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Washy Washy Washy


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Just back from the Epic Barcelona to Barcelona. A theme of our cruise was the extreme pushing of the hand sanitizer. Upon boarding, the crew insists on spraying it on your hands. At every restaurant they had the hand sanitizer dispensers and then they also had an attendant or sometimes 2 waiting to spray your hands. I think it is great that they have the sanitizer dispensers available but each time you approach, they whip out the spray bottle and say "washy washy washy". We saw a couple of them hiding the bottle behind their backs. When I went to the outside buffet area, I already had a plate in my hands when one came up to me with the spray bottle. I thought she was going to spray my plate.


We went along with this for the first day until my husband's eczema on his hands started to get really bad. It had been clear for awhile so he hadn't thought to bring any of his presciption cream. We ended up paying over $100 so the ship's doctor could give him a cortisone cream!


After that we just walked past them as they said "washy washy washy". Several times, we thought they would chase after us or we would be denied entry to the ship.


This was our first time on NCL(we have been on Princess, Carnival and Royal Caribbean) and we never experienced anything like this. Prior to this we cruised 3 years ago so I am not sure if this is now prevalent on all the lines.


Does anyone know if this is new to NCL or to cruise lines in general? I understand they are trying to prevent outbreaks like norovirus but I think there is some conflicting info about whether these sanitizers even work.


I know this seems minor but was actually quite annoying to us.



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It was heavily pushed on our med cruise on RCCL a year and a half ago. I don't remember it upon ship entry, but entering any eating establishment they wouldn't let you in if they didn't see you use the automated hand sanitizer machine. It spit out soooo much purel though that DH and I would share what was given, and we'd still feel a need to wipe it on the first napkin we found.


Aaaaaaaand a nasty norovirus still ran rampant through the ship after we left Egypt.

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I would rather them be overly cautious then not. I read something about norovirus that said the sanitzer helps somewhat but just wiping your hands with a paper towel afterwards actually wipes off the norovirus.

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I think they are doing the correct thing by making sure people sanitise their hands,well done to them,but for people who suffer from skin complaints which could be aggrivated by the sanitiser or even have an allergy to its contents should be informed before boarding the ship and given the chance to bring their own sanitiser onboard.I do think there is a need for sanitiser I witnessed in the garden restaurant a lady putting porridge in her bowl lick the spoon then put her own spoon in the porridge tureen to get some more ignoring the serving ladle completely.I also saw some people using the public toilet areas without washing their hands afterwards.

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Hand sanitizer isn't going to protect you from getting sick. It helps, but nothing is 100% foolproof. Just use your brain...


Don't touch objects which you don't NEED to touch.


Avoid touching your mouth and face.


Wash your hands with soap and hot water every chance you get.


Following these three simple rules will go a long way.

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Benzethonium Chloride and Benzalkonium Chloride kill norovirus!

Bleach kills norovirus!

Thoroughly washing, rinsing and drying your hands sends norovirus down the drain and into the garbage.

Purell does NOT kill norovirus.

Just sayin'.

Anybody know what is in those washy washy bottles? If it is diluted bleach, then it would be helping. Otherwise it's just virus prevention theater!


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Just back from the Epic Barcelona to Barcelona. A theme of our cruise was the extreme pushing of the hand sanitizer. Upon boarding, the crew insists on spraying it on your hands. At every restaurant they had the hand sanitizer dispensers and then they also had an attendant or sometimes 2 waiting to spray your hands. I think it is great that they have the sanitizer dispensers available but each time you approach, they whip out the spray bottle and say "washy washy washy". We saw a couple of them hiding the bottle behind their backs. When I went to the outside buffet area, I already had a plate in my hands when one came up to me with the spray bottle. I thought she was going to spray my plate.


We went along with this for the first day until my husband's eczema on his hands started to get really bad. It had been clear for awhile so he hadn't thought to bring any of his presciption cream. We ended up paying over $100 so the ship's doctor could give him a cortisone cream!


After that we just walked past them as they said "washy washy washy". Several times, we thought they would chase after us or we would be denied entry to the ship.


This was our first time on NCL(we have been on Princess, Carnival and Royal Caribbean) and we never experienced anything like this. Prior to this we cruised 3 years ago so I am not sure if this is now prevalent on all the lines.


Does anyone know if this is new to NCL or to cruise lines in general? I understand they are trying to prevent outbreaks like norovirus but I think there is some conflicting info about whether these sanitizers even work.


I know this seems minor but was actually quite annoying to us.




Annoying? Sure. But when we have told the Happy Happy Washy Washy folks that we just washed our hands (and we had) they let us be.


Worst case scenario? We are better protected from the norovirus that makes its rounds on the ship or anything else that might be going around.


BTW? We always carry my husband's cortisone cream and his anti-itch medication on vacation. We know that just as soon as we leave it at home, he will need it.


Hope your next cruise is better.

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Just back from the Epic Barcelona to Barcelona. A theme of our cruise was the extreme pushing of the hand sanitizer. Upon boarding, the crew insists on spraying it on your hands. At every restaurant they had the hand sanitizer dispensers and then they also had an attendant or sometimes 2 waiting to spray your hands. I think it is great that they have the sanitizer dispensers available but each time you approach, they whip out the spray bottle and say "washy washy washy". We saw a couple of them hiding the bottle behind their backs. When I went to the outside buffet area, I already had a plate in my hands when one came up to me with the spray bottle. I thought she was going to spray my plate.


We went along with this for the first day until my husband's eczema on his hands started to get really bad. It had been clear for awhile so he hadn't thought to bring any of his presciption cream. We ended up paying over $100 so the ship's doctor could give him a cortisone cream!


After that we just walked past them as they said "washy washy washy". Several times, we thought they would chase after us or we would be denied entry to the ship.


This was our first time on NCL(we have been on Princess, Carnival and Royal Caribbean) and we never experienced anything like this. Prior to this we cruised 3 years ago so I am not sure if this is now prevalent on all the lines.


Does anyone know if this is new to NCL or to cruise lines in general? I understand they are trying to prevent outbreaks like norovirus but I think there is some conflicting info about whether these sanitizers even work.


I know this seems minor but was actually quite annoying to us.




NCL has been doing this for some time. My first NCL cruise was in 2007 and I think they were doing it then.

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I am glad they do this, at least it's some protection from germs, it must do something as they have it in hospitals all over UK. I watch in wonder when using the ladies toilets just how many WOMEN use the public toilets and walk straight pass the wash basins and out the door, I was always taught to wash my hands after using the toilet or before eating food, most people entering the dining room have not just washed their hands so at least this helps. I had campylobacter and had months of illness and have never been the same since so anything that helps reduce these type of germs have my approval.

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On Princess, they wouldn't let you enter the buffet until they either sprayed your hands or saw you use the dispenser, even when I told them that I had just washed my hands (and I had). Granted, it was after a few weeks of Noro issues, but as others have noted - the hand sanitizer will not not get rid of the bacteria - only good ol' hand-washing.


However, knowing how filthy people can be, I'd rather have them enforce the hand sanitizer rule, since your hands are only as clean as the last set of food serving utensils you touched :eek:

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I always have an eczema outbreak when I travel, cruise or no cruise, so I carry my cream and I also feel your husband's pain. Recently I was talking to an NCL captain and they said that the stations have cut back their Noro outbreaks completely. They now occasionally go into code red and make changes to who touches food, etc, but that they haven't had a full outbreak since. I think it's worth it, and i too have seen some disgusting things, so I'm glad they push it.

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First of all, it's Washy Washy Happy Happy.


Our first NCL cruise was in 2006 and they were already in force. We do not mind them at all. In fact we love their smiles and greetings.


There was one incident on Epic that made me smile and I want to share this story. It was during the TA crossing (long 13 day cruise).


We were in Garden Cafe and were exiting. We got behind a lady in a wheelchair (very pleasant elderly) and the Washy Washy Happy Happy gal momentarily left her post to chat with the lady.


In walked a big muscled guy - he looked around, saw the gal was busy, he went to the console and picked up the spare bottle and sprayed his hands himself!


On last cruise we were walking thru the Market Cafe on the last morning and came across the gal when we exited. I said to her "Washy Washy Sad Sad" - she smiled and said yes.


They are really part of NCL, so you either accept them or else ...

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I really don't think there is a clear answer to this. This topic has been discussed many times on these boards and there are those that it extremely annoys, those that love it and those like myself who are really indifferent to it.


I love the attitude of the Washy Washy girls. They are always smiling, pleasant and friendly. I know it does nothing for noro-virus but does probably help with other germs and hopefully reminds those, not so clean people, that germs are easily contacted on an enclosed space like a ship. Although I fear it may do the opposite and lead people into a false sense of security, thinking that is making them safe from germs and they are not as careful not to do things that spread them.


OP, it is part of cruising on NCL and if this is really an issue, I'm some other lines are not as cautious. But please give NCL credit for at least trying to keep their passengers as healthy as possible. And I would much rather they push it using their sing song Washy Happy girls than some front workers I have met in hospital entrances, barking at people.


My daughter and sister-in-law have reactions to that stuff as well, so I understand what you are saying. And again I don't have the answer to what else they can do to try and keep the germs from circulating on the ship. I'm sure you would have been more annoyed if the ship had reached it's magic percentage that turned them around to go back to port because of an outbreak.

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Hmmm, I see your medical reason but I like the fact they push hand sanitizer on everyone. I personally have purell on hand all the time especially in my car. I use it every time I go into the store and every time I'm back from the store. Same when I going and returning from work. I think it's very important to think about hand cleanliness. I also very rarely touch my face, and only immediately after washing my hands. I wear contacts and I think I'm just more forewarned as I had A few eye infections when I first began wearing them years ago.


We were on star just a few weeks ago and the washy washy guys were everywhere I really like this and I thought that provided maximum safety against norovirus infection.

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I haven't been on an NCL ship since 2009. At the time, the dispensers were available, but no one was spraying us.


I have severe eczema on my hands as well. Hand sanitizer, or anything alcohol-based, makes them crack open and bleed: which I think is far worse.


I never had issues on NCL, but I was not allowed to enter the buffet on a Princess ship without being forced to put it on...even though I explained I had just washed my hands, and it made them crack, burn, and bleed.


I agree that they have to enforce it though because so many people are just not that hygienic. It's an inconvenience that we have to bear. I am actually considering wearing disposible gloves for my upcoming Alaska cruise. That way, all of the sanitizer in the world won't crack my hands.

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I am sorry about your husbands hand condition, but quite frankly the expenditure to fix it was entirely of your own doing. Why would you not assume that something could happen even at your destination that might require it? If his condition is that serious, perhaps it's something you should carry all the time?


I would much rather think that 99% of the germs are taken care of with the washy washy station, then not have any kind of helping agent at all. Sure it's not fool proof, but it's doing something to keep things as well as they are. I for one would rather take any precaution that is available, rather than forego it because of one person's sensitivity. As a person with Rosacea, I understand the pain, however, I understand the need for everyone else's safety more. By walking past them you are endangering (how do you know you didn't touch something sickly?) your fellow passengers, and that is selfish. Please go back to your other cruise lines and sicken them. There are times to be a rebel, and times not to be, health and safety are never one of those times.

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"After that we just walked past them as they said "washy washy washy". Several times, we thought they would chase after us or we would be denied entry to the ship."


Not sure why both of you would have to walk past!


I walk through the buffet on occasion just looking for someone and having no intention of touching any utensils, still did the washy washy thing. We once visited the Blue Lagoon on the Star (before it was moved) and witnessed a fellow sat picking at his feet then calmly helping himself to pop and dessert from the display.


Like most other parents we brought our kids up to always wash up after the bathroom and before eating. I could not imagine not washing my hands before eating. We were in a local Chinese restaurant buffet and I felt compelled to tell a lady not to sample the dishes with her bare hands. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


It would be awkward not having the medications you need and I sympathize, however washy washy is it a part of life on a cruise as you now know, had you known I am sure you would have taken your own sanitizer or the eczema meds.

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I know I am the exception but I am HIGHLY allergic to hand sanitizer. I don't get a rash, or dry skin . . . I have an asthma attack. Sometimes it can be a MAJOR asthma attack. I can't use hand sanitizer nor be around it. Yes, I have to run away or hold my breath whenever anybody uses it. (I am also that way around scented things.)


Needless to say, I always go by ever Washy Washy Happy Happy person. My husband will sometimes tell them I am allergic b/c I am normally holding my breath.


I understand why people use hand sanitizer but just know that killing all of those germs can actually make someone very sick.


Maybe some people think I should live in a bubble. Maybe yes, but I have every right NOT to use hand sanitizer.

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We love the washy washy happy happy!! My dd fell in love with the girls that did the buffet entrance on the Jewel. They were probably the most popular crew at the goodbye show.


If you have a medical condition or an allergy, kindly explain. Just like you would with any other allergy or medical condition....

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On our last cruise they introduced the "washy washy girls" during the last show when they introduce the crew. From the reception they got from the audience, I'd guess there are far less people who find them annoying than those that don't.

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I didn't find the attendents to be especially friendly about it as some have suggested. Since they try to spray you even if you use the dispenser, I think it is over the top but I am obviously in the minority.


thank you everyone for your responses.

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I would imagine the washy girls and boys are also been watched to make sure they perform their assigned tasks. They are in the process of educating us, I guess, in the form of personal hygiene, like another poster said "better to be safe than sorry".

How would we feel if the ship could not sail because of the Norwalk virus been rampant aboard and has to stay in port to be sanitized? Only because some passenger(s) on the previous cruise were too lazy or pig headed to wash their hands. Or just flaunted the regulations because they always find a way, this should not apply to them, they are special. I am not suggesting passengers with skin or respiratory problems fall into this category, or people who need supplementary oxygen or are wheelchair bound, most find a way to abide by the rules without endangering others.

As Spock said "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few - or the one" I would not want to be the one responsible for possibly causing the suffering of other cruisers. In our heart of hearts we know simply washing our hands is the simplest way of stopping the spread of disease and only fair to your fellow man. Sure it is annoying and embarrassing at times to be reminded to cleanse ones hands, however it is part of cruising now and will not go away anytime soon.

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