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Unusual Post??!! Would Love To See Pics Of Your "formal" Night Dress!!!


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CanadianTwosome, the chain is not bad to sit on at all, but you do need to get one of the very tight weaves or you have the same problem you do with fishnets. That dress was designed by Things From Rings, they do a lot of custom outfits in both regular metal and silver, that dress goes for about $1500 but it would be less if it didn't use so much silver for some of it's areas. The two modesty panels built in are wonderful for preventing accidental exposure and the biggest problem is actually catching the bottom on things when walking. The other thing we had changed was in the back, the original design did not initially appear to be as low as it turned out to be, so it was adjusted to be higher as well.

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I checked out the website, they do some nice work. A friend of mine in FL works with chainmail, but the last time I spoke to him, he was still in the experimental stage; he hadn't attempted any major projects yet.


OMG. Some of these posts are some kind of joke, right? Not sentiments that people were really closed minded enough to express?


Please take that with the humour in which it was intended. Other peoples' fashion choices are theirs - why should it surprise people that someone who enjoys wearing something and feels good in it would wear it to somewhere that the dress code deemed it acceptable? Neither of those dresses violates any law, nor the dress code of the ship. After that, it's all about personal taste. Do any of you really think that everything you wear is considered attractive by everyone who sees it?


The 'appropriate attire' debate will never reach a concensus. Personal tastes are just too different. If you don't like what's on tv, change the channel. If you don't like what's on the radio, change the station. If you don't like what someone is wearing, don't look. If you must comment, is it so difficult to just say 'That isn't something I would wear,' or is it necessary to be rude?

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On this one I don't think I would call it rude. I think we are trying to give them a dose of reality. I am not a prude, but this is gross.


Gross? My idea of gross is when I go to the theatre and I see a psycho killer graphically dismember their victim.


See, this is what I'm trying to get at. Not everyone in the world (or on cruise ships) considers the human body to be 'gross'. I can't see any other reason to use that word to describe these outfits other than a personal opinion that the human body should be covered - but to what extent? I have a friend who covers almost completely. The only skin showing on her body is her face and hands. Do you think that because of her personal beliefs, she is entitled to brand your clothing as 'gross' simply because you allow people to see the top of your head? (if you also cover, then I apologize for the assumption)


Using terms like 'sick' and 'gross' to refer to someone IS rude, regardless of your personal opinions. I'm not here to tell anyone that they have to like anyone's fashion choices; I just hate seeing people get attacked for doing something they have every right to do.


Getting back to my friend who covers... she gets slurs and insults yelled at her sometimes. Do you think that's rude? If not, shame on you. If so, then please explain to me why it's okay to judge someone for wearing less clothing than you, but not okay to judge someone for wearing more clothing than you.

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CanadianTwosome, as you stated it is not an argument that can be won. Closed minded people will be closed minded people. Regardless of if they are racists, sexists, prudes, or and other type of closed minded people. They believe the world should conform to their personal beliefs regardless of the basis of those beliefs.

As for taking the comments as rude, we don't. We just accept that some people have strange opinions on what is and is not acceptable. Sort of like the grandmother that sued over Grand Theft Auto that she bought for her grandson. Apparently it was OK for him to pretend to be a drug dealer, kill innocent people, kill police officers, steal cars, beat up hookers, and do drugs, but when she found out a code would unlock digital nudity the game was totally unacceptable. Personally we find violence and those who expose and desensitize children to violence through TV, movies, and games to be far less acceptable than the human body, which we consider to be a work of art and a wonder of creation.

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On to another subject, since we'll never all agree on this one.


Unfortunately I can't figure out how to post a photo (trouble with my software), but just had to share my latest Macy's bargain -- a $150 short dress covered all over in gold sequins and a $198 gold/bronze color floor length gown and short jacket, both bordered in beads -- all for a total of $86! Now I have to wait until our February cruise to wear them, unless a dressy holiday party turns up before then.

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Those dresses are honestly exactlly what strippers wear when they are walking around the "gentlemans" club trying to drum up free drinks or lap dances. Before you ask, yes I have been into a strip club-once just to see what it was like and also you see this on documentaries and movies all the time. I am not putting you down at all but regardless of what you paid for it it makes people assume that you are a stripper(and hey, thats your business, too) but that is the impression you give. Also this to me is not formal and it would be offensive to just about anyone who shared a table with you-and I am very open minded and consider myself to not be judgmental but these dresses were obviously worn to cause strong reactions from others. Actually most places even i large cities would not allow you inside dressed in such a manner. Sorry, Im sure you are a sweet person but this is extreme! JMHO

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Those dresses are honestly exactlly what strippers wear when they are walking around the "gentlemans" club trying to drum up free drinks or lap dances. Before you ask, yes I have been into a strip club-once just to see what it was like and also you see this on documentaries and movies all the time. I am not putting you down at all but regardless of what you paid for it it makes people assume that you are a stripper(and hey, thats your business, too) but that is the impression you give. Also this to me is not formal and it would be offensive to just about anyone who shared a table with you-and I am very open minded and consider myself to not be judgmental but these dresses were obviously worn to cause strong reactions from others. Actually most places even i large cities would not allow you inside dressed in such a manner. Sorry, Im sure you are a sweet person but this is extreme! JMHO


I'm sorry to continue with this, I thought Judy's idea to move on was a good one. I just had to point out that NOBODY can speak for 'most people' or 'just about anyone'. Certainly clarifying that you aren't speaking for all people was a start, but I am one example of someone who absolutely did not assume that DarkJedi was a stripper (do you make assumptions about everyone you meet based on their attire?), and I would not have been the least bit offended if she had been seated at my table. On the contrary, I imagine we would have had quite an interesting conversation about chain mail. I don't know if you've been to 'most places' even in large cities, but I can tell you that personally I've seen women with more exposed skin than that - hey, even Rose McGowan was pretty much half naked at the Oscars one year. Perhaps she was supplementing her income by doing table dances that year. :p


As to the highlighted portion of your quote, you have expressed that most people would think DarkJedi is a stripper and that her attire is offensive, as well as stating outright that you know her intentions in wearing the dress... I'm sorry, but in my opinion, that IS judgemental. I don't imagine it's a surprise that I disagree about her motives, either. I think she wore the dresses because she LIKES them. That's why I wear what I wear... isn't it why you wear what you wear? If you like what someone is wearing, do you also assume they wore it for your reaction?


Just to be clear, I don't know you and I know nothing about you. I am replying only to the text of the message above. My opinions are based solely on what I read. I'm sure that you consider yourself very open minded and non-judgemental... but if those attributes only apply when people do things you 'agree' with... then how open minded are you, really? Just something to ponder. :)


All of my comments in this thread regarding this particular subject have been in an effort to promote the idea of acceptance and open mindedness. We will all see people every time we go out into the world who will be wearing things we don't like for one reason or another; until we find a way to avoid other humans, it's just the way it is. For some reason, if exposure of skin is involved, it somehow becomes a much more serious offense (to some) than, say, socks with sandals, or speedos on fat guys (actually most thin guys too... they're just not 'kind'...). Everyone has their own opinions about whether or not it is 'moral' or 'appropriate' to expose skin, and to what extent. As I was saying in an earlier post, I have a friend who covers everything but her face and hands. I'm fine with that and she's fine with how I dress. There will always be people at both ends of the scale - from nudists to full coverers (some women cover everything but their eyes) - and an assortment in between. I think that if we expect to be allowed to make our own choices in the clothing we wear, we should support the rights of others to make their own choices as well - even if we don't agree with their choices. Okay, I think the horse has lost all signs of life now. :p


I hope everyone continues to enjoy wearing the clothing they feel good in, and that nobody ever makes you feel like you shouldn't. :)

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On to another subject, since we'll never all agree on this one.


Unfortunately I can't figure out how to post a photo (trouble with my software), but just had to share my latest Macy's bargain -- a $150 short dress covered all over in gold sequins and a $198 gold/bronze color floor length gown and short jacket, both bordered in beads -- all for a total of $86! Now I have to wait until our February cruise to wear them, unless a dressy holiday party turns up before then.


Hi Judy,


I have posted pictures by using the 'Manage Attachments' button under the message post window. The image shows as a thumbnail until someone clicks on it. I'll see if I can find a picture to upload and show you how it looks. :)


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I'm sorry to continue with this, I thought Judy's idea to move on was a good one. I just had to point out that NOBODY can speak for 'most people' or 'just about anyone'. Certainly clarifying that you aren't speaking for all people was a start, but I am one example of someone who absolutely did not assume that DarkJedi was a stripper (do you make assumptions about everyone you meet based on their attire?), and I would not have been the least bit offended if she had been seated at my table. On the contrary, I imagine we would have had quite an interesting conversation about chain mail. I don't know if you've been to 'most places' even in large cities, but I can tell you that personally I've seen women with more exposed skin than that - hey, even Rose McGowan was pretty much half naked at the Oscars one year. Perhaps she was supplementing her income by doing table dances that year. :p


As to the highlighted portion of your quote, you have expressed that most people would think DarkJedi is a stripper and that her attire is offensive, as well as stating outright that you know her intentions in wearing the dress... I'm sorry, but in my opinion, that IS judgemental. I don't imagine it's a surprise that I disagree about her motives, either. I think she wore the dresses because she LIKES them. That's why I wear what I wear... isn't it why you wear what you wear? If you like what someone is wearing, do you also assume they wore it for your reaction?


Just to be clear, I don't know you and I know nothing about you. I am replying only to the text of the message above. My opinions are based solely on what I read. I'm sure that you consider yourself very open minded and non-judgemental... but if those attributes only apply when people do things you 'agree' with... then how open minded are you, really? Just something to ponder. :)


All of my comments in this thread regarding this particular subject have been in an effort to promote the idea of acceptance and open mindedness. We will all see people every time we go out into the world who will be wearing things we don't like for one reason or another; until we find a way to avoid other humans, it's just the way it is. For some reason, if exposure of skin is involved, it somehow becomes a much more serious offense (to some) than, say, socks with sandals, or speedos on fat guys (actually most thin guys too... they're just not 'kind'...). Everyone has their own opinions about whether or not it is 'moral' or 'appropriate' to expose skin, and to what extent. As I was saying in an earlier post, I have a friend who covers everything but her face and hands. I'm fine with that and she's fine with how I dress. There will always be people at both ends of the scale - from nudists to full coverers (some women cover everything but their eyes) - and an assortment in between. I think that if we expect to be allowed to make our own choices in the clothing we wear, we should support the rights of others to make their own choices as well - even if we don't agree with their choices. Okay, I think the horse has lost all signs of life now. :p


I hope everyone continues to enjoy wearing the clothing they feel good in, and that nobody ever makes you feel like you shouldn't. :)


must you always write a book

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"Those dresses" are not to my taste but I neither have to wear nor look at them so it really doesn't matter.


I get the impression the dresses were entirely appropriate for their cruise. Based on their posted cruise history, they apparently were on "PS" cruises which my google search tells me stands for "playful swingers"


Who knows, perhaps they were considered conservative attire on that particular itinerary.

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So we've had almost a whole page of no new dress postings. Let's get this thread back on topic, folks..I got a clearanced dress at Dillard's, 84 bucks! And then I tried on the dress that wasn't clearanced. Of course I loved that one, too! The short brown one was the steal, and the one I had to go to 3 different stores to get my size. The long grey one was just my destiny.





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So we've had almost a whole page of no new dress postings. Let's get this thread back on topic, folks..I got a clearanced dress at Dillard's, 84 bucks! And then I tried on the dress that wasn't clearanced. Of course I loved that one, too! The short brown one was the steal, and the one I had to go to 3 different stores to get my size. The long grey one was just my destiny.


Gorgeous!!! Nice shopping!!! :)

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So we've had almost a whole page of no new dress postings. Let's get this thread back on topic, folks..I got a clearanced dress at Dillard's, 84 bucks! And then I tried on the dress that wasn't clearanced. Of course I loved that one, too! The short brown one was the steal, and the one I had to go to 3 different stores to get my size. The long grey one was just my destiny.

Those are both beautiful dresses.. here is one that I am wearing on Valentines Day 2008.. Just got it today!!


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Thanks everyone for the kind words about my dresses!!! I love them. Canadiangirl, we'll be sailing on Valentine's Day, too! I haven't researched to see if it will be a formal night or not. Hope so. But the 11th is our 10th anniversary, so I kind of want that to be formal night. Oh, it doesn't matter:D

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So we've had almost a whole page of no new dress postings. Let's get this thread back on topic, folks..I got a clearanced dress at Dillard's, 84 bucks! And then I tried on the dress that wasn't clearanced. Of course I loved that one, too! The short brown one was the steal, and the one I had to go to 3 different stores to get my size. The long grey one was just my destiny.


I love both of those dresses! Great when you can get a bargain.


In case you all missed it during the controversy, here, repeated, was my attempt to get us back on track. Sorry for the lack of photos:


Unfortunately I can't figure out how to post a photo (trouble with my software), but just had to share my latest Macy's bargain -- a $150 short dress covered all over in gold sequins and a $198 gold/bronze color floor length gown and short jacket, both bordered in beads -- all for a total of $86! Now I have to wait until our February cruise to wear them, unless a dressy holiday party turns up before then.

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Thanks everyone for the kind words about my dresses!!! I love them. Canadiangirl, we'll be sailing on Valentine's Day, too! I haven't researched to see if it will be a formal night or not. Hope so. But the 11th is our 10th anniversary, so I kind of want that to be formal night. Oh, it doesn't matter:D


You know, just because the ship specifies a 'formal night' doesn't mean you can't dress however you want for your anniversary whether that's the designated night or not... :)

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