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Internet Package


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I REALLY hate it when people tell me I dont know what i am talking about. I have been on 80 cruises (not points) on Celebrity and REALLY do know what i am talking about.


Yes you do not get charges for time if you do not log on.


The problem is that if you are using Google toolbar you will frequently get extra charges if you are using a package. This would be like periodically being charged for drinks if you had a drink package. This has happened to me MANY times. Now I leave Google toolbar disabled on my laptop (all the time) and I have not had these extra charges since.


Just trying to help:)


I use google toolbar...and I have no idea what you are trying to say here.


If you are connected to Celebrity's wireless system and you aren't signed on, you will not be charged for anything....google toolbar or anything else....


If you are signed on, then anything that uses internet resources will be active including google toolbar and you will be charged for the minutes you are signed on.


You are charged for minutes between the time you log on...and the time you log off....irrespective of what you do during that time. It doesn't matter if you are doing nothing, google toolbar is doing something or you are downloading some software package.


Google toolbar, windows update and many other programs check the web for updates (behind the scenes, so to speak) if you don't turn them off....but if you aren't signed on, they just make requests to the internet and are blocked by the celebrity system.

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I use google toolbar...and I have no idea what you are trying to say here.


If you are connected to Celebrity's wireless system and you aren't signed on, you will not be charged for anything....google toolbar or anything else....


If you are signed on, then anything that uses internet resources will be active including google toolbar and you will be charged for the minutes you are signed on.


You are charged for minutes between the time you log on...and the time you log off....irrespective of what you do during that time. It doesn't matter if you are doing nothing, google toolbar is doing something or you are downloading some software package.


Google toolbar, windows update and many other programs check the web for updates (behind the scenes, so to speak) if you don't turn them off....but if you aren't signed on, they just make requests to the internet and are blocked by the celebrity system.


I am referring to after you log into your Celebrity account using the WiFi.


This is only a problem if you have purchased an internet package (or are Elite and received one for free:)).

In the past I have received extra charges for my time online as if I did not have a prepaid package.

When requesting the folks in the iLounge to credit the charges back to my prepaid package I was told that the problem was that I was using Google toolbar.

When I permanently disabled Google toolbar the problem went away.

I was just trying to help people avoid extra charges to their accounts.


PS - There is no rhyme or reason to what happens on the ship. Go ahead and explian why some of the ships were unable to access the Celebrity web site using their Apple laptops while my PC laptop was able to access it fine. Poor Michael Bailey (the new CEO) was barraged with problems like this when he visited the ships last year (reported to me by the IT manager).

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I am referring to after you log into your Celebrity account using the WiFi.


This is only a problem if you have purchased an internet package (or are Elite and received one for free:)).

In the past I have received extra charges for my time online as if I did not have a prepaid package.


That isn't what you said in your first post:


The Google toolbar tries to connect to the internet before you can login to the Celebrity network and causes the network to charge you by the minute (and bill your room) even if you have a package


The reality is that it wasn't the tool bar it was that you didn't log out and get off the internet so the tool bar was able to do software updates, security patch downloads, and what ever else you have it programmed to run when live on the internet. It isn't necessary to disable the tool bar to prevent this from happening.


All anyone needs to do is put their device on airplane mode when finished on line and nothing on their system can connect to the internet. What happens to many people is they save their log in ID and password and if they are still on the network the toolbars may be able to use that autofil feature to log in and do the downloads, hence the reason you take your device off network so it can't do that.

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That isn't what you said in your first post:




The reality is that it wasn't the tool bar it was that you didn't log out and get off the internet so the tool bar was able to do software updates, security patch downloads, and what ever else you have it programmed to run when live on the internet. It isn't necessary to disable the tool bar to prevent this from happening.


All anyone needs to do is put their device on airplane mode when finished on line and nothing on their system can connect to the internet. What happens to many people is they save their log in ID and password and if they are still on the network the toolbars may be able to use that autofil feature to log in and do the downloads, hence the reason you take your device off network so it can't do that.


Nope....that would be a major security flaw! Google Toolbar does not do that. It can try to connect to the internet as much as it wants prior to your logon and it will just timeout (do nothing). Once you logon to the Celebrity online system, it will process any of those "behind the scenes" actions, but that won't alter your billing which is by the minute, not by the byte.


Caution...some of the techs in the ilounge are outstanding, but there are some that give very incorrect information with great authority.....

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That isn't what you said in your first post:

The reality is that it wasn't the tool bar it was that you didn't log out and get off the internet so the tool bar was able to do software updates, security patch downloads, and what ever else you have it programmed to run when live on the internet. It isn't necessary to disable the tool bar to prevent this from happening.


No one is understanding what I am trying to convey. My problem was that I would purchase the 90 minute internet package. When one logs in over the WiFi using the package there should be NO addition charges until the 90 minutes are used up. I always log in and out very quickly only using a few minutes at a time. I always manually disable the WiFi on my laptop after I log off. I would frequently get charged for the minutes used instead of having the time deducted from the package. Most of the time the guys in the iLounge were clueless. Finally they said to disable Google toolbar and I have not had the problem since. This happened to me on numerous cruises on different Celebrity cruises for a year or so before being solved by disabling Google toolbar.

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I think I now understand.


Apparently when you sign off/turn off the wireless adapter, your billing against your internet package stops....but if something is streaming data to you at that time, the Celebrity system will charge you separately for the time between when you logged off/disconnected and the streaming data ends. Yes, Google does stream data and updates to your PC at times...as does Windows Update and some other programs. I don't know the specific protocols and handshaking that the various streaming vendors use...but it's possible that google doesn't care if you are still there...it just streams until it's done...presumably for efficiency at the Google servers.


If that's the scenario, then Celebrity should clearly alert passengers accordingly...because their charging system does not match what they are selling. That's not exactly legal....


Also, if the celebrity system works that way, google toolbar is likely not the only service to trigger this extra billing.

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I think I now understand.

Apparently when you sign off/turn off the wireless adapter, your billing against your internet package stops....but if something is streaming data to you at that time, the Celebrity system will charge you separately for the time between when you logged off/disconnected and the streaming data ends. Yes, Google does stream data and updates to your PC at times...as does Windows Update and some other programs. I don't know the specific protocols and handshaking that the various streaming vendors use...but it's possible that google doesn't care if you are still there...it just streams until it's done...presumably for efficiency at the Google servers.


If that's the scenario, then Celebrity should clearly alert passengers accordingly...because their charging system does not match what they are selling. That's not exactly legal....


Also, if the celebrity system works that way, google toolbar is likely not the only service to trigger this extra billing.


When I had this problem there was NO billing against the package. The minutes in the package did not decrease. Instead of charging the package, the Celebrity system charged my cabin for the minutes used (maybe 5 minutes). The charges were small (a few dollars) but since I had the package (which was free due to Elite) I should not have been charged anything. Like I said before it is just like being charged for a drink when you have the unlimited beverage package:) Ever since I stopped using Google toolbar, the problem has gone away.


Celebrity has numerous problems with their internet, both shipboard and shoreside. When we were on the Solstice for 6 weeks in Oct/Nov 2012 the Apple computers in the iLounge were unable to handle the Celebrity web site (could not do simple stuff like looking up future cruises). My PC laptop accomplished this fine using the shipwide WiFi. The IT manager told us he reported this problem to the new CEO (Michael Bayley) when he was aboard.


Celebrity does have numerous warnings about stuff that does not work with their internet. When I was on the Connie last month there were numerous airline websites listed as not working with the Celebrity system. It also said that the Chrome browser (now the world's most popular browser according to Bloomberg Business Week) was not compatible with their internet.

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I sure don't understand the billing issues, but I do understand that some applications may not work if they require special "ports" to be open in the firewall on Celebrity's servers. Apparently Celebrity doesn't update these servers (why is that not a surprise), so as new applications, requiring new ports to be open, appear, they won't work.

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Excellent information posted here, and I would just like to add a few more tips. My tips will be iPad specific in some cases. Sorry if any of these hints have already been posted and I just overlooked them.

  • Logging off is important as others noted. You'll get a Celebrity logoff page (maybe only is you respond Yes to Allow Popups?) to use at the end of your session to logoff, but that logoff page can disappear depending on what you are doing. With my new iPad Mini (& iPod Touch on previous cruises) on our last cruise, I bookmarked that logoff page and added it to the iPad's Home screen. That way if the page disappears in Safari, I can use the bookmarked icon for logging off. Celebrity's system will display how many minutes you used when you logged off (normally). It will put the bookmarked icon to the last page, but you can dock/drag it to the 1st page. Because we cruise often on Celebrity & RCI, I dragged the icon to the bottom of the Home page to dock it as a frequently used/easy to find bookmark along with Mail, Safari, and Music. As an alternative, the Celebrity technical person can add the Home screen bookmark for you - just ask. Or better yet, if needed, see the following for how to add the bookmark to the Home screen:
http://www.ehow.com/how_12212121_add-ipad-bookmark-home-screen.html and http://www.ehow.com/how_8069725_organize-ipad-2-home-screen.html


  • The Kindle Fire as a wifi device does not work as well on Celebrity because of the OS although I had used it successfully on RCI by bookmarking the logoff. Anyone else with experience using Kindle Fire onboard Celebrity? The Kindle Fire can be exceedingly slow and logging off does not always log you off. Celebrity's techies discouraged me from using Kindle Fire when I inquired about setting it up. I still brought the Kindle Fire for reading and wifi in ports and used the little iPod Touch on the ship for wifi. Dh bought me the iPad Mini for Christmas, which worked very well on our last Celebrity cruise.


  • If you plan to do any web browsing other than email, I recommend getting any apps that can simplify it for you, such as Tapatalk for Cruise Critic. Same with any other apps, such as eBay or Amazon, you could need during the cruise. They will save you time and $$$ by using the iPad/iPhone specific app.


  • When I log off, I make sure I get the message of how many minutes I used. I often go back into Safari after logging off and try to access a site which should return Celebrity's login page if you have logged off properly. Then, like others noted, in Settings I turn "off" Wi-Fi and/or turn "on" Airplane Mode. I do this little routine as an added precaution.


  • The advice below is excellent; however, I would like to note that when you download email, make sure to wait until the emails have completely downloaded. If it looks like the emails have not "filled in" (the Inbox doesn't display the first words of the emails after the Subject), the email content may not be loaded. The cog wheel next to the signal at the top left will still be spinning when it is downloading emails & content and you may only have the email shells and not the email content populated. If you open the emails when the cog wheel is still spinning, you may see some blank emails if you did not wait long enough for them to download the content.


Second, the most efficient use of minutes is to do the following:


log on

download new e-mail

immediately log off

read new e-mails and create replies while you are logged off

log back on

send your replies

log off immediately


Doing this, you'll save lots of time. The alternative, using their machines, is that you log on, then have to read your e-mails and type your replies, all while the clock is ticking. That will be slow and expensive.

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DH and I are thinking of booking 14 days on Eclipse, but we would have to be connected to the internet in in order to be gone so long. We were on Silhouette in Jan. (our first Celebrity cruise). We attempted to go to the computer area to sign up for an internet package about 1:00 PM on embarkation day. We waited in line for 45 minutes and never made it to the front of the line. Someone in line said we could just sit down at a computer there and set it up ourselves. We tried that but couldn't get it to work. There was one guy working in that area, and after 45 minutes he still didn't make it around to us to help us because no one else could get it to work either. We finally gave up and decided to be "disconnected" for the week. Does anyone have any suggestions? What would happen if we just logged on to our iPad without going to the computer area to sign up? Sorry we're so ignorant in this area.


I'm assuming you can either sign up for a wireless internet package and use your own device (iPad, laptop or iPhone) or a regular internet package and use the ship's computers. Am I understanding this correctly? Any guidance regarding this would be greatly appreciated.



I think you have to be careful with the "Internet package" two years ago we took an internet package on the Equinox. What we were NOT told is that computer classes were being sold and that the internet cafe would not be available during classes. The times that the internet cafe was available to use was not convenient for us and so we had a substantial number of minutes that want unused. You are correct there is usually only one and at times a two people to help with internet questions or problems. The other thing is Celebrity had rented out the internet cafe and was not operating it themselves. When we returned home we called Celebrity and they refunded the unused minutes to us. On our next cruise we will not use the internet cafe. You can also access the internet in your state room by using your interactive TV.

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I've followed this thread from the first post and I have learned a lot about WIFI but no where have I seen the cost of the different packages. Does any one have the different package fees?





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okay now I'm confused. Are you saying you must go to the icafe (or what ever its called) to set up an account first or can you do it on your device. BTW I travel with an iPad and iPhone. Can you have multiple devices on one account (user name and password)?


Replied to wrong post...

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You can have multiple devices on one account. However, you should only use one at a time. It causes bad effects when one user is logged onto an account with one device and their spouse/significant other/friend uses the same name and password on a different device at the same time. Not a good idea to try it.


In December on Eclipse we frequently had 2 or sometimes three devices logged into the same internet account all using up the minutes without problem. iphone, ipad, laptop...it so slow, you can do more than one thing at a time this way and not waste as much time dealing with online stuff on vaca :D

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I've followed this thread from the first post and I have learned a lot about WIFI but no where have I seen the cost of the different packages. Does any one have the different package fees?






We are going on 12 day cruise this summer in the Baltics. Does Celebrity have an unlimited Internet package available for purchase and if so anyone know the costs




Celebrity doesn't offfer unlimited Internet packages. Here are the prices and plans:


75¢ per minute with no plan

66¢ per minute with $25, 38 minute plan

56¢ per minute with $50, 90 minute plan

48¢ per minute with $100, 208 minute plan

36¢ per minute with $200, 555 minute plan

24¢ per minute with $400, 1,666 minute plan

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We are going on 12 day cruise this summer in the Baltics. Does Celebrity have an unlimited Internet package available for purchase and if so anyone know the costs




Last I knew their biggest package was 400 min for $200 but that could change. I'll know more next week. As an FYI it's hard (painfully so) to be productive as its slow...) if used wisely we shared 400 min a week between two of us and that was enough if we were relatively careful about minutes (disconnected after downloading to read emails, etc) and we're pretty heavy Internet users for work.


Happy Sailing!


Correction: Todd might be correct, but I don't remember those options this past December, I'll know more next week...

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