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VRBO assistance needed


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Hi everyone, Needing some reassurance I haven't made a huge mistake. I just booked my first VRBO condo for my post cruise stay on Maui. However, after speaking with the owner of the condo and booking it, I feel I may have made a mistake. When I asked about the contract for the unit, the owner said he didn't use one, and that all the key entry codes etc would be emailed to me 8 weeks prior to arrival.


From those with experience with using VRBO, is it a normal procedure to not use a contract when leasing the units? They said they use Chase N Rainbows as their local management company, and I have sent an email asking for the local agent;s name so i can verify they are legit..


Thanks everyone!

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We have had a contract all but one time. We have never had a problem with VRBO rentals except for this time. I knew the laws of Hawaii regarding rentals because the contracts were always specific. We had to file a claim in small claims court to get our deposit back. We left the property nicer than when we had arrived. So...you have probably not made a mistake but make sure you have in an email with the property owner the time frame of getting your deposit back and answers to anything else you are concerned about. You will have a great time. Also, did the deposit go to the management company or to the owner? Cherie

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Oh Geez, that was what I afraid of. I've never used VRBO before, so didn't know if this was the norm or not. I paid the deposit with a credit card, and saw it had been charged the deposit amount he quoted today. The listing beside the amount on my bank showed it under his name with condominuims after it, so sounds like he has a company. Now I don't know what to do, whether to cancel and cut my losses or proceed with this. I still owe over $1000 on this rental.


Think I will email him and let him know I will need something in writing regrading the terms of the agreement.

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well, have an update. I did get an email showing the nightly rate, cleaning fee, tax, total amount due, and the deposit paid today, with the final total. It has the reservations date and where, so it looks legit. I don't think I'm getting the deposit back, cause he deducted it from the total cost of the rental.

Does this sound legit to you all?

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Any chance that the owner has seen your postings here? I can't imagine an owner not taking a security deposit. Hope all is good, it probably is. Do you know if the pictures posted on VRBO are recent? I'm sure you have read reviews on VRBO from people who have stayed there. Make sure that the reviews are not "owner posted" rather than posted by VRBO users. The owner might just be trying to get out of paying some of the Hawaii taxes for a vacation rental by keeping things a bit sketchy. It doesn't mean it is not going to be a great rental for you. Keep us posted. Cherie

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Well I did pay a deposit, but he took it off the total amount due, so won't be getting it back. There were some really good reviews and he said the pics are current. He did charge me for the Hawaii 13.41% tax in the total amount due. Not sure what to do at this point..whether to hope for the best or just cancel and cut my losses.

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A deposit for the rental is different from a security deposit for damage to the property or items missing when you leave. I have no idea what rental this is, or if you are eligible for a refund of the deposit if you cancel within a certain number of days. Most contracts give a certain number of days prior to the actual rental when the entire deposit is refundable. It is very nice of the owner to not take a security deposit, but it also indicates to me that he/she is possibly flying under the Hawaii State laws for rentals, and may or may not be pocketing the state tax. As I have said before, just because an owner does not do things according to Hawaii State law does not mean that it will not be a fantastic rental for you. If you like the unit, location, and terms of the agreement you should be fine. Have a really good time. Cherie

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We have a property listed on VRBO and use a professional management company that does provide a formal contract. I would be uncomfortable with anyone who says he doesn't use one (had a house painter tell me that once and it did not work out well at all!), but it does sound like your email would cover you in the unlikely event that you had to dispute something later.


Also, another poster mentioned that you should be leary of reviews that are "owner posted" instead of "guest posted". Yes, it's a little risky, but the reason you see them like that is that almost all guests will take the time to fill out a guest book in the unit, but very few will go to all the effort of posting a review on the website once they get home. We post them sometimes ourselves and keep photo copies of the actual Guest Book pages as backup. We've also gotten emails from guests after their visit, which we sometimes post as reviews (with their permission, of course.)


Most owners will also list a phone contact on their listing. If in doubt, call and talk to them personally. That might make you more (or less!) comfortable with renting from them.


Finally - there's a new law in Hawaii that requires all rental property owners to list the Hawaii Tax ID number in all advertising. If you see that in the listing, it's probably a good indication that the owner is legitimate and making an effort to comply with all laws.

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Kartgv - the only reason I mentioned the owner posted as opposed to VRBO guest direct posts is because owners can decide which entries into their guest book they choose to post. If the posts are overwhelmingly owner posted I would think twice. If someone has found a rental on VRBO it is very easy to come back to make a review, but, as you say, not many do. Also, sometimes reviews posted by owners are from friends and relatives who have enjoyed a nice week. I love VRBO and will use them in the future, but have learned a lot from our last experience. We never thought there would be a problem with a VRBO rental. Do property owners on VRBO list their tax I.D. numbers on their Hawaii VRBO site? Just curious.


I hope the OP is fine and will really enjoy her time on Maui. Cherie

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We rented through http://www.homeaway.com for our condo unit in Sarasota this past Jan. There was optional insurance available to protect our investment in case the unit was different upon our arrival than what was posted on the website.


Do you have this option ???? Can you contact VRBO management to check out this property owner ??

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I went back to VRBO and tried to look up their unit, but it's not on there today for some reason. They do have a personal website, which I had saved under my favorites, and it does show the unit I rented and another in the same building. Didn't see anything about Tax ID numbers listed on the website.


I did speak to the owner on the telephone yesterday when I made the reservations, so he did put the correct phone number on the listing


I also called Chase N Rainbows management group in Maui , who he had mentioned was his emergency management group on the island, to get verification bout him, and they didn't have any listing of that unit with their rentals, but did show it and his name as legit under the cleaning service thru them, so not sure what to make of that.


All this has made me bout sick, and the more I think about it, seems strange to me he would rent to a total stranger without some type of security deposit regarding his belongings and the unit condition. I am going to ask him about it, and see what he says about it, but thinking it may be best to just cancel.


It does say on his website I can cancel with a $200 fee, so think I will cut my loss and request a cancelation. Hard lession learned. I thought the VRBO website was too good to be true, and guess it is.

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I still don't know when you are planning to travel, but is the $200 cancellation fee anytime before arrival? 1 yr, 9 mos, 6 mos, 3 mos, 1 week, etc? I would not suggest canceling with a $200 fee until you absolutely have to, and think that the unit will not be available. You can always reserve a hotel room with a cancellation time within two days of arrival (and some the day before) as a back up. I think you should contact VRBO with your situation and see what they have to say. It really is probably o.k. When do you have to make payment of the full amount? So sorry that this has become a problem for you because going to Maui should be worry free. You really will have a great time. Cherie

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... Do property owners on VRBO list their tax I.D. numbers on their Hawaii VRBO site? Just curious....


Can't answer for all owners, but we do. The new regulation is HB 2078, which became law on July 10, 2012. Basically it says, among other things, that the "The transient accommodations registration/identification number must be provided on any (a) website; (b) on-line link; and, © displayed in all internet advertisements and solicitations.. ."


I wouldn't accuse anyone who doesn't have it posted of trying to avoid the law, just maybe of not necessarily being current with everything they should be paying attention to.

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The booking is for middle of April, and the balance is due 60 days prior, which is middle of February. I can cancel with the $200 penalty before then. It just worries me he has my credit card info if he is a crook.


I sent him an email wanting clarification regarding not doing a contract or requiring additional sec. deposit on belongings etc. so will see what he has to say bout that. It made me even more nervous about this whole thing when I couldn't find the unit listing on the VRBO website now, when it was on there 2 days ago.


I think I will contact VRBO and see what they have to say about him as well.


Thanks everyone for the valuable advice. Wish I had asked more questions here before reserving on that website. Hotels cost more, but gosh, least you know it's legit. when you book.

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Can't answer for all owners, but we do. The new regulation is HB 2078, which became law on July 10, 2012. Basically it says, among other things, that the "The transient accommodations registration/identification number must be provided on any (a) website; (b) on-line link; and, © displayed in all internet advertisements and solicitations.. ."


I wouldn't accuse anyone who doesn't have it posted of trying to avoid the law, just maybe of not necessarily being current with everything they should be paying attention to.


Hopefully most legitimate VRBO owners, who do not live on the island where their rental is, have management companies that pay attention (required by Hawaii State law.) Unfortunately attempts by some to fly under the radar have made it necessary to implement more stringent regulations regarding rentals. I really hope OP is fine and will find her VRBO rental perfect. Cherie

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Did you pay with your credit card ??? Contact the company and put a hold on your payment until you get some definative answers about the honesty of this property owner. This far out -- I would think you are entitled to a full refund of your $ 200 --- with over 8 months to go --- the owner can certainly find others to take your place (if you decide to cancel).


How about checking with the BBB for Hawaii ???


Good luck !


You can request a new CC number, also, and have the number you gave him "frozen".

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I heard back from the owner I rented from. He says he never uses a contract, and neither does the other owners he knows. He also stated that in 12 yrs of renting, he has never had a problem with someone causing damages or having to charge for anything, but doesn't mean he wouldn't if that arose, and that's all he said. No mention of how that would be handled or how much.

Thinking it's time to just cancel and maybe even forget Maui. This has left a bad taste in my mouth about even going there now.

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Hi sunshineRN,


I totally understand, because I am that way too. Once something doesn't feel right or doesn't go the way I think it should, my red flags go up too.


BUT, we have rented thru vrbo and homeaway for many years and while most require a contract and/or a security deposit, a few have not. Maybe we've just been lucky, but we haven't had any problems.


Our most recent rental required a reservation deposit, which is then deducted from the total cost. This sounds like the type of "deposit" you paid. We also will pay a refundable security deposit, which is separate from the reservation deposit.


I'm wondering, though, about the $200. penalty fee for cancelling now. It seems odd that you would be penalized now, since the final payment is not due until February.


Is the owner's cancellation fee in writing somewhere in the listing? Do you have anything in writing?


It may not be a bad idea to contact the BBB for help.


So sorry things have taken a not so good turn. Has the listing reappeared on VRBO since the last few days? That alone gives me a weird feeling. But you shouldn't have to pay such a hefty cancellation fee.


Hope this helps and good luck! But most of all, listen to your inner voice. Only you know best.




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I did have a red flag go up when I found out there wasn't a contract involved. I learned a long time ago to pay attention when I do get red flags like that. The deposit I paid was to hold the rental for me. He never charged me a security deposit, which I find strange now. Also, after thinking about it, when we talked on the phone, he never asked me ANYTHING about myself..Not one thing. I can't imagine renting out my condo with nice furnishing like that without trying to find out specifics on the person.


I went ahead and told the owner to cancel the reservation. Too many if's involved, and he may be legit, but I'm not willing to take a chance with $1200 more dollars, which I owe on the rental.

He said he would charge me the credit card fee, whatever that is. Didn't specify how much or when it would be refunded. It did list on the VRBO listing he had that cancelation fee is $200 so I'm assuming that's what he is planning. Hard lession learned for sure. Asking for a rental contract will the FIRST thing I ask about from now on.


Now, not sure what route I will go..Think I will bypass the VRBO site from now on. I think Homeaway is associated with them, so not sure bout it either. May just pay for a hotel with kitchenette and forget about the condo route all together.


I really appreciate everyone's help and advice! This site has been so valuable for me in planning my cruise and trip. If anyone wants to know the owner's name of the VRBO listing, in order to avoid what I've been through, let me know. privately. Thanks again everyone~

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I did have a red flag go up when I found out there wasn't a contract involved. I learned a long time ago to pay attention when I do get red flags like that. The deposit I paid was to hold the rental for me. He never charged me a security deposit, which I find strange now. Also, after thinking about it, when we talked on the phone, he never asked me ANYTHING about myself..Not one thing. I can't imagine renting out my condo with nice furnishing like that without trying to find out specifics on the person.


I went ahead and told the owner to cancel the reservation. Too many if's involved, and he may be legit, but I'm not willing to take a chance with $1200 more dollars, which I owe on the rental.

He said he would charge me the credit card fee, whatever that is. Didn't specify how much or when it would be refunded. It did list on the VRBO listing he had that cancelation fee is $200 so I'm assuming that's what he is planning. Hard lession learned for sure. Asking for a rental contract will the FIRST thing I ask about from now on.


Now, not sure what route I will go..Think I will bypass the VRBO site from now on. I think Homeaway is associated with them, so not sure bout it either. May just pay for a hotel with kitchenette and forget about the condo route all together.


I really appreciate everyone's help and advice! This site has been so valuable for me in planning my cruise and trip. If anyone wants to know the owner's name of the VRBO listing, in order to avoid what I've been through, let me know. privately. Thanks again everyone~



Does the owner live on Maui?

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