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Let's talk packing...with children


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So my girls are going to be 14, 8, and 3 when we travel. I've decided to do a large suitcase for myself and our 3 yo. My husband will have his own, and knowing my girls, they will each want their own. I'm thinking 21" carry-on type bags will be sufficient. With all the $$ baggage fees, how do you all pack?

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Well with the 3YO, I'd pack complete outfits in the 2gal ziplock bags (look for the regular - not freezer ones) and then a couple of extra shorts/skorts/pants.


For you and the older girls, try to double up tops to bottoms -- tops get dirty more easily but you should be able to use the same bottoms a few times. Shoes are bulkiest -- be very selective in what you pack. If you have multiple formal nights, you should be able to wear the same outfit to both -- think minimal for formal footwear (foldable ballet flats or strappy sandals). Edit everyone's stuff.


Don't forget the sunscreen. NO beach towels or bulky coverups.


Ziplock HBA (heath and beauty aids) so as to contain any spills.


Pack at least one change for everyone into someone else's suitcase -- the airlines, ground transfer folks, ship people are unlikely to lose ALL of the suitcases -- so this way you'll have something to wear until your suitcase catches up with you.

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We are a family of 3 and when we fly DH and I split our 3.5 y/o clothes between us. With your added older 2 I'd make them share a large suitcase, being very wary of weight limits. I'm guilty of an overweight suitcase far too often myself.

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I'm cool on what to pack, I used to be a road warrior for work, so the packing part is down for me and the peanut (I live by ziploc bag outfits), I just need to fight the teen/tween battle guess. I can hear it now.

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We took 7 grandkids on a cruise. The oldest were 11. Each child had a 21" suitcase because we were not paying for 9 people to check bags. Yes, my DH and I managed with carry-ons for the 5 day cruise and 3 days in Florida too.


IMO the carry-on size bags are fine for kids. I prefer bigger bags for myself, butwe were able to pack enough with the smaller bags.


Make a list of what they have to take; underclothes, shoes, pj's, swimsuits, several shorts/shirts, dresses, jackets, etc. If they have extra space, let them pick a few more things to take, but less is better.

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We had four kids for a 10 day cruise, large bag each for DW and I and a carry on bag on wheels for the kids. When we checked the two bags the airline said all six of us get the weight allowance so with just two checked bags we were way under the limit.

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When we checked the two bags the airline said all six of us get the weight allowance so with just two checked bags we were way under the limit.


That's good to know!! I thought weight limit was per bag!

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On most airlines each passenger gets the weight allowance per bag...does not mean 4 people can check 1 bag that weighs 200 pounds (if the weight limit per bag is 50 pounds). This is for the safety of the employees that have to lift the bags (& the fact that heavier planes require more fuel = more $$).


Different carriers also have different maximum bag weights (& allowances) so make sure to check with your individual carrier--it's often clearly stated on their websites.

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I usually try to get all of my kids clothes/shoes for the week in a 21" carry on bag. Then we usually try to check 2 bags each weighing under 50 lbs each. And we each bring our own 21" carry on that has our toiletries, etc in it.... I try to leave the carry on that I bring close to empty so that we have room for souveniers, etc.

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I just wanted to add that I like to carry the portable scale with me so when I am packing up at the end of the trip I don't have to play a guessing game with how much my luggage might weigh. I was once 17 lbs over on a trip and so I never trust myself.

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Im a fan of giving the kids a list. The list has things like 7 Tshirts, 3 dressy shirts, 2 dresses, 2 swimsuits etc... and let them choose what they bring. My kids bring me the stack of clothes and shoes and then I decide what case it goes in. If there is extra room then I will give them the chance to add on items.


In the case of our next trip, we aren't flying to the port so Im not worried about checked luggage allowances. We are limited to what fits in the van comfortably so we still have some limits. This time, I am handing the 4 girls thier set of 4pc luggage and a list of minimums and they will figure it out. They are 20.18.12 and 10yo though. I will handle the little boys myself and have the big boys bring me the stack mentioned above.


I love ziplocks for camping but not for vacation. They can be a pain when you plan to mix and match and reuse items. We are packing for our January cruise when we put away summer clothes this fall. Just going to pack into a rubbermaid tub and when time gets closer I will freshly launder and pack. I would rather shop for odds and ends in season than try to find them in December in the midwest ;)

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When the girls were little I would give them a list of what was needed and a carryon-size suitcase. Told them it all had to fit into that and a backpack. It always worked.


I packed the 'what-if' and shared toiletries. They had to pack anything else. One DD had to pack her shampoo/conditioner, the other had to pack her contact stuff and hair appliances.




It also depends on how you and your spouse pack. A few years ago the DDs went on a youth trip out of New York. We arrived 5days ahead of time. We packed the clothes for those 5 days in two carryons for the 4 of us.


We have also used carryons going and checked thru (using foldable duffle bags as carryon) for the return.

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We usualy fly in the day before a cruise, so we try to pack everything we will need for that one night and the next morning into one bag.


That helps limit the things that need to get opened in the hotel room. We have a tendancy to explode into a hotel room. 5 minutes after we arrive, it looks like we have lived there for 10 years.


This also forces some cross packing in case a bag goes missing.

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This is helpful. I'm going to have to use some serious packing strategies. This will be my first cruise w both my girls and w/o my DH. I have tons of baby gear to bring too. I physically cannot carry a ton of stuff.


Curious! What is the significance of the outfits in ziploc bags? Does it take up less space that way?

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Curious! What is the significance of the outfits in ziploc bags? Does it take up less space that way?

  • it helps packing - you know that you have all of the pieces of an outfit.
  • You can also do a bit of the "space bag" thing by compressing the bags before you complete the zip (most useful for cooler temp vacations with polar fleece and other bulky stuff).
  • It helps on the trip in that you can pull out a bag and be all set (no pulling socks from here, underwear from there, and searching for the right top for this bottom, etc.).
  • As the kids become more and more able to dress themselves, you can throw them a bag and you are set.
  • the zip lock bags are just darned useful to have around too -- so as they empty out you can use them for other stuff.

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We are sailing with DD (2) for the 1st time in a few weeks. I think I have finally decided on luggage for the trip....1 large suitcase, 1 medium suitcase, 1 roller board suitcase, dd's trunki, my tote & backpack for DH. I feel like we are over packing---I'd love to get rid of the medium suitcase (maybe we can just do a checked roller board) but I don't want everything we are checking on to the ship in 1 bag. We will most likely just cross pack & not fill either one up. I think the last time DH & I checked bags was on our wedding cruise 5 years ago which I am sure is why I feel we are over packing. The one exception was the 1st time I flew alone with DD--even then we shared a roller board we could have carried on (just didn't want to fight it) for a 5 day trip.


We are driving to the port & spending the night before so we really need the carry on roller board for that night & embarkation day.


Each person will get a zip lock for liquids (not required since we aren't flying, but less mess if anything spills). DH's will go in his backpack & the other 2 in the carryon roller board.


About a week or 2 before I will get out everything I'm thinking of taking for DD & I. After I see it all I will take out a few things each. I will repeat this again closer to sailing. I will also take out bottoms that don't have multiple tops that can be worn with them. Then I will see if we really need the large & medium suitcases.

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I'm single with two children, now 19 and 7. Our last two cruises were cold climates, so we had 2 - 25" suitcases and 1 22" case which we carried on with the things we felt we'd most want to have if our check baggage disappeared. When you have hiking shoes, fleece jackets, hats, mittens, and rain jackets for everone to explore the landscape, as well as formal wear and cruise casual, it just adds up to a LOT of luggage.


Our next cruise is warm climate however and I think my daughter and I will take just one 25" case and a small underseat size carry on, in addition to a small backpack each. My older son will take a 22" case, an under seat size carryon, and a small backpack. We will cross pack our checked luggage. My son's suit, accessories, and dress shoes are large and heavy. Can't get around that, unfortunately.


I select clothes very carefully. I choose my daughters dresses by weight, sorry, no heavily beaded dresses allowed. My own clothes are black and white, each piece is multi purpose, I wear items repetedly. Again I like light weight items that are easy care and that pack well. We'll use the laundry service on board, and will wash a few items in the sink as well. Shoes are my downfall, I like to have extra shoes in case of blisters. Next trip I do plan to leave my hiking shoes behind at the end of the trip and may do the same for my daughter if she can still manage with the "old" pair.


All these wonderful threads you read on this message board with all of the fun helpful "must take" items? DO NOT READ THEM. Sure there are some great tips and most of these things are absolutely wonderful if you are driving to the port. We are flying to Europe however - and leaving every unnecessary ounce of gear behind!!! Pop up hamper? Dry erase board? Will I enjoy lugging them down cobblestone streets and up and over bridges in Venice? NO, I must resist the temptation! I've done a bit of backpacking and it is good packing experience. Any useful item, is it useful enough to carry on my back for 50 miles? Sometimes it is hard to leave stuff behind but the less I take, the happier I am when traveling with less "stuff" to be responsible for.

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I'm single with two children, now 19 and 7. Our last two cruises were cold climates, so we had 2 - 25" suitcases and 1 22" case which we carried on with the things we felt we'd most want to have if our check baggage disappeared. When you have hiking shoes, fleece jackets, hats, mittens, and rain jackets for everone to explore the landscape, as well as formal wear and cruise casual, it just adds up to a LOT of luggage.


Our next cruise is warm climate however and I think my daughter and I will take just one 25" case and a small underseat size carry on, in addition to a small backpack each. My older son will take a 22" case, an under seat size carryon, and a small backpack. We will cross pack our checked luggage. My son's suit, accessories, and dress shoes are large and heavy. Can't get around that, unfortunately.


I select clothes very carefully. I choose my daughters dresses by weight, sorry, no heavily beaded dresses allowed. My own clothes are black and white, each piece is multi purpose, I wear items repetedly. Again I like light weight items that are easy care and that pack well. We'll use the laundry service on board, and will wash a few items in the sink as well. Shoes are my downfall, I like to have extra shoes in case of blisters. Next trip I do plan to leave my hiking shoes behind at the end of the trip and may do the same for my daughter if she can still manage with the "old" pair.


All these wonderful threads you read on this message board with all of the fun helpful "must take" items? DO NOT READ THEM. Sure there are some great tips and most of these things are absolutely wonderful if you are driving to the port. We are flying to Europe however - and leaving every unnecessary ounce of gear behind!!! Pop up hamper? Dry erase board? Will I enjoy lugging them down cobblestone streets and up and over bridges in Venice? NO, I must resist the temptation! I've done a bit of backpacking and it is good packing experience. Any useful item, is it useful enough to carry on my back for 50 miles? Sometimes it is hard to leave stuff behind but the less I take, the happier I am when traveling with less "stuff" to be responsible for.


This is great advice!! I've done 3 weeks in Europe with a 21 inch roller board & tote bag twice and it was very easy. I don't understand the need to over pack. Since DD is only 2 I know I have to take medications for her as we wouldn't be able to get them onboard & a few important things to her, but I am trying hard to limit clothes, etc for all of us. If we were flying I'd really be watching what we are taking a lot more--not for cost, but for convenience.

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the zip lock bags are just darned useful to have around too -- so as they empty out you can use them for other stuff.


They are great for holding poopy diapers until the room steward gets around to emptying the trash can.

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  • it helps packing - you know that you have all of the pieces of an outfit.
  • You can also do a bit of the "space bag" thing by compressing the bags before you complete the zip (most useful for cooler temp vacations with polar fleece and other bulky stuff).
  • It helps on the trip in that you can pull out a bag and be all set (no pulling socks from here, underwear from there, and searching for the right top for this bottom, etc.).
  • As the kids become more and more able to dress themselves, you can throw them a bag and you are set.
  • the zip lock bags are just darned useful to have around too -- so as they empty out you can use them for other stuff.

My DS & DD are 2 years apart. I learned to pack their clothes in ziplocs on vacation and it was the best thing ever! For all of those reasons above and more. For vacations, I like them to not clash with each other since there will be so many pictures. Not necessarily match each other (although that is not out of the question, lol), but not clash. I could pack both of their outfits and accessories in 1 Gal bag with the zipper top. We used them for more than one trip.


When we went to Disney, I wanted their outfits to match the occasion. Say, if we were going to Crystal Palace to eat with Winnie the Pooh, I wanted DS to wear that shirt. It made for great character interaction.

I would write the day that I wanted them to wear that outfit on the bag, so that it could be easily grabbed on a groggy morning or by DH who cannot read my mind. lol.

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