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Chankanaab or Paradise Beach w/young kids?


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We're on Carnival Magic Western Caribbean next week. :-)


Still trying to sort out our port activities.


The cast:

Me. Daddy. Turning 50 on Aug29 (in denial, not old enough to be 50)

DW 47

DD 8, will be 9 in november

DD 3, will be 4 in november


Mom and dad are PADI certified divers.

DD8 is a reasonably strong swimmer, has never snorkeled.

DD3 loves the water, but is not a swimmer yet. Never snorkeled (and I am concerned that she will not "get it" at this age.

This is first cruise for DW and the girls.


First, some background: although I am not militant about it, there's just something about the dolphins in captivity that I am not at ease with. I know this has been debated to death... as a diver, I had an encounter with a pod of dolphins in open water and it was a glorious experience. My DD8 has 2 pet dolphin plush toys and they are her 2 favorite stuffed animals. Like many little girls, she dreams of working as a veterinarian or marine biologist. Her eyes POPPED out when I told her that there was a possibility of a dolphin encounter in Cozumel... but the more I thought about it (and also thinking about the budget), considering the age of my girls (DD3 is borderline too young to appreciate it, and her lack of swimming skills concerns me) and also DW is still recovering from a surgical procedure from 6 weeks ago, so her mobility is less than 100%. SO I am ruling out a dolphin encounter/swim on this trip. My opinion may change about the captivity part at some point, but since there are other on-the-fence questions, the captivity thing was the deciding vote.


We are planning on a "beach day" in Jamaica.


We are thinking of some kind of snorkel adventure/stingray city in Grand Cayman... where DW or I can stay on the boat with DD3 if need be. And since the stingrays are willing participants in open water, I don't have nearly the uneasy feeling about the stingray encounter (but then again, humans have been feeding these lovely animals, so generations of stingrays have grown up with free squid).


Which brings us to Cozumel.


Chankanaab looks very cool, but I don't want to upset my DD8 with a tease. How would you rate Chankanaab as a destination without the dolphin encounter? What about the other animal encounters? What about for DD3? We own snorkel gear -- but would need vests. If you were to choose Chankanaab vs. a beach day at Paradise Beach, which would you pick for my family and why?


I read about the Carnival contract with Dolphin Discovery company, and I find it very distasteful. I guess I could "ecommerce" around this... there are 3 ships in-port on our day (ccl Magic, ccl Conquest, Allure) - so I could lie about it too.


I am also closely tracking the weather (this IS hurricane season) and Dr. Jeff Masters' blog discussed ex-TD 7 reawakening -- so maybe NOT booking anything for Cozumel and just playing it by ear is best? We'd give up 15% advance booking discount vs. 100% flexibility vs. slots filling up and not being to book last minute. That's why I am still seeking input from those who have been there and done this.


Parents with YOUNG kids (3-8 years old) - I'd sure appreciate your input.





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We've been to both and Paradise is nice and quiet and relaxed, but I think your kids would love the park. There is more to experience even without the dolphins. We've visited the park many times on land vaca's and cruise vaca's but we never do the dolphin encounter. Some people I know loved it and others say its too commercial. If you want to keep them occupied, the park is great. They have vests to rent there too. Snorkeling at Paradise isn't great either. At least there are some rocks the fish hang around at Chankanaab. You'll have fun no matter where you go in Cozumel.

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We brought our boys (then 3,9, and 11) to Chankanaab last year and did the dolphin encounter. It was fantastic! Small beach area that is made just for kids. There is also a little show. You can watch the dolphins from the pier. I think you can book on the ship for just watching for a really great rate.

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We went to Chankanaab for the first time with our 3 year old last September. She absolutely LOVE it and so did we. There is so much there to do. The snorkeling is AWESOME and she loved every bit of that as well. No she was not a swimmer, but we brought her puddle jumper with her for all the ports. This was her first cruise and her first time being in the ocean, salt water, and swimming with fish. It's ALL she talks about to this day.


We did the dolphin encounter with her...she had "Foxy" the dolphin and I probably don't have to tell you what her stuffed dolphin animal at home is named. She talks about it non-stop. So don't underestimate a 3 year old on what they will remember or take in. I believe this was an experience that she will never forget (or stop talking about).


Since we had such a wonderful time on that cruise, we booked another cruise for 6 months later (she was still 3 at the time) and went back to Chankanaab. She knew where we were, and that the dolphins were there, but there is a way that you can walk around (and not even pass by the dolphin area) once you get in, so she didn't bug us to do the swim again. Her older, 23 year old sister did the dolphin royal this time around and loved that as well.


Here is my full review on Chankanaab from September of last year: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showpost.php?p=30683350&postcount=59


Here is the review from the dolphin swim: http://boards.cruisecritic.comu are/showpost.php?p=30692077&postcount=65


Here is our review from March: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showpost.php?p=33274360&postcount=48


If you have any questions you are welcome to ask away. :D

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The snorkeling is AWESOME and she loved every bit of that as well. No she was not a swimmer, but we brought her puddle jumper with her for all the ports. This was her first cruise and her first time being in the ocean, salt water, and swimming with fish. It's ALL she talks about to this day.


Your photos are beautiful! Are you a pro photographer?


Did you buy kid sized snorkel before your trip? I can't find anything small enough for a 4 year old. Gonna visit a local dive shop - but I don't see my almost 4 DD snorkeling. We have a blow-up vest for her -- but her swim instructors encouraged us to not let her use it -- but in the ocean, I think we're gonna have to. My DW and I have pro level dive gear -- and my DD8 is begging to use mommy's


I think we're gonna pass on the dolphins on this trip. Gona play Cozumel by ear.


Thanks for confirming that an afternoon at Chankanaab is a good choice for a family. We are experienced travelers (BC - before children) and we typically would avoid the cruise crowds at all costs - so others talking about "excursions" is hard to get my head around. We'd find a place to go explore, get a cab and just go.


While you're on my radar, any opinion on what to do with 3&8 year olds in Grand Cayman - assuming we can tender in?


Thanks for sharing your trips with us!



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Thanks. No, I'm not a pro photographer. I just love photography and take pictures everywhere I go (and of my family). The pictures were taken with my Canon D10 point and shoot camera. It's waterproof and I love it so much that we bought a second one (because the hubby and I were always fighting over who gets to use it when snorkeling). :D


We purchased a kids sized snorkel before our trip in September. The mask just wasn't a good fit and didn't seal right and she couldn't stand it. So, she pretty much floated above water and followed us around. When she would get tired, she would hop on own of our backs while we snorkeled. She had a blast. Did you catch the picture of the fish that jumped out of the water and they were starring at each other in the face. That was a once in a lifetime catch on that picture and she is always asking me to see it on my computer.




The second cruise in March, she didn't want to take the mask at all and just wanted to float on the top and watch the fish under her (and feed them). The water is so crystal clear that you can see all of the fish from above the water.


She just turned 4 in April and learn to swim 2 weeks after her birthday. She is a very good swimmer now, but even so, we will not trust that in the ocean. We will still be taking her puddle jumper with her for safety (unless we are in a pool somewhere).


Please check on the puddle jumpers. They are the BEST thing ever created. We had a time with trying to find something that worked. When she would wear the arm floaties, of course if you lift your arms up, you go under. We tried putting those on WITH a float ring and that worked. However, when you are in the ocean, I would not trust it as a floating or life saving device. Coral or anything could cause it to pop or deflate. So, then we went to the store and tried the zip up vest type of floatie (that covers their entire chest). It caused her to flip forward face first into the water and she couldn't get back up. We then went to the sporting goods store and purchased a regular life jacket (the orange ones). This caused her to flip on her back (the have those head rest too) and she couldn't get flipped back up. So, I was at the end of my wits. There didn't seem to be anything that would work at all. Someone on here suggested the puddle jumper....ahhhhh, thank goodness. I guarantee it will not cause them to go under, flip on their back, flip on their belly and of course it doesn't deflate. They are the greatest thing ever. They are not expensive either. I think I bought mine at Target for around $19.95 and my oldest daughter bought my grandson (who is also 4 and was scared of the water) one at Walmart for $15.95. Try one, I know you won't be let down. :)


Also since she has learn to swim, we discovered the swimmer goggles (the type that just got over your eyes). She LOVES them and I know this upcoming cruise, she is really going to love the ocean because now she will be able to stick her head under and see everything.


In Grand Cayman, we did the swim with the Stingrays out at the Stingray Bar. My daughter LOVES animals and it's all she talks about. So, we do everything that we can with her. (In belize, we went cavetubing. She ate termites and held the tarantula. In Roatan, we went ziplining and even though she was suppose to tandem ride with us, she wanted to do it on her own...and did. She held the monkeys there. She's a bit of an extremist and will try just about anything). :D

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Please check on the puddle jumpers. They are the BEST thing ever created


Wow. Home run. Thank you!


I showed your video of your daughter in the water with the puddle jumper to my DD/almost 4 (not quite a swimmer yet) and she got all excited! She wants to do the exact same thing.


My local dive shop had one (on sale - but not my DD's favorite color) -- but since it wasn't yet Amazon cutoff for 2-day shipping (we have a Prime account - free 2-day shipping) we were able to order the exact color/animal combo to make DD happy (deluxe, blue, turtle). Hopefully Amazon delivers on time.


Thanks so much for sharing these little tips. Just need to find room to pack everything since we're flying to Houston.


Thanks again!


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Wow. Home run. Thank you!


I showed your video of your daughter in the water with the puddle jumper to my DD/almost 4 (not quite a swimmer yet) and she got all excited! She wants to do the exact same thing.


My local dive shop had one (on sale - but not my DD's favorite color) -- but since it wasn't yet Amazon cutoff for 2-day shipping (we have a Prime account - free 2-day shipping) we were able to order the exact color/animal combo to make DD happy (deluxe, blue, turtle). Hopefully Amazon delivers on time.


Thanks so much for sharing these little tips. Just need to find room to pack everything since we're flying to Houston.


Thanks again!



No problem. You (and your DD) will love the puddle jumper and it will put your mind at ease some. When I went to get mine, they did not have much of a selection and we ended up with the blue one you see in the picture (it has green fish and coral printed on it). So, that's what she ended up with. (We had seen the pink ones online, but I wanted to try it out before buying it since I had nothing but bad luck with everything else I had tried). My grandson got a green one with a raised turtle on the front and it is adorable.


Have a wonderful vacation!!! Let me know when you return how your adventures went and what all you did...and especially how the puddle jumper worked for you. :D

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Let me know when you return how your adventures went and what all you did...and especially how the puddle jumper worked for you.


Wow. Puddle jumper was amazing!!!! Thank you soooo much! DD3 was the happiest little girl in the pool or the beach. Even used it with the stingrays (but that's another story).


We had a spectacular day at Chankanaab!


We got there as early as we could get off the Magic. Kids loved the baby beach. We then moved over to the main snorkel area, but since we're divers and we've snorkeled some of the best reefs in the caribbean -- Chankanaab is not one of them. :-) But as a first experience for our DD8, she loved it. And it was safe and tame.


Lunch was pricey. Even on NYC standards, but the Mexican beer was cheap, so whatever...


We saw the sea lion show. Cute.


The swimming pool was perfect.


We ran out of time.


The park was EMPTY. That was with at least 4 ships in port. Plenty of open palapas, chairs, etc... I'd say the park was only at 25% - I guess some people are not willing to pay $19 per adult for this? We felt it was worth it for the run of the place. And everyone was nice-nice-nice. They even let us store the car seat in the security office.


The dolphin discovery area... this is worth a longer post. I have very mixed feelings about this. More later...

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let your daughter watch the documentary "The Cove" and you won't have an issue with her wanting to swim with dolphins. Not sure if it is still on Netflix streaming, but it use to be...


Does not appear to be on netflix streaming anymore, but the trailer on amazon-on-demand looks intriguing! Thanks for the suggestion. We will watch it soon. But it does not seem appropriate for an 8 year old.

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Wow. Puddle jumper was amazing!!!! Thank you soooo much! DD3 was the happiest little girl in the pool or the beach. Even used it with the stingrays (but that's another story).


Singing in my "I told ya so" voice. :D Isn't it heaven! I love the person that discovered this item!!!


We had a spectacular day at Chankanaab!


We got there as early as we could get off the Magic. Kids loved the baby beach. We then moved over to the main snorkel area, but since we're divers and we've snorkeled some of the best reefs in the caribbean -- Chankanaab is not one of them. :-) But as a first experience for our DD8, she loved it. And it was safe and tame.


Lunch was pricey. Even on NYC standards, but the Mexican beer was cheap, so whatever...


Just wondering, did you try the everything platter sampler they had? I know you could only get it while sitting on the beach and the waiters offered it. It was a sampling of everything they carried. To me, it was pretty cheap for the amount you got (I think it was $10 or $12 I can't remember. But, it was a lot of food). I know my oldest daughter and her boyfriend ate up at the place by the swimming pool/dolphin area and they paid $10 for a burrito. :eek: They should have came over and ate with us. :p


We saw the sea lion show. Cute.


The swimming pool was perfect.


We ran out of time.


The park was EMPTY. That was with at least 4 ships in port. Plenty of open palapas, chairs, etc... I'd say the park was only at 25% - I guess some people are not willing to pay $19 per adult for this? We felt it was worth it for the run of the place. And everyone was nice-nice-nice. They even let us store the car seat in the security office.


I know that people complain about paying that much to get in, but to us, it is worth every penny. There is just so much to do and see there. We were more than happy with the place...so happy since we went twice in a 6 month time frame. hehe


However, we are moving on to somewhere different on our upcoming cruise in December. I'm still trying to decide just what is going to be able to top Chankanaab and it's been a really hard decision so far. :(

The dolphin discovery area... this is worth a longer post. I have very mixed feelings about this. More later...


Just wondering, you didn't mention going threw the self-guided tour to the Mayan Ruins replicas. Did you manage to do that as well?


Can't wait to hear about the dolphin discovery area and what you thought.

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  • 3 weeks later...
We went to Chankanaab for the first time with our 3 year old last September. She absolutely LOVE it and so did we. There is so much there to do. The snorkeling is AWESOME and she loved every bit of that as well. No she was not a swimmer, but we brought her puddle jumper with her for all the ports. This was her first cruise and her first time being in the ocean, salt water, and swimming with fish. It's ALL she talks about to this day.


We did the dolphin encounter with her...she had "Foxy" the dolphin and I probably don't have to tell you what her stuffed dolphin animal at home is named. She talks about it non-stop. So don't underestimate a 3 year old on what they will remember or take in. I believe this was an experience that she will never forget (or stop talking about).


Since we had such a wonderful time on that cruise, we booked another cruise for 6 months later (she was still 3 at the time) and went back to Chankanaab. She knew where we were, and that the dolphins were there, but there is a way that you can walk around (and not even pass by the dolphin area) once you get in, so she didn't bug us to do the swim again. Her older, 23 year old sister did the dolphin royal this time around and loved that as well.


Here is my full review on Chankanaab from September of last year: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showpost.php?p=30683350&postcount=59


Here is the review from the dolphin swim: http://boards.cruisecritic.comu are/showpost.php?p=30692077&postcount=65


Here is our review from March: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showpost.php?p=33274360&postcount=48


If you have any questions you are welcome to ask away. :D


Hi mitsugirly. I'm hoping you can answer my question. We are thinking of going to Chankanaab during our cruise in February. We are not doing any of the extras...just swimming and relaxing on the beach. My question is do we just show up and pay? Do they limit the number of people they let in? I don't see anywhere to sign up and pay in advance unless you want to swim with the dolphins.


Thanks so much!!! I love all of your reviews...they are fantastic!:D

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Hi mitsugirly. I'm hoping you can answer my question. We are thinking of going to Chankanaab during our cruise in February. We are not doing any of the extras...just swimming and relaxing on the beach. My question is do we just show up and pay? Do they limit the number of people they let in?


I'm not mitsugirly, but I was just there with my family (DD3, DD8) 3 weeks ago. The day we were there, there were 5 ships in port, including Magic, Allure, etc... I'm saying that to make a point: even with 17,000+ passengers in Cozumel, Chankanaab felt empty. We didn't do the dolphins -- we just enjoyed the "beach" and the pool - snorkeling, etc. And we ran out of time! We did not have time to tour the property (a very nice man from Chankanaab offered a free guided tour) - everyone was nice. They let us store our child car seat in the security office. I would go back again without any hesitation. A fun, relaxing day. Yes, show up and pay. There are discount coupons out there. I used this one ($2 off per adult, $1 off per child):




We paid by credit card - but they will run the card in pesos. Some banks surcharge transactions in foreign currency. Be careful.


To get there, simply grab a taxi.


We were told they use filtered water for their ice. Cocktails were good - but the beer was better.


Don't forget to take advantage of the fresh water pool.

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Hi mitsugirly. I'm hoping you can answer my question. We are thinking of going to Chankanaab during our cruise in February. We are not doing any of the extras...just swimming and relaxing on the beach. My question is do we just show up and pay? Do they limit the number of people they let in? I don't see anywhere to sign up and pay in advance unless you want to swim with the dolphins.


Thanks so much!!! I love all of your reviews...they are fantastic!


There is not a site to prebook Chankanaab (that I'm aware of, ever seen mentioned, or heard about). Just grab a cab and show up. I don't believe they limit the number of visitors there. The place is HUGE. You will have a great time even without the dolphin swim (which is what we-meaning the hubby, our 3 year old, and myself-did the 2nd time we were there. My 23 year old daughter and her boyfriend did the dolphin swim that time) but IMO, it's definitely worth the admission price to go there. Especially if you have time to see everything there. :)


The day we were there, there were 5 ships in port, including Magic, Allure, etc... I'm saying that to make a point: even with 17,000+ passengers in Cozumel, Chankanaab felt empty.


And we ran out of time!


There are discount coupons out there. I used this one ($2 off per adult, $1 off per child):




We paid by credit card - but they will run the card in pesos. Some banks surcharge transactions in foreign currency. Be careful.



I agree, when we were there in march, I believe there were 5 or 6 ships there that day. The beach didn't really seemed crowded, but we did have some complications after getting dropped off (in my review about leaving our bag in the cab and not having money or ID's to get in) and it took us awhile before we could enter the park. By the time we did get in and locate my oldest daughter and her boyfriend that had already entered the park prior to discovering that we were unable to get in, the beach chairs were full at the large beach area. We are always ok with this because we don't spend much time in the chairs anyhow. We just put our things down by the snorkeling wall and went in the water. :D By the time we were done snorkeling the first time around, there were some chairs available. We were some of the last to leave. We never felt crowded at all.


I agree, we never feel like we have enough time there. :(


Definitely use the coupon above (unless you want to take advantage of their special they have at the entrance desk...you pay more, but it includes a free tee shirt if that's something that you want.)


Just my opinion, but I never pay by credit card in any of the ports for anything. Not only because of the rate exchange (and they do have a tendency to "overcharge" you), but you can also risk someone stealing your information. (Not saying this place would, but I've read tons of horror stories on this board about using credit cards in port only to find out huge charges occurred when they returned home). So, if you can pay by cash, do so.


Also, try to bring smaller bills and make exact change if you can. We did buy something in the gift shop the first time we went to Chankanaab (it was just some soda) and I only had a bigger bill, when they gave me the change back, I was totally ripped off. They owed me $5.__ and some change back in American money and they gave me a $5 peso instead (which is around .30+ cents). :rolleyes:

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There is not a site to prebook Chankanaab (that I'm aware of, ever seen mentioned, or heard about). Just grab a cab and show up. I don't believe they limit the number of visitors there. The place is HUGE. You will have a great time even without the dolphin swim (which is what we-meaning the hubby, our 3 year old, and myself-did the 2nd time we were there. My 23 year old daughter and her boyfriend did the dolphin swim that time) but IMO, it's definitely worth the admission price to go there. Especially if you have time to see everything there. :)




I agree, when we were there in march, I believe there were 5 or 6 ships there that day. The beach didn't really seemed crowded, but we did have some complications after getting dropped off (in my review about leaving our bag in the cab and not having money or ID's to get in) and it took us awhile before we could enter the park. By the time we did get in and locate my oldest daughter and her boyfriend that had already entered the park prior to discovering that we were unable to get in, the beach chairs were full at the large beach area. We are always ok with this because we don't spend much time in the chairs anyhow. We just put our things down by the snorkeling wall and went in the water. :D By the time we were done snorkeling the first time around, there were some chairs available. We were some of the last to leave. We never felt crowded at all.


I agree, we never feel like we have enough time there. :(


Definitely use the coupon above (unless you want to take advantage of their special they have at the entrance desk...you pay more, but it includes a free tee shirt if that's something that you want.)


Just my opinion, but I never pay by credit card in any of the ports for anything. Not only because of the rate exchange (and they do have a tendency to "overcharge" you), but you can also risk someone stealing your information. (Not saying this place would, but I've read tons of horror stories on this board about using credit cards in port only to find out huge charges occurred when they returned home). So, if you can pay by cash, do so.


Also, try to bring smaller bills and make exact change if you can. We did buy something in the gift shop the first time we went to Chankanaab (it was just some soda) and I only had a bigger bill, when they gave me the change back, I was totally ripped off. They owed me $5.__ and some change back in American money and they gave me a $5 peso instead (which is around .30+ cents). :rolleyes:



Thank you for all of your helpful advice!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

mitsugirly - we are bringing our 3 grandchildren to dolphin discovery - ages 6, 4 and 18 months in December. The 18 month old is free and we were instructed to let them know about her. BUT we are only two adults. Do you have any clue how they might handle the dolphin encounter part with two adults and 3 children? The two older ones both swim.


AND THANK YOU for all your reviews and pictures. I've been sending the links to the family and we are all so excited.

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mitsugirly - we are bringing our 3 grandchildren to dolphin discovery - ages 6, 4 and 18 months in December. The 18 month old is free and we were instructed to let them know about her. BUT we are only two adults. Do you have any clue how they might handle the dolphin encounter part with two adults and 3 children? The two older ones both swim.


AND THANK YOU for all your reviews and pictures. I've been sending the links to the family and we are all so excited.


Honestly I'm not sure. Do they have the rules that each child has to have a paying adult? I would imagine that it would be ok since the one is only 18 months and free.

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Please check on the puddle jumpers. They are the BEST thing ever created. We had a time with trying to find something that worked. When she would wear the arm floaties, of course if you lift your arms up, you go under. We tried putting those on WITH a float ring and that worked. However, when you are in the ocean, I would not trust it as a floating or life saving device. Coral or anything could cause it to pop or deflate. So, then we went to the store and tried the zip up vest type of floatie (that covers their entire chest). It caused her to flip forward face first into the water and she couldn't get back up. We then went to the sporting goods store and purchased a regular life jacket (the orange ones). This caused her to flip on her back (the have those head rest too) and she couldn't get flipped back up. So, I was at the end of my wits. There didn't seem to be anything that would work at all. Someone on here suggested the puddle jumper....ahhhhh, thank goodness. I guarantee it will not cause them to go under, flip on their back, flip on their belly and of course it doesn't deflate. They are the greatest thing ever. They are not expensive either. I think I bought mine at Target for around $19.95 and my oldest daughter bought my grandson (who is also 4 and was scared of the water) one at Walmart for $15.95. Try one, I know you won't be let down.


Thanks for the tips about the puddle jumper. We'll be in Cozumel in November with our 7 years old daughter (her weigh is about 46 pounds), if we do we also may look into the puddle jumper for her.


Do you know if Chankanaab park policy required everyone to wear their vest? Seems like your daughter did not need to wear one.


I'm also thinking of bring my own inflatable snorkeling vest.



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Do they have taxi's there waiting pretty much all the time to take you back to the port?


Yes, when you pull up to where they drop you off there is a guy that stands there checking all of the taxi's off (their taxi number) and how many guest get out of each (it's VERY organized). The taxi's are not allowed to wait in that area. There is a parking lot right next to it and the guy that checks in the taxi's has a walkie talkie that he can contact every taxi out there. When you are ready to go, he'll get on it and tell them to come over and they'll just drive over and get you (this is within seeing distance). No worries at all. We were some of the last to leave the park back in March and there were still tons of taxis over there.



Thanks for the tips about the puddle jumper. We'll be in Cozumel in November with our 7 years old daughter (her weigh is about 46 pounds), if we do we also may look into the puddle jumper for her.


Do you know if Chankanaab park policy required everyone to wear their vest? Seems like your daughter did not need to wear one.


I'm also thinking of bring my own inflatable snorkeling vest.





I have HEARD (on here) that Chankanaab requires you to wear a life vest. However, the obviously don't enforce it because I've seen people out there without them. However, even if you are a strong swimmer, I would still recommend it. The waves can get a little bigger when boats go buy and it's in an area with all of the rocks, so some times you can get pushed around closer to the edge. We always wear them just for precaution and we like to just float around in certain areas while taking pictures.


I'm not sure which daughter you are talking about not wearing a snorkel vest? Is there a picture you seen with her not having one on? I have my 4 year old (who was 3 on the last 2 cruises when we were at Chankanaab) have the puddle jumper on every time she was in the water. At that time she didn't know how to swim (she does now). But even though she knows how to swim now, I still would never allow her to go in the ocean without her puddle jumper and will still be bringing it with us on the cruise. If it's my 24 year old daughter you seen, I'm not sure. I thought she had her snorkel vest on while we were in the water?? :confused:


Just remember that (at least at Chankanaab) you can rent the snorkel vest for free (if you didn't want to purchase one). You just give your license to the guy at the rental shack and they keep it until you return the vest. Just make sure it's the rental shack that JUST rents vests. NOT the one that rents the snorkel equipment (they have life vest too, but they charge for it). :)

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