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60 days and counting


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Just over a year ago I was bitten by a black widow. The poison settled in my spine and legs, I was born with a crooked spine and at 60 that is a weak spot in my body. The next day I could not use my legs, and slowly I have moved from a bed to a cane to mostly without the cane, to putting the cane away and now I am determined to enjoy this cruise and be able to take excursions. One of them we want to take is a helicopter ride with the doors off. They have a weight limit of 200 pounds each. My DH was 199 and I checked in at 211 two and a half weeks ago. We have 64 days until we sail and we have been trying to loose weight. Now that I can walk I have been walking each day. I am pretty proud of myself for how far I can walk, even with pain. We live in a park with lots of hills and little traffic so walking the hills is perfect. Last week we weighed in at 198 DH and 206 me, five pounds seems good to me. I am hoping for 2 pounds a week at 9 weeks that gives me a little wiggle room in case I fudge on the first part of my cruise and enjoy too many deserts. At 60 it sure isn't easy to loose and I found this thread, thought it might inspire me to stick with it. I can't do zumba or anything extreme but maybe someday I will get back into shape. I was a firefighter/mother and could do most anything once, but that stupid spider did me in. One year of little activity and lots of time to eat must be undone and I must get back into shape. I still have a lot of cruising to do in the next 30 years.


I hope this is the correct way to introduce myself on this forum. I saw so many threads already started that I wasn't sure how to jump in.

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Welcome to this board Linda!


You have overcome so much! The effects of a Black Widow spider are completely unknown to me...I had no idea that what happened to you was a possibility. I am so impressed that you are walking again. I think you have a very reasonable goal...and high motivation to achieve a mini-goal before your cruise.


As for getting back into shape some day...you just have to give yourself time and space to achieve the long term goal. When I started my own path toward health and fitness, I was probably 215 (my scale was light and I stopped getting on it at 205)...but I set an 18-month goal...which was my 40th birthday which was going to be celebrated on a family cruise vacation. I think setting the realistic goals...and achieving them is what is most motivating for being able to continue with the effort and not just give in to old habits and patterns.


I am STILL...two years later...trying to attain my ultimate goal...but progress has been steady. There are some great, supportive people posting here. If you continue to check in and talk...you'd be surprised how helpful it can be to have your thread.

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Thank you for your kind comments Anita. It is sure harder for me now that I am "old." I used to just cut out desert for a week and loose what I needed to but now, I am really working at it.


Last night there was chocolate cheese cake served for desert at our dinner out. What a temptation. I told DH to get them to go. I put one straight into the freezer and I will cut one piece into quarters and we can share it that way. It is the pits to have to feel deprived so I thought one quarter of a serving will give us a taste and not add that many calories. I will just make a low cal. dinner so that a quarter of a serving will still not tax our diet too much. Does that seem logical?


Who tempts dieters with chocolate cheese cake? And we aren't even on the cruise yet.

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I think that sounds incredibly logical. What I have learned is that you have to figure out a way to include things like chocolate cheesecake so that you don't feel deprived...we feel deprived when we want to do something but don't do it at all...we feel in control when we want something and make a way to enjoy what we want without totally compromising our goals.


Here's what I would recommend you do...Realize that most restaurants serve potions that are too large to begin with...so 1/4 of what they served you could be spot on for an acceptable portion. Don't feel like that serving is undersized. To really play up the indulgence factor of the dessert...spend some time to make it pretty on the plate. I would get some fresh raspberries (which I personally LOVE with chocolate) and add those to the plate with the cheesecake. It's the little things like this that can help you take a bite of the cheesecake. Savor. Enjoy. Have a raspberry or two...another cheesecake bite...etc. Then you can enjoy the cheesecake for just a little bit longer...and the yummy-ness won't end quite as quickly.


And for the dinner...I don't know your normal eating style...but whatever you eat for your entree before that dessert...really up the chew factor...meaning...pick something that is going to make you chew a lot. Something with texture and a need for chewing (nothing too soft that is too easy to eat)...an al dente stir fry of veggies...a large entree salad. All that chewing during dinner will make that dessert seem extra indulgent and satisfying.


I understand the struggle that comes with age...just another reason why I am so impressed with how much you have already overcome...I was talking to Mom (Member123) about your post (her computer died and she hasn't been online)...and her comment was that you are showing a strength of will that shows that you are fully capable to achieving this goal. We all just need to have a soundboard, I think, as we work toward our goals and that's the great thing about this board.

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Now I am totally discouraged. I lost 1/2 pound and DH lost 1. I walk at least two miles a day 6 days a week and have cut my calorie count in half but 1/2 pound just seems so meaningless. Oh well, the first week I lost 1 then the second I lost 4 so maybe next week I will loose big again.

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Now I am totally discouraged. I lost 1/2 pound and DH lost 1. I walk at least two miles a day 6 days a week and have cut my calorie count in half but 1/2 pound just seems so meaningless. Oh well, the first week I lost 1 then the second I lost 4 so maybe next week I will loose big again.


Good luck to you! You've really had a struggle. A bad back is a true handicap ): i think you have probably hit a plateau. I've had good luck with"myfitnesspal.com" and keeping VERY close count of my calories. Calories can sneak up on you from unexpected places. Determine that come what may, you will enjoy and have fun on your cruise. You deserve it!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Now I am totally discouraged. I lost 1/2 pound and DH lost 1. I walk at least two miles a day 6 days a week and have cut my calorie count in half but 1/2 pound just seems so meaningless. Oh well, the first week I lost 1 then the second I lost 4 so maybe next week I will loose big again.

Don't get discouraged.


When I first started working out...I didn't lose a single pound for two months! However, I DID lose 2 inches from around my hips. I know that technically the formula is supposed to be a certain deficit of calories equals a certain pound lost in weight...HOWEVER...in my experience (and that of my Mom)...and many, many other sources...weight loss is so much more complicated than that. Water retention, hormones, and so many other factors play a part. There is a lot of talk about building muscle v. losing fat...but this is not the most likely explanation for most women regarding slow movement on the scale.


So please don't get discouraged.


You have to understand all the different components of your body that affect weight...and understand that the efforts you are putting forth with your physical activity is having the desired effect...your body is changing...your ability to monitor and quantify how your body is changing is what is lacking. It's entirely possible that you have lost more than the one pound, but for some reason...you are retaining water. Maybe you ate too much sodium...or wheat...or soy...or dairy...or some other food that you don't know causes irritation in your system and a mild allergic reaction. I say this because wheat is an issue for me...I'm not technically allergic...but an excess causes me problems. Maybe your hormones are causing changes? There are other weights in your body that change beyond fat and muscle...


I recently said this to someone else...and I have repeatedly said this on my Zumba thread...you have to have more than the scale as a way to measure your success. Take measurements. Observe the fit of your clothes...your rings...your glasses (if you wear them). Include other aspects of a healthy and fitness lifestyle in your measure of success...how often did you eat at home? how well did you eat? did you exert control over a temptation (I know you did that with the cheesecake!) how much water are you drinking daily? (a serious challenge for me for some reason) how often were you active? for how long? did you notice an improvement in your abilities in your routine? did you get good sleep? are you taking care of yourself? how are your nails? how is your hair? your skin?


A healthy weight is simply one aspect of health and wellness. There is so much more...it is when you take that healthy weight aspect and put it into perspective with the overall picture of WHY you are trying to achieve that healthy weight that you can find success in the overall picture and maintain your motivation to keep on keeping on.


You're doing great with your walking! Keep after it!

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I am finally getting beyond the pain that set in last week and can walk with only a little pain. That is encouraging. I was afraid that I had torn something. I use a calorie counter on my phone and watch pretty closely. When the ice cream craving comes on I am grabbing a yogurt instead. I noticed that my face broke out, imagine, 60 years old and face problems. I guess it means that I am sweating out some kind of toxins. Lots of swelling like around the rings so maybe I am retaining a lot of water.


Thanks both of you for your encouragement. Just knowing that I won't have problems walking around town in Hawaii is an encouraging outcome of this excercising.

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lindaler - wow! You're doing a terrific job of turning your health around. You and your DH should both be really proud. An excursion with a weight limit is a nice way to motivate yourself.


Don't get discouraged.


When I first started working out...I didn't lose a single pound for two months!


This is also true for me. I'm currently in that awkward place where I have started working out regularly and am not experiencing weight loss. In fact I tend to gain several pounds before I start losing again. So several weeks after my big start I'll find myself right back where I've started (as far as weight is concerned). I'm trying to see the big picture and just stay with it. It's hard! People say it's simple - reduce calories and move more and you will lose weight. For me, this is not consistently true and can be really depressing.


So for now I'm trying to enjoy feeling stronger. For motivation, I'm keeping several pieces of too-snug clothing at the ready and I make myself try one item on each day. I WILL get there and don't plan on giving up. You'll get there too, linderer! A half pound loss is not a throwaway, it's terrific!

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Weigh in day for us, DH is down to 196 and I was at 204 3/4 so DH lost 1 1/2 pounds and I lost 3/4 a pound. Exactly 4 weeks ago I was 211 so that means I have lost 6 1/4 pounds in that time and DH, well, he lost some, gained some, and lost some more to set at a total of 3 pounds. I know he thinks he can really dump the weight when it gets closer to time to sail and he is just going a long with my change in diet. Well, if I stay on schedual for how I have been loosing then maybe another 12 pounds by the time we sail. I will really have to keep walking on deck to not put too much back on. Well at least I am going in the right direction and getting stronger. Thanks for the support guys.

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Anita, I see that you love Zumba. I have looked at more than a few different excercise tapes and they seem so boring. I know that I would never use them as they don't get me excited about moving. I watched a you tube on beginning Zumba and it seemed complicated but motivating. Any suggestions on what to get? Our temperatures are getting back into the 100s this week so after my morning walk, it is too hot to go outside and work out so I need something fun to do inside.

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Well, I have desided to up the excerise. My walking friend found a pedometer and it appears I am walking about 3 1/2 miles up and down the hills of our park 6 of the 7 days of the week. And today I lasted 24 minutes in the zumba workout. I know I look funny and can not do half the steps but at least I am moving and working up a sweat. Hopefully next weigh-in will show progress.

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Today, DH went fishing at 5:30 and I went back to sleep for a bit. When I woke all I wanted was to forget and take a day off. Then just as I was getting my shoes on, my walking partner called to say she wouldn't make it today. So who's to know if I say I did but just get some work around the house done? Me of course so I head out. Neighbor grabs me and says, we have a class reunion so your cat will not get attention for part of your vacation. That's three strikes for my walk. Turns out they will only be gone when we take off and back the next day. Even if he is a hairless and needs social contact, he can live 24 hours without a human. So now do I walk? Yah, of course. I deside to do the alone walk. In our park we have a residences for RVs section and 40 acres across the creek that are owned by the park but undeveloped. I head down the hill and have a very sweaty but wonderful walk. I could see no other human footprints. I saw bobcat tracks, cyotee tracks, quail, snakes, deer and about everything else wild you can imagine but no humans. It was nice to push myself up the hills. I just have to remember to be careful coming down the hills. No one knows where I am and if I were to fall. . . I guess the bobcat wouldn't be hungry for a while. Seriously, it was a very tiring and enjoyable walk.

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Weigh in day. I was sure hoping for something wild and crazy but DH and I both lost one pound. That makes 7 1/2 pounds in 35 days. Not great but not too bad. If we were not on a dead line I would be happy I guess. But the night munchies are sure hard to control. And DH took me out to breakfast to celebrate our weightloss. Why does food have to taste so good?

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Yesterday was weigh in day. We had really focused on ice water, low low carbs, protien and lots of fruits and veggies. 100 oz of ice water per day for three days. We each lost three pounds this week. I have a total of 11 pounds now in 5 weeks. Still have six weeks before we sail.

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Yesterday was weigh in day. We had really focused on ice water, low low carbs, protien and lots of fruits and veggies. 100 oz of ice water per day for three days. We each lost three pounds this week. I have a total of 11 pounds now in 5 weeks. Still have six weeks before we sail.

Good work....You busted the plateau on your own!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Four weeks from today we will sail away. Today was weigh in day. DH lost only 1/2 pund but I lucked out and lost about 1 1/2 pounds. So far I have lost 12 3/4 pounds. I am really happy with that and with four weeks to go, I believe that both of us will be way under the helicopter weight requirement. But I like loosing weight and being able to walk three miles without pain and climb five flights of stairs with only a little winding.

56 days have pasted since we started

28 more to go


that comes out to about 1 3/4 pounds a week. At that rate I could loose up to another 7 pounds but boy would I be happy with just five more pounds. and to prove I really am on the right track, if I can keep the weight gain on the cruise to only two or three pounds, I will credit our diet change. Not as many deserts, more walking and dancing.

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Wow, weigh in day, DH lost 3 pounds and I lost 2 3/4 pounds. Less than three weeks until we leave. We went out to breakfast to celebrate and I truely saw that our eating habits have change, and we don't eat as much and as long as we are able to walk the track and use the gym we should be fine on our cruise. Almost three pounds wow, that makes it seem like we are really on the right track.

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Linda! That is fantastic! What I have noticed about weight loss over time is that it isn't linear...in nice equal increments...usually there are sudden drops along the way! This was one of those weeks for you! Proof positive that keeping with your program will eventually get you to your ultimate go. WTG!

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In two weeks from today, we will be sailing away to Hawaii. Today is our normal weigh in day. DH was down 3 full pounds, and me? well, it was only one pound. Same food, same workouts, different results. But it is good to know what when faced with deserts at a social game night, neither of us was really tempted. Well only one thing really hit a weak spot but I didn't yield. Those cinnimon rolls that Costco sells in a package are so good, I could eat ten in a day. They melted in your mouth with buttery sweetness. Well the calories in one of those is so high I could eat a whole dinner so I didn't eat one. Then to loose only one pound, but it was one pound. That makes over 16 pounds. 16 pounds since August 4. And DH is really showing the weight lose. He is really looking good. This week we work on clothes and hopefully my lose will show in the clothes. With the rain yesterday, we felt we needed to walk across the creek on our 40 acres in case it has rained so much while we are gone that we can't get across again. Nice sunny cool day to walk 2 1/2 miles.

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:) Hawaii lucky you, have a safe and fantastic trip. My DH loses weght twice as fast as I do it is just not fair. I am happy to say our Costco does not sell those cinnamon rolls.




In two weeks from today, we will be sailing away to Hawaii. Today is our normal weigh in day. DH was down 3 full pounds, and me? well, it was only one pound. Same food, same workouts, different results. But it is good to know what when faced with deserts at a social game night, neither of us was really tempted. Well only one thing really hit a weak spot but I didn't yield. Those cinnimon rolls that Costco sells in a package are so good, I could eat ten in a day. They melted in your mouth with buttery sweetness. Well the calories in one of those is so high I could eat a whole dinner so I didn't eat one. Then to loose only one pound, but it was one pound. That makes over 16 pounds. 16 pounds since August 4. And DH is really showing the weight lose. He is really looking good. This week we work on clothes and hopefully my lose will show in the clothes. With the rain yesterday, we felt we needed to walk across the creek on our 40 acres in case it has rained so much while we are gone that we can't get across again. Nice sunny cool day to walk 2 1/2 miles.
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  • 4 weeks later...

We boarded the ship on the 27th of October. Found they had a great scale in the gym and weighted in. DH was at 184 and I was 196. Then five days of at sea dinning, little walking on decks due to weather and repairs closing the walking decks. DH has his weight slowly creap up while I actually lost one more pound over the next few days. No breads and only if the desert deserved the calorie count did I finish it. After seven days on the cruise we weighed in at the helicoper office. We both were 196 with all our sweaters, and cameras. Pretty good and the flight was wonderful.


Before we left the ship we did another weigh in and DH had gone over to somewhere over 200, he wouldn't figure it out once it made him change from the 150 to the 200 weight, and I stayed about 196. Not bad for including more deserts and a lot of cheese. However, I could see that I just didn't need the pancakes and ordered yogurt and fruits for breakfast. I hope I can keep loosing now that I am back home and can get walking again.


I know that it is not terribly impressive to only loose 16 pounds in three months but I did gain a lot of strength and the ability to walk better and not need a cane.


We did it, now to keep working on it. Thanks for being there and letting me sound off on our trials to get there.

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