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Carnival Glory to Canada, July 21-26: A Review


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I think it's really wonderful that your ex SIL insisted that you remain in your nephew's life after the divorce. It goes to show how important she felt you were, and how good your relationship was and is with her.


Being in the middle of a divorce myself, I simply cannot see keeping a relationship with my STBX's brother. Before about a month or so ago, he had not seen my boys in several years. We didn't speak to him for over 6 months, and I haven't seen him in a few years myself. He has no connection to my boys, so if he's going to see them, it will only be because their father decides that he wants to see him (which I highly doubt, since their mother is on her deathbed and once she's gone and the money is paid out, I doubt he'll have anything to do with his brother).


You are a wonderful person for doing this, and I'm sure William knows it.

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Enjoying reading your review. My DH and I were on the same Glory cruise. In fact we were in Zone 3 boarding the ship. Had such a great time that when we got home I booked another cruise for June 2013 on the Glory.

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Thanks again everyone for the nice comments. njmomof2, I admit that when we first separated, I pretty much expected to no longer be a part of anyone's life from his side of the family. After about 3 months, I got a pretty long e-mail from Mairi reminding me that I was still part of Will's life, that they weren't divorcing me, and that I had better get my act together, because Will couldn't lose anyone else in his life. The rest, as they say, is history.


Thanks zolor23, that was exactly the name! I knew it was part of the arcade, but since I managed to skillfully avoid it other than that first day, I forgot the name! Luckily the games weren't on when we visited, and he was so busy he forgot all about it. Saved me some money, I'm sure.


And back to the review!!!

One thing that I had forgotten to mention before was how excited he was to have his very own card that opened the door to the cabin. I don't think I had to use my card a single time he was with me, since he took great pride in having his own and using it all the time.


We hung out in the room for a bit. I tried to convince him he (read: ME) needed a little nap, but he wasn't having any of it! At about 1445 our luggage showed up, so we unpacked and put everything away. At about 1520, they started announcing the "mustard drill." I had explained to Will what it meant, and how it was really boring, but that it was very, very important and he needed to pay attention and not fidget. The drill would be over, and then he wouldn't have to do it again, and we could get on with the fun! He did call it the mustard drill, even tho he knew better, but every time he would say it, he would just start giggling. I reminded him to bring his card, and we headed down to deck 3 and muster station D. As lots of people have stated before, the drill is a lot more serious now. They still pack you in like sardines, but they now announce that you must be silent during the drill. The do send a person around to count, and I heard that if the number of people there did not agree with the number they were supposed to have, they were checking S&S cards against a master list to see who was skipping. I was quite bummed to see that we actually started sail-away during the drill. When the drill finished, William hadn't been "tagged" with his bracelet, so I asked one of the crew what we needed to do. He said that Camp Carnival would be able to give him his bracelet. As we went to walk away, I heard a voice call out my name. I was kind of surprised, because I didn't think anyone I knew or who knew me could be on this cruise, but as I turned around, there was....my boss. Not my immediate supervisor, but the Big Boss herself, the Chief of Police. O...M...G... seriously? I talked to her a few minutes, then we headed up to the Lido to watch the rest of sail-away. William was VERY excited at this point.




We watched for a while, and then at 1715 the Camp Carnival Orientation was scheduled in the Amber Lounge.







As we walked in, we were given the proper age group's schedule for the cruise. Some of the counselors were there, and you could ask questions, and and they talked about the different activities, and parties, and fees. William finally got his bracelet too.


After the orientation, we went up to the room to drop off the paperwork, and then headed back down to deck 3 and the Golden Restaurant for dinner. We had anytime dining, which worked really well for us. I knew there was no way I was going to get him to sit patiently thru a meal where people were ordering multiple appetizers and entrees and desserts and such. The first night was pretty busy, and we had to wait about 10 minutes or so. I'm sure it didn't help that it was right around 1800 and at a peak time. We eventually were led over to a table for 2, where they gave us 2 regular menus, as well as a kids menu. The waiter brought us a basket of bread, I asked for iced tea for both of us, and then talked to Will for a few seconds about what he wanted for dinner. Will decided he wanted a steak, and some fries. I ordered tropical fruit as an appetizer, and the brisket for a main course. William was quite impressed with the butter knives and the container the butter came in. When they brought my fruit, his steak was there as well, and the waiter even cut it for him. I got my brisket when I was done, and William was still making his way thru his food. He did ask for ketchup, because of his fries, but at least he didn't dip his steak into it! The steak came with some boiled potatoes, carrots and a few spears of asparagus. Now, I have to say, William is an incredibly picky eater and it makes me completely crazy. One of the rules when we are together is that he has to always try at least one new thing. I make him try a little bit of each of the sides, and surprisingly, the one he liked least was the boiled potato. Go figure. He actually ate 2 whole asparagus spears, declaring it way better than broccoli! Broccoli happened to be the first thing I made him try many years ago, and I still make him eat at least one piece any time I eat it. So broccoli is our median for taste. My brisket came with some mashed potatoes, and was quite good. Tasted more like a pot roast with gravy, but that's just fine with me too. William had some vanilla ice cream for dessert, and I ordered creme brulee. I let William try it, and he said it was pretty good. After dinner, we headed back top the room to get the Camp schedule, and he decided he wanted to go up for video games. They schedule a short period each day for the kids to play, but most of the time they are doing other stuff. And it's always posted in the schedule when they are going to be allowed to play. While William was in Camp, I walked around a bit. They were showing one of the Bourne movies on the big screen, and there were a lot of people out on deck watching, wrapped up in blankets. Now, Camp Carnival is free of charge up to 2200. After that, there is a fee for the kids to be there. At about 2145, I headed back up to Camp, where the counselors said that Will was complaining about his tummy. I asked him if he wanted to go back to the room, or to go see the show. He picked the show, but when we got there, he pretty much fell asleep. He woke up about 15 minutes into it, and asked if we could go back to the room. Since it was the Welcome Aboard Show, and I've seen it before, we headed back. This is what we found.




William immediately determined it was a seal. Good for him. I got a Dramamine out of my bag, and made him take it, then sent him in for a shower. I took my shower after him, and when I came out, he was conked out already. I read for a bit, then went to sleep myself. Good night everyone!

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We woke up this morning about 0830 and I asked Will how his tummy was feeling. He siad he felt fine, but I used a little Motioneaze behind his ears and decided I'd ask him later. We headed up to the Lido for breakfast. I had oatmeal with brown sugar and almonds. This is a cruise standard for me. The funny thing is, I'm not usually a fan of oatmeal at home. I also had an egg quesadilla, a cinnamon pastry, some ham slices, and a bagel with peanut butter and cream cheese mixed together. William had scrambled eggs and bacon. Lots of bacon, lol. After breakfast, Will went back up to camp for a little while. I went up onto deck 11 and read for a while. When I went to pick him up from camp, he siad he was feeling good, and wanted to go swimming. We went down to the room and he changed, and we went back up on Lido. There were no chairs open anywhere near the slide, so I ended up just sitting on the ground to read on deck 12 while Will went up and down the slide a few times. When he had enough of the slide, we went over to the midship pool. I took my shoes off and just hung out on the bnches next to the pool with my feet in the water. There were a few obnoxious kids who just thought it was funny to splash anyone sitting around. I was a little surprised at the adults in the pool, especially those without obvious kids. I can only say that if I didn't have a kid with me, I wouldn't have been in that damn pool. I had mentioned to William that I didn;t think the pools were very deep. I guess he's not quite 4' 6" tall, because the pools were over his head. Oops. Bad Auntie! He spent a good amount of time in the pool, mostly jumping in the end and swimming around the edges. He actually stayed away from the adults who were sitting on the sides relaxing. I sat on the side reading.










At about 1330, Will decided he was hungry, so we went back to the room and he changed. Then we headed up to Lido for lunch. I managed to drag him thru the buffet line rather than the grill, so we had fried chicken, fish, pot-roast and mashed potatoes. William ended up eating fish every day which is kind of funny. About 3 years ago, we went some place for dinner, and what I thought was chicken nuggets turned out to be fish nuggets. I had put some on his plate, and told him they were chicken, and he ate them right up, saying how good they were. So, after I realized what they actually were, I told him they were fish, and now he eats fish. And he doesn't seem to be too picky on what type it is either. lol At 1445, he wanted to go to the towel folding class at Camp, so off we went. This time, I hung out on the Serenity deck. I didn't think it was that great honestly. It's very windy at the front of the ship, and the adults-only pool is all the way aft. Just seems kind of weird. Literally every one of those big nest chairs was occupied by ONE person. Ehhh....I can live without it. After Will's class finished, we went back to the room. There was a late night party for the kids tonite, and I wanted him to be well-rested so he didn't get too tired to enjoy it. We turned the lights off in the room, put on the Cartoon Network, and we both drifted off for an hour or two. It was wonderful to be able to nap. Why did I ever fight with my parents about this when I was younger? at about 1830 we got dressed in our fancy clothes amidst a whole heck of a lot of mumbling from him, and headed down to the MDR for dinner. He had promised to stand for a few pictures for me tonite, so that he could give his mom one of him all dressed up. I think he looked absolutely handsome.




And here is oneof us together.




Got to love those $25 formal night outfits, right? I think the shoes were more expensive than both our outfits together!

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Again, just loving this review. I know that my two boys would give anything to go on a cruise with their auntie (my twin sister). When she is around we are chop liver. Who knows, maybe when they are older. Only 2 and 4 now. Anyhow, keep it up, can't wait for more. Sorry it didn't work out with you and your ex husband, but I think it is just awesome how you kept up the other relationships, unfortunately a lot of people don't do the same.

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We went down to the MDR after getting out pictures taken, and had a bit of a wait, probably about 15 minutes tonite. We were seated by ourselves again, and the people at the next table complemented William on how handsome he looked. He said thank you, but kept on sulking. I finally told him to knock it off. There was no reason for him to sulk, the clothes weren't that much different from his regular clothes. After all, I was stuck in a dress! He pretty much agreed to that and the sulking stopped. and William ordered pepperoni pizza and french fries, while I had stuffed mushrooms, prime rib, and WCMC with butter pecan ice cream. William had eaten all his fries, and most of his pizza, so he decided he didn't want dessert. Besides, he reminded me that he could get some vanilla ice cream later if he was hungry. Service seemed a little slow overall tonite. Our server from last night happened to walk by, and he said "Hello William!" William was like, "How does he know my name still?" I told him they were very good at their jobs, and that's why we always said please and thank you to them. After dinner, we went to the show. Tonite was Living in America. It was OK, but the dancers just seemed to not be having any fun. They weren't quite in sync with each other, and it just seemed off somehow. Will decided he was bored, but I told him he had to sit thru it quietly because it was my turn to enjoy something. After the show, we went back to the room so he could change before he went to Camp for his party. When we got back to the room, we found our towel animal for the evening.




Even William's stuffies had gotten the royal treatment.




I forgot to mention that late yesterday we had gone and done some shopping, including a lanyard for Will's S&S card, and Funship Freddy. I was quite bummed to find out they didn't have any t-shirts specifically for the Glory. I have a shirt from every other ship I've been on. I hope this isn't a trend. I also got a hat (well, 2 actually. One for me and one for my dad, who wants a hat from wherever we go as payment for watching my dog. I mean seriously, they were $16.95 each, or 2 for $20. Even if I threw one away, it was still almost a better deal!), a shot glass for my sister for watching the cat, a magnet for me, and a pen. It's a bummer that they don't put pens in the rooms anymore. Anyway, I only mention this to explain how Funship Freddy was in our room.


William headed up to Camp for his party, and I headed out to the Lido. It was later than last night, so I must have missed the movie, and they were cleaning up all the discarded blankets when I heard some woman complaining that the cruise sucked because she missed everything. Ummm...that's not Carnival's fault. Buy a watch and get to stuff on time. Problem solved. I headed back to the Ebony Lounge for the adult comedy show at 2230, and enjoyed it. After than I headed up to the Lido, where I happened to be lucky enough to catch the grill just as it opened. I had a cheeseburger piled with cooked onions and mushrooms. YUMMMMY! I got really lucky, because as I walked out to pick up Will from Camp just before midnite the line was wrapped around the counter and into the Red Sail. There were people there with tiny little kids, and the kids were cranky for being up so late. Sometimes I wonder what people think.


When I picked up William and signed the charge slip, he came zooming out of the gate with a backpack of stuff. When we got back to the room, I snapped a couple pics of his goodies.




Inside the back pack:




There was also a toothbrush. The little plastic owl turned out to be a nighlight. It was pretty cute actually. The program is called Night Owls, hence the proliferation of owl stuff. We both took showers and headed to bed. WIlliam was VERY excited to see what tomorrow would bring, since we would be in Saint John! His first visit to a foreign country! Good night all!!

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William is so lucky to have you for his Aunt! I have enjoyed reading your posts. We are taking our 6 year old grandaughter on the Glory

August 25th. This is her first cruise also and she is extremely excited. She loves to dress up and is looking forward to wearing all of her new dresses I bought her. Every night will be a dress up night for her. I have cruised over 50 times but I am more excited about this one because we are bringing Hannah. I am enjoying reading about William's reactions to everything. Thank You.

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AMC: This has nothing to do with your review (although I am enjoying it - thanks!).


While shopping recently I noticed the woman ahead of me had the word"jeep" plus a jeep grill tattooed on her shoulder. I remarked to my wife that ididn't know anyone could love Jeep so much, than I see your name, amcjeepforlife!:p



Just thought you'd like to know you apparently have a compatriot in Central NY!

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OK, I'm BACK!!!


Kicker, I am a Jeep junkie. I currently own my 7th Jeep. I bought a 1969 Jeep Gladiator p/u when I was 18, and have owned a Jeep ever since. They include a 1978 Grand Cherokee, a 1985 J-10 p/u, a 1991 Cherokee, a 92 Grand Wagoneer, and a 94 Wrangler that I traded in for my 07 Wrangler Unlimited. Some I only had for a short period of time, some for many many years. The AMC part of my name is actually for my AMC Javelin. I may have to look into a Jeep tattoo now!


And now, on with the review!


We woke up this morning at about 0730, got dressed and headed up to the lido for breakfast. William was really exited about being able to visit someplace he's never been before. And the fact that it was a foreign country made it even better! He had some of his own money to spend, so a little bit of shopping was in our future. I reminded him to make sure he had his card or he would have to stay in Canada. For breakfast, I had oatmeal, potatoes and ham. William had a waffle and bacon. He wanted some coffee (it's a treat at home, and usually all decaf) so I got us some. I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but I figured it couldn't hurt to be caffeinated for today. All I can say is there just isn't enough cream or sweet stuff to make it good coffee. We had an excursion planned for 915, booked thru Carnival. I usually book my own, but with the limited planning time, I just went ahead an booked with Carnival directly. At about 830 we got off the ship and headed into the tent shopping area.



2155166270104454228S500x500Q85.jpg William in Saint John


2137336980104454228S500x500Q85.jpg This is the ship sitting at the pier, but you can see the tent area which is where all the shopping booths are set up.


We wondered thru the area, and I bought a shot glass for my sister, a hat for my dad, a magnet for myself. I LOVE penguins, and I always look for weird penguin stuff. There was a guy there with beautiful wood carvings, and he had a penguin bank, so I ended up buying that and an eagle piece for my dad. He held onto them until we were ready to board. William found a whole stand of different kinds of boats, so he bought one for himself. When we were done shopping, we headed over to board our bus for our excursion. I chose the Hidden Coast of Fundy tour. It looked like a nice trip, with lots of emphasis on the water, so I figured it would keep William's interest a little better. There were maybe 25 people total on the tour with us, so it was pretty nice. We started out by driving thru downtown Saint John.


2995699680104454228S500x500Q85.jpg Glory as seen from the other side of Saint John.


We drove along to the more Southern area of the Bay of Fundy. The area is very beautiful there. Our first stop was the LePreau Falls.






For those of you reading who may not be familiar with the Bay of Fundy, they have the largest tidal change in the world. Here where I live, the average tidal change is about 3 feet. In Saint John, it's over 20 feet. That makes for some pretty cool pictures. You'll see what I mean a little later. For now, here are some pics of the Falls area.


2264618570104454228S500x500Q85.jpg This is above the falls area, so the tide doesn't change up here.

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Both of these pictures were taken of the downstream portion of the Falls. Most of what you see there that isn't green will eventually be under water.


After we left the Falls, we were heading to Dipper Harbour and our guide was telling us about a snack food called Dulse. It's a special kind of seaweed that people harvest and dry to sell. It tastes a little fishy and salty. Kind of weird honestly, nut to each their own. As we were talking about it, we stopped at a house where it was drying in the driveway. Yep, it is sort of pink.




We continued on to Dipper Harbour, where there are a lot of fishing and lobstering boats docked.


2423400870104454228S500x500Q85.jpg William on the dock.


2884964590104454228S500x500Q85.jpg Some of the boats.


2719784290104454228S500x500Q85.jpg Some more boats.

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2788296150104454228S500x500Q85.jpg This is one of the lobster houses, with a float full of lobster traps behind it. The lobster season runs from April to June, then again from December to January. The fine for having lobster out of season is pretty hefty.


Here are some better pictures to see the incredible tidal differences.




2009793730104454228S500x500Q85.jpg and with an 8 year old for perspective


2246807940104454228S500x500Q85.jpg William is trying to figure out what the trap doors are for. Even the guide wasn't sure, and admitted to not having noticed them before.


After we spent some time there, we headed over to the other side and got to walk around a bit on the bottom of the ocean! lol




2101164450104454228S500x500Q85.jpg Only William would find a junky old tire more interesting than the tidal changes!

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This is a lobster pound. During the season, this would potentially be full of lobsters waiting to be shipped to market. William asked me if this is where the bad lobsters went, because in my job, all the bad dogs go to the pound. LOL


We got back onto the bus and started heading back to the pier. The whole tour was about 2.5 hours, which was a perfect amount of time. Enough time to see the interesting stuff, not too much time to get bored.






These 2 pictures were taken about 2 hours apart, and you can see just how much the water had gone up. High tide was still about 2 hours away for the day.


When we got back to the pier, William and I decided to walk into the Down Town area. It was about a 10 minute walk, and we passed the coolest police vehicle ever.




William saw the life sized moose statue, and wanted his pic taken with it.




Then he decided I needed mine too.



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We went into Barbour's after seeing the artwork, and checked it out. They are a tea shop as well, and they carry a bunch of Canadian specific candy. I am pretty sure I am officially addicted to chicken bones, and I'm very sad that they are almost all gone. The inside of the store has a few areas set up as if they were back in the 1880's again.






After we bought some stuff, we headed over to Market Square. There is a clock in front that was made by the same artist who carved People Waiting. There is no clock face or hands, instead you tell time by the position of the snake around the top.






We went into the Market Square, but didn't really see anything that interested us. William was ready to go back to the ship, so we headed back for some lunch. I picked up my wood carvings from the tent, William bought another boat, we got "boinged" back on board, went to the room and dropped off our stuff, then went up to the Lido. We were too late for the buffet, so we went thru the deli line. William had a ham sandwich and pickles, I had a Reuben. I went to get us some drinks, and found the burrito place pretty much deserted, so I grabbed a chicken burrito. It was VERY yummy. They have lots of yummy things to put on them. My next cruise is in 60 DAYS!!!! on the Liberty, and they have the Blue Iguana Burrito place, and I just can't wait to try them! After lunch, we went back to the room and we both ended up falling asleep for a bit. When we woke up, neither of us were hungry, we had missed sail away, and there wasn't really anything going on. We hung out in the room for a bit, watched some TV before heading up to the Lido for dinner at around 7. William wanted to see the wake, so we walked to the very back of the ship before we went to eat.




William had some jerk pork, whatever fish they had, and some rice. I had some pork, fish, a piece of meatloaf and some pasta. They had Kahlua mouse and some cherry struesel sort of cake. While we were eating, William got a little upset and started crying, saying he missed his mom. I told him I was sorry that he wasn't having any fun, and he said he was, but he missed her. I reminded him we were halfway thru the cruise, and that he would see her in a just a few days. I offered to go back to the room, but he asked if the magic show was tonite, I said it was, and he asked if we could please go to that, because he had never seen a magician. Hooray. Breakdown over. We had a few minutes to kill, so we headed to the photo area. We picked out some photos we liked, and headed to the show. This was the only night we had tried to order some drinks in the theater, and we ran into the rudest server ever. She took our order for 3 sodas, basically yelled at us about not having time for such small orders, and then never bothered to come back, even though she walked past us 2 times. I did make sure to mention her rudeness on my survey, even tho I never got her name. She was the only tall blonde with glasses I ever saw serving in the lounge. Even William asked why she was so mean, since everyone else was always so nice. Congratualations for being so mean even an 8 year old noticed it. The show was Justin Illusion. It was pretty good, but I can see how a lot of people would be offended by the skimpy costuming and such. I'm not, and William didn't seem to be bothered by it either, so we watched the show and enjoyed it. William was amazed by the tricks, and kept saying "How did he do that?" I just kept telling him it was magic, and he just kept watching with wide eyes and a sense of amazement on his face. The music was awesome as well, Marilyn Manson, Evanescence, Linkin Park, GnR, and others. After the show, we walked around on deck a bit, but it was kind of chilly. William said he was kind of hungry, since he hadn't really eaten his dinner, so I gave him a choice of trying the buffet again, or ordering room service. He wanted to try room service, because he thought it was wicked cool that they would bring us food. When we got back to the room, here is what we found.




William decided he wanted a plain grilled cheese sandwich, and I ordered another Reuben. We also ordered chocolate chip cookies and chocolate cake. We finally got our sodas too. LOL. We got our stuff together for the morning, took showers and headed to bed. Tomorrow we were going to be in Halifax.

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2788296150104454228S500x500Q85.jpg This is one of the lobster houses, with a float full of lobster traps behind it. The lobster season runs from April to June, then again from December to January. The fine for having lobster out of season is pretty hefty.


Here are some better pictures to see the incredible tidal differences.




2009793730104454228S500x500Q85.jpg and with an 8 year old for perspective


2246807940104454228S500x500Q85.jpg William is trying to figure out what the trap doors are for. Even the guide wasn't sure, and admitted to not having noticed them before.


After we spent some time there, we headed over to the other side and got to walk around a bit on the bottom of the ocean! lol




2101164450104454228S500x500Q85.jpg Only William would find a junky old tire more interesting than the tidal changes!

These are some really nice photos here. The one of your nephew kneeling and checking out the trap door is especially candid. I have read your other reviews and have really enjoyed them. What a great aunt you are to William. I'm sure he will have many memories from this trip with you.

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Wow. I hope you will print out this whole review with all the comments and save it to show your nephew when he is older. You must do this.


He is a lucky boy to have an aunt like you. I look forward to grandchildren in five or so years. That is MY schedule anyway. Hope they don't make me wait too much longer.


Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

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We went down to the MDR after getting out pictures taken, and had a bit of a wait, probably about 15 minutes tonite. We were seated by ourselves again, and the people at the next table complemented William on how handsome he looked. He said thank you, but kept on sulking. I finally told him to knock it off. There was no reason for him to sulk, the clothes weren't that much different from his regular clothes. After all, I was stuck in a dress! He pretty much agreed to that and the sulking stopped. and William ordered pepperoni pizza and french fries, while I had stuffed mushrooms, prime rib, and WCMC with butter pecan ice cream. William had eaten all his fries, and most of his pizza, so he decided he didn't want dessert. Besides, he reminded me that he could get some vanilla ice cream later if he was hungry. Service seemed a little slow overall tonite. Our server from last night happened to walk by, and he said "Hello William!" William was like, "How does he know my name still?" I told him they were very good at their jobs, and that's why we always said please and thank you to them. After dinner, we went to the show. Tonite was Living in America. It was OK, but the dancers just seemed to not be having any fun. They weren't quite in sync with each other, and it just seemed off somehow. Will decided he was bored, but I told him he had to sit thru it quietly because it was my turn to enjoy something. After the show, we went back to the room so he could change before he went to Camp for his party. When we got back to the room, we found our towel animal for the evening.


That was my mom and I next to you that night. I remember him.

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