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Would you ever refuse to pay for a shared private tour excursion?


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I think it would be rare that someone did the tour and refused to pay but I can see where people wouldn't turn up and screw over the others. I personally would not do a tour with strangers. That's the risk you take along with perhaps just not liking them.


I went to an "Elite" event on Celebrity and one of them men totally dominated the event and wouldn't let anyone else ask questions. I would have hated to be stuck with him all day.

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I can't give you anymore details as I was not personally involved in the excursion. Heard about it frm someone on my excursion who had shared an excursion with the group that got stiffed. All I was told was that they were not happy with the tour so they refused to pay.

In this case there was a fee for the whole van. The group thought the price would be divided by 8. Unfortunately, when the other couple did not pay it was divided by 6.


I just could not believe someone would have the nerve to do that. I did not like one of the excursions I joined in on but the thought never crossed my mind not to pay.



I agree. Seems like eating a meal or most of it, then complaining and refusing to pay.

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Over the years, we have done many "private group tours", many times never having met the other attendees until we met on the ship. We have never run into a situation as stated by the OP. Maybe we are just "lucky" or (probably) most of the folks here on Cruise Critic are more responsible individuals ? I do not know just how I would react if one couple of a group refused to pay. Realistically, what options are there for the remaining group members, beyond covering the shortage?

Ray in NH

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Most tour operators require payment at start of the excursion. Seems strange that the refusal to pay came at the end. If this were common practice, tour operators would hear many more disatisfaction claims and refusals to pay at the end of the trip.

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Been involved in a number of private tours that were paid for in various ways. The St Petersburg tour, since it was expensive, was booked by each of us separately, the cc organizer just offered it up and set the max number allowed. So each person covered their cost. It was mainly just a cc for coverage, then paid full either cash or cc by each person at the end of the tour.


On one tour on a S American cruise, the wx turned very bad and the guide ahd no alternate except 'showing' us sites such as telling us to look across the fog covered lake to see the volcanoes that were hidden in the rain fog. When it became evident that this was going to continue, we alll voted to stop the tour. The guide called the operator who agreed and charged us 75%.


I just set up one on Malta. I put my cc as colateral. The one price is for a van and guide for 4-6 people so have 4 others who have committed. This tour requires a Euor50 deposit which is refundable, and a Euro20 charge for each person for one of the entry fees which is not refundable - not because of the tour, but because of the site...it is a prehistoric site that only allows 10 people per hr in, so they precharge. So I paid that amount for each couple and asked the others to send me a check for their portion of the deposit and the tickets.


In the email I also explained that if one of the couples backed out and couldnt get a replacement, they would need to pay the difference of what the price for the remaining 2 couples would pay for 4 going instead of 6. All agreed, and I'll 'assume' will honor it. It isnt a big amount, but unless someone gets sick, they need to cover it if no one steps up to go.


That makes sense to me. We use the honor system. If a couple decides not to go, they paid the difference, but not the whole amount. I decided this after reading a thread where I guy organized a large tour, and a goodly number just backed out after getting on the ship and he couldnt do anything about changing, and he paid the difference so the people who did sign up and go didnt end up paying more than they agreed to. I thought that was class, but I came up with my approach to try to limit what I would get stuck with.



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By the way, the OP scenario of that coupletook the tour and then decided Not to pay, stiffing their fellows, kind of sounds like the people who say they are removing the auto-gratuities so they can tip 'face-face' and then stiff everyone....


On our first cruise on Carnival in 1995, when you tipped with envelopes, a couple at our table showed up the last night and they asked me what my enveolope was for...I told them and they both said they'd forgot theirs and they Both got up to go get it.....right, took two of them to carry the envelope back???


Of course they didnt show up and stiffed the waitstaff..and they were in a Suite, which they didnt ask anyone to come to. We had everyone to our aft OV SR for a social and they never reciprocated. And by the way, they werent some Euro couple who werent use to tipping, they were Good Ole Texans who I guess were use to stiffing everyone and letting everyone else pay for their share.


Takes all kinds.



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Lois, do you remember when I forgot to pay and just returned to the ship? I think that Mari paid for us and as soon as you let me know, I paid up. Sometimes, things are happening so quickly that so things are forgotten. I would never not pay for something that I contracted to do.

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Lois, do you remember when I forgot to pay and just returned to the ship? I think that Mari paid for us and as soon as you let me know, I paid up. Sometimes, things are happening so quickly that so things are forgotten. I would never not pay for something that I contracted to do.


Hi Judy:)......that was 7 years ago:eek:......not sure I remember but

I know you are honest:D..actually, Denny mentioned something

about an honor system....I think most of us use it:).

Unfortunetly, there are a few who don't:(

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Lois, do you remember when I forgot to pay and just returned to the ship? I think that Mari paid for us and as soon as you let me know, I paid up. Sometimes, things are happening so quickly that so things are forgotten. I would never not pay for something that I contracted to do.


Yeah,,,, likely story! I bet you stiffed everyone, but when Lois sent 'Guido' over to collect the money and he reminded you how difficult it would be to get around the ship in a couple cast for the rest of the cruise, you paid up!! Guido has that affect on people!


I once ordered a few rounds and said it was on me, and then smartly got up and went to my hotel room. The next day, the group was a bit quiet....shall we say. When a good friend reminded me, I profusely appolgized, paid up and then ordered another round on me....but then I forgot and stepped away..naaah, not the 2nd time!


It is embarrashing we when start having our Senior Moments isnt it? Oh well, they fully understood and you took care of it, and I'm sure with class.



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Yeah,,,, likely story! I bet you stiffed everyone, but when Lois sent 'Guido' over to collect the money and he reminded you how difficult it would be to get around the ship in a couple cast for the rest of the cruise, you paid up!! Guido has that affect on people!


I once ordered a few rounds and said it was on me, and then smartly got up and went to my hotel room. The next day, the group was a bit quiet....shall we say. When a good friend reminded me, I profusely appolgized, paid up and then ordered another round on me....but then I forgot and stepped away..naaah, not the 2nd time!


It is embarrashing we when start having our Senior Moments isnt it? Oh well, they fully understood and you took care of it, and I'm sure with class.




Too funny Denny.:D..your story;), not the Sr moments:eek:

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WhI en I have joined in a private tour we have always had each others stateroom numbers so we can contact each other on board. Angie


I would probably trust you Angie. ;)

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An interesting thread this that highlights that roll call tours are not always risk free. We have had some great ones and one absolutely awful one where a gentleman monopolised the guide, argued for changes in what was previously agreed and moaned all the way that this was not the standard of tour he was used for and that the aircon on the bus was unacceptable (it was not perfect but there was nothing they could do about it). As the organiser I felt awful and it spoiled the day a bit for me.

Sometimes being in a larger group has advantages, you are less likely to get stuck with the clown with no manners I suppose

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Yes you can have some experiences. We were on a private tour in Roatan and the lens came out of my spectacles. The driver was wonderful and offered to take me to the opticians. He parked the bus and walked with my husband and myself to translate. My adult daughter stayed on the bus.

I said to the driver that he could carry on and we would get a taxi back to the ship but he insisted on waiting what turned out to be less than 10 mins!

My daughter told us later that as soon as we got off the bus a woman was complaining very loudly about the hold up and saying they shouldnt wait and that it was my problem etc. etc.

Funny how she tried to befriend us on the ship but we somehow couldnt find the time to meet up with her!



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Rome experience! A couple went AWOL in the Vatican, after a long wait on the coach we left without them but returned later in the day before returning to the ship, there they were still waiting for the coach, complaining that they had been left behind even though we were all told what time the coach would leave.


After many complaints from the AWOL couple they refused to pay a few miles before arriving at the ship, then said they had no money!


The lady organiser was getting rather upset at this stage then a very kind gentleman stood up and shouted "stop the coach" with the back up from another couple they ordered the AWOL couple off the coach who in turn magically found their money!

A rather sad end to a wonderful day, we all felt sorry for the lady organiser who had done a sterling job and she will probably never organise another tour.

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Most tour operators require payment at start of the excursion. Seems strange that the refusal to pay came at the end. If this were common practice, tour operators would hear many more disatisfaction claims and refusals to pay at the end of the trip.


I haven't found this to be true for private tours in the Mediterranean, nor on the private tour I took in St. Petersburg.


Regarding the OP, I think it's not very common that someone shows up and then doesn't pay -- that takes nerve. Unfortunately though, I do think it's getting more common with private tours that folks just don't show up and don't tell anyone in advance.


For many private tours I've taken and arranged, you tell the arranger that you are committed to the tour and generally the arranger will ask that you agree to pay your share even if, for some reason, you cannot go on the tour. This seems fair to me and is the only way to protect the tour arranger.


My sister and BIL had it happen to them on a Celebrity cruise that a couple didn't show up for a tour, so others had to pay more than the pre-agreed per-person price because of it.

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Rome experience! A couple went AWOL in the Vatican, after a long wait on the coach we left without them but returned later in the day before returning to the ship, there they were still waiting for the coach, complaining that they had been left behind even though we were all told what time the coach would leave.


After many complaints from the AWOL couple they refused to pay a few miles before arriving at the ship, then said they had no money!


The lady organiser was getting rather upset at this stage then a very kind gentleman stood up and shouted "stop the coach" with the back up from another couple they ordered the AWOL couple off the coach who in turn magically found their money!

A rather sad end to a wonderful day, we all felt sorry for the lady organiser who had done a sterling job and she will probably never organise another tour.


I would have been tempted to just show them off the bus and wish them "good luck, the ship sails in one hour"



Disclaimer. My recommendations are always based on the premise that fellow cruisers have at least 25% of their brains still intact and are not in fact complete idiots. People who are brain damaged, or handicaped from birth do indeed need our help

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Most tour operators require payment at start of the excursion. Seems strange that the refusal to pay came at the end. If this were common practice, tour operators would hear many more disatisfaction claims and refusals to pay at the end of the trip.


I can't remember a private tour I have done that EVER asked for payment until the tours' conclusion. What part of the world do you normally cruise where they want it up front?

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I would have been tempted to just show them off the bus and wish them "good luck, the ship sails in one hour"



Disclaimer. My recommendations are always based on the premise that fellow cruisers have at least 25% of their brains still intact and are not in fact complete idiots. People who are brain damaged, or handicaped from birth do indeed need our help


I like your disclaimer better than my disclaimer! ;)

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I like your disclaimer better than my disclaimer! ;)


I normally organize tours and post on CC for participants. I lay out the tour and its costs, then I like to start an email dialogue most times with my fellow travelers. You get a "feel" for people this way although its no guaranty. Fortunately, I have never been stiffed by fellow tour folks. In one port we had a crappy tour, I called the owner midway thru and complained. I told him I would see him at the dock at end of the tour for payment. I collected the agreed tour price from my fellow travelers and then negotiated a rebate with the tour operator. I then refunded prorata the rebated amount to everyone. I guess its a matter of honor, trust and respect between people. Lastly, I always talk with the tour operator ahead of time and most alwaysam able to arrange for individual responsibilty for payment. Thus far all of the above worked. Maybe I am lucky.


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Blue Skies, what a story.....sometimes you really have to wonder

about people:eek:


Hi Angie:)...sounds like a very kind driver and I guess you are glad

you did not meet that woman.


I cannot ever recall paying for a tour (Independent) at the beginning....

I always thought payment was at the end.

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I've organized quite a lot of private tours, the largest being groups of 28 in 4 ports - Athens, Istanbul, Ephesus and Messina this past May. All the previous tours had been small groups. I started regular email updates and asked everyone to pay for their share of the tours at the M&M, which everyone did. I then paid the tour operators at the end of the tours. There was one older couple and the wife became sick and I was able to negotiate with the tour operator and give them back most of what they paid for the tour they missed.


I also have 3 tours organized so far, for our next cruise and plan on doing the same thing. I'm an organizer by nature and like to know the tours I am doing are well put together, so that's why I do it. The bonus is that I have met some great people as well as seen some wonderful places.

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I can't remember a private tour I have done that EVER asked for payment until the tours' conclusion. What part of the world do you normally cruise where they want it up front?


Blue Skies, what a story.....sometimes you really have to wonder

about people:eek:


Hi Angie:)...sounds like a very kind driver and I guess you are glad

you did not meet that woman.


I cannot ever recall paying for a tour (Independent) at the beginning....

I always thought payment was at the end.


On our most recent Tahiti trip we paid for a couple of private tours upfront.

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I've organized quite a lot of private tours, the largest being groups of 28 in 4 ports - Athens, Istanbul, Ephesus and Messina this past May. All the previous tours had been small groups. I started regular email updates and asked everyone to pay for their share of the tours at the M&M, which everyone did. I then paid the tour operators at the end of the tours. There was one older couple and the wife became sick and I was able to negotiate with the tour operator and give them back most of what they paid for the tour they missed.


I also have 3 tours organized so far, for our next cruise and plan on doing the same thing. I'm an organizer by nature and like to know the tours I am doing are well put together, so that's why I do it. The bonus is that I have met some great people as well as seen some wonderful places.


I agree with you about collecting in advance at the M&M, at least on-board several days in advance of the tour. Sometimes people don't show for whatever reason and it's not fair that the rest of us have to pick up their share. We had this very thing happen on our Naples tour in May. When one couple didn't show up, we waited about half an hour and then left. The organizer had all the money as agreed for our tour. We felt bad for them, but it was the day before we disembarked so I never found out why they didn't show. You sound very well organized and I would be happy to go on a tour with you anytime.

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