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Well discovered 2 unexpected limitations of the AI yesterday

1. Bottled water - you can have as much as you want as often as you want as long as they pour it into a glass. If however you want a bottle (for your room or going ashore) that is chargeable

2. My new favourite bar - Caffe Florian. It's meant to be inspired by the famous Venice cafe. It's really lovely with a brilliant classical duet (pianist and violinist) playing each night but all drinks are chargeable. Still they are served on a silver platter (well tray) with wee extras like olives, cheesy balls, a chocolate and or a carafe of water. So I guess you have to pay for that. Will also treat myself to a tiramisu and espresso one afternoon...maybe today will be the day!


Mel, the food so far is amazing at dinner. I had intended going to the Club Atlantica one night but don't see the point. My table companions are great fun. 2 other solo women and 2 couples. We now have a routine of heading to a bar afterwards. It was the first Gala last night. We all had the beef tenderloin which was enough for 2 and very tasty and tender. The desserts looked good as well, but I could only manage ice cream as I was so stuffed. I've also had lunch in the MDR twice and it's also good. Not a huge amount of choice in each course but I've always found things I like without resorting to the always available.....


I now have a breakfast routine as well. tea, juice and rolls to my cabin, then an hour later I head to the aft Aurora Lido to the Omelette station and grab a cappuccino at the same time. The bar is right alongside the omelette station, so I can place both orders at the same time. The buffet is ok but father noisy (aren't they always?) but not many seem to head to the outside aft pool. Think it's meant to be adults only as well. There are plenty tables on either the smoking or non smoking side in the shade.


This ship is definitely growing on me. It may not have the open layout and beauty of MSC ships but this one is definitely a classy lady. (Ron and Chuck, thanks to both of you for recommending her in the past). The atrium area is very lovely and I like the way they have the shopping area linking the deck 3 bars. Haven't been in the shops but it's a nice walkway.


In Fujairah today and am planning on remaining onboard. There is a 8€ shuttle to Lulu shop (whatever that is) but I think I'll pass. I've got 4 days in Dubai at the end of this trip and I'm sure I'll be all shopped out there.


We've cooled down from 33c to 29c! Hope it warms up a bit in the UK for all of you.

Edited by AmoMondo
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Amo..... Real shame about the bottled water ..... But hey I can live with that :cool:


Do they still serve bottles of wine with dinner or by glass.....


Really wish we could get into the holiday spirit, but in Yorkshire we are still in the depths of winter grrrrrr, and its forecast till the middle of next week :mad:


Amo you really are in the best place, enjoy every moment.


Mel :D

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Hi Mel,

They serve wine by the glass rather than the bottle on the AI.


I was hoping the worst of winter would be over when I return on Monday but looking at the Met Office App, looks like I'll need to have my boots, gloves, scarf and winter coat in my hand luggage along with warm clothes for a changeover prior to landing in the UK :(.


Never mind at least I'm missing some of it!


It was Italian night last night in the MDR and that was a lot of fun, even although I'd seen it before. the crew show was quite good too. Some really talented singers and the lady orchestra was hilarious. I won't spoil the surprise by telling you more (just in case it is the same routine and crew when you get onboard in a few weeks)

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Sounds fun Mairi! For sure you picked a fine time to leave Scotland - this is the worst snow we have seen EVER - Mel - you are getting the same huh.. I have never seen it as bad. Even now, days later and its thawing slightly there are still 12 ft drfits. My road has a narrow tunnel which is eerie. My guests for our holiday cottage were stranded and picked up by the military. My drive, didnt make it back and we had to put him in a hotel. Ive never know anything like it so enjoy that sunshine Mairi, you are the envy of millions!

Water - I cant remember what our ruling was but I seem to remember having bottles.. maybe they changed it.

Wine - as long as its flowing who cares about water ;)

I just booked us for 2014 - cant stand another January not cruising. Looked at Costa but dont fancy doing a big ship with them again - nothing works for us, so going back on NCL - on the monster. Two weeks b2b caribbean. Looked at celebrity too but was very annoyed with their discounting system which does not cater for non US citizens - so sod you Celebrity!

Its nice though - to be choosing a ship without the smoking factor controlling our choice. Its so weird. Thats me now nearly six months smoke free and will never go back. Cant believe it. And for sure, the money saved will more than pay for a cruise! Hubby gave up too!! YAY! (He only STARTED at 46!!). So giving our home a total make over! Had a wall taken down this week to create an open plan kitchen/lounge - and ooooh all that yellow on the ceilings:eek: I love though the non control factor. I dont know how I will be now back on NeoR although she was never as smokey as Magica. Magica contributed to my stopping. I honestly could not breathe on that ship and was shocked at the number of intense young smokers. We kind of have an excuse in that we did not know better when we started smoking. THEY - are so young, with babses in strollers, and smoke smoke smoke.... I Love it now that I can choose a ship or hotel and not need to even consider the smoking factor..

The laugh is our september cruise I went to all sorts of hassles trying to get a hotel with a balcony pre cruise - now I want to change it..waaaahhhh...

Well - hope everyone is well.


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... and the lady orchestra was hilarious. I won't spoil the surprise by telling you more (just in case it is the same routine and crew when you get onboard in a few weeks)



How could you do that to the thousands upon thousands of fans wanting to know what the surprise is!:(:(


After all I don't think Mel has attended a show since the AI was introduced.:D



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How could you do that to the thousands upon thousands of fans wanting to know what the surprise is


After all I don't think Mel has attended a show since the AI was introduced.:D




Ron you know me too well :eek: Only ever been to two shows in all the nights at sea :confused:


But weyyyyy heyyyy never gone to bed the same day I got up :D


Just worried that for all future costa cruises that we made the AI crack that much that the price will go up :cool:


But I guess we make up for it in the casino


Amo don't rush back ...... Winter seems never ending..... Said to a customer don't worry it won't snow that much ..... I will eat my words.


Just keep thinking can't wait to be on that boat..... Just watch it will be that hot we will be sat frozen in the AC. .......


Ron you are still up for a stalk ;)..... You are the best Hope DW is still on the mend



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Ron you are still up for a stalk ;)..... You are the best Hope DW is still on the mend






We are still on for a stalk - when do you arrive?


Thank you for asking - DW is doing great, every day I get an email "Order of the Day" with instruction as to what I have to do. DW isy like a drill sergent, the only difference is DW would topple over as she can only stand on one leg at the moment.



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DW isy like a drill sergent, the only difference is DW would topple over as she can only stand on one leg at the moment.


Well give her her other one back - don't be mean :p:rolleyes:

Edited by dizzy1948
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We are still on for a stalk - when do you arrive?


Thank you for asking - DW is doing great, every day I get an email "Order of the Day" with instruction as to what I have to do. DW isy like a drill sergent, the only difference is DW would topple over as she can only stand on one leg at the moment.




glad DW is still on the mend :D


We arrive late on th 12th April.......:D


Happy Easter Everyone

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Hi all

Haven't looked at this site for a while as we aren't cruising at the moment:(. If hubby had his way we'd be cruising to Alaska right now. Just as well I didn't give in as we have illness in the family so are greatful we are here to help out. Our time will come again.:)

Good to see familiar names still around. Dizzy, Ron, Costasmurfette, Blondie etc.

Happy cruising all.

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I have been away from the boards for a long time. Wished that I could say we were planning a cruise but can't!


The boy is turning 8 tomorrow.

We are going to the USA this year in September for 5 weeks. Luke's choice not mine but I am slowly coming around to the idea.


Looked at doing an Easter cruise on Costa in 2014 but it does not fit with school hol times. School has asked/ requested that if parents wish to take kids out for hols (we are not really supposed to but school is generally pretty good) that we do it in the later half of the year rather than the beginning.


Am hoping that Costa will surprise me- but don't think they will and will have a 14 day Asian itinerary in Sept/ Oct 2014. would be happy with 2 x 7 day BTB but not very hopeful. From what I can work out the Asian cruises have changed to a more Asian market (short 3 days cruises).


Hope all is well with everyone.

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I have been away from the boards for a long time. Wished that I could say we were planning a cruise but can't!


The boy is turning 8 tomorrow.

We are going to the USA this year in September for 5 weeks. Luke's choice not mine but I am slowly coming around to the idea.


Looked at doing an Easter cruise on Costa in 2014 but it does not fit with school hol times. School has asked/ requested that if parents wish to take kids out for hols (we are not really supposed to but school is generally pretty good) that we do it in the later half of the year rather than the beginning.


Am hoping that Costa will surprise me- but don't think they will and will have a 14 day Asian itinerary in Sept/ Oct 2014. would be happy with 2 x 7 day BTB but not very hopeful. From what I can work out the Asian cruises have changed to a more Asian market (short 3 days cruises).


Hope all is well with everyone.


Hey Tania, how time flies, this time last year you were doing the Easter egg think for Luke's 7th. Hope all is well. Nadia, hope your side are all getting better. Isn't it good to have everyone "calling in" - good move Ron. Amo should be back from her cruise now - hope the weather has perked up a bit. Don't like to say that we in Aus are wondering when to turn the air con off ;) Lady Peacock should be getting ready to start packing about now. Love this Round Table

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Hey Tania, how time flies, this time last year you were doing the Easter egg think for Luke's 7th. Hope all is well. Nadia, hope your side are all getting better. Isn't it good to have everyone "calling in" - good move Ron. Amo should be back from her cruise now - hope the weather has perked up a bit. Don't like to say that we in Aus are wondering when to turn the air con off ;) Lady Peacock should be getting ready to start packing about now. Love this Round Table


Good to see friends old and new....well done Ron :D


dizzy i just hate packing :rolleyes:



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Morning peeps :)


Hope everyone is tickety-boo today...Happy Easter :)


Been a bit quiet lately...busy on a browser based war game based in Greek mythology, so that has taken up my time...it is quite addictive once you get into it. Also been spending time chatting with a great buddy from Ireland who is also my team mate on the game, so ultra late nights are common (along with a renewed taste for Grolsch too) LOL


Still hoping to stay on the two cruises, but the DWP thing is still dragging on endlessly and I will have to have some seriously major surgery again this year, so all is a bit up in the air right now insofar as cruising is concerned....


Anyway, take care guys and gals...try to be good and don't go munching too many Easter eggs ;)



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Hello all. There's been talk on an Italian cruise forum site lately regarding the possibility that Costa will be adding two more Club categories, Platinum Pearl and Diamond Pearl for the very very very frequent cruisers. It now takes 13,001 points to Gold Pearl but if the talk is true, one would probably need in excess of 25,000 points or more for the new levels.

Have any of you heard anything about this? Or is it just a rumour? Ron's ears are larger than most so if anyone knows something, it's him.

Edited by Capricruiser
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Hello all. There's been talk on an Italian cruise forum site lately regarding the possibility that Costa will be adding two more Club categories, Platinum Pearl and Diamond Pearl for the very very very frequent cruisers. It now takes 13,001 points to Gold Pearl but if the talk is true, one would probably need in excess of 25,000 points or more for the new levels.

Have any of you heard anything about this? Or is it just a rumour? Ron's ears are larger than most so if anyone knows something, it's him.


Hi Chuck,

Thank you for the compliment (or not :D), I ahve been out of the cruising loop for some time now. I have not heard anything about new higher levels for the COSTA club, but it makes sense when say on a TA cruise, in Premium cabin (double Costa Club points) A cruiser could earn over 5000 points and become an instant Pearl member. Costa will have to do something soon, maybe in the 2014 Catalog due out towards the end of April.


If Costa does go introduce new levels, it wil be interesting to see what priviledges will be involved and if the older membership levels will have their priviledges reduced.



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Ah, Ron, mine was definitely a compliment, and even though you haven't been cruising for awhile, you're still in the cruising loop for sure.

If they do it, I'm hoping they'll throw in some really good cruise discounts in the 20-30% range. Cheers.

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Travel light - most essential item is DH credit card. DH is optional.:D







Great advice :D


Still not started the packing..... but it nearly is a work in progress....got things out and it has made it to the spare bed.


Really dont like this last few days before we travel, but really looking forward to meeting friends at the airport in Paris, they are flying in from Spain and we are flying from Manchester before the onward flight to Dubai..


Just 4 more days to work :D...... yipeeee:cool:

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Hey Mel! Oooh go YOU! Oh so green with envy - our cruise is a lifetime away - so wish we were at "packing stage". Can't wait for Rons brilliant stalking - thanks Ron!

All work and no play in this household :(

Get packed girl - come on - you can do it! X

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Nope not yet Blondie :rolleyes:


But they have made it down from the wardrobe, on the up side one day left to work :D


But still have a pile of ironing to do :mad:


I will be there, just waiting to be stalked :cool:


I will try and get on here now and again, so long as the AI dosnt effect my typing :D

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