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Royal Kicked Us Off!!!

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OP...you have much more patience & understanding than I would have had in this situation...so sorry to hear your cruise plans feel thru but glad you were able to salvage a vacation & graduation celebration...RCL should give you a FCC along with a refund just to do the right thing!

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KC320, I like your signature! I hope you got a hard copy of the receipt showing your cruise refund. For some reason, it takes much more time for a refund to appear on my credit card than a charge! I wonder why they wouldn't allow a third adult in the third cabin. But then, there's the issue of get vacation approved at the last minute.

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You ALL have been so supportive in this very difficult situation.

Sorry no posts from me today -- this will have to be a quickie -- getting house cleaned finally for Chicago family arriving in 1.5 hr!!! Lost a day with all this RC mess going on.


Baccalaureate tonight and my granddaughter is one of 2 students giving a Christian message --she has been "in charge" of Fellowship of Christian Athletes this year and in Young Life and won 2 state awards in Assemblies of God Fine Arts competition for photography and drama!!! Tomorrow night 4 yr old granddaughter's dance recital. Graduation ceremonies 10 AM Saturday at the university arena -- the other 4 girls I was bringing on the cruise all in top 10% and 1 was even in TOP TEN of the class, ranked 3rd. And these are the girls they DON'T want on their ship....


Called back into RC today and talked to a nice woman -- she assures me (believe it when I see it) I am getting full refund and will send email when it is to be dropped onto the credit card (and she said they were monitoring this thread!!!) She said she thought "management" should look into creating a system to catch these things earlier and way to notify passengers -- really, I think that should NOT be a big deal to create, and probably is already in place but NOONE seems to CARE!!! She said I should write top brass!!! Still noone can say YES or NO to if Mike & I want to take our REAL 6 grandkids again if we would be allowed to book it on RC!!! I ask, how does RC really really know they are our grandkids??? Guess I should have lied and said one the girls in the other cabin was my granddaughter!!!


Will keep you all informed but days getting crazy. Luncheon Sat at daughter's; dinner Sat at son's -- leave Sun AM for Daytona. May only post after 11 PM CDT...

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Have fun with all the activities....you should be very proud.....


I have to agree that you need to take this to the top.......asap......I know its too late for the Mn since it is sold out now,but there should really make this up to you..


I would call the executive office before you go........so they cant think oh well,you still salvaged your vacation............the number is 888-767-4644

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Best wishes to you and the vacation. You sound like the kind of people I would enjoy sailing with.


Called back into RC today and talked to a nice woman --.... (and she said they were monitoring this thread!!!) ...


I am expecting a full rectal examination from RCI on June 23 for my comments here.:rolleyes:

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You ALL have been so supportive in this very difficult situation.


Called back into RC today and talked to a nice woman -- she assures me (believe it when I see it) I am getting full refund and will send email when it is to be dropped onto the credit card (and she said they were monitoring this thread!!!)


Will keep you all informed but days getting crazy. Luncheon Sat at daughter's; dinner Sat at son's -- leave Sun AM for Daytona. May only post after 11 PM CDT...


You DO NOT owe anyone an apology!!!!


I would be checking my CC account DAILY to see if/when you receive your credit.


They cannot repair a mistake, no policy can repair a mistake. The original booking agent got the birth year wrong. Had you not called them, the mistake would have been found at check-in and you would have been denied at the port. The only repair would have been to break the rule and allow you to sail.



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You DO NOT owe anyone an apology!!!!


I would be checking my CC account DAILY to see if/when you receive your credit.


They cannot repair a mistake, no policy can repair a mistake. The original booking agent got the birth year wrong. Had you not called them, the mistake would have been found at check-in and you would have been denied at the port. The only repair would have been to break the rule and allow you to sail.




That happened to our friends on a Carnival cruise. The mother and father were booked in an inside cabin, and their four children (one room all under 21, the other with one over 21) were booked in two separate cabins at the other end of the ship. Carnival's age policy is the same as Royal's. They didn't catch their mistake until it came time to board - it caused a good bit of chaos during embarkation, but they were allowed to cruise in their booked staterooms because it was Carnival's mistake.

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Common sense is not as common as it used to be.


Who do you feel is lacking it? I think the OP has handled this situation much better than many on these boards would have, the cruiseline on the other hand once again has proven they have no clue.

Agree, situations like this should be handled on a case by case basis.
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Agree, situations like this should be handled on a case by case basis.

Exactly, Cruisin Kay was not trying to pull a fast one one the cruiseline. She contacted the cruiseline to book this cruise and was upfront with what she was trying to do. The rep she dealt with messed up when they input one birthdate incorrectly, though I wonder if the rep had to in order to actually book this cruise. Once the error was found, the situation should have been elevated to someone who had the authority to fix the problem. All parties could have been moved to the two JS, at no extra cost to the OP, that were available at the time the OP contacted the cruiseline or an exception could have been made to allow them to keep their original cabins. We aren't talking a bunch of frat kids, we are talking about a group of supervised, HS graduates who were offered a wonderful trip by a caring set of grandparents.


Hopefully, the cruiseline decides to make this right. It is too late to do anything about the originally planned cruise but they still have an opportunity to make it up to these girls.


To the OP, have a wonderful time in Daytona and I hope you will be able to come back from your vacation to a refund from RCL and more.:)

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I'm the son of Cruisin_Kay_D and the father of her granddaughter.


I can tell you all this has been a trying time for my mother. I commend my mother for keeping her cool with Royal Caribbean. The girls have handled the whole situation quite well. Imagine, if you will, your Senior Trip being pulled right out from under you a week before you are to go. The girls' parents have been quite flexible as well.


It has been quite the pain in the backside to revamp all the plans so close to graduation. All of the parents were potential new clients for Royal Caribbean.


I would advise Royal Caribbean to 'make it right' with my mother as any good business would not want to 'tick off' a customer who has used their product some 31 times. (Granted it hasn't been on their lines each time)


She has used a cruise booking agent on many of her trips and the agent is completely shocked over my mother's treatment by Royal Caribbean. This lack of customer service and general ineptitude has a rippling effect.


I cannot imagine the stress it would have caused had they been there to board and were denied. Again, where was the cruise line when it came down to someone taking some initiative and picking up the phone to make a call to explain why they were canceling the booking?


My parents probably enjoy cruising more than any travel they do. They have the means to go as they wish and just completed a very interesting 2-week cruise from the coast of FL to the California.


I'm certain their Royal Caribbean days are probably past them. One of the oddest things is that Royal Caribbean reps cannot tell my mother whether or not she can travel with her six grandchildren. How crazy is that?


I've heard a satisfied customer typically tells one other person while a dissatisfied customer typically tells 10 or more. Additionally, I find it interesting the number of hits this particular thread has received.


Thanks to all of you who've supported my mother and offered your encouragement over the last few days. She has bragged on the friends from this board and the great number of people she's met on the seas during their 31 cruise vacations. You all are to be commended for your knowledge of cruising. I wanted to come on and thank you personally.

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I can only imagine the stress frustration and dissappointment this has caused your mother and all the families concerned. I am so glad she has found an alternative and hope they all have a fantastic time despite all this. All I can say is it's RCL's loss

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As a mom of three (grown) son's myself, I have to say what a great post this was! That was so kind of you to say all of those nice things about your mom and the members on here. She is definitely a very strong person to think so quick on her feet to try and take the girls somewhere fun. I hope they have a great time on their trip and I do hope that RC makes this right.


About 4 years ago, I was cruising with my two younger sons (their father and I divorced many years ago so last name is different even). I have full custody and had checked with RC at least 3 times via phone about what I had to bring with me in order to board the ship. I received the same answer all 3 times. When I got to the check-in, I was asked to produce a notarized letter from their father to board? I nicely told the lady that it was not a requirement from RC as I had full custody (mind you divorce papers in hand, as well as all have passports. RC told me all I needed was passports). She got very snippy with me and I asked for a manager. At this point, my BP was through the roof. The manager came over, I explained the story to her and she told the other chick that I was correct. I had full custody and there was no signed paper needed from dad. Keep in mind, this process took about 20 minutes and I really thought they were going to turn us away. I did receive a nice long email back from RC that I carry with me still when we board and the 17 year old is with me. It clearly says the only thing I need is passports to board so from that point on, I bring the email and our passports. Sometimes, it's like the right foot doesn't know what the left is doing at RC. They all need to get on the same page but it would seem like that doesn't happen.


Best of luck to your mom and the girls!:D

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I'm the son of Cruisin_Kay_D and the father of her granddaughter.


I can tell you all this has been a trying time for my mother. I commend my mother for keeping her cool with Royal Caribbean. The girls have handled the whole situation quite well. Imagine, if you will, your Senior Trip being pulled right out from under you a week before you are to go. The girls' parents have been quite flexible as well.


It has been quite the pain in the backside to revamp all the plans so close to graduation. All of the parents were potential new clients for Royal Caribbean.


I would advise Royal Caribbean to 'make it right' with my mother as any good business would not want to 'tick off' a customer who has used their product some 31 times. (Granted it hasn't been on their lines each time)


She has used a cruise booking agent on many of her trips and the agent is completely shocked over my mother's treatment by Royal Caribbean. This lack of customer service and general ineptitude has a rippling effect.


I cannot imagine the stress it would have caused had they been there to board and were denied. Again, where was the cruise line when it came down to someone taking some initiative and picking up the phone to make a call to explain why they were canceling the booking?


My parents probably enjoy cruising more than any travel they do. They have the means to go as they wish and just completed a very interesting 2-week cruise from the coast of FL to the California.


I'm certain their Royal Caribbean days are probably past them. One of the oddest things is that Royal Caribbean reps cannot tell my mother whether or not she can travel with her six grandchildren. How crazy is that?


I've heard a satisfied customer typically tells one other person while a dissatisfied customer typically tells 10 or more. Additionally, I find it interesting the number of hits this particular thread has received.


Thanks to all of you who've supported my mother and offered your encouragement over the last few days. She has bragged on the friends from this board and the great number of people she's met on the seas during their 31 cruise vacations. You all are to be commended for your knowledge of cruising. I wanted to come on and thank you personally.


What a lovely post! Hope all goes well!

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I sincerely hope after everything that has happened, that your stay in Daytona is best time ever! Have a wonderful time and I commend that you never lost your cool and always held yourself as a lady. Thank you, now go have fun!

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After reading this entire thread, I have concluded that RCI, like any other company, will tolerate any incompetence on behalf of its Customer Service department or any of its employees if it does not adversely affect it's bottom line. If cruise ships continue to embark with full capacity, if airlines fill every seat, if McDonalds sells its 3 hundreth quatrillion burger, nothing will change.


The only solution that is practical is that when anyone is treated poorly by a company, whether real or perceived, that one should refrain from doing business with that company. Fortunately, whether it be cruiselines, airlines or hamburger joints, we are fortunate enough to have alternatives.


I thank the OP for posting, and am truly sorry for her and her family and friends' ordeal in this matter. I hope they have a wonderful vacation.


Remember, Caveat Emptor.

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I'm the son of Cruisin_Kay_D and the father of her granddaughter.





Thanks to all of you who've supported my mother and offered your encouragement over the last few days. She has bragged on the friends from this board and the great number of people she's met on the seas during their 31 cruise vacations. You all are to be commended for your knowledge of cruising. I wanted to come on and thank you personally.


What a lovely post! Hope all goes well!


Let me add on that this is definitely a wonderful post. Your parents, daughter and friends all deserve a wonderful vacation. It is a shame that it had to start out as it did, but hey fate often plays a role, maybe there is a reason? Either way I do hope they enjoy and create many memorable moments.

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Royal Caribbean has two policies that you are butting up against here. While many have gotten around them, the only reason they have is that no one high enough in corporate "caught" those bookings. Yours, however, was caught.


Royal Caribbean does not allow "minors" under the age of 21 to sail in a stateroom alone. They will make an exception to this policy if the parents/legal guardians (not grandparents, not older friends, not aunts/uncles, etc) are in the stateroom directly across from (doors facing) or directly next to the stateroom with the children under 21.


If those under 21'ers bring friends and put those friends in the room with the under 21'ers, it must be a 1:1 ratio of related child to unrelated under 21'er.


In this case, you had "minors" in a stateroom without someone over 21 and without their parents sailing onboard. Violation #1. In addition, it sounds like it was a 1:2 ratio so even if the grandparents had been the parents it would be in violation so this makes violation #2.


This is an often misunderstood policy and, woe to Royal Caribbean it is not even understood by some of their frontline agents.


Your best bet when doing this is to ALWAYS talk to Resolutions. They are highly trained and know these policies well.


I am sorry that this happened, it is a horrible thing. The only saving grace is that it did happen before you showed up at the pier.


And, before someone tells me I have the policy wrong, this comes directly from their written policy that I was given when I had this dispute. It came from Adam's personal office.

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After reading this entire thread, I have concluded that RCI, like any other company, will tolerate any incompetence on behalf of its Customer Service department or any of its employees if it does not adversely affect it's bottom line.


Almost always, bad customer service will adversely affect the bottom line. Nothing new about that.


Some companies take customer service very seriously, as well they should.


When customers are not treated well, they become ex-customers. In addition, prospective customers hearing about a company’s poor service record will also decide to use the competition, rather than be subjected to aggravation.

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As my very successful late Father always said..."I've never known any company go out of business if they were giving good customer service". RCCL should take head.


Kay....glad that you have taken lemons and made lemonade in this whole situation.

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OP...I am so sorry for this all happening to you. You are making lemons into lemonade, and I wish you and the girls the best vacation ever.


We just got off the Freedom. Initially when DD made the reservation directly with RC on the phone, she and her DH and two girls (3 & 7) were all in one outside cabin. After my husband and I decided also to go, we decided to go with Promenade View inside cabins and DD splurged on two adjoining cabins for her family and we had a third cabin next door. When the RC agent added the second cabin to her initial res. she put the two little girls names in the new cabin. When the res. were all turned over to my TA she said it was a mess...I know it sounds easy enough to just have one parent switch, but until the door adjoining the cabins is opened (which it was not when we boarded) the room keys are an issue. I am surprised that even though the cabins are adjoining that the computer system allowed the RC agent to put two very little children in their own cabin...

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I'm the son of Cruisin_Kay_D and the father of her granddaughter.


I can tell you all this has been a trying time for my mother. I commend my mother for keeping her cool with Royal Caribbean. The girls have handled the whole situation quite well. Imagine, if you will, your Senior Trip being pulled right out from under you a week before you are to go. The girls' parents have been quite flexible as well.


It has been quite the pain in the backside to revamp all the plans so close to graduation. All of the parents were potential new clients for Royal Caribbean.


I would advise Royal Caribbean to 'make it right' with my mother as any good business would not want to 'tick off' a customer who has used their product some 31 times. (Granted it hasn't been on their lines each time)


She has used a cruise booking agent on many of her trips and the agent is completely shocked over my mother's treatment by Royal Caribbean. This lack of customer service and general ineptitude has a rippling effect.


I cannot imagine the stress it would have caused had they been there to board and were denied. Again, where was the cruise line when it came down to someone taking some initiative and picking up the phone to make a call to explain why they were canceling the booking?


My parents probably enjoy cruising more than any travel they do. They have the means to go as they wish and just completed a very interesting 2-week cruise from the coast of FL to the California.


I'm certain their Royal Caribbean days are probably past them. One of the oddest things is that Royal Caribbean reps cannot tell my mother whether or not she can travel with her six grandchildren. How crazy is that?


I've heard a satisfied customer typically tells one other person while a dissatisfied customer typically tells 10 or more. Additionally, I find it interesting the number of hits this particular thread has received.


Thanks to all of you who've supported my mother and offered your encouragement over the last few days. She has bragged on the friends from this board and the great number of people she's met on the seas during their 31 cruise vacations. You all are to be commended for your knowledge of cruising. I wanted to come on and thank you personally.


I can tell from her posts that you mom is, indeed, a great lady. I am sorry she took some flack from some of the people here on cruise critic, I have been enduring some of that myself the last few days.


Anyway, I am glad she found an alternate vacation (which happens to be right near where I live) and I have given her a few hints on places to eat and such. I hope the all have a great time in Daytona!

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I can tell from her posts that you mom is, indeed, a great lady. I am sorry she took some flack from some of the people here on cruise critic, I have been enduring some of that myself the last few days.


Anyway, I am glad she found an alternate vacation (which happens to be right near where I live) and I have given her a few hints on places to eat and such. I hope the all have a great time in Daytona!


Please reread the entire thread...posters have been extremely supportive and positive towards the OP, acknowledging that she has a legitimate concern and that RCI customer service completely screwed up her reservation. This thread is one of the reasons I use CC; several people putting their heads together to help the OP sort out what went wrong...your thread is a completely different story:rolleyes:

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That happened to our friends on a Carnival cruise. The mother and father were booked in an inside cabin, and their four children (one room all under 21, the other with one over 21) were booked in two separate cabins at the other end of the ship. Carnival's age policy is the same as Royal's. They didn't catch their mistake until it came time to board - it caused a good bit of chaos during embarkation, but they were allowed to cruise in their booked staterooms because it was Carnival's mistake.


I might have taken the risk at boarding and hope that this would occur, but I guess the risk was too great for them. Too bad RCCL caught theirs. I wish they could have sailed even if another adult had to come. I think I would've tried to get someone to:( Hope you all have a good time in Daytona, however, please consider driving over to the Gulf side which we did because the water is sooooo much prettier on that side. It only took a couple of hours to do it. The water on the Gulf is turquoise versus the muddier water at Daytona.

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