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Honestly, I wouldn't do this. My kids are anxious anyway and they would flip the wrong way if not given some time to acclimate. Also, my youngest loves loves loves to help plan, so there's that.



When my two oldest were 8 and 4, we went to WDW and kept it a secret. We told them we were going to Grandmom and Granddad's house (they live in NC). The kids were young, so paid no attention to the "welcome to GA" or "welcome to FL" signs. They were completely oblivious. Finally, when even the "Disney resorts this exit" type signs didn't catch their attention, we spilled the beans. One of them actually started crying that he wanted to see Grandmom and Granddad, (who were in fact, waiting for us at the hotel at WDW.) We told him, "Grandmom and Granddad are at Disney World." "No, they're not," he sobbed. We could not convince him until we pulled up and they came out to greet us. In hindsight, it would've been better to tell them a little earlier, and perhaps let the fact that my folks were going to join us there be the surprise.

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We did the same thing with my niece and nephew when they were about this age. Since my niece was old enough to read the road signs and she had a general idea where the port was, we told them that we were going to Datona to the races. They were really happy about that but when we got on board they just thought it was a really fancy hotel. They couldn't believe it when they couldn't see land anymore. They both had a blast that week and have jumped at the opportunity to cruise with us severa times since.


Have a good cruise.

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We did this last year with our 8 & 5 year old. We drove to NJ for a precruise stay. What I did was drew them a treasure map. They didn't know they were going on a cruise until we were minutes from the port. The map was of the eastern states we were driving through with a star at the hotel. They really thought the hotel was the destination. After breakfast the next day DH loaded the private cab with our luggage and had the cab wait next to our car. We then told the kids it was time to go. They walked as if they were getting in our car. Only to follow DH to the cab. They were leery but they followed. As we got closer to the terminal, DS started seeing signs and guessed it as the ship was just in sight. They were so excited. Said it was the best trip ever. Even said it was better than Disney. Memories I will cherish forever.

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