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a skittledeedoo review for you, Miracle 5/30-6/7


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Well I have finally figured out a way to post pics to a review that are neither itsy-bitsy nor super-duper, ( at least I hope I have :p )


This past cruise was one I have looked forward to taking even before I considered booking one.

Some background.. I have quite a few cruises under my rhinestone studded somewhat corpulent belt. In fact, this was my second trip on the Miracle and my third to the Bahamas. The difference in this cruise was that my adult son was joining me fior his first cruise ever. Every other member of my family has been on at least one cruise with me. My DD has been on all but this one, my SIL has 3 under his belt, my sis and I have shared 2, my 2 year old granddaughter, and even crotchety old Mom has been on one.

My son has always been the one who couldn't get the time from work, or had social obligations or frequently volunteered to stay home so the pets would not have to be kenneled.

This was his turn.

I was looking forward to his unique take on the cruise experience. As the other CC'ers we met on-board can testify my son is nothing if not unique. :rolleyes:


We arrived at the NY pier at about 11:30 or so. Gave the bags to the porter with a quid or two and headed to the security check-in. There was no line. I mean it no line. The security 12 year old who was standing there kept waving me to him and I was mystified where everyone was hiding.

After security we marched around this weird maze of ropes to the desk where they gave us our sail and sign cards and quickly shuffled us to the line for embarkation. Here we found a line, but only because the kiosks were not working properly. They wheeled another bing-bong kiosk off the ship and we were in business. all in all maybe 3/4ths an hour from arrival to Lido.

A new worlds record for a non-VIP.

I have been on the Miracle and knew what she looked like. My son was dismayed. He felt claustrophobic at first. He said the colors and neon, the lower ceilings in the hallways and under the deck awning were very unexpected. He quickly got over it I assure you. I like the Farcus vision, for a fun cruise. My son was expecting a refined ocean liner ambiance. I'm still laughing at that.

We immediately went to the customer service desk to add cash to our sail and sign accounts no one on line easy peasy.

Next stop shore excursion desk, two for reef and rays on Grand Turk thanks much.

Moving on quickly through the atrium to the steak house reservation table. We reserveda table for two for night number 1. Free wine sure.


First weird encounter during a somewhat weird cruise. The gentleman who took our dinner reservations looked at us and made a point of telling us that there was a dress code in the steak house.

I looked at DS and he was a little taken aback also, we were dressed fine. I know my son needed to change his Bermuda shorts but I was in a dressy blouse and black capris. We assumed he was referring to the shorts, smiled and said fine.

We had our first lunch of the week at the buffet. I had the grilled reuben while DS hit the burgers and fries. They were fine. A nice reuben and he enjoyed the burger. Keep in mind I am from NY, a deli is like museum here, where a real reuben is like a masterpiece. So any comparison from me is unfair.

Finally it was after 1:30 and we could dump the carry-ons. And check out the cabin

Next up ...cabin fever and pass the muster.

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I was on the Miracle twice and enjoyed both cruises. Were you happy to see the purple grapes again in the dining room? I thought it was a bit much purple, but enjoyed the dinners and we had some laughs about the purple grapes. I hope you had a great cruise!

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Ever since the cruise I was trying to decide wether I was going to post the all of the fun occurances regarding our cabin in one LARGE paragraph or bit by bit during the review. I think I will do bit by bit just for poops and heehee's

When the cruise was booked I made sure the PVP understood there was to be two twin beds in the cabin. Each and every time I called I mentioned two twin beds. When ever I looked at the cruise manager on the Carnival site I checked for two twin beds.

Of course you know what was waiting for us. One big bed. For Mom and grown azz man son.

I was laughing, he needed therapy. We called over the room steward ( he was in the hallway ) He did not introduce himself and his name tag was covered with something or crooked so I could not address him by name but I did ask that the bed be seperated ASAP and that we have an ice bucket with ice in the evening. He said he was very busy, leave a note and he would get to it before dinner. Fine we left.


Time to explore the ship and get ready for the muster drill.

My son wanted me to explain how I knew where to go for the muster drill and for the life of me I couldn't understand his question. I mean I kept repeating we are in section "B", you go to where the sign says section "B".

He was getting a little testy til I figured out he meant he had not a clue, since this was his first cruise and was following me like a beagle. I explained about the sign on the door in the cabin. And received a very snippy "AHHHHH" :o




When DS finally understood the process we went to a comfy spot to wait till last call for the muster. I have a very bad back and was in no way able to stand in the back row. As we were waiting, Tony Ray the entertainer came by muttering and mumbling and asked if we needed help I said "no I know what I am doing" and he left muttering and mumbling. A few minutes later he came back and sheepishly told us we had to go to the drill. I asked if they were ready, he said not yet, so my son explained that I had a bad back and was waiting to the last row to go outside. He ( Tony ) became a man on a mission , he was going to find me a comfy place to sit during the drill, " don't worry " said he I will set you up. He started racing about looking for a "comfy " place for me to sit, when he tried to move some 90 year olds out of a window seat . I stopped the insanity and walked out to the deck. Actually we only got as far as the doorway where we stood with a Carnival employee who was laughing with us. There was nothing serious in my muster drill. I really enjoyed it . Afterwards my son told me he wanted to go to a real muster drill since he had never been to one and if heaven forbid something bad happened he did not want to be running through the ships corridors yelling "MAMA, MAMA!!!!



Checked for a change in sleeping arrangements and if our luggage arrived. NO change in the bed ( I was only a little itchy but it was not yet dinner time soooo I really could not get upset.) but the bags were there. The plastic luggage protector thing for the bed was not on the bed. It was in the middle of the floor so I put it on the bed and we unpacked quickly as it was time for the CC meet and greet Whoo hoo.


next up meet and greet and sail away.

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To any of you that participate in a roll call but don't show up at the meet and greet, trust me you are missing out on a real fun part of a cruise. The people at our meet and greet were a blast we ran into them through-out the cruise and enjoyed meals and drinks together, and in the case of DS many, many, raucous good times !!

The best part of a meet and greet is ( In my opinion ) that these people are strangers. If you have nothing in common you do not have to see them ever again, if however you hit it off you can make friends you will keep in touch with well after your cruise ends SHOUT OUT TO LIZA !!!!We had a fantastic meet and greet thanks to Mr. and Mrs. G in particular for organizing the whole thing ,a special nod to Lorstamps just for being nice people.

Just a note to Carnival.... This is an area this line could do better in, I mean the other mainstream lines help CC'ers set-up meet and greets and actually provide snacks and a nice area to hold the event. Carnival would also if you buy the $11 or so pp packege for drinks and snacks. I mean it would be nice customer service for a large roll call group. Just my opinion.



All of my cruises but one were from NY. I saw the skyline when there twin towers, when there was still smoke drifting up and when there was an achingly empty hole in the heart of America. This time I planned to sit it out inside . My DS and one of our new friends went to the front to watch the city drift by. I joined them for a moment but I really felt that I should leave room at the rail for the newbies who had never seen a spectacular NY sailaway. ( Plus we did have a balcony so I could go there but I wanted to give "STEWART" time to get stuff together. )

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New York skyline.



The Freedom Tower


Another view of the Freedom Tower. It has reached it's uppermost hieght at this time.



The Lady in the Harbor




For some reason DS forgot to take any pics going under the Verrazano bridge. I think he was just enjoying the view too much and forgot.


Next up A return to Cabin fever and Dinner at Nick and Noras.

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We had to hurry to the cabin to change, remember his royal snootyness (lol ) said we needed meet the dress code in order to partake of the fine vittles. So we arrive at our home at sea to find..... an empty dirty ice bucket and the plastic luggage thingy still on the one big bed. So STEWART had been there but not to finish up I guess.

I was Okay with it as we had hours before bed but DS decided to call. He kept using the direct line button on the phone but no one was answering so he called the desk. They told him to call the direct line on the phone. Finally someone answered, all full of tude, according to DS. I heard DS tell whomever what it was we needed ( bed separated ) and he hung up. He told me the person told him they were very behind but would get to it very soon, with an emphasis on very! okee dokee.

I put the plastic thingy away under the bed and we dressed and left for Nick and Noras.



Here's another shout out to CC. This is where I learned about the free bottle of wine on embarkation day. I have eaten at Nick and Noras before so I knew I was definately going back and since my son is as much a foodie as I am we decided to do this at least twice.

We arrived and were shown a lovely table by the window facing west just in time for sunset. The hostess was very sweet and personable. Our server came over and introduced himself,his assistant joined him to display the beautiful cuts of meat they serve.

The sommelier came to table to ask about our wine choice. I don't like many reds and DS is also not a big fan so we went with the white. I know red with beef. That is no longer a hard and fast rule. Unless you are a wine snob you drink what you like. The wine they gave us was not bad, certainly better than I expected for a free bottle of wine.

After a so-so amuse bouche ( tomato soup for me and a little burger for DS ) I settled in for my fav's. Ever since I booked this particular cruise I was looking forward to the escargo in N&N' s alas cruiselines have decided not to pay the price the wholesalers are asking so no slugs for me. Not a real problem since my absolute favorite appy has always been the beef carpaccio. yummmmmmm!!! I also can't get enough of the lobster bisque. So needless to say when these culinary delights arrived I was too busy slurping and chomping to take any pics but Zydecocruiser has fab pics of all the dishes at N&N's so give em a glance when you get a chance, your mouth will water.

The carpaccio is tender and flavorful with just the right amount of shaved parmesean and micro-greens. The bisque is so well made you can taste the individual ingredients. The cognac has a nice follow through in your throat and the lobster is delicate as it should be in a real bisque.

On to the main course. I ordered the NY strip and DS got the Cowboy. My steak was cooked perfectly medium rare as was DS's. We both opted for the three peppercorn sauce with the mushrooms, wasabi yukon mash, and creamed spinach.

Thanks to Sargent Shultz who let me know you could order as many sides as you wanted.

The mushrooms were meh, the mash was fine could have used a drop more wasabi for me, but the spinach was outstanding. I actually wanted to lick the bowl.

Now for dessert. Both of us ordered the chocolate sampler ( I think that is what it is called ) There are many pics of it on CC as it is by far the favorite dessert according to our servers. I loved all of them but I found the raspberry sorbet to be waaayy too sweet. We both had cappuchinos which were yummy. All in all an outstanding meal.

One note though. I don't remember how long ago they stopped serving the lovely palatte cleanser sorbet but I thought they had it on my last cruise. I told my son we would get one between course three and four I was wrong.

At the end of dinner the server asst. offered to take our picture against the "romantic sunset". My poor son choked on his wine as he told her I was his mother not his wife. She turned crimson and apologized profusely. We laughed it off and took the pic. Little did we know this would become a recurring theme for the entire cruise.:eek:

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After dinner we rolled each other back to the cabin to check on "STEWARTS" progress. Well, he had made none. The ice bucket was empty and still dusty, more importantly The Big Bed was still smiling at us in the middle of the room. After the asst. servers gaffe at dinner DS could not handle the "family bed" another minute. He again called the direct line on the cabin phone. no answer. After a good ten minutes I knew he was getting annoyed so I suggested we go to the desk in person and see if they could move the process along a tad.

We hit the customer service desk when no one else was there so goodie for us. We explained the situation. The lady behind the desk was professional if aloof. She wrote down the problem and said she would look into it.

I also forgot to mention in "more cabin fever" that while we were unpacking we found all kinds of stuff and trash left behind by the previous guests. There was laundry soap in the cabinet and papers and gum and misc. debris in the drawers. One thing I was happy to see the lady before me wore a larger size as I found several price tags for new clothes. ( She shops at Kohls BTW ;) ). I chose not to tell the customer service lady about the mess as I felt everyone could have a bad day, I had already cleaned and life is to short to get someone in trouble just because you can.

After this visit we decided to give Stewart some time to fix things so we went to Frankies and Johnnies so DS could have a smoke indoors. I quit smoking 3 years ago ( thanks in part to CC ) but my poor baby just can't kick the habit yet.

If you have not been on the Miracle, the decor is a little odd even for Carnival. Another poster above mentioned the grapes and I will post a pic of them later ( I think ), but Frankie and Johnnies is weird even for the Miracle. This is the indoor smoking lounge for the shiip ( not including a section of the casino bar ). There are spikes jutting down from the ceiling and metal columns throughout the lounge. I told my son it was like smoking in an iron maiden. You could get half snookered and sit there believing you were in an episode of star wars where the ceiling and floors were getting closer and closer ready to spear your smoker self.

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Some of the metal spears jutting from the ceiling in Frankie and Johnnies.




A cool double exposure that I think a drunk smoker might see while have a cig at Frankie and Johnnies.




After his cigarette DS could not wait another minute to see how the bed situation was working out. I told him he could if all else fails sleep on the sofa and put his feet on the bed. He is 6'1'', he conceded this was an option but rightfully felt since he paid his fare he should get a bed and not one he would need to discuss with Sigmund Freud. I kinda had to agree to back to the cabin we went.

When we arrived, lo and behold we found not only seperate beds but a full ice bucket. Neither bed was turned down and no funtimes,chocolates or towel animals in sight. I was a little afraid to use the ice since I was not sure Stewart rinsed the bucket. I made up my mind I would go to the Lido and re-fill it just to be sure. DS was just happy he didn'thave to curl up next to his Mama for 8 nights. I also assumed that turn down time had not arrived ( it was about 9:30 ) so there was time for the papers, candies and towel animal. yeah right. lol

We made plans to go the comedy show at Punchliners at 10:30 so we had an hour to kill. We went to the piano bar. DS had hopes of meeting people he had something in common with so we slunk in and waited to see how the crowd would pan out. It was the first night so all was quiet on the western front. We had a great time drinking and laughing with each other, but I could tell DS was a little disappointed not to find any like minds at the lounge. He would come to find out NOT to judge the atmosphere of a cruise by the crowds or lack there of on the first night.


DS in Sam's Piano Bar first Night.





I love to laugh, I love comedy, I adore sarcasm, So this is right up my alley. There was one show the first night. 5 on night 2,

5 on night 3, 5 each on the last two sea nights. There are a total of 4 comedians. On the nights with 5 shows two of them are family friendly two are adult only, with one of them a repeat. So you have ample opportunity to see a comedian on this cruise.

However the room gets packed early. You need to be there a good while before the show to secure a seat and when the are full they turn people away. LizaMM in her review mentioned you have to wait on line in the hall outside the room. There is no other option if you want to see the show, so my opinion, go and stand for 10 minutes or so you will not regret it. The shows are held in the madhatters lounge which is located under the main theater. You can get there by elevator ( press 1 ) or use the spiral staicase.

I know Mr. Farcus had to be on LSD when he designed this room. There is actually no other logical explanation. I am sorry I do not have a pic but I know many have been posted here so please do yourself a favor and look one up. Giant rabbits, heart shaped chairs, and best of all an undulating floor that will make you believe someone put a little something extra in your pina colada :eek:.

The comedian first night was pretty funny. All in all he made me laugh which is all I ask from a cruise ship comedian.

Some of his humor may not have strummed everyones guitar strings but that is the thing about comedy, what offends you tickles your neighbor to death. I found this to be true with all the comedians on board. They all had one theme many found high-larious, while some may have been hurt or offended. Oh well if you don't like the show ...don't go.


One more thing, the way they serve drinks is a little annoying. The waiters come around and take your order and take everyone elses order in their area and then disappear for a good while. By the time you get your drink the show is at least half over. So most people never order a second. Big mistake on Carnival part. I would have ordered at least two probably three drinks during the show ift hey had arrived in a timely fashion. They need to put more servers and bartenders on this venue as it is always packed and could be a bigger revenue generator for them. My waiter ( I used him all week ) was adorable. I don't know his name but he was cute and sweet and made me laugh. He remembered me after the first night.


After the show we went to the casino bar and met a friend ( you know who you are ) had a drink. Joked around with Tony Ray who remembered me from muster drill and donated a few pennies ( or maybe twenties :o) to the casino Gods. I decided to go back to the cabin to read a little and then turn in around 1AM. DS decided to accompany me so he could do a costume change for the late night life. When we arrived there was no turn-down, no towel animals, and no chocolates. I remembered I wanted to change the ice so I could have a glass of diet pepsi ( for the first time ever I brought soda aboard ). My DS who had consumed mass quantities by this point was bereft over the fact there was "no towel pig". I asked what the he!! he was rambling about, he said " My friend Richard is platinum on Carnival and he told me I would get a towel pig and now I don't have one. " I peed a little laughing at him and promised he would get a "towel pig " tomorrow if I had to get the captain to make it for him. He stomped off to find another party while got the ice returned and called it a night.


Next up sea day one.

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Thank God you got through with the story on the beds! Now I can go to sleep. If you hadn't fiinished, I'd have been on pins and needles all night.


I'm really enjoying the review. Thanks.

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Thank you to all the nice comments.


I was off to beddie bye myself when I remembered one more Mother/son issue from day one and felt I should include it now before we hit day 2. That kind of makes sense since it happened on day one and all. heehee


While we wandering, exploring the ship, and before muster drill, there is a posted time when you can see the maire'd to make any changes to your dining seating, or time, if available. So after 1:30, as the sign said, DS and I went to the dining room to see where our dinner table was located. Since we would be at N&N's that evening I wanted to be sure all was well and they would have plenty of time to make any changes if there was an issue. The lovely asistant standing at the door with the seating chart looked at our sail and sign ( your table number is printed on it with traditional seating ) and showed us the cozy booth for two couples where we had been placed.

Now first NOT A COUPLE!!!!


third really NOT A COUPLE !!!!.

Additionally, and I know they had no way of knowing this, I am a little fluffy and I have a bad back so sliding in and out of a booth... not my idea of a good time.

Also when in a booth designed for two couples it is much better if the couples are at least aquainted. There is only two ways to sit in that situation, one couple next to each other all cozy lthigh to thigh ooking at the other couple, or each person across from the other of their party sitting all cozy thigh to thigh with a stranger. Neither of these scenarios were comfortable to me.


I asked to see the maitre'd to switch tables. The young lady said it would be a twenty minute wait. Fine by me, we waited. For the whole 20 minutes the maitre'd was sitting in the dining room looking out at us. I guess he was on his break. Finally he approached and asked the problem. I explained my issues, mostly about my fluffiness and bad back and did mention that DS and I were NOT A COUPLE and that this table seemed to be for two couples. He disagreed and stated " well what are we supposed to do if we do not have two couples?" Not being in charge of the Carnival Miracle dining room I said "don't know.'

He then asked where I wanted to sit. I told him anywhere just" not in a booth". He repeated the question "where do you want to sit?" I said "Not in a booth." this went on at least three more times till I guess he realized I was willing to play the game for hours.

He finally sighed and moved us to the six top table across from the booth. I politely thanked him and left.

Tomorrow day 2

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Loving you're review...you're very funny. My mom (65) and I (35) cruise together once a year. We ALWAYS (photogs, bartenders, room steward, etc) get asked if we're sisters...drives me crazy. I honestly think the crew is trained to do this for my mom's benefit, not realizing it ticks off the daughter. I'm wondering if something like that is in play here, though it's weird to imply mother/son are a couple.

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