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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good morning, Breeze buddies and happy weekend to all!!

Barbara, I have been on this sight since 2002 so anything you need to know I can probably get you there.


Renee, ok that is a start.lol Age is but a number and as long as you enjoy each other that is all that matters. Fingers and toes crossed it works out for you.

Well I guess I have try and motivate for my next 4 hour shift. I have to pick up breakfast for the girls at Starbucks so will chat later.


Dave, What is picket duty?

Edited by Cathy p
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Good morning, Breeze buddies and happy weekend to all!!


Good morning to you and all the other Breeze Buddies. Boy did we have some nasty storms that rolled through here last evening. Winds up to 60 mi. My hubby was putting up a new hexagonal gazebo we had bought about a month ago. He wouldn't put it up till the deck was painted. Yesterday morning it was so nice, he painted the deck and then in the afternoon started putting this thing up. The first storm came out of nowhere and he hadn't finished bolting it to the deck. Couldn't hold it down and it ended up in the neighbor's yard one mangled mess. This was not the start to a long weekend that I was looking for.


Hope everyone has an enjoyable day, Donna

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Well Friday of my long weekend done. Only work nights tonight and then a long double tomorrow..... well make that a triple.... have to get payroll done at one of the resorts in between..... have a feeling tomorrow will be 5am till 11pm straight through...


Monday I am off but have to go visit my grandmother. She is 91 and fell on Mothers day and broke her hip. They can't fix it because she is to weak to handle the surgery. She also has very advanced alzheimers and is at the point that she is forgetting to swallow. They have her on morphine and say it will just be a matter of time. I have prayed every night that I would get a call from my mom saying she just fell asleep and didn't wake up.

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I'm finding dating at my age a scary thing :rolleyes:. He is 45 a few years younger than I am but seems very nice. We have been out 4 or 5 times...... we will see what happens.... maybe he will be my roomie for the cruise.....


Exactly what I thought!!! So glad you are thinking of booking this, girl! Hope things work out with this guy for you. Thoughts for your Gramma too. I know that's hard. :(


Well, the snow is *almost* gone here....still hanging on a bit on our lawn, but we got a ton of rain and snow yesterday and it brought the irrigation creeks up a lot. As much as I don't like *snow in May* ~ it will help a LOT for our hay crop!


Sadly, neither calf made it. :( I was not surprised to lose the one, he was very weak and probably premature. But I thought the other little guy was fine...he was up running around and then all of a sudden yesterday, he just went downhill. We had him in the barn to keep him warm, and Dave even put blankets on him last night, but he was gone this morning. I'm so sad. This is the part of ranching that I just HATE.


Dave & Bettie ~ thank you guys so much for the cute "cowgirl" stickers from the Cowgirl Hall of Fame!! They really made my day; came in the mail yesterday. I'm going to put one on my swather, and one on our ranch pickup...won't Dave look cute driving around with that on it! Thanks for thinking of us!!


WELCOME, Barbara & Jerry!! So glad to have you as part of our group. And, boy is our group GROWING!! LOVE IT!


I had no idea John Heald was the CD for the Breeze! I don't keep up with which ship he's on, but I guess I should have known he would go to the newest ship. Would be fun if he is still on it when we sail, although I don't get too excited about who the CD is like some folks seem to do.


So cool that our cruise will be on a relatively new ship! Heck, 18 months is barely enough time to get her broke in and get all the kinks out of her!


Hope everyone has a great, safe weekend!

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Good Morning Breeze Buddies. Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. Today is my only day off. We won't do anything special except maybe go out to dinner tonight. I will do laundry and grocery shopping and then I will go for a little drive to check out some parks for the OG to have a company picnic at. They are tired of doing it at the place they've been going for years now and they asked if I knew of any nice places. I checked out a couple of places last weekend and will go to a couple more today.


Welcome Barbara and Jerry. :D Are you booked yet?


Renee - Hope you can join us this time. We missed you on on the last one. So sorry about your Grandma. She has led a long life and hopefully she will just go quietly in her sleep. Don't work too hard this weekend. I know these holiday weekends are busy for you. For us it's the exact opposite. We are usually slow, especially if the weather is nice because everyone is BBQing.


Dave -I sure hope the strike ends soon.


Sue - So sorry about the calves. that would be difficult for me too if I lived on a ranch.


Donna - I hope your husband gets the gazebo up. If my husband was doing that he's get it half way up and then never finish. LOL


Have a great weekend. :)

Edited by HeidiHo
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Renee - Hope you can join us this time. We missed you on on the last one. So sorry about your Grandma. She has led a long life and hopefully she will just go quietly in her sleep. Don't work too hard this weekend. I know these holiday weekends are busy for you. For us it's the exact opposite. We are usually slow, especially if the weather is nice because everyone is BBQing.



With all the tourist up here its never slow in the summer..... and its suppose to rain tonight so should make it even busier.... great for the wallet but hard on my body.....lol.... have a feeling 4am is gonna come way to early tomorrow:rolleyes:

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Howdy Breeze Buddies...


Sue...so sorry to hear about the two calves boy must have been hard losing two thinking only one was in jeapordy. Wow...you are in the Cowgirl Hall of Fame? If not you should be...driving those tractors and all. :D


Heidi...me too I couldn't tell you who any of our CDs have been but I saw John's blog on CCL website and popped in...would be interesting tho' if he were our CD...now I might take notice of that one. ;)


Ilaga...Barbara & Jerry welcome to our group...and don't worry about how to post and everything there will be a lot of "helpers" here to assist you. :)


Poofy...sorry Mimi but I just love that name...what is Tapatalk? I have an I-phone but the few times I have used it to email or post it only says that it came from my I-phone. Anyway, looks like your "test" worked.


Dave...that will be hard to give up your evenings at home once the strike is over. Is there an end in sight yet?


Rene...girl you work more than anyone I know and I so hope you can make this cruise...want to meet you especially after talking these past two cruises with you here...and hope your boyfriend can come too.


Cathy P...what a nice thing to do pick up breakfast for everyone...where do you work? Do you have Monday off?


Donna...I got a laugh out of your husbands attempt to put up the gazebo and it flew over to the neighbor's yard...tho' probably not funny to him. :rolleyes:


I hope everyone has a really nice three day week-end...especially as we remember our soldiers who gave so much for our country.


We will be horse-sitting for LIsa and Phil as they are all going to Morro Bay this week-end...Phil is from Morro Bay and has family there so will be nice for them. They are taking their new travel trailor and the new dog to introduce her to the family. They really love that dog...and they have only had her a month...but she is a good dog.


It is chilly again here today...boy this has been a strange spring...went from nice to HOT and now this...I really wouldn't mind this weather all summer but I know the heat is on the way. :eek:


Happy week-end to all...

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Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!


Donna, wow some storms you all had. We are really looking for rain. The sunshine state is really our name. We have ole TS Byrle coming this way, however, they are saying just some below TS force winds and heavy rain. Being from Virginia Beach that would not even make the news.lol I have been thru my share of Tropical weather. Sorry about the Gazebo, that really sucks.

Renee, oh sweetie God Bless you and your family and I also hope that Grandma goes peacefully.

Sue, I am so sorry about those little guys. What a shame.

Char, I work for The Villages Daily Sun Newspaper. I am in Circulation so I take care of new accounts, vacation stops and just plain ole whitching about something.lol

My DH is watching the war movies and would gladly do whatever I want to do but I feel he does all the housework, cooking and laundry while I work so he deserves to watch the stuff he loves.


I am off until Tuesday so shall be on here chatting. Tomorrow they have a big sale at Izod, VanHusen and Bass so will be there for sure. A few groceries and that is it.


Oh speaking of groceries, I stopped at Publix to get some lunch meat and while I was there I chatted with 3 other people. So we started getting samples of different stuff and then one guy says where is the beer. I told him I was going to the American Legion today for my 2 beers of the week. He said can I be your friend and I said oh no you are not getting mr in trouble. He introduced himself as Kenny..// well that is my DH name so I said no. He then said Kenny Alter. Ok now he is kidding me.....my ex husband's last name. As I was leaving he said well if you don't like either one of those how about my middle name Charles. $%#%%^^%%$##^^& My 1st husband's first name. Holy Moley can you believe that. I left in a hurry as I thought it was a sign.:eek::eek: I have only had 3 hubbies so no more stores about the 4th.:D

Chat later!!!!

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Cathy P...OMG that is an amazing story and tooooo scary. How far are you from Miami? Would your brain be the brain to pick for hotels before or after the cruse? I checked a few out and the one that catches my eye is the Holiday Inn across from Bayside Marketplace and supposedly very close to the cruise port. Do you know anything about that area? This will be our first time in Miami...actually our first time in Florida so we are really excited.

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Char, on our Looney cruise several people stayed that the Holiday Inn Bayside market. It looks great and if I did not get a free room at the Hilton like this year I would have stayed there. The Bayside Market is wonderful. All kind of shops and we sent as a group to Bubba Gumps Shrimp Restaurant. We had a great time and they treated us really good. Their is a Best Western not far from the pier, however, it is a dump. A couple of our people stayed there and it was in a bad part of town. We took a taxie and dropped them off before we went to our hotel.


I will be happy to check prices when we get close to there and find out how many will be coming in the night before. I love to do that. I should have been a travel agent.We have stayed at the Embassy Suites which is nice. I could call all their group department and ask how much once we get closer. Maybe we could pick like 2 or 3 and go from there.


I am about 4 hours from Miami and will be their the night before as well. That Hilton we are staying at is on the same street as Bayside.


Here I go rambling on and on. OOPS!:o

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Char, on our Looney cruise several people stayed that the Holiday Inn Bayside market. It looks great and if I did not get a free room at the Hilton like this year I would have stayed there. The Bayside Market is wonderful. All kind of shops and we sent as a group to Bubba Gumps Shrimp Restaurant. We had a great time and they treated us really good. Their is a Best Western not far from the pier, however, it is a dump. A couple of our people stayed there and it was in a bad part of town. We took a taxie and dropped them off before we went to our hotel.


I will be happy to check prices when we get close to there and find out how many will be coming in the night before. I love to do that. I should have been a travel agent.We have stayed at the Embassy Suites which is nice. I could call all their group department and ask how much once we get closer. Maybe we could pick like 2 or 3 and go from there.


I am about 4 hours from Miami and will be their the night before as well. That Hilton we are staying at is on the same street as Bayside.


Here I go rambling on and on. OOPS!:o


Cathy P...thanks so much for the info and any help you can give is helpful. You should be a TA...I worked in education at the college level most of my working career...then when I retired I became a home based TA and loved it...I was busier than I really wanted to be in retirement then when our oldest daughter died suddenly last year my heart just wasn't in it any longer so I retired again...but I think you would like it and with your "gift for gab" you would be great. :D

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Char, first of all I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I know what you are going thru. I lost my Tina at 23 back in 1996 the day after Christmas. My email is cpeele1@comcast.net if you ever want to talk. I will give you my phone number.

As for being a home based TA I would love to do that. How did you get started? I was a Mystery Shopper for a couple of years but got tired of that.

Chat soon!:)

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Oh speaking of groceries, I stopped at Publix to get some lunch meat and while I was there I chatted with 3 other people. So we started getting samples of different stuff and then one guy says where is the beer. I told him I was going to the American Legion today for my 2 beers of the week. He said can I be your friend and I said oh no you are not getting mr in trouble. He introduced himself as Kenny..// well that is my DH name so I said no. He then said Kenny Alter. Ok now he is kidding me.....my ex husband's last name. As I was leaving he said well if you don't like either one of those how about my middle name Charles. $%#%%^^%%$##^^& My 1st husband's first name. Holy Moley can you believe that. I left in a hurry as I thought it was a sign.:eek::eek: I have only had 3 hubbies so no more stores about the 4th.:D

I will be happy to check prices when we get close to there and find out how many will be coming in the night before. I love to do that. I should have been a travel agent.We have stayed at the Embassy Suites which is nice. I could call all their group department and ask how much once we get closer. Maybe we could pick like 2 or 3 and go from there.



Cathy - Crazy story about the guy with your ex's names. That reminded me that just lately I have been seeing my ex husbands name around and it's a very unusual name. At the OG we have a computer showing the floor plan. After we page someone and seat them at a table their name shows up at that table. One night when I first got to work I saw that someone with my husbands same last name was sitting at a table. It was the first time in years I had seen that last name. Thankfully, it wasn't him sitting at the table. Then just a few days later I saw the same last name in our call ahead book. It was a large party coming to the OG for a communion party or something like that. I wasn't scheduled to work that day though so I have no idea if it was his family. Then just this morning I read in the newspaper about someone with the same last name being in trouble for something like his 3rd DUI. I don't believe he is any relation to my ex though. As far as I know my ex is still around the Chicago area but I haven't seen him in over 25 years. We had no children together so there was no reason for us to keep in touch after the divorce. We were only married 2 1/2 years. I have been married to Dave for just over 25 years now.


It would be great if you could check out the hotels for us. We were in Miami in July and stayed at a nice Marriott by the airport but the Bayside Marketplace area sounds good. We would want to be somewhere where we could get together for dinner at a nice restaurant the night before. We need to remember too that that night will be Valentines day so a reservation well in advance would probably be a good idea. I have always felt that I should have been a travel agent too. In fact, I have been looking into the possibility again just lately. I don't know how much longer I can stand working a host. My body just hurts too much now, especially my feet. They hurt all the time, even when I'm not working.

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Cathy - Crazy story about the guy with your ex's names. That reminded me that just lately I have been seeing my ex husbands name around and it's a very unusual name. At the OG we have a computer showing the floor plan. After we page someone and seat them at a table their name shows up at that table. One night when I first got to work I saw that someone with my husbands same last name was sitting at a table. It was the first time in years I had seen that last name. Thankfully, it wasn't him sitting at the table. Then just a few days later I saw the same last name in our call ahead book. It was a large party coming to the OG for a communion party or something like that. I wasn't scheduled to work that day though so I have no idea if it was his family. Then just this morning I read in the newspaper about someone with the same last name being in trouble for something like his 3rd DUI. I don't believe he is any relation to my ex though. As far as I know my ex is still around the Chicago area but I haven't seen him in over 25 years. We had no children together so there was no reason for us to keep in touch after the divorce. We were only married 2 1/2 years. I have been married to Dave for just over 25 years now.


It would be great if you could check out the hotels for us. We were in Miami in July and stayed at a nice Marriott by the airport but the Bayside Marketplace area sounds good. We would want to be somewhere where we could get together for dinner at a nice restaurant the night before. We need to remember too that that night will be Valentines day so a reservation well in advance would probably be a good idea. I have always felt that I should have been a travel agent too. In fact, I have been looking into the possibility again just lately. I don't know how much longer I can stand working a host. My body just hurts too much now, especially my feet. They hurt all the time, even when I'm not working.


Holy Moly, I forgot about Valentines Day. Burger King may be good.lol We will have to see if we get enough people maybe we can reserve a place for us with a credit card hold or deposit. We will be getting in around noon as we are staying the night before at Port St Lucie just to have an extra day. We can work it out. Also alot of people stay at hotels on that heart day so I will check on long before someone would have to book to guarantee our rate.

Let me know if you find anything on the TA bit.

Mimi, I have never heard of the rest. but I bet it is good if you have been there.

Off to check on ports.

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Cathy - that is so nice of you to volunteer to check into hotels. That's a lot of work. I'm with you, I'm a Hilton kinda girl, but booked the Holiday Inn Bayside this coming Jan. because both Hilton and Hampton were sold out. We also will be coming in a day early. Won't chance the same day flight during the winter and there are not very many nonstops flights out of Cleveland to Miami. Won't chance a layover either during the winter.


Char - I'm glad you got a chuckle out of the gazebo - I also did but won't admit to him. It reminded me of the Wizard of Oz. I was just coming into the house from the garage and saw it lift-off. I tend to find humor in things I can't change.


The gazebo today is funny to him today, but yesterday was don't mention it. It was beyond saving, a mangled mess, so I went out last night during the storm to buy another - hubby worked till midnight putting it together in the garage and then was up at 6 waiting for one of our neighbors to get up to help him carry it to the deck. I must say, it looks really nice.


Heidi - hope you're enjoying your day off.


We are going to cook out tonight and then sit outside and enjoy the evening.



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Heidi & Cathy...I will send you an email about how to get started as a TA...probably shouldn't talk much about it here. :rolleyes:


Cathy...thanks for taking this on both Sue and I have done it in the past and it is a big job. LOL Anyway I think the hotels open for booking about a year before your stay...maybe we could get group rates.


Donna...funny how hubby's find that a project disaster funny the next day...and probably even funnier now that he has it all prepared and ready to install. LOL


Mimi...I will check out Grampa's Bakery...do you live in the Miami area too?


Well we are going to spend a good part of the afternoon watching some movies on Netflix...going to be a quiet week-end for us.

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Donna, no problem will working on the hotels. I will love it for sure.

I have to admit Kenny and I left when we read that also. It is a shame you did not have a video going. It would have been worth $10,000 for sure. I am glad DH got it up and is all set. Now what about another store, change of it blowing away?:eek:

I have talked to my son and daughter in law and they are checking out this cruise. That would be so much fun. I have only been on one cruise with them.

Well time to get my jammies on at 5:15. Nothing like doing nothing, I love it.

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Mimi...I will check out Grampa's Bakery...do you live in the Miami area too?



Char -Mimi leaves near me in the Chicago area. We've even seen each other a couple of times here at home. Grampa's is a breakfast restaurant. Guy Fieri did a segment on it for his show. I know Mimi and Andy went there in Feb. before our cruise and we went there with Dave and Bettie the morning they picked us up at the airport. We went straight there from the airport.

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Here is a link to my review of Grampa's. I don't think it's worth the drive, but for Guy Fieri fans, it may be. I don't think anyone has mentioned it on CC which is surprising since Guy's Burgers are part of the 2.0 upgrade




(scroll down to the second post on the page)



Char- Heidi is correct, I live in the Chicago area. I am very familiar with Broward county (Fort Lauderdale) as I had very many relatives who retired there and I spent at least two weeks a year there while I was growing up. Miami, I know a tiny bit.

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Checking in with the Cupid's Breeze Buddies.


Looks like I need to post more than once a week to keep up with you all. :D


Not booked yet, but hopefully in the next week or two.


Frank and I are having a quiet weekend. No plans at all. Our 2 DS's left yesterday to go floating down the Illinois river in northeastern OK. I almost invited myself along, but didn't want to barge in on their weekend. We floated down the river three times when they were in boy scouts and had fun. However this holiday weekend is mainly college age kids out there "celebrating" the beginning of summer. Mom would just get in the way. :D

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Char -Mimi leaves near me in the Chicago area. We've even seen each other a couple of times here at home. Grampa's is a breakfast restaurant. Guy Fieri did a segment on it for his show. I know Mimi and Andy went there in Feb. before our cruise and we went there with Dave and Bettie the morning they picked us up at the airport. We went straight there from the airport.


Heidi...now I remember that...trying Gramdpa's sounds like fun will have to consider that.


Right now Jim and I are planning on arriving in Miami the Wednesday before the cruise so we can bum around the area...might even try and get up to Fort Lauderdale and do the canals...that is what we wanted to do for Cupids III.


Mimi...I couldn't find your review but I will check out Granspa's on line if they have a website.


Okay...now for sure going to watch movies...Jim was busy a few minutes ago but now he is ready...especially after I made him a sandwich. :rolleyes:

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Okay...I found it...and I think I remember it from the show that Guy did about road stop places. Here is the link http://www.grampasbakery.com/


Kathy...oh do get on more than once a week...and as you can see this group is rather chatty...including me too I guess. Your boys are in college??? I remember when they were still doing scouting stuff...what year are they in?


Okay...now this is the final one...off to watch movies. :D

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Howdy Cupids,

On my first CC group cruise, we sailed out of Miami Oct 2005, yeah, the year of the hurricanes. I will not sail during hurricane season ever again, unless to Alaska or the Med. We stayed at the Hilton Downtown and got a great rate through Priceline. We did venture to Bayside Marketplace but the Hard Rock was close due to H damage and we were under a curfew so had to go back to the hotel. Everyone met at the Hilton and we still had a party. Several of the group stayed at the HI and said it was a good place to stay. I would consider it today. Just hope we don't have a Hurricane season again like we did in 05.

We did a tour of SoBe post cruise then the bus dropped us off at the airport.

BTW, we did the luggage thing off the ship and it worked great. Did not see our luggage again until we got home.

On the last Cupids cruise, Bettie and I surprised Heidi and Dave and picked them up at the airport and then we went down to Grampas for breakfast. That was some good food. I had rented a full size and ended up with an SUV. We had plenty of room.

We don't have any plans yet but will probably get there a couple days early. I don't like to rush things when starting a vacation.


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