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Trouble with Fly part of Fly/cruise


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Hello everyone,

Thankyou for all your feedback. The original flight arrangements from HAL were for an Air Canada flight which is still departing Sydney at 10.25am direct to Vancouver arriving 7.30am and giving us 7 hours to get from plane to ship. HAL advised our TA that they were changing our flight arrangements because they had found a cheaper flight. We are now flying Air NZ at 11.30am to Auckland with a 3hr stop over and plane change on to Vancouver.


Sounds like a cover up to me! Flights get dearer close to time not cheaper! I dont know what the smallprint is but you booked a cruise from Vancouver to Aussie not from LA to Aussie and they seem to be changing your cruise AND your flights. As its not an airline schedule change how dare they change flights that will give you (lets be honest or they keep trying to do a snow job!) no chance of boarding as you booked....... I am not seeing how flights Vancouver to LA plus accomm could be cheaper than the flights you already had booked? Sorry to not be more positive but I hope my comments give you strength to firmly keep stating your case. Cheers Rose-Anne Ah the joys of travelling, dont fret and enjoy whatever the situation becomes.

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I'm also thinking you are not getting the straight story from HAL. Even though you or your TA has already spoken with the person who sent that lame excuse, you still have the option to keep going up the ladder, using a very firm "That is not acceptable.". Just wondering if somehow they have sold your cabin to someone else for the run from Vancouver to LA.


I know it won't be any comfort, but last year I flew from Sydney to Auckland on Air NZ. Supposed to have a two hour layover, but our flight out to LA was coming from somewhere else and because of weather we waited 4 hours instead of two. The flight they are forcing on you is just too full of possible glitches. You should not have to start your vacation with that uncertainty.


I really think the deviation request is the way to go, even at this late date. I believe the cost for my last one was $50 and they have to give you the flight you request, assuming there are seats available. You can check the airline website beforehand.

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That really STINKS!


And I should not probably suggest it, but if you don't mind loosing three days of your cruise, maybe HAL would prefer to fly you to LAX a few days before your ship arrives, cover your (decent) hotel and meals, transfers and an excursion on the day they dock in LA. (maybe some OBC to cover additional expenses you incur for your trouble. They are the ones who are setting you up to not make the all aboard time with unreasonable flight schedule.


With THAT proposed schedule should Murphy so much as look at your path.......

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I hope with some persistence, HAL will reschedule your flight.


I don't know what the "normal" is in these cases, but if, indeed, you miss your flight and have to be flown to the next port, I would expect the cruisline to refund you the three days you are not on the ship.


As others have suggested, I would keep trying to speak with someone higher up on the authority ladder. At this point, I would probably pay extra if I had to, to get better flights.


Don't give up. Don't let your TA give up.


Hopefully this will be a learning experience for those reading this thread:


1. Don't book your air travel through the cruiseline.


2. ALWAYS fly in at least one, preferably two or three days before your scheduled departure.


OP: I am sorry your TA did not explain air deviation to you. That could have saved some of this stress if you had opted for that. A good TA would have explained the possible ramifications of flying in on the day or your cruise and would have recommended an air deviation. I would look for a new TA for your next holiday.

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Hello everyone,

Thankyou for all your feedback. I went to bed after posting last night and with cup of tea in hand came on to CC and found all your responses.

I know it is a dire situation but I must admit that your responses have made me feel that I am not over reacting about the 2hrs to get to the ship from the plane.


I could not agree with you more Sail7Seas

What is this about port protection? The point is not for you to plan in advance to miss the ship....... rather for HAL to provide flights that under reasonable circumstances will get you to the ship in time to board for your entire cruise. They should not be planning in advance you will miss a part of your cruise and have the hassle and stress of onward travel to join the ship.


Thanks NMLady and 2ofUs

The original flight arrangements from HAL were for an Air Canada flight which is still departing Sydney at 10.25am direct to Vancouver arriving 7.30am and giving us 7 hours to get from plane to ship. HAL advised our TA that they were changing our flight arrangements because they had found a cheaper flight. We are now flying Air NZ at 11.30am to Auckland with a 3hr stop over and plane change on to Vancouver.


It is HAL who have set up the next port protection and advised us that it will cover airflights to LA and accommodation. Although they answered our TA's enquirery about whether we would have to fly on to LA the same day by allowing us to stay in Vancouver overnight before sending us on.


We were never told that we could purchase air deviation.


Hi Aussiedisneyfan - boy what a let down!! Dad thought he was getting a good deal, with flights included - he found it himself and dealt direct with HAL. He feels now he has been conned as it looks like the only way out of the situation is to pay more money to fly earlier. Our regular TA has been amazing when we let her know she has gone right in to bat for us even thought she did not set up the trip.


I will keep you informed but you have to factor in our time difference. Now you sleep in your snug cosy beds and I am awake with a busy day ahead and cold and blustery weather to contend with.


Thank you for the update.

It is just as I suspected -- HAL found cheaper flights.

Such a shame that HAL is putting you through all this mess.

Keep us updated.

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Thank you for the update.


It is just as I suspected -- HAL found cheaper flights.


Such a shame that HAL is putting you through all this mess.


Keep us updated.


this is what i dont understand - what is HAL doing looking for cheaper flights months after you have booked? Dont they have better things to do? Surely altering your plans to such an extent as this is can only be bad publicity........ and you are booked for 58 days cruising - surely not a passenger to be mucked around....... who brought you this news? HAL or the TA? Keep your chin up and your confidence intact as to what is best for you in regard to the agreed original terms of your booking. Rose-Anne

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Hello everyone,

Thankyou for all your feedback. I went to bed after posting last night and with cup of tea in hand came on to CC and found all your responses.

I know it is a dire situation but I must admit that your responses have made me feel that I am not over reacting about the 2hrs to get to the ship from the plane.


I could not agree with you more Sail7Seas

What is this about port protection? The point is not for you to plan in advance to miss the ship....... rather for HAL to provide flights that under reasonable circumstances will get you to the ship in time to board for your entire cruise. They should not be planning in advance you will miss a part of your cruise and have the hassle and stress of onward travel to join the ship.


Thanks NMLady and 2ofUs

The original flight arrangements from HAL were for an Air Canada flight which is still departing Sydney at 10.25am direct to Vancouver arriving 7.30am and giving us 7 hours to get from plane to ship. HAL advised our TA that they were changing our flight arrangements because they had found a cheaper flight. We are now flying Air NZ at 11.30am to Auckland with a 3hr stop over and plane change on to Vancouver.


It is HAL who have set up the next port protection and advised us that it will cover airflights to LA and accommodation. Although they answered our TA's enquirery about whether we would have to fly on to LA the same day by allowing us to stay in Vancouver overnight before sending us on.


We were never told that we could purchase air deviation.


Hi Aussiedisneyfan - boy what a let down!! Dad thought he was getting a good deal, with flights included - he found it himself and dealt direct with HAL. He feels now he has been conned as it looks like the only way out of the situation is to pay more money to fly earlier. Our regular TA has been amazing when we let her know she has gone right in to bat for us even thought she did not set up the trip.


I will keep you informed but you have to factor in our time difference. Now you sleep in your snug cosy beds and I am awake with a busy day ahead and cold and blustery weather to contend with.


i just looked up your flights on the air canada website, now that i have more specific information. your original flights are still avaliable, so clearly the blame lies squarely on hal's shoulders. i don't know what AUZ has for a passenger's bill of rights but having you arrive 10 hours later than originally scheduled would be illegal by most standards. be persistent. this situation is unacceptable.


one final question - do you or your TA have written proof of your original flights?

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CtheWorld, we do have written proof of the original flights, we even have seat allocations.


Vbmon87, we are in this situation because we did not go through our regular TA. We booked directly with HAL and they did not tell us of flight deviation.


HAL are not going to do anything they have given me all the information I need to plan for missing the ship. We are waiting on the TA to come back with the extra cost of going on the original carrier.

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this is what i dont understand - what is HAL doing looking for cheaper flights months after you have booked? Dont they have better things to do? Surely altering your plans to such an extent as this is can only be bad publicity........ and you are booked for 58 days cruising - surely not a passenger to be mucked around....... who brought you this news? HAL or the TA? Keep your chin up and your confidence intact as to what is best for you in regard to the agreed original terms of your booking. Rose-Anne


It's all about the "money".

I have talked to and read too many reports about HAL and other cruise lines booking the cheapest flights they can just to save a few bucks.

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CtheWorld, we do have written proof of the original flights, we even have seat allocations.


Vbmon87, we are in this situation because we did not go through our regular TA. We booked directly with HAL and they did not tell us of flight deviation.


HAL are not going to do anything they have given me all the information I need to plan for missing the ship. We are waiting on the TA to come back with the extra cost of going on the original carrier.


more information. thanks. i don't know whom you have talked to at hal. hopefully it is at a higher level than just the initial contact. i'm going to assume you've asked for a supervisor.


when negotiations stall, i ask the person 'do you have the power to say "yes"?' usually, they do not have that power. this is the perfect time to demand to speak to their supervisor. eventually i get high enough in the food chain to where the person does have the power to say yes OR they just finally are tired of listening to me. you get more flies with honey than you do vinegar, but sometimes you have to be a b**ch.

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Really a shame - fingers crossed for the OP - I hope they get somewhere.


definitely, I would be going up the food chain as far as I could to try to get this resolved.


doesn't seem right that someone with 58 days booked on a ship is not getting some sort of help:eek: but what do I know:rolleyes:

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A few years ago I booked an Alaskan cruise leaving Vancouver. HAL originally booked the arriving air 2.5 hours before sail away. I immediately told them that was not acceptable and they booked the same flight a day earlier. The original flight was delayed in Seattle and we would have absolutely missed the ship. Would not have been a good start to a honeymoon.

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Putting you through this, and it appears it's all about $$$, just breaks me. I'd have to walk away with my payment to HAL (and shame on them) and look elsewhere for my cruise.



Too late now for OP to take their money and walk away. They are well into penalty period and obviously want to take their much anticipated cruise.


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HAL are not going to do anything they have given me all the information I need to plan for missing the ship. We are waiting on the TA to come back with the extra cost of going on the original carrier.


Have you traveled with HAL in the past? If so, I think this is the time to contact the Mariner Society to see what they can do for you. Once or twice I have had a concern and found them very helpful. If you are a first time passenger the Customer Service Department would be my next stop. Just because one person said 'no' and here's what you must do, does not mean you have to accept it.


If it comes down to missing the ship and having to go to LA though, I would definitely demand a refund of the three days you paid for and did not get, plus your air and hotel expenses.


Remember, just keep saying "That is not acceptable. Please connect me with your supervisor."

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Too late now for OP to take their money and walk away. They are well into penalty period and obviously want to take their much anticipated cruise.



Good point and thatakes it stink all the more.


Purely speculation here: am wondering if others are in the same boat (so to speak) (not on CC so were not aware) and HAL is planning on holding sailaway for several hours? Is LA your first port? If they held sail away until 9-10p and kept a bus as a "sweeper" to bring all those who made it to Vancouver airport in time the costs (extra port time, etc.) would not be so much to them perhaps.

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OP posted this same thread on "Ask A Cruise Question" forum of CC and their TA posted today to that thread.


(S)he speculated the same thing....... that HAL may have a number of Australians flying to Vancouver on that same flight and perhaps it might be possible to hold the ship a bit if all of them arrive 'a little' late. The TA has booked for her clients to go on HAL transportation from the airport which provides the best chance the ship will know they have landed and are en route to the ship.


Sounds like the TA really is trying everything possible to help them out.


One good point made was that Australian cruisers booking HAL flights cannot opt for air deviations the way we can in U.S.


I am not sure if cruisers in Canada and/or Europe can do air deviation requests on HAL flights.

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OP posted this same thread on "Ask A Cruise Question" forum of CC and their TA posted today to that thread.


(S)he speculated the same thing....... that HAL may have a number of Australians flying to Vancouver on that same flight and perhaps it might be possible to hold the ship a bit if all of them arrive 'a little' late. The TA has booked for her clients to go on HAL transportation from the airport which provides the best chance the ship will know they have landed and are en route to the ship.


Sounds like the TA really is trying everything possible to help them out.


One good point made was that Australian cruisers booking HAL flights cannot opt for air deviations the way we can in U.S.


I am not sure if cruisers in Canada and/or Europe can do air deviation requests on HAL flights.


We paid a deviation a few years ago and got a nice easy connection in Frankfurt enroute to Copenhagen. Shortly before we were due to depart some helpful person put us on an earlier flight to Copenhagen. HAL would not change it back without another fee paid. I still find it hard to tell the Frankfurt story without turning into a wild woman. My husband will never fly there again in his life. If I told the story I would sound like one of the ravers we all like to laugh at.


Suffice to say I will never trust Cruiseair to Europe again.

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I did not know that us Aussies could use the air deviation. Another thing to keep tucked away in my memory if I ever look at a fly cruise.


I was discussing this with DH and we wondered if there were going to be many others affected by terrible flight times. Also often what Seattle says and what happens in reality are often two different things. I would imagine the captain would delay the ship as long as possible (without causing major probs), especially for a HAL organized group.


To someone that asked, Birubi has sailed with Hal before I have met her a few times onboard.

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We paid a deviation a few years ago and got a nice easy connection in Frankfurt enroute to Copenhagen. Shortly before we were due to depart some helpful person put us on an earlier flight to Copenhagen. HAL would not change it back without another fee paid. I still find it hard to tell the Frankfurt story without turning into a wild woman. My husband will never fly there again in his life. If I told the story I would sound like one of the ravers we all like to laugh at.


Suffice to say I will never trust Cruiseair to Europe again.



:D Sounds like it was dreadful.

The second worse air connection we have had throughout all our travel was Lufthansa connecting Munich through Stuttgart to Venice. I'm sure it is only coincidental both were Germany. :) The worst ever, for us, was a connection through Atlanta. :eek:





I did not know that us Aussies could use the air deviation. Another thing to keep tucked away in my memory if I ever look at a fly cruise.





Birubi's (OP) TA posted Australians CANNOT do air deviation bookings with HAL.


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Goodmorning everyone,

My TA has posted a great explaination of the situation on the Ask a Cruise Question board.

I had also thought that as I had not heard from anyone who had been put in a position to use Next Port Protection that it must only happen rarely and perhaps we could trust that HAL knows what they are doing or would be able to fix it.

So we are crossing our fingers and doing what HAL has organised for us and trying not to stress about it.

As Aussiedisneyfan said, we have sailed with HAL before.


Thanks everyone for your comments and advice

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Goodmorning everyone,

My TA has posted a great explaination of the situation on the Ask a Cruise Question board.

I had also thought that as I had not heard from anyone who had been put in a position to use Next Port Protection that it must only happen rarely and perhaps we could trust that HAL knows what they are doing or would be able to fix it.

So we are crossing our fingers and doing what HAL has organised for us and trying not to stress about it.

As Aussiedisneyfan said, we have sailed with HAL before.


Thanks everyone for your comments and advice

Did you ever ask if you could pay the $$ difference to HAL between the cheaper later flight they have you on now and the earlier better flight if they would switch you back?

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Goodmorning everyone,

My TA has posted a great explaination of the situation on the Ask a Cruise Question board.

I had also thought that as I had not heard from anyone who had been put in a position to use Next Port Protection that it must only happen rarely and perhaps we could trust that HAL knows what they are doing or would be able to fix it.

So we are crossing our fingers and doing what HAL has organised for us and trying not to stress about it.

As Aussiedisneyfan said, we have sailed with HAL before.


Thanks everyone for your comments and advice


below is the TA's resonse on the other thread:


Greetings all,


As Birubi's TA I wanted to add some information to this thread, so that you all had the full story. They are flying from Australia to Vancouver to do a 58 day cruise from Vancouver and circumnavigation around Australia. Firstly as my clients are in Australia the operation is slightly different than in the US and air deviations are not offered in Australia. I suspect that is becase there are very limited options for flights from Australia. They were originally booked on a codeshare flight with Air NZ that was operated by Air Canada. Apparently when the Australian office went to issue the tickets the fare they had costed the fly/cruise package on had increased significantly so the Australian office looked for other options and the flights they are now booked on are the only other option that has any hope of getting them there on time.


Their scheduled arrival is 2:15 with the ship set to sail at 4:45. Because of the timing of this flight the Sydney office had to get approval from the head office in the US. As the timing is so tight HAL advised us about the next port protection policy that when you book the air with HAL if the flight they have you booked on causes you to miss your cruise they will fly you on to the next port and pay for the accomodation and flight, I am not sure if they pay for other expenses but I will certainly be fighting for compensation for my client if this should eventuate.


I guess it is good to hear that none of you have had experience with next port protection and hopefully that is because it is very rare for this to occur. I certainly have never had a client miss a ship and hopefully these lovely people will not be the first!


While I can't get HAL to give me any details of how many Australians are on the same flight my guess is that it must a significant number as if it was only a few people surely they would have just ticketed the higher fare then have the exense of flying people on to LA and guests miss the start of their cruise. So if my assumption is correct despite saying otherwise I expect HAL would hold the ship rather than upset so many people. I have certainly been on cruises when ships were held for people that were delayed by flights before. But I would never expect a cruise line to admit that they would hold a ship for delayed flights as this could open up a minefield of problems. But I am sure a cruise line will hold a ship if the circumstances allow them to do so. I know at some ports the tides and other factors determine if a a ship can leave later than orignally planned.


I just checked the stats on the flight and it is indicated as arriving on time 87% of the time and any delays only average 9 minutes. So while tight if all goes smoothly they should make it.


To give my clients the best chance of dealing with this I have provided them with the HAL transfer which means at least someone in the airport will be looking out for them and the arrival of their flight. I have also organized wheel chair assistance for her eldery father which will hopefully whisk them thru the airport and customs quickly and have advised them to have the HAL airport rep paged immediately if they are concerned about their progress. I have also advised them to speak to the Air NZ staff on the plane if they know they are going to be delayed so that Air NZ can radio ahead to try and get things sorted before they arrive.


Let's all keep our fingers crossed that things go well for them and that they are onboard to set sail from Vancouver.



certainly an explanation, but NOT an excuse. this could not have been an inexpensive cruise. when i looked at air canada's website, the fare for the original flight was $2200 - and that was a last minute fare. whoever messed this up should have eaten the cost for their error. now the burden and stress has been passed on to the customer.

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Goodmorning everyone,

My TA has posted a great explaination of the situation on the Ask a Cruise Question board.

I had also thought that as I had not heard from anyone who had been put in a position to use Next Port Protection that it must only happen rarely and perhaps we could trust that HAL knows what they are doing or would be able to fix it.

So we are crossing our fingers and doing what HAL has organised for us and trying not to stress about it.

As Aussiedisneyfan said, we have sailed with HAL before.


Thanks everyone for your comments and advice


I don't know if this will help you or not - but years ago - there were a pile of us on a HAL flight (my last one) - with the schedules we were going to miss the boat. (In fairness to HAL, Air Canada had gone on strike and we literally had one hour to make it to the airport, get checked in & boarded to avoid the stike - so the connections were not as originally planned) It was a HAL flight but just the same I vowed after that never to fly in on the same day and I have kept my promise:)


Long story short - they picked us up and the ship was held up for two hours until we boarded:)


A few years later as we sat on our balcony I heard that our sail a way would be delayed - they were waiting for passengers - a bus load showed up and we were off shortly after that.


So, there is a CHANCE that they will hold the ship until you get onboard;)


I'm not promising anything - but I've seen it a couple of times - especially with HAL flights:) and if there are any number of people on them.


good luck - I wish you a smooth connection and a bon voyage drink ON BOARD and smooth winds and following seas:)

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