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Allison & David's Honeymoon Adventure/ Carnival Miracle's Maiden Alaska Voyage


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Thanks so much for posting your journey. It's always nice to see what other ships have to offer and read about other cruisers' experiences in Alaska. Looking forward to reading more.

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Enjoying your review very much so far, thanks for taking the time to give us so much detail! Question: how did you know when the Marriott Pinnacle had that sale?


The luck of when I was searching. I would suggest tracking prices on a couple hotels you are interested in, allows you to see what the rate usually sticks around at. Then on those days that the rate drops you'll know if you are getting a deal. There are serveral sites that also do one day deals, so I also subscribe for e-mails.


I did a search on the day I was planning on actually booking the Pan Pacific. Did a search of the other hotels I was watching on one of those meta search engines that pull up all the booking sites at once. I like the site that starts with a "k". Allows you to quick compare and on that day I saw that the Marriott Pinnacle's price was slashed by about $70 a night. Decided to save the money and use towards something else on the cruise :D


Also those prices sometime change throughout the day. So if you see a good rate it may not be there later in the day.

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Thanks so much for posting your journey. It's always nice to see what other ships have to offer and read about other cruisers' experiences in Alaska. Looking forward to reading more.


Thanks! I also love reading reviews of different ships and cruise lines to see what others have to offer. I am not brand loyal. :cool:

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Day 8: Inside Passage

April 30th 2013


Woke up to the sun rising and beautiful weather, although still cool.

Right outside our balcony was mountains!




We drank an obscene amount of hot chocolate on this cruise.



Can the weather get more perfect?



We had a bit of time to waste because we found out that the brunch didn't open till 9am! This was our first boat with the comedy brunch. I am not a fan of it and you will see more why later. I don't know if it was due to the time change (we were still waking up early) or the nature of an Alaskan cruise, but I thought that 9am was late to be opening up the MDR. This was our first cruise that we felt inconvenienced by the food times.


Nearby was Dr. Frankenstein lab, the dance club. So we explored till the dinning room opened up.





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Day 8: Inside Passage Continued


So this was our first encounter with the dreaded line! We don't normally go in right away when the dinning room opens up for breakfast (since it's normally early on the non brunch ships), but it seemed that everyone else also wanted their breakfast at 9am. They were all lined up to get inside. The line moved very slow. At the point when we reached towards the front I could see that the reason was because there was no one to seat us. They came in waves to seat people. Eventually we got seated at a larger table by the window. Normally I always request a table for 2 at breakfast cause I am not a morning person. But decided why not today. Got a nice view and enjoyed talking with a couple from Washington state next to us. David got the "Funny French Toast" minus the cereal on it. The french toast is usually our favorite thing to get for breakfast, but David didn't like this one as much. I got an omelet and it was really good. Sorry I didn't have my camera with me at breakfast.


After breakfast we went to the group CC meeting in Dr. Frankenstein Lab. I was a little out of sorts and just wasn't in a social mood today, so I apologize to any group members if I didn't get to talk with you! I do have to say that the organizers did a wonderful job. Someone brought homemade cookies and we also had some crafty people that made door posters, name tags, and buttons.

David enjoying the homemade cookies





Really good turnout!



Afterwards we headed to the steakhouse demonstration. Never been to one before. After our delicious dinner last night, I wasn't about to miss free food from the steakhouse! They actually had much more food then I thought. They had a chef come out for each dish they were preparing. They went over the ingredients and they explained what they were doing to make the dish. While preparing the dish, waiters handed samples of the already prepared dish. We got there early to get front row seats. I does fill up.


Display of the ingredients



Getting the samples ready!




After initially sitting down they handed you a pamphlet with the dishes they were preparing. The ingredients were listed along with cooking directions in the pamphlet. For ease of actually making these dishes ....lets just say I didn't even know where in the store you found some of the ingredients.


On the menu today:

Mushroom cappuccino

Baby leaf spinach & fresh mushrooms

Broiled supreme of free range chicken



Oh how easy they made it all look!




Loved everything, but the spinach salad was just ok. Pictures below are of the big final product, not the sample size.

Mushroom cappuccino



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Day 8: Inside Passage Continued


Baby leaf spinach & fresh mushrooms




Broiled supreme of free range chicken








So after all this eating, we decided to hit up the gym. Always a fun experience running on a treadmill on a cruise ship. Double workout... staying on the treadmill and not falling off! So what did we do after working out... ate some more. We grabbed a sandwich from the deli and some salad before heading back up to the room for a shower.


Spent the rest of the afternoon in the room enjoying our view!







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Day 8: Inside Passage Continued


Eventually the distance between the boat and land got much smaller





So from the pictures posted, you can so why I can't wait to go on another Alaskan cruise! The scenery is just gorgeous.


So tonight end up being our night for the Chef's Table. Decided to do this as something special for our honeymoon and we had never been. Since the last min nature of our trip, I am happy we got a reservation. To make a reservation in advance you just need to e-mail the request to the steakhouse of your ship. I am not sure if your ship doesn't have a steakhouse who you e-mail. Probably the Maitre D? You can find the e-mail by searching CC. The Chef's Table often sells us before you sail, so would highly suggest making reservations in advance. There actually ended up being 3 Chef's Tables on our cruise! I think we got one of the last reservations.


This was also the 1st formal night. It was not suppose to be originally for today. For some reason they moved it from our sea day (tomorrow) to today. So we got ready, checked out the taste bar and took some photos. This was our first time on a ship with the taste bar and we loved it. They need to have this on every ship. The food was always delicious. I had to prevent David from grabbing another sample, as I kept telling him that there was going to be a lot of food tonight!


On another note, there were a lot of people dressed up for formal night. I felt like it was any other cruise I had been one. Men wore suits or slacks/shirt and woman wore either a floor length or cocktail dress. Of course there were people not dressed up as well. I saw them mainly in the casino and up on the lido. I did find that the atrium area got very congested at times on formal night due to people taking photos and listening to the music.


Getting ready



Taste Bar



All dressed up





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Please don't limit your pictures. I love them all and thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us. You and hubby are both very photogenic and you are an excellent writer! Love all the details and especially all the pictures.

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Please don't limit your pictures. I love them all and thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us. You and hubby are both very photogenic and you are an excellent writer! Love all the details and especially all the pictures.


Thanks! Will do :D

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Day 8: Inside Passage Continued


Couple more photos when cruising along the inside passage:





Formal night photo. Love how we are on an Alaska cruise and Nassau is in the background. Maybe they will update eventually. Thought it was kinda funny.




So we met up in the atrium at 6:30pm for the Chef's Table. The chef met us at the atrium and then took us down to the first deck. Our chef for the Miracle was Wellington. He started out by asking if anyone had food allergies and if there was anything in general that someone wouldn't eat. Gotta admit was a little nervous how David would like the Chef's Table. I would describe him as a picky eater. David pretty much didn't know what to expect at all. I just kept telling to be hungry!


Our tour began in the galley. During our tour the chef explained everything that went on in the galley. We were there during prime dinner time, so it was fun watching everything go on. That was the best part, watching the "behind the scenes". He showed us the "stock" containers and the "soup" containers. Everything smelled so delicious. We were then taken over to the main part of the galley to an area set up for us. Photos were not allowed in the galley due to safety of the employees. Basically he didn't want us distracting them and causing any problems. At the area set up for us, they poured champagne (had two glasses while there) and had a few hors d'oeuvres.


We were served:

parmesan core & olive

chorizo & dates, piquilo sofrito

focaccia, mascarpone cream & prosciutto crudo

langoustine & sundried tomato jam fritters


Due to no cameras allowed in the galley, I couldn't get any photos of the above. We were then given a demonstration of how you make the warm melting cake. One of the pastry chef's came to perform the demonstration. Then we continued our tour of the galley, seeing different sections. We ended the tour at our dinning location which was Frankenstein's Lab (the dance club). It was all lit up in green lighting. I liked the ambiance.


There were a couple of other people in our group we had done the Chef's Table on other cruises. They said they preferred the galley or somewhere more intimate then where we were. Also when you inside the galley you can see them preparing your food. I can see how that is a big plus. They also thought our table was rather wide. Nonetheless I thought it was a cool location! The Miracle doesn't have the space for the Chef's Table to be inside the galley. They seemed to of chosen Frankestein's Lab due to its entrance to/from the galley from right inside the dance club itself.


When we arrived we found our seat. There was assigned seating with a place card with each person's name. Couples were placed across from one another. There also was a menu rolled up and personalized with your name on it. The menu had what we were being served at dinner.

Photo of our group:




They had everyone introduce themselves, which served as a nice ice breaker. Then the waiters came around pouring either white or red wine. Wine was refilled the entire night. They came around with the most delicious bread! Wish I had gotten a picture. It tasted like it was infused with butter....yum!




Before each course the chef came out an explained what we were about to eat. I liked our chef and thought him personable. At one point he told us about where he grew up. We were also free to ask any questions.



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Day 8: Inside Passage/ Chef's Table Continued


Tomatoes our Way!

(aerated tomato juice, cocoa butter coated, chardonnay poached)


Tuna Banh Mi

(lemon bread, sesame crisp, miso cream avocado gel)



Cornish Hen

(caramelized, butternut squash, sofito)




(spinach, green peas, warm turnip, & apple juice)




(herb pesto, cured tomatoes, carrots, fava,

mushroom earth, condensed beets)




(slowed stewed short ribs, potato pebbles, pumpkin fudge, tomato dust)



Edited by ucfalli
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Day 8: Inside Passage/ Chef's Table Continued


Chocolate "88F"

(aerated pistachio and mango cake with

mascarpone cream, guava and caramel praline)



At one point the magician came to our table and performed several tricks for us. Everyone enjoyed it. It gave us a little time to also digest ;-)




Another picture of our chef before another course:




Final thoughts on the Chef's Table:

We enjoyed ourselves immensely. It felt like a food excursion. I thought it was worth the price. David tried everything! I was surprised at how much he enjoyed the dinner. He talked about it the rest of the cruise. My favorites were the tuna bahn mi, the salmon, and the wagyu. By the time desert rolled around I was pretty much too stuffed to enjoy it. Make sure you come hungry! We all received at the end of the meal a signed group picture from the chef...along wit the check. I like how it was handed over to David. We are 100% planning on the Chef's table in the future


We ended our night by coming back to the room and finding a surprise from John Heald for our honeymoon. Of all nights... chocolate strawberries after the Chef's Table! Thank goodness for our mini fridge. Kept them cool enough to eat the next day.


We ended up missing the show that night due to the Chef's Table...oh well.



Beautiful Alaskan Sunset






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Day 9: Sea Day

May 1st, 2013


So last night we we set our clocks back an hour. So we gained an extra hour...now waking up even earlier! Looked outside and this is what I saw...icky wether.




The seas were choppy all day and there was limited visibility. Since I woke up even earlier then normal and David was still sleeping, I decided to sneak up to the lido to grab a little bite for us to eat till we over to the MDR later. I woke him up coming back in the room. Guess it's hard to be quite trying to open a door with a food tray. So after nibbling on the food we headed over to the Phantom Lounge for the naturalists presentation. It was a slide show presentation, but the naturalists was very engaging. Brushed up on earth, space, science learning all the basics of glaciers and what animals we may see from the boat.

Hard to get a good photo:






Seems like everyone had the same idea to go over to brunch after the naturalists presentation, as there was a line to get a table and this was around 10am! At least this time it moved fast. I don't know the point of the comedians. It is way to early in the morning, plus everyone just seems to just want to eat. Most of the time when they came out, people didn't even listen. Really is a quick on/off, not enough time to get invested. Seems like the easiest way for Carnival to cut the budget is to get rid of the comedians in the morning. I did like the new home fries that you could get in the brunch (much superior to the fries at the lido and MDR). Other than that, I prefer my breakfast and lunch menu's at separate times.


After brunch we decided we needed a nap. My tummy was also hurting all day... I think due to the choppy seas. You know it's bad enough when the barf bags show up by the elevators. Other than an upset stomach I was alright. David was fine.


We woke up in time for the Love & Marriage show. It was held in the Mad Hatter's Ball. I have no idea why on earth they would that. Every other cruise it is always held it in the main lounge. The Mad Hatter's was WAY too small a space for such a popular event. If you got there less then 20 min ahead of the time, you were not getting a seat. I think we got there about 30 min ahead of time and we had to make a seat happen (a lot of people for some reason would take up a space meant for 4 people with only 2 people there...frustrated me). The show was good as usual. I like that our CD added in a couple different questions than I was use to hearing.


After the Love & Marriage show we headed to try to pizza in the lido. Had the pepperoni pizza. Best pizza hands down we have had yet on a a cruise ship. The pizza on the sensation was horrible (at the time, don't know if they updated). One thing I found peculiar is that they have a section to display the pizza's, yet there were never any made ahead of time in that display. Would of kept down the wait, since every time you wanted a pizza you had to have them make up right then and there. I witnessed a couple of times where people come up to see if they could just grab a slice, but there were no pizza's already made.




We did go to the gym today and I decided to use the recumbent bike due to the choppy weather. There were a lot of people who did brave the treadmills. After the gym I decided to try out the spa tub adjacent to it. It is in an open area with skylight. First time on a boat with spa tub by the gym.


I first rinsed off in the spa showers (1st time trying them out). They were wonderful like everyone says they are. The spa tub was relaxing but wished it was a little warmer. Was luke warm.ry%3D400


Just spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing till it was time for the Blues Brother Show. This was the first ship that I noticed the band so front and center. I really enjoyed Dave Fulton and the Miracles. Having them as a part of the live entertainment was a wonderful addition to the cruise. Makes me sad hearing that on the new ships, they are getting rid of or downgrading the size of the band for the main shows. The band to me, makes a show come alive. The Blues Brother show was put on by the CD, that assistant CD, and the band. They did a wonderful job. David who normally doesn't care for the shows (only goes to make me happy), enjoyed it.

My favorite dinning room on a cruise ship so far, the Bacchus Dinning Room



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Day 9: Sea Day Continued

So this was our first night back in the MDR. Talk about an adjustment. We had just come from a night in the steak house and then the Chef's Table. I had the salmon (which did not compare at all to the one I had at the Chef's Table), cesear salad, and the spring roll. Loved the dinning room decor. Was fun and loved the how the purple light lit up the place.


We were at a table for 6 and nobody showed up that night. The next night we asked our waiter if our table mates had showed up the previously nights and we found out it that it was only us at the table. Also after we first sat down the main hostess came by and she confirmed my name from a list and told me that John Heald had a bottle of wine for us. I was very shocked. Sure it was the cheapest bottle they had, but we were very happy at the gesture. I wonder if he also set up the table for 2 for us since it was our honeymoon (I never asked him for a table for 2). Nonetheless I loved our location right in the middle and we enjoyed some free wine!




The Salmon



The dancing had begun!




We went down for the first comedy show but there were no seats, so we went back for the later show. Was in the Mad Hatter's Lounge. Crowding was a big issue for the comedy shows. Come early! We always enjoyed the comedy shows.


Night time!



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Just wanted to give another Poko update in case you didn't see before...


She went back to normal the second we opened the carrier back at the house. Someone how I think she knew on the car ride that she was going back home as she almost seemed happy (she hates car rides). She has also gained back all the weight she lost (amazing how much weight they can lose in a such a short time).


I think she was so upset because she thought she was also going to Alaska as well. I should of realized when she kept talking about meeting the Alaskan sled dogs and to leading the sled..... Below is her helping me plan (yes I still write out stuff with pen and paper when planning trips :cool:) and helping me pack.






This was taken today, as you can see back to normal, preventing me from working.... and back to her normal weight. You can also see the pattern of always laying on top of what I am working on!



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Day 10: Juneau, Alaska

May 2nd, 2013


So our first Alaskan port, and this is what I wake up to....rain. Lucky for us...and the forecast for next week has all smiling sun's. It's amazing how much those sun's seem to be mocking you when you are on vacation and checking out the 10 day forecast. You never know what you are going to get for your weather when you are in Alaska. I've read it over and over again and it's true!






So I turned on my cell phone (We had ATT coverage in all ports.. mostly 4G, I can't remember if I ever got LTE) and I see an e-mail from Callie telling me that our whale excursion has been cancelled. Then I got a call shortly from Callie notifying me that our helicopter glacier tour was cancelled as well.


So I went in with the mindset that the helicopter tour would most probably be cancelled (often are), but didn't expect the whale watching to be. So I was caught off guard with that. There was a small craft advisory warning, so I totally respect Harv and Marv's decision to cancel the whale tour. I mean after all, I know this is something they don't want to do (they are losing major money) and are only doing this for our safety/don't want us to have a bad experience. I was refunded in whole for the cancelled excursions.


I do know that the bigger boat whale tours went out that day and they did see orcas. I do believe that that all the helicopter and flight seeing tours were cancelled. Important to have a plan B just in case for Alaska.


It drizzled/rained all day. I think it may of stopped for about 5 min, twice.


By the time I realized that the bigger boats were still going out, we decided that it just wasn't meant to be today. I didn't want to risk being on a boat in choppy/ rainy weather. Instead we decided to start the day by seeing downtown Juneau in our weather proof gear. We were hopeful (at first) that the weather would clear up. Before heading out we ate in the MDR and they had the normal breakfast menu. Happy about that!

Our only bear sighting on the trip..the Alaskan T-shirt Company bear!


Downtown Juneau with Red Dog Saloon on the left.






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Day 10: Juneau, Alaska

May 2nd, 2013


So after exploring the downtown area and doing some quick souvenir shopping, we headed back to the boat to eat some lunch... also hoping for the rain to stop.


I do have to say one thing about the Alaskan souvenirs, I was a little disappointed in the selection. You saw pretty much saw the same things in each port and if it was personalized for that port, it was the same item but with that ports name listed. I am not a big souvenir shopper, but I do like to collect something small and inexpensive from each place I visit that represents that place (like a small Eiffel Tower from Paris). Basically a small tchotchke, aka knickknack. I'll try to remember to post my collection later.


So when we headed back onto the boat to eat lunch the only thing open at that time was the Pirate Pizza and the deli (just opened). I actually think there was also some breakfast still being served for late risers. So here we are once again not liking the food schedule. It was around 11:15am and I couldn't get a salad . We just ended up getting the pizza again and a deli sandwich. To me lunch time starts at 11am... guess to each their own.


We headed back to the room to drop some stuff off and to check out the weather from out on the balcony. Decided it wasn't going to change so we braved the rain and headed out to the Mendenhall Glacier. We bought round trip tickets from the Juneau Tours booth ($32 for 2 people). As soon as you get into town you will see a line of booths selling tours to the left. If I remember correctly, Juneau Tours was the 1st booth. Since we were the only cruise boat in town, the bus only left every hour and picked up every half an hour. We just caught the 1pm bus! The bus ride was quick and the driver talked the entire time. He gave us basically a little sightseeing tour. We gave him a tip on the way back into town.


In no time we were face to face with a real glacier! I couldn't believe we were seeing a glacier.

My first photo!




Even with the rainy and overcast weather the glacier was amazing. A must see!



Nearby scenery...I spy snow!



This is the first scenic point right off the parking lot where you can catch your first glimpse of the glacier




Getting closer!




Picture of the visitors center



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Day 10: Juneau, Alaska Continued


Still cool enough for the lake to have a thin layer of ice



Only boat in town, so I am sure it wasn't too crowded







Then hiked to Nugget Falls. Was a little difficult due to all the snow on the ground and it was a bit icy.





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Day 10: Juneau, Alaska Continued


So we seemed to of just missed the shuttle back into town so we had to wait a bit till the next bus (probably about 25min). The bus driver dropped those who wanted at the Red Dog Saloon. We went inside to have a glass of hot cider. We then headed back on the boat.



With all that hiking we worked up an appetite and headed out to the lido to try a hotdog. I must say that I really liked their hotdogs and all the toppings to choose from. However the fries need much improvement. After a much needed hot shower we took a nap before dinner.



I often saw David outside with the binoculars.




Tonight was one of those nights that nothing interested me on the menu, so I decided to try the burger. Was good, nothing fabulous. But couldn't believe they used the same fires as the ones on lido! Yuck.




David got the ribs I believe



So tonight I remembered to try the banana split that I have read about on CC that is on the kids menu. It was delicious. Even better.... we also ordered a warm melting cake and I put the warm chocolate on top of the banana split...AMAZING. You must try.



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