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Originally Posted by Kenato

Hi we are staying at Hotel Christian IV, Dronningens Tvaergade 45 and have been told that we can take bus 26 from Freeport and then it is just a short walk. Just wondering if it is practical to take a suitcase each plus hand luggage on the bus or should we get a taxi? Any advice would be appreciated (Any construction near that hotel?)


Its located near Kongens Have so no construction sites nearby.






But remember that if your ship is docked at the freeport you cant use the bus in the weekends and public holidays.


Danish Viking, Thanks for the information on construction and route from bus to hotel but I am still not sure if it is practical to take luggage on the No 26 bus. Can you clear up that question please?

Edited by Kenato
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Important new info that has slipped my attention.



Bus 26 does not go all the way out the Langelinie Pier, now the bus stop a few 100 meters before at Indiakaj.


I´m guessing that it can better turn at the roundabout because there is a construction site at the tip of Langelinie thats probably takes some space at the tip of the pier.









Danish Viking,


Thank you very much for this new information! I'll update my notes!


Have a great day!


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We will be staying at Hotel Christian IV, and are considering buying tickets to a concert for Thursday night, June 6, at Parken Stadium. We are concerned about transportation both to and from the concert. Suggestions are welcome concerning taxi, bus, or maybe even walking. Is it "safe" to walk in those areas late at night? Would taxi or bus be difficult after the concert, considering thousands of people leaving the stadium. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

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We will be staying at Hotel Christian IV, and are considering buying tickets to a concert for Thursday night, June 6, at Parken Stadium. We are concerned about transportation both to and from the concert. Suggestions are welcome concerning taxi, bus, or maybe even walking. Is it "safe" to walk in those areas late at night? Would taxi or bus be difficult after the concert, considering thousands of people leaving the stadium. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you.



Bus 1A will get you directly from Parken Trianglen near parken to the bus stop at Dronningens Tværgade/St.Kongensgade that is located 300 metres from your hotel.


This trip takes 18 minutes including walking in both ends and they also runs frewquently after the concert.



Østerbro where Parken Stadium is located is a very safe neighbourhood and the same can be said about the location where your hotel is located.

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Originally Posted by Kenato

Hi we are staying at Hotel Christian IV, Dronningens Tvaergade 45 and have been told that we can take bus 26 from Freeport and then it is just a short walk. Just wondering if it is practical to take a suitcase each plus hand luggage on the bus or should we get a taxi? Any advice would be appreciated (Any construction near that hotel?)


Its located near Kongens Have so no construction sites nearby.






But remember that if your ship is docked at the freeport you cant use the bus in the weekends and public holidays.


Danish Viking, Thanks for the information on construction and route from bus to hotel but I am still not sure if it is practical to take luggage on the No 26 bus. Can you clear up that question please?



I would say that it is okay to have luggage with you because the front of the busses are with low floor so there is no step to handle.

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Thanks Dolfan0704 for the info on the early canal tour. I will definitely try to get on that first boat. If I recall you are on a tight schedule as well.


Thanks Danish Viking for the detailed bus info on getting there. So after the canal tour, what do you suggest for the order of the rest of my points of interest?


Thanks again!



I now notice that the bus stop at Christiansborg is out of service because of the metro construction so you have to get off at Holmens Kirke but it´s not a big detour.









After the canal tour you can walk to Rundetaarn.


for Rosenborg and the Crown Jewels.


The Marble Church.


Amalienborg Palace


Sand Sculpture Festival


A nice dinner at Nyhavn







From Kongens Nytorv next to Nyhavn you can get bus 1A towards Avedøre will get you directly to the bus stop at Stormgade Glyptoteket where you can either see Ny Carlsberg Glytotek Or Tivoli.


From this point there is most likely no time left so you take any northbound trains from the central station to Østerport (direction Østerport, Nivå or Helsingør) or any S-train from track 9 and 10.


From Østerport you can walk or take bus 26 (towards Indiakaj) or take a taxi to Langelinie pier.

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Hi Danish Viking,


Greetings from Australia!


Many thanks for all the trouble you have gone to in answering and assisting people.


We are first time visitors to Copenhagen and cannot wait! We arrive on 15th July, 2013, but as yet, I am not sure which dock.


We are both fit, and love to walk. All being well, we should be off the ship around 9.00am, and would need to return by 4.00pm.


Any suggestions regarding how we could best spend our time, bearing in mind that we are happy to be on the go all day, with the exception of my husband who would love to try and sample some wonderful local Danish beers.


Also, we are both very health conscious and would love to find a decent supermarket/market where I could buy "healthy" food and some local beer for DH. I love Kavli biscuits and am hoping you have a Danish version. Anything with rye or similar, plus nuts and seeds.


Looking forward to hearing from you.


Best wishes


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Thats easy to find out where your ship docks.


Both Discovery and Sea Princess are at Langelinie Pier that day, Island Sky is at Nordre Toldbod but is on the second day on a overnight stay so I´m guessing that is not that one.





Irma at Østerport station close to Langelinie (and Nordre Toldbod) has a great variety of healthy and organic food and the beer selection should be okay.




If you wan´t to explore a little bit more of Danish quality food then go to torvehallerne at Israels plads near Nørreport Station (next stop after Østerport towards the central station)






Well you haven´t told exactly what you wan´t to see so try to look at the last couple of pages where i have made 2 walking routes on google maps and see if they will do the trick.

Edited by Danish viking
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I now notice that the bus stop at Christiansborg is out of service because of the metro construction so you have to get off at Holmens Kirke but it´s not a big detour.









After the canal tour you can walk to Rundetaarn.


for Rosenborg and the Crown Jewels.


The Marble Church.


Amalienborg Palace


Sand Sculpture Festival


A nice dinner at Nyhavn







From Kongens Nytorv next to Nyhavn you can get bus 1A towards Avedøre will get you directly to the bus stop at Stormgade Glyptoteket where you can either see Ny Carlsberg Glytotek Or Tivoli.


From this point there is most likely no time left so you take any northbound trains from the central station to Østerport (direction Østerport, Nivå or Helsingør) or any S-train from track 9 and 10.


From Østerport you can walk or take bus 26 (towards Indiakaj) or take a taxi to Langelinie pier.



Danish Viking you are a dear. I've been telling my friends about you and how much help and advice you've given everyone. They just can't believe that you do this everyday and for free! They ask me for details of who you are but frankly I don't know any answers. Thanks again!!

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They can't even search me on Facebook because I have private setting on.


I had an "incident" with one person because he lost an argument on a Liverpool page (soccer) so he looked almost 6 months back in my profile to find something to attact me with and that was very unpleasant so now only my friends can see me.


But if you want the short story then I'm a 27 year young :-D young guy from Køge 38 kilometres south of Copenhagen.


I'm working in a shop that sells madresses, Duvets/pillows, Furnitures and all kinds of things to the home.


I have actually never been on a cruise but on alot of ferries but my reason for joining CC was that I'm a ships fanatic and because of that stumbled upon this site.


Being a local i contributed to the old Copenhagen thread started by CruisingEurope (an American living in Copenhagen at the time).


She then suddenly stopped posting and therefore leaving me with the duty. :D


I know that i have no obligations but its also fund to see reviews of people who has been in "my" city and also knowing that there is alot of pages with outdated or to little info keeps me doing this.


It also keeps up my English skills so that's also good.


But enough about me. :)

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There is a woman who also provides information for her city (Rostock, Germany) but she is an Australian who retired there and volunteers at their tourism office. Because of that, I imagined you to be an older person with some affiliation with the tourism industry so I am very impressed that such a young person not in the tourism industry would be so generous with their time. You are a terrific ambassador for your country!!!! Kudos to you.

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The Swedes too :-D





Very very very big thank you, it's comments like these that makes it worth the time used.


Because to be honest I can get a little bit disappointed when I spend time on some tour suggestion and thinks like that and then people don't even reply with a thank you other things so I can see that they have noticed it.


But funny enough we Danes have a bad reputation of being cold but I think that is misunderstood because we rarely talk to other people in the bus or train but if anyone just makes the contact they will realize that its not the case, its not just "normal" to walk up to a stranger and start talking but I thought that it was the same all over the world.

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I live in the southern part of the United States and we will walk up to a telephone pole and start talking. A lot of people think we are too friendly. Cultures are so funny and lead to a lot of misunderstandings. This forum has helped us realize how different but also the same we all are. Thanks for all your incredible info. Can't wait to visit your city.

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Dear Danish viking

Thank you for sharing a more "personal" side of you. It appears that you are a very enthusiastic person who enjoys helping others. This is a very unique and wonderful attribute you posses for someone as young as you are. We all greatly appreciate the time and efforts you put into this thread and your dedication is priceless. You are doing a stellar job presenting information to us in a clear and concise manner. I applaud you for selflessly posting and ensuring that the information you are providing is correct and up to date. Many thanks to you and the wonderful service you are providing to us future visitors to your wonderful Copenhagen! :)



Dolfans from Miami

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Dear Danish viking

Thank you for sharing a more "personal" side of you. It appears that you are a very enthusiastic person who enjoys helping others. This is a very unique and wonderful attribute you posses for someone as young as you are. We all greatly appreciate the time and efforts you put into this thread and your dedication is priceless. You are doing a stellar job presenting information to us in a clear and concise manner. I applaud you for selflessly posting and ensuring that the information you are providing is correct and up to date. Many thanks to you and the wonderful service you are providing to us future visitors to your wonderful Copenhagen! :)



Dolfans from Miami


Danish Viking:


Totally agree with the comments made by Dolfans. Could not have said it better. Really appreciate all your efforts in helping all of us to enjoy our visit to Copenhagen a whole lot more than we would without your input.



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Danish Viking:


Totally agree with the comments made by Dolfans. Could not have said it better. Really appreciate all your efforts in helping all of us to enjoy our visit to Copenhagen a whole lot more than we would without your input.





A big me too to you Danish Viking. I just booked an RCL cruise for next April that ends in your city. I bookmarked this thread to reread later. Already have decided to stay 2 or 3 nights. Looks like so much to see. Your answere are terrific.

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Well I have to say you have me so excited to be visiting Copenhagen. My binder is filling up and I'm about to have to expand it as I still haven't printed out information on the Royal family & their photos. I want to be an informed traveller.

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Well I have to say you have me so excited to be visiting Copenhagen. My binder is filling up and I'm about to have to expand it as I still haven't printed out information on the Royal family & their photos. I want to be an informed traveller.


Ditto to that blonde! I as well enjoy knowing the history of the different cities we will be visiting. It makes the journey that much more intriguing! :). The Royal Family history/lineage is quite interesting in Copenhagen! You will definitely need to expand your binder! ;)



Dolfans from Miami

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Danish Viking,


You have been a Godsend to those of us who are uber-planners. Through you I feel I know your city and am ready to hit the pavement running...well, maybe I'm a little old for running. I can't tell you how much you've added to our visit to Copenhagen - no lost time trying to figure things out. Thanks again!

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Where is the like function when you need it. :)


But seriously thank you to your all, you are very kind to me I must say.


If anyone is fancying a beer in Tivoli's beergarden or a walk around the city I would gladly stop by to meet any of you if you have the time. :D

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Where is the like function when you need it. :)


But seriously thank you to your all, you are very kind to me I must say.


If anyone is fancying a beer in Tivoli's beergarden or a walk around the city I would gladly stop by to meet any of you if you have the time. :D


Hi Danish Viking,


We would also like to add to all previous "thank you" comments. It is wonderful that you go to so much trouble, and actually take pride in your city and country. I am finding this thread super interesting, and thank you for your advice re the purchase of healthy items.


We will keep in touch, and if you have time for a beer, I know my husband could be easily "forced" into having one - lol!


Your time and assistance is greatly appreciated and we, too, wish there was a "like" page!!!


We are huge fans of the Royal family, and we are so proud of Mary! She seems to have embraced her role really well, and is loved and adored by the Danes. Her family is gorgeous and looks even more beautiful than ever!!


Best wishes


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She's making both Denmark and Australia and especially Tasmania proud I'm guessing.


I won't consider myself a royalist but its always interesting to see the big royal ceremonies like weddings and christenings.


Our Queen Dronning Magrethe II did her 50 year jubilee as queen and ceremonial leader of Denmark last year and Copenhagen wasn't in normal condition for a few days. :)


Even though its a danish monarchy it's actually very international.


Dronning Magrethe's mother Dronning Ingrid is Swedish.


Her husband Prins Henrik is French so you can actually call him Henry.


As you know Kronprins Frederik's wife Kronprinsesse Mary is Australian.


His little brother Prins Joachim had a wife from Hongkong before she was Prinsesse Alexandra but her title is Grevinde Alexandra.


His current wife is Prinsesse Marie, also from France.


So Margrethe's grand children is Danish/Australian, Danish/Hongkong Chinese and Danish/French.


Very International.

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