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Fire on Carnival Triumph. No engines, running on emergency generators.


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According to one poster on another thread, this would drive CCL in to bankruptcy. You better keep an eye on things before buying. ;)


Don't take investment advise from cruise boards.


Last year Carnival made over $5 billion in profit. The CEO estimates the damage to the Triumph will cost them between $60 and $80 million in repairs and lost revenue. They still have plenty to sustain them selves.

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Can you imagine getting off that ship after all this time to then get on a bus that breaks down on its way to New Orleans??? Hopefully, they didn't have to wait to long for the replacement bus.
Oh My goodness..reading from the most recent back, you have got to be kidding me...:(.


Off subject to this post, I listened carefully to when Media spoke....i do not think they were that bad at the number of times they "sensationalized'..yes it went on and on talking to passengers on CNN..but they did at times calm it down and I agree with folks who say that ideally, historically, the "press" and "reporters" are there to ferret out what the truth is so they would obviously push a little to side of "what caused this" and the "stress of the passengers".


I remember a fair comment about the different make-up of people and how they took it. Not a mean one just fair.

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Don't take investment advise from cruise boards.


Last year Carnival made over $5 billion in profit. The CEO estimates the damage to the Triumph will cost them between $60 and $80 million in repairs and lost revenue. They still have plenty to sustain them selves.



I agree with you, the poster was just trying to start another rumour.

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The best part of watching the coverage of the ship docking last night was that the reaction of horror that CNN had been hoping for never came and everyone who got off the ship seemed to be in great spirits.

The media are a bunch of vultures and all they wanted was people to come running off that ship looking like hell and trashing the cruise line and they didnt get it.


The media seamed frustrated that they were told to stay back in their area and to not talk to passengers, and the passengers were told not to talk to the media.


I think it was bad that the guy from 8 to 10 kept trying to make the young girl Haley cry, he got her on the phone 5 or 6 times and kept going back to the questions about when she first talked to her mom and she cryed, then he kept doing it over and over, her dad should have come over and punched him in the face and made him cry. what a jerk.

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Oh My goodness..reading from the most recent back, you have got to be kidding me...:(.


Off subject to this post, I listened carefully to when Media spoke....i do not think they were that bad at the number of times they "sensationalized'..yes it went on and on talking to passengers on CNN..but they did at times calm it down and I agree with folks who say that ideally, historically, the "press" and "reporters" are there to ferret out what the truth is so they would obviously push a little to side of "what caused this" and the "stress of the passengers".


I remember a fair comment about the different make-up of people and how they took it. Not a mean one just fair.

Unfortunately, I am not kidding, I have seen the report of the broken down bus on both CNN and MSNBC.

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I've seen many people mention lack of food and that the ship should have been better stocked.


I think some people forget that there was no electricity to keep said food refrigerated/frozen and no way to cook it. Therefore I'd guess the majority of the food on board became unsafe and unusable. Which is probably why there was a shortage of food and is perfectly understandable.


I guess living in a state that can and does get hit by hurricanes makes you more aware of what happens when you are stuck without electricity for any length of time. This is why everyone I know has multiple tanks of propane on hand, grills and if there is any medical needs, personal generators. And it's why they recommend you stock up on non-perishables when a storm is imminent.

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any it may on a case by case basis...kind of like filing a claim



I hope this is how it is handled in the end for people that have severe impact.


Had a Thanksgiving dinner once on a very nice restaurant in Portland. Food poisoning for all and need to give samples to health dept etc., My table and a wide variety of workers...food handlers got compensated more for days off they had to take for health dept precautions.


I think I got around 200 ..whatever all who ate there got and the better salaried let it go, but they encouraged their restaurant worker kids to get

it right. My friend and the father interestingly, is a federal railroad mishap inspector...I think the kids got 400 or 500. It has been awhile....for a couple of years we gave each other gag Thanksgiving drugstore gifts...Sarah

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As long as it's us against them Arison will be tweeting "Go Heat!" As people are trapped in hulls dying and be in his owner's box while cabin crew are pouring water in toilets to clean fecal matter- and smiling at the same time. The media is doing us a big fat favor here.


I agree the media can help make changes, but do they have to make it all seam like the tabloids when interviewing people on the problem (ship this time) they all kept saying "is there anything you want to say to ?(her/him/mom)"


I would like to have one passenger or parent at home say, "i told you not to go on that damn cruise" when you get home you are grounded. or something like that,


as for the owner of Carnival still going to his basket ball games, if that was wrong, what should he have done, sat home and cryed all the time waiting for the ship to get home? I am sure he was still thinking about the situation, even if he was thinking about what it was going to cost him in profit? Swim out to the ship and make sandwiches for everyone? get flown out to the ship and dropped by helocoppter? What should he have done? Remember that is also one of his companies and if this had gotten VERY VERY bad he might have needed that company to help support this problem.


While he is the "owner" what do you think he should have done?


I do think Gerry should have gone out to the ship with the pilots and started his apology there, not on the pier with the media. It would have gone a lot further if he had got on the ship and flipped some steaks, delivered some water, or just walked around and picked up poop bags, would have been much better, afterall he is the boss, and that would have made him look like part of the company crew, part of the Carnival team.


The owner on the other hand is only the money, and that is he is just the biggest share holder, if the company goes broke, he is still protected. It is just an investment, he wants it to do well, but what should he have done?

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I've seen many people mention lack of food and that the ship should have been better stocked.


I think some people forget that there was no electricity to keep said food refrigerated/frozen and no way to cook it. Therefore I'd guess the majority of the food on board became unsafe and unusable. Which is probably why there was a shortage of food and is perfectly understandable.


I guess living in a state that can and does get hit by hurricanes makes you more aware of what happens when you are stuck without electricity for any length of time. This is why everyone I know has multiple tanks of propane on hand, grills and if there is any medical needs, personal generators. And it's why they recommend you stock up on non-perishables when a storm is imminent.


I've taken a behind the scenes tour on both CCL and RCCL. Ships do sail with several days of extra provisions, and cycle them through if they're not needed. It was explained to us that the meals you eat at the beginning of a cruise are actually the unused emergency provisions from the previous cruise. The example they shared with us on the Conquest was that after Ike, passengers were served the emergency provisions for a few days until they could get into New Orleans to reprovision. Unfortunately, all the emergency food in the world doesn't do much good if you can't keep it refrigerated and can't cook it!

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Unfortunately, I am not kidding, I have seen the report of the broken down bus on both CNN and MSNBC.

Thank you so much...oh my..


Again off subject..I can also see when CNN went overboard wirh comments as per my other comment and from reports on comments here i missed, just wanted to say at times when I listened..I thought they were fair and it was a big story...a full city of people dealing with a lot opposite of what you plan or prepare for...


My family used to be so prepared...now no longer living on a ranch in winter..and really not considering some earthquake mishaps I worry...but here a big enough one would be it for us anyway and loads of the Yellowstone basin.


Still we are going to bet better with water food and some kind of oil heater..none of us even have old fashioned woodstoves anymore..geez.

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So there was something I heard on HLN that bothers me which is there was only enough insulin for one day for diabetics and that one diabetic went into diabetic shock. Of course this may or may not be accurate, but if it is accurate why weren't they evacuated?


I was glad to hear all the positive things about the crew. I think Carnival did some things better this time than Splendor and some things worse. They really need to do some education on how to communicate in a crisis though. From the cc posters who had family on board it seems like Carnival failed in communicating with them.


I also think they should do more than the five hundred per person (and the future cruise etc) because the financial losses for a lot of those people will be over 500.


Regarding the previous condition of the ship and whether it played into the fire will be part of the investigation I am sure. So I am withholding judgment until then.


Has there been confirmation or not on the person having a heart attack and dying?


I am glad everyone is home safe and relatively sound. I hope that carnival rewards to crew (not just covering the contracts or moving them). I am cruising Carnival again, but also am going to follow the investigation closely because if it turns out to be a result of maintenance issues that may change my mind. And I hope Carnival comes clean on their failures here in communication, reports of lack of supplies for some folks, etc.



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As for the $500 why is that wrong, yes some did loose more than that in pay (maybe, Carnival has not said yes or no to fixing lost wages, they did not answer at all) some did not, so if they should pay more to those that lost more, should those that don't make $500 in 5 days get less? The retired should not get any, the kids should not get any? I think that is a good offer, when they don't know the situation the people are actually in for their pay situation, they could have said when you get home, have your employer send us your lost wages and we will pay you what you missed out on? well that would have been a delay, or they could have said have your employer pay you anyway and bill us, then the employer is out for a delay. and again the kids and retired don't get anything, or the stay at home parents, and college students. If they are going to make up the pay, then are they going to have the crew/staff do the missed homework the kids that did not get back to school on Monday/Tuesday missed out on, and can't make up?


As for "following the investigation" it will be gone from the media in a few weeks, and everyone will forget about it,


Try finding something from the investigation about the Concordia (not from the media's opinion) it is hard to find at this point, or the Splendor investigation, also hard to find, I just did a search for Carnival Splendor engine fire investigation, and the first report is from December 2010 and Cruise Critic is the provider of a coast guard report, the second is an independent and it is from Nov 2010,


my point is unless you are actually involved, or know someone that is, we will never know, and won't be able to find what happened, all we can hope is the people in volved find and fix to prevent or reduce the damage in the future.


By the way it sounds like the changes from the Splendor did work (the co2 system worked and put out the fire faster) that did not work on the Splendor.

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From Harrah's in NOLA:


"Were you stranded on the Triumph cruise ship and are on your way to New Orleans? We have the ability to treat FIVE passengers from the Triumph to a Harrah's VIP experience with a weekend stay in one of our luxury suites, and a fabulous dinner at Besh Steak. To be one of the five to take advantage of this offer, please visit Total Rewards inside our casino with proper ID and credentials verifying that you were a passenger on the Triumph. We know we can't change what happened out at sea, but we'd like to try and help you leave NOLA with a smile on your face!"



I've seen many people mention lack of food and that the ship should have been better stocked.


I think some people forget that there was no electricity to keep said food refrigerated/frozen and no way to cook it. Therefore I'd guess the majority of the food on board became unsafe and unusable. Which is probably why there was a shortage of food and is perfectly understandable.


I guess living in a state that can and does get hit by hurricanes makes you more aware of what happens when you are stuck without electricity for any length of time. This is why everyone I know has multiple tanks of propane on hand, grills and if there is any medical needs, personal generators. And it's why they recommend you stock up on non-perishables when a storm is imminent.


This. And people were raising hell about how they didn't get steak and lobster until the last day-- that stuff had to be flown in fresh and it was a possibility once they got closer to land. Just sayin

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Still more of the endless judgmental, insensitive comments from blowhards sitting in the comfort of their homes who have no idea what happened or what these people endured. Absurd comparisons to people living in third world countries having it far worse or extrapolating a $500 pay out to a salary per year - or an endless stream of nonsense about medi-hype. Sad and mean-spirited really.

There is an obligation for a conveyance to be properly maintained, if that ship sailed with known mechanical issues that put people at risk, there should be an accountability.

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Still more of the endless judgmental, insensitive comments from blowhards sitting in the comfort of their homes who have no idea what happened or what these people endured. Absurd comparisons to people living in third world countries having it far worse or extrapolating a $500 pay out to a salary per year - or an endless stream of nonsense about medi-hype. Sad and mean-spirited really.


There is an obligation for a conveyance to be properly maintained, if that ship sailed with known mechanical issues that put people at risk, there should be an accountability.


Strongly agree. Because the money made is huge and it is fair to have some assumption after several misshaps that systems can be improved in several arenas and some sailing should not happen without more fixed and running..especially with systems so connected. I hope this makes all pre 2010 ships with less new seperate system capabilites take heed. I still pray for all people and their health..having to all bus together...boy..with all that immune defficiency after 4 days of that stress alone...i just pray...sarah

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Does anyone actually watch that idiot? I couldn't stand him on AGT, and was glad he got the boot.


And watching CNN yesterday made me glad I don't watch CNN. It was just too bad they got exclusive rights, and wonder why.


You know, I told my wife last night after the passengers were getting off the ship,


This is going to cost Carnival a lot, but out of it, they got 20 hours of FREE advertising on CNN,


By not giving much info, that they might not have had very clear anyway, the media did the work, they contacted or were contacted by family on and off the ship, got "professional opinion" to play devils advocate all day long, never ran a commercial that they had to pay for, and had millions of people (potential customers) watching all day and night to see if the ship runs a ground and the passengers die, the ship sinks, another fire breaks out. Everyone was on the edge of their seat when the ship was in the Channel that was not as wide as the ship is long, and when the tow rope broke, WOW, what now,


Other companies pay millions and millions of dollars for reality shows and don't get this type of coverage. And in the end, everyone lived (except maybe the man with the heart attach, I am not sure) the boat made it home, everyone got along, and they all got paid $100 per day for the participation in the cruise event.

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The real reason they dragged it across the gulf to Mobile.


Bingo! Carnival would have fought tooth and nail to go to Mobile all along, because it benefited them to be close to the shipyard that they need. Another thought is the cruise terminal in Mobile, which Carnival had a lot of input in designing. They knew that because the Mobile terminal has an attached parking garage, they could keep the media at bay outside, load the buses with passengers inside the terminal and whisk them away without them even stepping foot outside the terminal. That alone probably kept the media away from 90% of the passengers. The ones that the media had access to were the ones who were being met by family and friends or had opted to make their own arrangements to get home. The media was very annoyed, and were grumbling all day yesterday that they were being kept away from the passengers. I have no doubt that this was a carefully orchestrated plan by Carnival to minimize damaging interviews with the media.

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Bingo! Carnival would have fought tooth and nail to go to Mobile all along, because it benefited them to be close to the shipyard that they need. Another thought is the cruise terminal in Mobile, which Carnival had a lot of input in designing. They knew that because the Mobile terminal has an attached parking garage, they could keep the media at bay outside, load the buses with passengers inside the terminal and whisk them away without them even stepping foot outside the terminal. That alone probably kept the media away from 90% of the passengers. The ones that the media had access to were the one's who were being met by family and friends or had opted to make their own arrangements to get home. The media was very annoyed, and were grumbling all day yesterday that they were being kept away from the passengers. I have no doubt that this was a carefully orchestrated plan by Carnival to minimize damaging interviews with the media.


If Carnival had a lot of input in designing the cruise terminal, why did they pull out of there, exactly? They designed a cruise terminal that makes it extremely difficult to turn their large ships around...?

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I agree that CNN's headlines were out of sync with pax accounts. Almost all were upbeat, and that did not support a headline of "Cruise Nightmare Ends"


Yea it is funny they never called the people that said it was ok and they had plenty to eat, toilets were working most of the time and that type of positive things,



But let the person cry and they were on speed dial all day and evening long,

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Bingo! Carnival would have fought tooth and nail to go to Mobile all along, because it benefited them to be close to the shipyard that they need. Another thought is the cruise terminal in Mobile, which Carnival had a lot of input in designing. They knew that because the Mobile terminal has an attached parking garage, they could keep the media at bay outside, load the buses with passengers inside the terminal and whisk them away without them even stepping foot outside the terminal. That alone probably kept the media away from 90% of the passengers. The ones that the media had access to were the one's who were being met by family and friends or had opted to make their own arrangements to get home. The media was very annoyed, and were grumbling all day yesterday that they were being kept away from the passengers. I have no doubt that this was a carefully orchestrated plan by Carnival to minimize damaging interviews with the media.


This is hilarious... Watching the interviews of the people who were saying they were about to get on a bus to NOLA and couldn't wait to see their families when they got there, kinda debunks what your saying... Those who wanted to be interviewed were interviewed, those who didn't got straight on the bus and went to NOLA... Personally, I would rather have the choice than a microphone shoved in my face. (See decisions are sometimes made for multiple reasons)


Also, CCL wanted people to talk to the media (CNN's version of the story was worse than what the passengers were saying)

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as for the owner of Carnival still going to his basket ball games, if that was wrong, what should he have done, sat home and cryed all the time waiting for the ship to get home?


Yes he should have stayed away from his basketball games. It shows a lack of compassion - his media advisors (and of course he has them) should have stepped up and told him to withdraw from the public eye until those people were home safely. I didn't follow anything on his activities but if he was out and about at leisure events then he's as bad as everything I've heard about and worse.


I am waiting with baited breath to hear how Carnival rewards that crew - they deserve something for how they stepped up. Very proud of all the passengers that immediately praised them - good for you!

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Bingo! Carnival would have fought tooth and nail to go to Mobile all along, because it benefited them to be close to the shipyard that they need. Another thought is the cruise terminal in Mobile, which Carnival had a lot of input in designing. They knew that because the Mobile terminal has an attached parking garage, they could keep the media at bay outside, load the buses with passengers inside the terminal and whisk them away without them even stepping foot outside the terminal. That alone probably kept the media away from 90% of the passengers. The ones that the media had access to were the ones who were being met by family and friends or had opted to make their own arrangements to get home. The media was very annoyed, and were grumbling all day yesterday that they were being kept away from the passengers. I have no doubt that this was a carefully orchestrated plan by Carnival to minimize damaging interviews with the media.



I thought people making assumptions about this would stop once the ship returned, apparently I was wrong. :(

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As for the $500 why is that wrong, yes some did loose more than that in pay (maybe, Carnival has not said yes or no to fixing lost wages, they did not answer at all) some did not, so if they should pay more to those that lost more, should those that don't make $500 in 5 days get less? The retired should not get any, the kids should not get any? I think that is a good offer, when they don't know the situation the people are actually in for their pay situation, they could have said when you get home, have your employer send us your lost wages and we will pay you what you missed out on? well that would have been a delay, or they could have said have your employer pay you anyway and bill us, then the employer is out for a delay. and again the kids and retired don't get anything, or the stay at home parents, and college students. If they are going to make up the pay, then are they going to have the crew/staff do the missed homework the kids that did not get back to school on Monday/Tuesday missed out on, and can't make up?


You can not put a dollar figure on everything that was missed out because of this delayed return. That being said, $500 does seem very low. And the free cruise offer, will that include all travel costs to the port and back, tips, etc. That free trip may not be so "free" and not to mention another revenue generator for Carnival to get money out of your pocket for any additional activities on the ship. Not only have some people incurred direct expenses because of this, but indirect ones as well. they could have had other plans that they paid out deposits for and lost those as well. Imagine if someone had an elaborate party planned for a life event and 1000s of dollars already spent.


And how much value do you place on missing special moments in your family's life because of this fiasco?


Cue the Carnival apologists....

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