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Dress Shorts in Dining Room


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I guess I appreciate people making an effort to at least try to look decent for dinner. For me, it just makes it just that much more special. But if you all want to look the same as you look like when you went through the lunch buffet line on the Lido deck, then goody for you.


I think you're ok to wear shorts if you're 12 hrs old or under. Other than that, put on some regular pants and cover up them hairy legs


Sounds like someone has a fetish for shaved legs....

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Why? There are people that like that. They are not forcing you to eat it. Or does it ruin your dining experence just knowing other people may be ordering it.


Ruins my dining experience by having it take up menu space that could be put to good use. That's easy to figure.

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My nephews who love cruising Carnival love the comfort food they get in the dining room like meat loaf and friend chicken and macaroni and cheese. These are big bruising highschool football players who have little appetite for the more "gourmet" sounding menu items that us older folks in our party seem to like. Their idea of a salad is a head of lettuce with thousand island dressing, and potatoes to them are either fried or baked and served with lots of sour cream.


Menus seem to have changed to keep up with the ever changing and fluid demographic of those who are now cruising with Carnival. I have many blue collar young friends who think that taking their spouse out to Applebees or Fridays or Red Lobster is really putting on the Ritz...and I don't think they would be at all offended if they had to choose a meal from a Carnival menu...nor would they care if everyone showed up for dinner in golf shirts and "dress" shorts. I bet half of the younger guys I know don't own a pair of linen or wool slacks and I am sure they haven't worn a tie since, maybe, high school graduation.

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Ruins my dining experience by having it take up menu space that could be put to good use. That's easy to figure.


Maybe you should try another line if what is on the menu is that important to you. I was on HAL last year and I do not remember chicken and mac and cheese on it.


Just trying to point out Carnival is making changes I don't think you are liking and I bet they are not finished yet.


You can not please everyone. Honestly, my aunt is appalled at what people wear to the mall or on an airplane, but she is almost 90. She still thinks women should wear a girdle and she does. She will not own a microwave or an electric can opener. Seems stupid to me, but she has her reasons and opinions. When is the last time you pulled on a girdle? I was in high school myself. When she comes to visit, she has 5 matching pieces of luggage. In fact, she thinks anyone that does not have matching luggage or glasses, or anything else you can get a set of is lacking somehow and should be restricted on what they are allowed to do.


She doesn't think anybody should wear shorts at all, much less to dinner at home or any place else. She also doesn't think women should wear pants except for gardening. She also thinks women should have their hair done weekly. Hugging her is like hugging a prickly bush.


How would you like to live by her rules?I am sure you would not any more than I would, because times and people have changed.


Carnival says you can wear nicer shorts in the dining room. If that offends you, well either close your eyes or choose another line to cruise with because there are going to be more and more that do so.

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Maybe you should try another line if what is on the menu is that important to you. I was on HAL last year and I do not remember chicken and mac and cheese on it.


Just trying to point out Carnival is making changes I don't think you are liking and I bet they are not finished yet.


You can not please everyone. Honestly, my aunt is appalled at what people wear to the mall or on an airplane, but she is almost 90. She still thinks women should wear a girdle and she does. She will not own a microwave or an electric can opener. Seems stupid to me, but she has her reasons and opinions. When is the last time you pulled on a girdle? I was in high school myself. When she comes to visit, she has 5 matching pieces of luggage. In fact, she thinks anyone that does not have matching luggage or glasses, or anything else you can get a set of is lacking somehow and should be restricted on what they are allowed to do.


She doesn't think anybody should wear shorts at all, much less to dinner at home or any place else. She also doesn't think women should wear pants except for gardening. She also thinks women should have their hair done weekly. Hugging her is like hugging a prickly bush.


How would you like to live by her rules?I am sure you would not any more than I would, because times and people have changed.


Carnival says you can wear nicer shorts in the dining room. If that offends you, well either close your eyes or choose another line to cruise with because there are going to be more and more that do so.


You miss the point. The shorts don't offend. The menu is a result of the shorts. And tshirts. And ball caps.

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Dressing up or down in no way reflects what a person is truly like. Case in point was the elegantly dressed lady who calmly stood there and picked her nose while waiting to be seated.:eek: I will take a pair of hairy legs over snot any day. I can see her in my mind to this day - who wore shorts or sandals were never given a second thought. An who says only those who wear tshirts, shorts and hats enjoy mac and cheese, meatloaf, chicken - I betcha the nose picker likes those.

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sandals are fine...flip flops (beach type) are not permitted. shorts are permitted per the dress code.


old men in speedos are permitted on the ship also :eek:. just because you can, doesn't always mean you should lol.


I see a few men that wear shorts in to the MDR. I personally would prefer they didn't but as long as it's not my hubby doing it, I don't really care that much.

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You miss the point. The shorts don't offend. The menu is a result of the shorts. And tshirts. And ball caps.


I am not missing anything. If the tshirt and ball cap wearers like those foods, they should have them. They paid for their cruise too. They have a childrens menu too. Are you against that? There are several people in my family that likes plain unadorned food. Do you think they should not have the type of food they like? I think Carnival is changing to try to suit everyones taste. I don't see anything wrong with that.


I just think some people have some romantic tv inspired version of what a cruise should be, but I think it is a nice vacation that people should have a good time and not have to worry if they have the correct clothing demanded by some. I have seen some not dressed up people, but they looked like they were having a good time. Grandpa at the table next to ours wore bibbed overalls every night. Honestly, so what? They were clean. In fact, they looked new.


Many years ago my husband and I were on a fun trip with some friends. We were in Texas in a car with no airconditioner. It broke down. We had to walk quite a ways to find a phone. They said it was going to take a while to get us going. We walked to a near by restraunt to eat. I don't know what it was called, but the lady standing in front of me had a fox on her shoulder. Everybody in there was dressed to the nines and then some. We just looked at each other. We were in shorts so figured they would call the cops or something. We were seated and served. I did not notice anyone staring, I heard no tis tis es. Our presence did not seem to bother anyone in the least.

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As I've mentioned before...cruisers tend to go to shore on their port days pretty darn casual. Many wear little more than a bathing suit and a cover-up. But they never have second thoughts about entering "any" on shore restaurant that suits their fancy even though they are way under dressed and may be offending the locals who have chosen a "nice" place to have their mid-day meal. Does anyone even think about bringing along a pair of slacks and a collared shirt to their shore days. Probably not...they just expect, as a paying customer, to wear whatever they darn well please and who cares about "local" sensibilities or women that have to see men's hairy legs while they are dining. Think about it.

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Ruins my dining experience by having it take up menu space that could be put to good use. That's easy to figure.




It bothers you that much that something is on the menu that you don't like and you are forced to see it there ?


Every restaurant I have ever been to , land or sea, diner to 5 star restaurant has had something on their menu that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.


I just keep reading until I find something I like. And I always do.



I am sure there are people who do the exact same thing with my choices on the menu.


I don't worry about how much space it takes up on the menu, or who in their right mind would eat that. I just live and let live....or eat and let eat :)

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It bothers you that much that something is on the menu that you don't like and you are forced to see it there ?


Every restaurant I have ever been to , land or sea, diner to 5 star restaurant has had something on their menu that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.


I just keep reading until I find something I like. And I always do.



I am sure there are people who do the exact same thing with my choices on the menu.


I don't worry about how much space it takes up on the menu, or who in their right mind would eat that. I just live and let live....or eat and let eat :)


I can see that you have missed the point completely. I never said I don't like meat loaf, fried chicken or the other stuff. I also don't take a date to Chicken Express. If the stuff is on the menu, something else is missing.

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I can see that you have missed the point completely. I never said I don't like meat loaf, fried chicken or the other stuff. I also don't take a date to Chicken Express. If the stuff is on the menu, something else is missing.



Why is it that everyone who doesn't share your opinion is missing the point?


We get it , you don't like to see food not to your liking on a menu.



Maybe you miss the point that not everyone on a cruise is looking for an "experience" . They don't have to have 5 star gourmet dining every night and have to dress up and pretend they are Cary Grant or James Bond or Princess Diana or whoever.


Some just want to have a relaxing time away from the daily grind, enjoy some sun and fun, some good food, and the company of friends and loved ones.

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... women that have to see men's hairy legs while they are dining. Think about it.



I have thought about it ... and WHAT IS THE DEAL with some of you about men's "hairy legs"?:confused::confused::confused:


Now if they were women's hairy legs, I might have an issue.:eek:


I'll say it again ... should they also wear hats on their heads, as some men do have hair there? Should they also only wear long sleeves? Some/most have hair on their arms. I really don't get it.


What I'm thinking is that some of you have issues, and it goes beyond men in the MDR in shorts.

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Is it that hard to put on a nice pair of pants for dinner.


It wouldn't be if I packed a bunch of pants. I prefer shorts in nice weather.


Keep in mind, I, like most people, are dressing for my own personal comfort and not what others think of it. I left that phase of worrying what others think in junior high.

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old men in speedos are permitted on the ship also :eek:. just because you can, doesn't always mean you should lol..


If I can see your junk, don't wear it.


sandals are fine...flip flops (beach type) are not permitted. shorts are permitted per the dress .


If I can see your toes, don't wear them.

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If I can see your junk, don't wear it.


I can understand this one:eek:


If I can see your toes, don't wear them.


but seriously, this is a cruise not a funeral:confused:


I don't want to see any ones junk by the pools let alone the MDR but sandals are a given on a cruise. Just put blinders on and let people relax and enjoy themselves and not worry about fashion police.

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I just went on my first cruise this month. I read this forum for months about everything I could. What to wear in the MDR, what not to wear in the MDR and so on.


I am a people watcher. I love watching people. Not judging, just watching. I started reading this thread and I started thinking about my cruise and what everyone was wearing in the MDR. Know what....I can honestly say, I never even noticed. Never. I was so focused on having a nice time, chatting with our waiter, tasting the different foods each night and having a good conversation with my tablemates, that I never even looked at what anyone else was wearing. I went to the MDR to have dinner.


I agree that its good to follow Carnival's rules for dressing for dinner. Have some common sense when you dress. But if Carnival says shorts are OK for men, then shorts are ok for men. If carnival says no flip flops, then no flip flops. Easy peasy. If people think those rules make Carnival the Walmart of Cruises, then fine. That's OK. Dont cruise carnival. Sail on a line that better suits your tastes.


That being said, I wonder how many others think they'll pay attention after reading so much about it on the forum, only to find that it is the last thing they really care about once they are on the boat. :D

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I just went on my first cruise this month. I read this forum for months about everything I could. What to wear in the MDR, what not to wear in the MDR and so on.


I am a people watcher. I love watching people. Not judging, just watching. I started reading this thread and I started thinking about my cruise and what everyone was wearing in the MDR. Know what....I can honestly say, I never even noticed. Never. I was so focused on having a nice time, chatting with our waiter, tasting the different foods each night and having a good conversation with my tablemates, that I never even looked at what anyone else was wearing. I went to the MDR to have dinner.


I agree that its good to follow Carnival's rules for dressing for dinner. Have some common sense when you dress. But if Carnival says shorts are OK for men, then shorts are ok for men. If carnival says no flip flops, then no flip flops. Easy peasy. If people think those rules make Carnival the Walmart of Cruises, then fine. That's OK. Dont cruise carnival. Sail on a line that better suits your tastes.


That being said, I wonder how many others think they'll pay attention after reading so much about it on the forum, only to find that it is the last thing they really care about once they are on the boat. :D


You only really notice the further some dress from "normal". And that normal can vary from person to person.


But I challenge anyone who shouts they never notice what others wear to walk past someone naked or wearing a boa fantail and not notice.

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You only really notice the further some dress from "normal". And that normal can vary from person to person.


But I challenge anyone who shouts they never notice what others wear to walk past someone naked or wearing a boa fantail and not notice.


You are correct in that everyones "normal" is a little different. And maybe that just means I'm a Walmart cruiser, I don't know.


And I'm not saying that I wouldn't notice if someone came in wearing nothing but a pair of shoes and a nice diamond necklace. Possibly everyone that I saw in passing during dinner was dressed appropriatly enough (by my standards as you pointed out) so it just never registered with me WHAT they were wearing.


I guess my points were 1. that while I DO believe you should abide by Carnivals dinner attire rules,(whether you are on your vacation and don't feel like it or not, follow the rules or don't go), if Carnivals rules are too lax for someone's standards (which in itself is perfectly fine, everyone is different), then maybe they should look at a cruise line that has stricter rules about such things, hence making you more comfortable.

2. I just found it kind of funny that after worrying so much about it and reading so much about it, I never even noticed it when the time came.:D

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You are correct in that everyones "normal" is a little different. And maybe that just means I'm a Walmart cruiser, I don't know.


And I'm not saying that I wouldn't notice if someone came in wearing nothing but a pair of shoes and a nice diamond necklace. Possibly everyone that I saw in passing during dinner was dressed appropriatly enough (by my standards as you pointed out) so it just never registered with me WHAT they were wearing.


I guess my points were 1. that while I DO believe you should abide by Carnivals dinner attire rules,(whether you are on your vacation and don't feel like it or not, follow the rules or don't go), if Carnivals rules are too lax for someone's standards (which in itself is perfectly fine, everyone is different), then maybe they should look at a cruise line that has stricter rules about such things, hence making you more comfortable.

2. I just found it kind of funny that after worrying so much about it and reading so much about it, I never even noticed it when the time came.:D


Just be be because Carnival sets the bar low, it doesn't mean one needs to lower their dress standards. The game is not to dress as low as Carnival sets it; just to make sure your standard is above it.


Everything else is just fodder for everyone else's enjoyment. Whether it's intentional or not, no one knows, but Joan and Melissa have made a career out of it.

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