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Is the complaining more fun than the cruise?


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When I read the OP's post, I didn't think that the complaints were from reviews, which can help tell the whole story of a cruise, but from postings on this board specifically placed here just to complain about something.

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When I read the OP's post, I didn't think that the complaints were from reviews, which can help tell the whole story of a cruise, but from postings on this board specifically placed here just to complain about something.

I guess your post just proves the point that everyone looks at things differently.

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There's nothing I dislike more than whiners who think that their whining is more significant than the whiners that they are whining about.


Right now I'm whining about whiners whining. Does that make me a fourth degree whiner or just someone killing time by exercising my fingers on a slow day?


Whether our opinions are positively or negatively received by others, we are exercising our minds and our fingers rather than just trolling and popping blood pressure medication. Few posts will ever change anyone's mind towards cruising more or less or bringing along torn jeans that are OK to carry but not to wear... ;)

Some of us just like to post to garner a reaction as predictable as waving a red flag in a bull ring...

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GREAT thoughts! We just got off 15 days on the Silhouette, and I had nothing but praise on my comment card--I couldn't think of one thing I would change! You are exactly right about the value--for $49/day, I defy anyone to find a better vacation experience. Thanks for your words of wisdom.

I had problem with those Mexican Train players , they were having too much fun:p

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I guess your post just proves the point that everyone looks at things differently.


When my kids were ages 2 & 4, we took them on their first cruise. Many on board commented how "delightful" they were or how "refreshing" it was to see them on board. Others told us "cruises aren't for children" and that we should be at Disney World. One gentleman (and I use the term loosely) said "if I wanted to spend time with children, I would've stayed home with my grandchildren."


It's all a matter a perspective. Most people are wonderful or indifferent. A part of me feels sorry for the cranks: they're so busy focusing on what they consider "annoying" or "inadequate" that they forget to have fun.


Three weeks 'til my cruise and, as always, I won't let the small stuff ruin my good time. And my children, now 18 & 20, will be with us.

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The cruises mean more to me when I make a good critical evaluation.

Funny but excellent, good, average, bad and worst are more fun with examples.


In the rehash, I can smile and laugh at all of it which translates to a worthwhile experience.


Even an exhausting timeshare pitch can be fun when thinking back on it.



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Over the years I have observed a certain family member who seemed to be a relatively reasonable person on land turn into the most spoiled, high-maintenance person once onboard a ship. She expected the staff to read her mind, cater to her endlessly, and basically treat her better than the residents of Downton Abbey. She was so obnoxious that sadly, I was mortified and embarrassed to be associated with her and now will no longer travel with her. :eek:

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Here's a review choc full of negatives: http://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=219898


While there may be a kernel of truth to some of the reviewers complaints, there is a great deal of hyperbole.



It actually seems like a reasonable set of bad events...and that happens. Perhaps the poster should have said the cruise was wonderful other than our room and balcony flooded and we had bad room service due perhaps in part to the virus outbreak on the previous cruise. Certainly it sounds like there was little positive to say about the Celebrity contracted bus transportation....and the smoking issues. I think if that all happened to me, I'd be hard pressed to talk about how wonderful the cruise was....and cruising is wonderful.


The complaints certainly aren't trivial things....the reviewer wasn't complaining about rust on the balcony railing or water spots on the silverware in the dining room.


I guess some folks just can't deal with the fact that some cruises and some passengers have real problems.....and they actually talk about them instead of glowingly reporting on how wonderful their experience was. They would prefer that only good reviews appear. Life isn't like that...and not everything is rosy all the time.

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Once someone started a thread here to complain about the number of luggage tags X sent them.


The complaint wasn't that X didn't send enough. They thought X sent them too many.


Yes, true, some people do just complain and complain. I guess thats why I'm such an Introvert in real life--I just keep to myself and don't worry about others,lol Can't wait for our May 22nd cruise on the Silhouette, so I can find something to complain about--too much rum in my rum and coke!! Cheers :D

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GREAT thoughts! We just got off 15 days on the Silhouette, and I had nothing but praise on my comment card--I couldn't think of one thing I would change! You are exactly right about the value--for $49/day, I defy anyone to find a better vacation experience. Thanks for your words of wisdom.


Wow! Wish my all in costs for our cruise were $49 day! Not even close to that with flight, hotels the night before, our choice of ship accommodation, extra food, beverage and entertainment expenses + casino.


Are you sure you didn't mean $490 a day...that's closer, but still not enough.



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It never fails to amaze me that some people need to complain about their cruises, sometimes about the silliest things - they didn't have their brand of tea; there was a spot of rust on their balcony, they knew because if they got on their hands and knees to look for it, they could see it; the cabin attendant doesn't clean their room early/late enough; they have to wait a couple of minutes for an elevator; etc. Over the last few days on this board, I have read posts from several people complaining about their recent cruise, and in some unbelievable cases, even BEFORE they board the ship? Is that what is most important about their cruise?


I've been on many cruises over my 80+ years, and although some have been better than others, I have never had this pressing need to complain about some aspect of any of them. Instead, I directed my attention to all the enjoyment I was having.


Think about it - we are on a cruise ship, probably the best vacation value for the money on the planet. We are surrounded by luxuriously decorated floating resorts, full of happy people, visiting new and exciting places, all the while being taken care of by attendants who cook, serve and clean up after us. The most difficult decision we will encounter for duration of the cruise is what to choose on the evening's menu.


Why, with so much positive going on around them, do people insist on focusing on what didn't work so perfectly. That we are cruising means we are luckier than the majority of the people from even our own countries, much less from all the places in the world. All cruises will have many, many good things to make each and every one of them special (not including the rare case where things go very wrong, like Costa Concordia and Carnival Triumph). If they didn't, then people would stop cruising.


Why can't people simply relish what is good and just ignore what isn't? Or is the complaining what they consider the fun part?


Thanks for reading! I needed to get that off my ample chest! :D


Well put swsfrail! I always say no cruise is a bad cruise! ;)

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There is a big difference between someone mentioning the good and the not-so-good in a review and someone nit-picking a cruise to death. I was enlightened to this one evening at dinner on our second cruise. It was a late port evening so the MDR had open seating. We were the second couple at a large table which looked lovely to our innocent and untutored eyes . . . Crisp white tablecloth and napkins, shiny silver and glassware. The first couple seated asked us to wait to sit down, as they were in the process of "documenting the deficiencies of the table". They then proceeded to note down the number of stains on the tablecloth, spots on glassware and silverware, improperly folded napkins, etc. All through they meal they kept their notebook by their side to note anything they deemed "below standard". Everything they ordered at dinner was a "special request" and seldom lived up to their expectations. My fav was when the wife requested a certain brand of sauce . . . "Sorry madam we don't have that available", she sighed and turned to me and said "every night I ask for it and they never have any!" Umm, on a ship in Central America, it may not be possible! They kept the table regaled with stories of how "we always find enough things wrong to get our cruises almost free". They had already met with hotel director three times (and it was only day 8 of a 15 day cruise), and had been upgraded because of problems with their cabin. I remember the wife saying that they always wound up a cruise with a large credit toward a future trip, because as well as complaining on board they always do a multi page follow up with management.

What only occurred to me later, is how hard these people work while on "vacation". Clearly they enjoy making the staff's job harder.

I will note the bad with the good, but while I actively look for the good, the bad has to stand out for me to note it in a review.


I seem to remember a thread a few years years ago about a couple that consistently did this and was banned by RCL from sailing on any of their ships.


Some people set the staff up for failure from the getgo with their over the top demands. Reminds me of a lady I had breakfast with on one cruise that had so many demands down to how her omelette "must" be prepared. I felt sorry for the poor waiter as I'm sure his note pad didn't have enough room to write all her instructions down.


On one of our first Celebrity cruises my wife and I thought everything was great until we had dinner with one couple that just was having a horrible time. They spent the whole time complaining about their cruise. My worst cruise was still fun.

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I feel the need to write a positive review, NOT because I'm a diehard Celebrity toady, but because I had a fabulous trip and want to share it with potential passengers who might be nervously perusing the reviews wondering what they hell they have let themselves in for.


Its called balance. People - as a general rule - tend to only write reviews if they have an issue. So negative review after negative review happens. :p:p:p


Before we took our first cruise on the Equinox in 2010 I read TERRIBLE reviews about the ship. Dirty, terrible food, noisy cabins, bored staff etc etc. I was full of trepidation and yet we had an amazing time.

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[quote name='flames9']I think when one rights a review it should state the good and bad! Just because 1 writes the bad stuff, does not mean they are complaining, nor they had a great cruise! If all I see on a review it was awesome, I almost disregard it, especially here on CC, as their are soo many Celebrity cheerleaders. A good review should state what took place.[/QUOTE]

I don't think, nor do I think the OP has an issue with the 'bad'. It's the anal pickiness of the comments/ bad issue. There is a difference between a hiccup and something really 'bad'....which basically would mean the steward having an all out fight..or the room never made up....or poor safety standards. These people paint it as tho its the line that has the problem...when all it is, is that the product doesn't suit them...it can never be 'there actually isn't a problem'.

The way some on theses threads go on it would seem like the perfect cruise line;
[*]Never ever changes its menu because it was 'my favourite' YET should always add new stuff to the menu ( presumably so it ends up 20 pages long)
[*]Has equal number of waiters in the MDR as passengers.
[*]Only adds improvements to the ship..maybe so many new improvemeets there is no actual room for cabins
[*]The cruise line should not be out to make money nor have any responsibility to its shareholders. All attempts to cut costs is evil and all cruise lines should carry higher and higher costs just to please me ( doesn't matter if it goes bankrupt however because that is poor management)
[*]Any attempt to change the cruise line by management and protect its future viability is evil as 'I' believe the cruise line should stay in some sort of stasis catering for an older and older demographic that spends less and less until once again, it's unviable.
[*]Complain about boring ports, etc etc, weather this weather that etc etc, things that are obviously not the cruise lines responsibility or in their control...but will still attribute it to the cruise line.

And it goes on.....there are some in these threads that profess 'loyalty' but always stick the boot in whenever they can.

My issue has always been those that go on expecting some sort of 1930's Queen Mary experience and needlessly moan about when they not get it.....all for $50 a day. Food too hot, food too cold, buffet too crowded, buffet to spread out, no promenade deck (but only want it there 'just' in case they use it BUT want every cabin to have a balcony at the same time).
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[quote name='boogs']When I read the OP's post, I didn't think that the complaints were from reviews, which can help tell the whole story of a cruise, but from postings on this board specifically placed here just to complain about something.[/QUOTE]

My feeling also Boogs. I am glad to see a new perspective from the OP. I am tiring of these nitpicking threads honestly. They are not helpful in any way.
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[quote name='boogs']When I read the OP's post, I didn't think that the complaints were from reviews, which can help tell the whole story of a cruise, but from postings on this board specifically placed here just to complain about something.[/quote]

Spot on.
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Post's, reviews, whatever....its all the same.

If I was newbie cruiser I would look at the reviews first anyway. The forums give off a very hostile, cliquey vibe sometimes. A review is just read.
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Most cruises are good. Some better. Some worse. I took 4 cruises in the past year. One was poor......many people complained because many things were bad. One was excellent......nobody complained because everything was outstanding. The other two cruises were good.....had a few problems but nothing horrible. When a ship operates well, people have a great vacation. When a ship has problems, people have a bad time. People do not want to complain. They want a stress free enjoyable vacation. However, if problems arise and are not properly resolved, people will complain. Experiences, good or bad, will be shared with other guests. Reviews should be read carefully. In the future, I will pay more attention to reading reviews.
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[quote name='swsfrail']It never fails to amaze me that some people need to complain about their cruises, sometimes about the silliest things - they didn't have their brand of tea; there was a spot of rust on their balcony, they knew because if they got on their hands and knees to look for it, they could see it; the cabin attendant doesn't clean their room early/late enough; they have to wait a couple of minutes for an elevator; etc. Over the last few days on this board, I have read posts from several people complaining about their recent cruise, and in some unbelievable cases, even BEFORE they board the ship? Is that what is most important about their cruise?

I've been on many cruises over my 80+ years, and although some have been better than others, I have never had this pressing need to complain about some aspect of any of them. Instead, I directed my attention to all the enjoyment I was having.

Think about it - we are on a cruise ship, probably the best vacation value for the money on the planet. We are surrounded by luxuriously decorated floating resorts, full of happy people, visiting new and exciting places, all the while being taken care of by attendants who cook, serve and clean up after us. The most difficult decision we will encounter for duration of the cruise is what to choose on the evening's menu.

Why, with so much positive going on around them, do people insist on focusing on what didn't work so perfectly. That we are cruising means we are luckier than the majority of the people from even our own countries, much less from all the places in the world. All cruises will have many, many good things to make each and every one of them special (not including the rare case where things go very wrong, like Costa Concordia and Carnival Triumph). If they didn't, then people would stop cruising.

Why can't people simply relish what is good and just ignore what isn't? Or is the complaining what they consider the fun part?

Thanks for reading! I needed to get that off my ample chest! :D[/QUOTE]So you just want to complain about people when they yield their opinion? How is that helpful?
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I actually don't mind people nitpicking either on these boards or in reviews. It's easy to tell when they are being petty and one can easily ignore their comments.

What I hate is when people loudly complain about petty things on board ship. On a recent cruise there was a woman at our table complaining that her tea was too strong. She liked her tea weak. This was during a gala brunch buffet in the MDR which was packed out. The waiters were rushing about madly trying to keep up with everything and she was concerned about the strength of her tea. She should have been happy to get any tea at all.

So there is my nitpick for you all. Complaining passengers. Spoilt my cruise it did!!!! ;)
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[quote name='cruzsnooze']So you just want to complain about people when they yield their opinion? How is that helpful?[/QUOTE]

Their opinion? Too many postings, especially from those "one post wonders" who sign up and instantly post a complaint as their first communication, are not providing anything constructive. Instead, the sole purpose is to gain support for their extreme view about whatever it is they feel they have been wronged. An opinion has value to others only when it is based on reality, not revenge or retaliation.

I find some of the "opinions" posted on these boards to be of zero value to anyone but those who post them - and those others like them who feed on discontent.
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I can't help but feel there is a growing number of passengers trying to find fault in order to get some compensation from the cruise line. Their bragging here about getting OBC, or future credits almost seems to incite certain people to try to outdo that.

And makes other persons who accept with good grace certain things that are not perfect or can go wrong look like suckers :rolleyes:
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