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LIVE from the Diamond Princess - 35 days Singapore to Vancouver


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Can't answer the question about the Internet but if you're looking for US news, it'll be minimal. You may get CNN (International, not US), BBC, perhaps Fox, and/or MSNBC. I think you might have HLN. Or, you might have nothing. It depends on the location of the ship, the position of the satellite and the weather... and sunspots. It's not unusual to not have any live programming, particularly on a trans-Pacific or trans-Atlantic. The other channels have movies, repeats of lectures, port information, the bridge cam and a potpourri of Discovery Channel shows.


Pam you look great! Keep cruising and it'll keep you young! We'll be following your feedback and posts as you and Pia are almost the "Queen's" of Cruise Critic.

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Don't think there's any boredom on that ship, tell them Pia, if it's not a planned activity then it must be HAPPY HOUR!


How in the world can anyone be bored on any ship? If they are, it's because they are not feeling well and that's too bad! Pia keep sending your detailed feedback since most of us just love it! Too bad your 35 days is almost over!


Regards to all!


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Groundhog Day (5/10 #2) –


Had to reset the calendars on all the clocks this morning. Now we are 6 hours behind CO – and on the same day. Finally something I can understand.


Just like it was hot in Thailand, I can now admit it is cold here in Alaska. Got to admit though, after showering last night, I stepped out on the balcony and watched steam condense in the air around my head. It was so cool – literally and figuratively. 34F at one time according to the ship channel and with wind chill must have been in the single digits. The wind just cuts right through you, which is why we really like the aft cabins. No wind.


Sometime today, we are supposed to enter the Bering Sea to avoid a low pressure system in the Gulf of Alaska. That was what was causing our motion. The swells were not that big, but the wind was 15-20 knots from the front quarters which caused a lot of buffeting of the entire ship. We won’t get as far north in latitude as we got south during our Antarctic cruise, but we will be getting pretty far north. I wish Princess still had those 14 day small ship cruises to Alaska that stopped at all the smaller ports.


Coffee in the lobby. Tall white chocolate latte. MMMMM. Stephanie the night manager stopped by. She’s been trying to get the date changed in all the computer systems since 3 this morning and finally got the last one altered, so she’s happy. Judy just got here. She slept in a bit. Unfortunately, a week from next Monday I must pay then penalty for this 6 week vacation and go back to work. So I have to get adjusted to time zones as quickly as possible.


Today is Zumba and the Diamond Dash starts as well. The Diamond Dash is Kim’s answer to the Amazing Race on the ship. Might be fun to watch. Another pub lunch today, but having tried all of the dishes – except Kidney pie – we might opt for the Rijstafel buffet. Since I have no idea what it is, it perks my interest. Line dancing returns and Nicole is doing Wii@sea dancing as well. Lots of stuff to do in the patter. Tonight is a bit more sparse for us. Harmonica or Hypnotist. Neither strikes our fancy. Probably will dance with Nightwatch and hit the sack a bit earlier than the previous two nights. Got to get more than a couple of hours of sleep.


The Morning After Report


Another day at sea that really wasn’t half bad. Lots to do and see. Judy did finally get out of bed and did join the Zumba class (she’s still in bed this morning). We checked out the Rijstafel buffet and didn’t see anything the peaked our interested. I opted for a few of the cold salads and the Monte Cristo sandwich. Love those cold salads on this cruise. We did some Wii dancing in the afternoon with Nicole, some line dancing with Paul and Kim, and then actually watched the entire movie Rango on the TV rather than the typical bits and pieces.


So we did an early dinner in Savoy with Piya. It was another Princess dinner with the highlights being the baked mahi-mahi and the steak Diane. Judy ordered the mahi-mahi and I had the steak Diane which was perfectly cooked med rare. Some interesting dinner conversation with the next table neighbors and a coffee later, we went to the Explorer’s lounge for some dancing with Nightwatch. With the choices between a Harmonica player and a Hypnotist, we opted for sleep. Dropped by the Conservatory bar and picked up a large glass of fresh squeezed OJ for $5.50, which when combined with the remains of the Elite bar, provided 4 perfectly tasting, fresh screwdrivers. Watched Hutch’s talk on Seward and really looking forward to spending the day exploring the town and getting some fresh CLAMS! Sleep was easy after that and we both slept through the night till about 0530 this morning.


There is no Zumba today. Kim has been given the morning off and we will have a Paul and Nicole “high octane” line dance class. Kelvin is starting to utilize more of the TV channels to play more of the movies that are being requested. That’s good.


As Pia has pointed out previously, the dance troupe is changing out, tonight in fact, and the new troupe has been using the Princess theater to rehearse. So the Princess theater has been closed a lot. Tonight is Piano man, but it is with the new cast, so we are headed to 3rd row center to take a look. Piano man will be retired from the fleet soon with a new show coming out.


There is an asian sushi buffet for lunch. Always good for a light snack. Then I think we will just snack at the Elite lounge for a light dinner and head to the show early.

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Hello, on this cold Friday morning May 11th. We had a lot of fun in the casino last night. Mike made back what I had lost during the day, and a few extra bucks as well. Angela, if you are reading this, your mom is going crazy at Bingo. Last few days, between that and the poker machine, she’s earning herself another cruise.


Morning for us will be nothing but trivia, but others might like to create a I Love Alaska card or see Alaska: Dangerous Territory on MUTS. OOPS………. Almost forgot. Round #2 of the Diamond Dash. Hope we stay in it.


Afternoon movie in the theater is The Vow, and MUTS has Lionel Richie. Evening on MUTS will be Mission Impossible, in the theater Piano Man and in Explorer’s two Maurizio shows.


Tonight we will attend the Captain’s Circle cocktail party in casual clothes. Others attended last night, formal night. I love the “off” nights. Makes my life easier, and I don’t hear anyone in our group complaining either.


Of course clocks are still going forward. I’ll let you know when it stops. Meanwhile, we are all surviving quite well with our 23 hour days. The same early morning gym crowd are still going strong.

Mary: I know who won. My sister always sends me updates on Mondays. :D

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It’s Thursday May 10th. Again. Sounds like Groundhog Day. Eventually we’ll straighten out with the rest of the world. Meanwhile, I only have to keep turning my clock forward while my southern body turns to ice. It is currently 36 degrees and probably colder than Alaska.


Here’s what’s going on today. AM has artsy folks making gift bags, MUTS is showing Phantom, we are playing trivia and there’s another pub lunch. There have been lots of them, though Mike has yet to find someone who wants to eat there with him.


Afternoon is featuring Mrs. Doubtfire on MUTS and the Iron Lady in the theater. Tonight has Warrior on MUTS, the hypnotist again in Explorer’s and, (can you hear my excitement???), a harmonica virtuoso in the theater. Since clocks will go forward again, I expect an early night for us.


I’m sitting outside HC trying to post this; no signal. Will have to wait until later. OK. It's back. Bye for now


Mike can always join us for a pub lunch on the Royal. I love the fish and chips and the bread pudding.

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Saturday morning, all’s well and still cold. Maybe 35. Captain says it will get warmer beginning tomorrow. We are now 6 hours earlier than EST. I think.


Yesterday afternoon we decided to forgo trivia and see the movie “The Vow.” OK. Book was better. And last night we went to CC cocktail party, drank too much and lost $$ in the casino. Passed on both shows. Stats for this voyage are:

Gold - 843

Plat - 648

Elite - 373

As stated previously, we were number 4. Again.


On this morning’s agenda is a lecture: “Native Healers from Northern Lands: The World of the Shaman” and also another lecture (given by the guy who arranged our Vietnam private tour), “History of the Salish Sea: An Overview of this History Rich part of the World.” Also in the morning is arts and crafts making of a weather worm (don’t know what that is), documentary on MUTS - Discovering Alaska and an Indian Buffet. Fortunately today is also our most traveled luncheon, so I don’t have to deal with Indian food.


This afternoon brings a margarita demonstration, another crafty thing which will construct Mother’s Day cards, The Twilight Saga on MUTS, vocalist Kwame Remy in the theater and Round 3 of the Diamond Dash. Wish us luck.


Evening offerings consist of Sarah’s Key on MUTS, vocalist Paul Tanner in the theater and mind reader Marc Paul again in Explorer’s. And of course our main nightly event of pushing our clocks forward another hour. Whatever will I do when we finally get a 24 hour day?

See ya…………..

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Round 3 of the Diamond Dash. Wish us luck.




Good luck!


Can you give examples of what tasks you had to accomplish?


You did mention going up and down the decks many times (walk or elevators?) but did not say what you had to accomplish when you reaced your destination areas. Was it just picking up a printed clue?

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Hi Folks:


Thought you needed to know about the Diamond Dash. We were eliminated. Five teams still competing tomorrow which is the final day. We arrived sixth. I also managed to pull a groin muscle, but this had no bearing on the final results.

The MT luncheon was great as always. We sat with Martin, the hotel manager.



At about 2 PM we started passing the snowcapped mountains of the Aleutians. Very majestic site.

Bill: too many things. Will copy and paste tomorrow,

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At about 2 PM we started passing the snowcapped mountains of the Aleutians. Very majestic site.




The cam is showing some low lying Islands.Looks great .

I did not think you would be that close to land up there.


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I couldn't believe it last night when it started to snow on the ship! This is only the second time I have been in snow, what an incredible sight. We were on Aurora alert, there was a giant solar flair several nights ago, but the clouds and snow prevented us from seeing it. Maybe tonight.


Yesterday we sailed throug the Aleutians, it was magnificent to see them covered in snow, glaciers everywhere. I was not expecting such a scenic passing, and it was freezing outside. This did not stop us from going outside, but i need warmer clothing!


Seward is snowed in, can't get to exit glacier because of it. Looks like a day to stroll the wonderful town, and hit the Ace hardware/Fish house for warmer clothing and good trinkets.


Happy Mothers Day

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I couldn't believe it last night when it started to snow on the ship! This is only the second time I have been in snow, what an incredible sight. We were on Aurora alert, there was a giant solar flair several nights ago, but the clouds and snow prevented us from seeing it. Maybe tonight.


Yesterday we sailed throug the Aleutians, it was magnificent to see them covered in snow, glaciers everywhere. I was not expecting such a scenic passing, and it was freezing outside. This did not stop us from going outside, but i need warmer clothing!


Seward is snowed in, can't get to exit glacier because of it. Looks like a day to stroll the wonderful town, and hit the Ace hardware/Fish house for warmer clothing and good trinkets.


Happy Mothers Day


Amelia, it sounds absolutly magnificent. I so want to cruise that itinerary. Been reading all the posts. Hope you saw that I have hired the most wonderful house/dog sitting lady. Will write you all about her when you return. Her first sit for us starts this Thursday, we'll be in Charleston for 5 days. Enjoy the remaining days of your cruise.

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Happy Sunday and Happy Mother’s Day. Skies are sunny with a high expected of 41, but there’s snow all over the place. Snow on my balcony and lots of it all over the open decks. Pretty funny. I haven’t seen it up close and personal for well over 30 years. Sunrise today was at 5:40 and sunset will be after 9:00 PM. Of course tonight will have another hour forward. Ho hum.


Morning stuff:

1. Interdenominational church service

2. Port Lecture: Juneau

3. Arts & Crafts - making a boo-boo bunny

4. Outlet Sale - 3 hours only. Oooooohhhhhhhhhh

5. MUTS documentary - Wild Alaska

6. Lecture: Subject is Capt. James Cook

7. Diamond Dash finale


Afternoon Highlights:

1. On Deck for the Cure walk

2. More artsy stuff - Mother’s Day cards part two

3. Movie in theater - Haywire

4. MUTS movie - Juno

5. Roll Call tea - we expect about 60+ members and this was prearranged by Heather.


Evening offerings are sparse. MUTS has The Three Musketeers and Explorer’s has a classical recital by the Four String Quartet. (They play regularly in the Atrium). Other than this, there’s the movie in the theater War Horse, which is almost impossible to see unless you forgo dinner. It’s being shown at 7:00 only. The International Crew Show is at 10:30; way too late for us and besides which how many of these are too many?


Off to breakfast. I will post a full Diamond Dash report later today.

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This morning is mother’s days. Sunday the 14th and we are only 1 hour behind Seward, 2 hours behind YVR and 3 hours behind home. The end on of the nightly hours ahead is in sight. The last couple of days and nights at sea have been wonderfully relaxing and lots of fun. The high octane line dance wasn’t high octane enough, so I followed it up with a run to the gym. By 1030, 11am, there are plenty of machines available. The elliptical are CYBEX, not PRECOR. A little bit different motion, and really no difference between forward and reverse leg motion, but a good workout nonetheless, and the TVs work really well.


The food in the buffet has been really good for lunch. (I’ve been skipping my usual heavy breakfast for Zumba.) The cold salads are absolutely delicious and I’ve been trying every almost all of them. The Elite lounge had one of my favorites. Marinated Stilton in Port Wine on Walnut bread. The Stilton needed a bit more marinating, but with the special drink being port wine, there was enough to go around. Judy can’t drink or eat anything with high levels of Tannic acid, so she settle for assorted cheeses and crackers. The Elite lounge food is done very nicely with a large variety of munchies. Honey roasted peanuts, a snack cracker mix (with the little Cajun snacks I hate, but the spiced little rice crackers I really like), dried apricots, olives, bread sticks, assorted cheeses, individually packaged crackers (Ritz, Saltines) and the featured item (the aforementioned marinated stilton, smoked salmon, chips and guacamole, herb toast and goat cheese, sushi Princess style and a few others.


Piano Man was actually quite good. The new cast is energetic, fresh, enthusiastic and has some really good vocalists. We thoroughly enjoyed the show and then went dancing. Getting to sleep at night is becoming harder and harder. We’ve even started skipping the power nap to try and get to sleep a little faster. (I do not want to start depending on our portable pharmacopeia. Once in a while is ok.) But getting to bed at 11pm, moving the clocks one hour forward to 12, then getting to sleep about 1, waking up about 0600 is getting a bit tiring.


So Saturday morning the alarm goes off at 0600 and I simply turn it off and get an extra hour of really good sleep, followed by a half a shot of 5 hour energy. That stuff really works. This would be another really good day at sea. The latte’s in the Atrium were great, Kim’s Zumba class was really good, but again, needing a little more kick, I headed for the gym and did about an hour on the elliptical. Actually got interested in that Sorcerer movie with Nicolas Cage and just ran until it was over. For lunch we did something different and went to the dining room. Had a great lunch, French fries and a mufaletta sandwich, along with some ice cream, and about 6 glasses of water. We skipped ballroom and line dance class and instead watched Kim’s Diamond Dash round 3. (I’ll let Pia fill in the details.)


Because the Captain, and let me say we really, really like this captain, tracked northward into the Bering Sea to avoid a storm in the gulf of Alaska, we ended up exiting the Bering Sea just north of Dutch Harbor. Lots of ship traffic, including a close up view of a crabber, puffins and a pod of Orcas were the highlights as we spent a few hours out on deck 16 aft watching the various islands go by. Snow covered islands and the sea. Reminded me a little of our Antarctic cruise. Without the little detour, there wouldn’t have been much to see.


Speaking of the captain, there were a couple of “assessment” parties a couple of nights ago. One during dinner, was in the Officer’s mess on Deck 4. We actually smelled something funny in Savoy. It turned out to be someone left a plastic tray on a coffee burner. The captain came on and explained everything. Later we heard another one called in the Explorer’s lounge, which we had just walked out of. We ran into Kim and Matt while Matt was headed to the lounge as he was part of the assessment party.


Once again the Captain came on to explain it was a dishwasher that went belly up and needed to be unplugged. Something like half the ship are previous cruisers, so we all know what assessment parties are and when you are in the middle of the Bering Sea, with 36F water all around you and the nearest help in Kamchatka, your ears perk up at the slightest hint of trouble!


This is our first cruise since the Concordia and I have noticed that this Captain is much more hands on, vocal and projecting an “in charge” persona than any of our past captains. The noon update is given by him, not the officer of the watch. However, we’ve not sailed with this captain before, so that could just be his way of doing things. We like it.


After getting thoroughly chilled outside (what a change from the 90’s in Thailand), we retired to a very nice corner of Skywalkers to watch the remainder of our passage through the straits, and into a blizzard. Haven’t seen snow on a ship since Antarctica. Pretty neat and the view was great. We just stayed in Skywalkers and had guacamole and chips, and margaritas until the snow got so thick you really couldn’t see anything anymore.


We decided to see the “mind reader” again after dancing to Nightwatch on their first sequence. This show was much better and much more mysterious. It’s pretty clear he is one sharp cookie with probably a photographic memory and a really sharp and quick mind. I still don’t believe in mind reading, but do believe in passenger list memorization and memorizing entire books. One will never know.


After the mind reading show, it was the ABBA hour with Paul and the cruise staff. We danced for a while in Fusion then headed for bed. After changing the clocks, we still didn’t get to sleep, if you call it that, until after 1am.

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Love reading all of your posts....Thank you for bringing the Diamond back to AK so I can get on her to spend 14 days......:) And to think, I just planted cabbages in Anchorage....and it does look like snow here today....and feels like it too....:(

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All rounds start with finding Heidi, a member of the cruise staff. Game started with 18 teams and starting point is Atrium deck 5.

Round One: Each team was handed a sealed envelope and a card and at count of three opened it to find a clue as to where to find Heidi. At Heidi’s point, which was the ice cream bar on 14, there was another clue. This time we raced down to Fusion on 7 to find another clue and so on. Last clue led us to Cyber Golf where another team member was waiting to sign our card. We then raced back to Atrium where we had to solve aforementioned puzzles. Five teams were eliminated.


Round Two: Clue sent us to shuffleboard area and then back down to Atrium. We were handed a sheet of paper whereas we had to gather 7 items; one at a time in order. Only one team member could do it; other had to tell them where to go. Four teams were eliminated.


Round Three: Clue sent us to find Heidi at the spa. She handed us a balloon which had a ping pong ball in it. We had to race back to Atrium, blow up the balloon, bust it and take that ball and four others which were waiting in a bucket at all 9 spots and one person had to run up stairs to deck 6 overlook and toss balls into bucket held by their partner. You had to get 3 balls in bucket or take 5 more and go back up. I caught one, Tina went back up and I caught two more. Then we had to pick up two spoons and a piece of rope and tie a spoon to each end. We had to pass spoons on rope up one person’s leg and down the other. We never made it, because five teams finished before we did. Four teams were eliminated.


Round Four: Five teams in Atrium each given two decks of cards; one red, one blue. Cards had been shuffled and returned to pack and contestants needed to put then in numerical, suit and color order; all 8. They then opened an envelope with a clue that took them to find Heidi in the Wakeview Bar. Heidi gave them a medal which they wore as they returned to the Atrium. Each team was then given a sheet in which they needed to solve 7 puzzles. Here’s two examples:

26 = L of the A

12 = S of the Z

First three teams to finish correctly became the final three.

Each person was asked to remove his/her watch and then one member of team stepped forward. Task was to wait 2 minutes and then step back when you thought the correct time had elapsed. Then other member had to do the same thing. Teams were given points as to how close they came to 2 minutes.


Then they had to solve 3 numerical puzzles and teams again, in specifically allotted time had to turn in results. Very easy for me since it’s my thing. Too bad I wasn’t playing. :(


Using these four numbers only, you have to reach the resulting number and you can only use plus, minus, divide and multiply one time each, but only three of these can be used.

NUMBERS: 9 -31 - 2 - 28 FINAL ANSWER IS: 157

This is an easy one. All three teams are Aussies and prizes were:

3rd place - pens and flashlight key chains

2nd place - same as above plus lanyards

1st place - a bag of all Princess prizes

Everyone also got a certificate.

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All rounds start with finding Heidi, a member of the cruise staff. Game started with 18 teams and starting point is Atrium deck 5.

Round One: Each team was handed a sealed envelope and a card and at count of three opened it to find a clue as to where to find Heidi. At Heidi’s point, which was the ice cream bar on 14, there was another clue. This time we raced down to Fusion on 7 to find another clue and so on. Last clue led us to Cyber Golf where another team member was waiting to sign our card. We then raced back to Atrium where we had to solve aforementioned puzzles. Five teams were eliminated.


Round Two: Clue sent us to shuffleboard area and then back down to Atrium. We were handed a sheet of paper whereas we had to gather 7 items; one at a time in order. Only one team member could do it; other had to tell them where to go. Four teams were eliminated.


Round Three: Clue sent us to find Heidi at the spa. She handed us a balloon which had a ping pong ball in it. We had to race back to Atrium, blow up the balloon, bust it and take that ball and four others which were waiting in a bucket at all 9 spots and one person had to run up stairs to deck 6 overlook and toss balls into bucket held by their partner. You had to get 3 balls in bucket or take 5 more and go back up. I caught one, Tina went back up and I caught two more. Then we had to pick up two spoons and a piece of rope and tie a spoon to each end. We had to pass spoons on rope up one person’s leg and down the other. We never made it, because five teams finished before we did. Four teams were eliminated.


Round Four: Five teams in Atrium each given two decks of cards; one red, one blue. Cards had been shuffled and returned to pack and contestants needed to put then in numerical, suit and color order; all 8. They then opened an envelope with a clue that took them to find Heidi in the Wakeview Bar. Heidi gave them a medal which they wore as they returned to the Atrium. Each team was then given a sheet in which they needed to solve 7 puzzles. Here’s two examples:

26 = L of the A


12 = S of the Z


First three teams to finish correctly became the final three.


Each person was asked to remove his/her watch and then one member of team stepped forward. Task was to wait 2 minutes and then step back when you thought the correct time had elapsed. Then other member had to do the same thing. Teams were given points as to how close they came to 2 minutes.


Then they had to solve 3 numerical puzzles and teams again, in specifically allotted time had to turn in results. Very easy for me since it’s my thing. Too bad I wasn’t playing. Example:

Using these four numbers only, you have to reach the resulting number and you can only use plus, minus, divide and multiply one time each, but only three of these can be used.


NUMBERS: 9 -31 - 2 - 28 FINAL ANSWER IS: 157


This is an easy one. All three teams are Aussies and prizes were:

3rd place - pens and flashlight key chains


2nd place - same as above plus lanyards


1st place - a bag of all Princess prizes


Everyone also got a certificate.

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All rounds start with finding Heidi, a member of the cruise staff. Game started with 18 teams and starting point is Atrium deck 5.

Round One: Each team was handed a sealed envelope and a card and at count of three opened it to find a clue as to where to find Heidi. At Heidi’s point, which was the ice cream bar on 14, there was another clue. This time we raced down to Fusion on 7 to find another clue and so on. Last clue led us to Cyber Golf where another team member was waiting to sign our card. We then raced back to Atrium where we had to solve aforementioned puzzles. Five teams were eliminated.


Round Two: Clue sent us to shuffleboard area and then back down to Atrium. We were handed a sheet of paper whereas we had to gather 7 items; one at a time in order. Only one team member could do it; other had to tell them where to go. Four teams were eliminated.


Round Three: Clue sent us to find Heidi at the spa. She handed us a balloon which had a ping pong ball in it. We had to race back to Atrium, blow up the balloon, bust it and take that ball and four others which were waiting in a bucket at all 9 spots and one person had to run up stairs to deck 6 overlook and toss balls into bucket held by their partner. You had to get 3 balls in bucket or take 5 more and go back up. I caught one, Tina went back up and I caught two more. Then we had to pick up two spoons and a piece of rope and tie a spoon to each end. We had to pass spoons on rope up one person’s leg and down the other. We never made it, because five teams finished before we did. Four teams were eliminated.


Round Four: Five teams in Atrium each given two decks of cards; one red, one blue. Cards had been shuffled and returned to pack and contestants needed to put then in numerical, suit and color order; all 8. They then opened an envelope with a clue that took them to find Heidi in the Wakeview Bar. Heidi gave them a medal which they wore as they returned to the Atrium. Each team was then given a sheet in which they needed to solve 7 puzzles. Here’s two examples:

26 = L of the A


12 = S of the Z


First three teams to finish correctly became the final three.


Each person was asked to remove his/her watch and then one member of team stepped forward. Task was to wait 2 minutes and then step back when you thought the correct time had elapsed. Then other member had to do the same thing. Teams were given points as to how close they came to 2 minutes.


Then they had to solve 3 numerical puzzles and teams again, in specifically allotted time had to turn in results. Very easy for me since it’s my thing. Too bad I wasn’t playing. Example:

Using these four numbers only, you have to reach the resulting number and you can only use plus, minus, divide and multiply one time each, but only three of these can be used.


NUMBERS: 9 -31 - 2 - 28 FINAL ANSWER IS: 157


This is an easy one. All three teams are Aussies and prizes were:

3rd place - pens and flashlight key chains


2nd place - same as above plus lanyards


1st place - a bag of all Princess prizes


Everyone also got a certificate.


Sounds like a lot of fun. Hope they will have this on future cruises.

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I couldn't believe it last night when it started to snow on the ship! This is only the second time I have been in snow, what an incredible sight. We were on Aurora alert, there was a giant solar flair several nights ago, but the clouds and snow prevented us from seeing it. Maybe tonight.


Yesterday we sailed throug the Aleutians, it was magnificent to see them covered in snow, glaciers everywhere. I was not expecting such a scenic passing, and it was freezing outside. This did not stop us from going outside, but i need warmer clothing!


Seward is snowed in, can't get to exit glacier because of it. Looks like a day to stroll the wonderful town, and hit the Ace hardware/Fish house for warmer clothing and good trinkets.


Happy Mothers Day


Amelia, that sounds absolutely beautiful! Hopefully, you found some warmer clothes today.

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CCrain-Thanks so much for your posts. I feel like we are traveling with you but would love to have seen the snow from Skywalkers!


Half the crew has never seen snow, so at 2am on Saturday night, when most of them got off shift, they got to play in about an inch of accumulation on the upper decks. Frank, our room steward from India, and most of the buffet and dining room staff, described the event with that look of childish wonder in their eyes, as they talked about the snowman building, snowball fights, taking pictures and losing out on more sleep, but infinitely worth it, at such a late hour of the night.


Yesterday we went through several snow squalls as we paralled the coast of Kodiak inbound to Seward. Nice big springtime flakes traveling upwards past the horizon court windows or blowing in vortexes behind the ship off our balcony.


At dinner it was bright blue sky and whales off the Port side of the dining room. No breaching or diving, just blowing about 500 yards away, so hard to tell what they were. Half the dining room rushed over to the deck 5 windows to see them.


Back into the snow and cold. Docking now in Seward and its cloudy and snowing. Perfect spring day.


Ahhh, the simple things in life...

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Welcome to Seward, Alaska. Nice to back in the USA. I can now stop carrying copies of our passports and just carry my driver’s license. It will also be nice to understand the currency. J The sun came up shortly after 5 AM and will not set tonight until 10:30 PM. And tonight, we won’t need to put our clocks forward. Only have to do that one more time before end of the cruise on Saturday. Temp today expected to be about 60. Nice change from 30’s and 40’s. And no snow. I loved seeing it yesterday, but would hate to have to walk in it during a day in port. However, right now it’s only 37 degrees. Someone may have made an error in forecasting.


We are here until 5 PM and for those staying on board there is literally nothing to do. Immigration inspection will begin shortly; expected to last 2+ hours. Agenda is 10 AM movie on MUTS; “Metropolis,” and that’s basically it for the day. MUTS tonight has A Smile as Big as the Moon and in the theater, comedian Tim Walkoe.

Even though we were in Alaska in 2009, It’s been a lot of years since we’ve been to this port. As soon as we finish inspection, we will be off to wander around. One of our friends (Tina and Ken) were supposed to do a horseback trail ride. This has been cancelled due to snowy/icy tracks.

Off to breakfast now. Announcement just made that immigration has begun. We have designated number sequence.

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Hi Pia!!!


I sailed with you on the Crown Princess TA in Sept of 08! You probably don't remember me since you sail a LOT and meet so many people!


Can you do me a big favor? I just read a review that said Kelvin is the CD on the Diamond right now. Can you ask him how long he will be on the ship?


I'm so hoping he's on next month when I sail! He's so wonderful!

Thanks! :D

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Half the crew has never seen snow, so at 2am on Saturday night, when most of them got off shift, they got to play in about an inch of accumulation on the upper decks. Frank, our room steward from India, and most of the buffet and dining room staff, described the event with that look of childish wonder in their eyes, as they talked about the snowman building, snowball fights, taking pictures and losing out on more sleep, but infinitely worth it, at such a late hour of the night.


Yesterday we went through several snow squalls as we paralled the coast of Kodiak inbound to Seward. Nice big springtime flakes traveling upwards past the horizon court windows or blowing in vortexes behind the ship off our balcony.


At dinner it was bright blue sky and whales off the Port side of the dining room. No breaching or diving, just blowing about 500 yards away, so hard to tell what they were. Half the dining room rushed over to the deck 5 windows to see them.


Back into the snow and cold. Docking now in Seward and its cloudy and snowing. Perfect spring day.


Ahhh, the simple things in life...

What an adventure for the crew! I am sure they will talk about it for some time to come. Loved to hear about the wales.

Thank you for sharing great stories.

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