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Day to Day Trip Report (review) – Family of 10 on Oasis May 4, 2013

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Sea Day


Last night after Hairspray, we went back thanked Nana and crawled into bed. Today would be a sea day, not as empty as yesterday. Woke up early this day, due to the kids being roused from sleep by the deck chairs above us being drug into place by the pool (not moved, drug). It didn’t wake them up right away (it woke us up but we were able to fall right back to sleep) but it was loud enough to start their waking up. Awesome. We asked the in-laws and the PA Schutt’s and they did not have this, so we were the only lucky one. So, if you or your family are even somewhat light sleepers take a look at the deck plans when choosing your rooms. Like I said, we would have been fine but for it waking the kids earlier than when they would have woken up.


So, as DH is getting the kids up I head out to……you guessed it, make my Starbucks run. This time, for DH and I. Came back to the kids playing with daddy. Enjoyed our coffee while getting the kids dressed. We headed to the Windjammer for breakfast. The usual for the kids and DH…I even had a bit this morning. I found these muffins that were kind of like corn/plain/bran muffins and they were WONDERFUL. Not too sweet but not too un-sweet. They became the staple for me the rest of the cruise (I liked them enough that I didn’t get the glorious Banana Walnut bread from Starbucks the rest of the trip, and let me tell you THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING).I don't know what they were called, as they were in the "assorted muffins" basket (and never got a picture, sorry to say).


After breakfast, DH took DS2 to the nursery for some playtime (one of our scheduled times). Our niece and DS1 said they wanted to go to the kids club as did our nephew. Well, nephew went and DS1 and niece changed their minds every other step. :p Ended up not going and we said that was ok, they didn’t have to, but they WERE going back that night (we had made 150 reservations for ALL the adults and we were NOT missing those). They said that was fine. So, they headed back to the room where I was waiting for DH and I got DS1 ready for the pool.


Met back up with the remaining PA Schutt’s at the kids pool/splash area. I settled in with my book and read for most of the morning, taking an occasional stroll around alone. They spent most of their time in the lazy river/pool thing or the hot tub on the other side of the kids pool. On one of my strolls, I grabbed a chocolate soft serve cone from the Wipe Out Café…as soon as DS1 saw it, I no longer had a chocolate soft serve cone. :( :p


They were done right around the time DS2 was to be picked up. I went to get him and he was just sitting there watching Baby Einstein looking all cute. They said he did ok but would “freak out” if they tried to engage him in any of the activities they were doing. So, they just let him do his thing and he was fine. He was on a sliding scale of tolerating the nursery, which comes into play later… He was happy to see mommy again and we headed back to the room to get DS1 ready for lunch.


We met up with the PA Schutt’s for lunch in the Windjammer. We sat at one of the large round tables, which is nice to be able to chat and corral DS2. They offer the usual buffet items, harder to find stuff for our kids as they don’t eat the “typical little kid” foods (ie: hot dogs, chicken tenders, etc). We managed to fill them up as well as ourselves. I would have LOVED to eat in the MDR, but too stressful with all the kids (as we read it can take awhile). WJ, quick in and out. After lunch, we headed up to the Wipe Out café to grab soft serve for the kids (and mommy).




DS2 was covered head to toe when all was said and done, but that’s what it’s all about sometimes. Back to the cabin for mommy and DS2 for nap while DH took DS1 around the ship for some “guy time.” Not sure what they did, but I think they spent a lot of time on the Boardwalk. We were always amazed at how little it was used. Before the cruise we actually thought we would hardly be there, but we actually were there a lot. It was a nice place for the kids, even if it did get a little hot at times.






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My husband and I thought the same thing about both the Boardwalk and Central Park. They are both extremely cool areas, even to just people watch, and they were rarely crowded.:confused: You guys are so cute and your boys look like they are having a great time!!



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We had reservations for Frozen in Time in Studio B at 5:00. So, after DS2 woke up from nap we just walked around and explored before the show. We ended up at the Cupcake Cupboard, where they have several varieties of large cupcakes and a few flavors of small cupcakes. My kids LOVE cupcakes (favorites are from Sweet! by Holly here in Orlando) and these were no different, they devoured them. They would have one every hour on the hour if we let them. They had their fair share, don’t get me wrong, but we never allow them to have enough in their opinion. :p




We met up in front of Studio B about 4:30/4:40 to ensure we got good seats. DS1 loves taking pictures with our phones, so he was just looking around and wanted to take my picture in front of these cool flattened disco balls....some of his pictures prove he needs a little more practice (but it is neat to have his pictures mixed in with ours...just had to share one).




I didn’t care where we sat, I just warned them to ensure to find something without a pole in front of us. We sat on the right hand side (if looking at the ice) and three rows up at the end (so the kids could see over the railing). These were good seats. Everyone REALLY liked the entire show, but the highlight was the sand artist. I won’t ruin it for those that haven’t seen it, but let me tell you this……it is one of the most amazing things I have EVER seen. The ice is quite small and it is shocking what they can do on it. It held everyone’s attention, well except DS2. He was riveted for about 20 minutes, somewhat quieted for the next 10 and then restless for the next 5. DH took him outside for a few and then stood at the top of the steps for the remainder of the show. DS1 was clapping along, as was niece and nephew.




There is a part of the show where they ask for children to sit in a Swan and were pushed around on the ice. Apparently there were seats in the front marked for children, so SIL assumed there would be a part in the show for kids to interact. There were not, however, enough seats for all of us to sit there so we were just behind those. Once they got to that part in the show, the guy pointed to our kids and called them down. We told them (the three older ones) to hurry and get down there…well, nephew T-Bone made it down there BUT the others didn’t get a chance as this freakin lady sitting in front of us (looked like maybe a newlywed) with NO kids thought he was pointing at her and she got up and ran down there and hopped in the swan. You should have seen DS1’s face, it was heart breaking. Niece Mac-a-cheese took it in stride (as always) and we just hugged DS1 and moved on (before and after shooting eye daggers in the back of newlywed’s head, grrrrr…). The worst part about it was DS1 was actually going to do it! He is normally SOOOO shy and this lady took away the first thing we would actually see him DO in front of other people (other than the school programs, soccer and such). I could have punched that lady in the neck! I know what you are thinking…simmer down lady. :eek:



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My husband and I thought the same thing about both the Boardwalk and Central Park. They are both extremely cool areas, even to just people watch, and they were rarely crowded.:confused: You guys are so cute and your boys look like they are having a great time!!




It really is amazing, right....we still don't understand it. Oh well, more room for us. The boys really did have a great time....it makes the planning, packing, PAYING, stressing, unpacking, etc. worth it. DS1 remembers everything, it seems, so it is so nice to think that he might actually remember vacations like this forever and want to create these memories for his kids one day. Sappy, party of one, I know. :p :D

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Actually, I was thinking I would like to stab her in the throat myself!:mad: I am very much looking forward to doing kid stuff, but not at the expense of actual kids!:)




P.S. You can keep writing this all day today if you'd like! ;) I am off after four loooooong days and this is refreshing!

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Lmao-daggers in the back of her head, I seriously would have felt the same way if she ruined my 5 yr old sons one moment as he's shy sometimes too erg people really!!

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After the show we took all the kids to the Windjammer to feed them dinner (adults had reservations later) along with BIL. It was easier to feed our kids at dinnertime in the WJ than our niece and nephew, but we were able to fill them all up. I might have had a roll (or two…). We took the kids back to the OS to play for a bit before they went off to their clubs. I went back to the room to get ready and DH went with the PA Schutt’s to take DS1, niece and nephew to their clubs for the evening session. DS2’s nursery reservation wasn’t until 7:30, so we just hung out in our room until it was time to go. Our reservation at 150 for all 6 adults was also at 7:30, so DH dropped DS2 off while I went down the meet the fam. He beat me there somehow and he told me that he freaked out more this time and that “we will see…” :confused:


This is the first all 6 of us adults had been to a meal without kids in over 8 years (since before nephew was born). It was such a different experience, a nice change. DH and I were very excited to try 150, as we had read so many good things about it but didn’t think we were going to be able to fit it in. I started with my new obsession, the Pomegranate Martini and the rest of the adults got something too, BIL got the wine pairing. We toasted to our meal and to not having a phone, trains, etc out or on the table! :p


This meal is VERY paced however that is part of the appeal. They bring all the plates out and present them at the same time. He explains the course in detail; however our server Mike (that is what he went by) was quite difficult to understand most of the time so I just nodded along and dove into the food. So, I am quite disappointed in myself that I not only failed to get a picture of the menu, but also only got ONE uneaten picture of ANY of the course (not totally and completely my fault…more to come on that).


I had read so much about the wonderful salts on the table at 150 and was so bummed that I wouldn’t be able to partake…well, I got my chance and let me tell you, I took FULL advantage. I liked all but one, the southern one that tasted like smoked something or other. The one from India that everyone says tastes like eggs 100% does but it isn’t bad. It is hard to believe, but it is good. I had several rolls with the unsalted butter and ALL of the salts (minus the smoky one, stopped at just one taste of that one). It was heavenly. I could have stopped there and been a perfectly happy camper. However, we still had SOO much food coming.




The first course homemade organic ricotta (warm Borek Farms baby vegetables, orange and basil) was VERY good. There were things on the plate, such as beets, that I didn’t think I wouldn’t like but all of the flavors together were so good…so good, in fact that this is the only picture I got of it (I was made fun of for still taking the picture, oh well.....).




The second course heirloom tomato gazpacho in my opinion was not good, but that isn’t quite fair as there are a lot of flavors that I just don’t care for and there was something in there that I didn’t care for. I traded DH’s bowl with mine to make it look like I had practically licked the bowl and he didn’t touch it. Everyone else said it was good. This is the only decent picture I got the entire meal. I ordered my second martini right about now, feeling quite good (not even the bread 4 pounds of bread could soak up the alcohol for me the lightweight). :D



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The third course Homemade Fettuccine with Florida rock shrimp, chorizo Borek Farms baby vegetables and manchego. Just as they were setting the plates down in front of all of us, and I mean simultaneously, THE PHONE RINGS. DH picks it up and they tell us the DS2 has not calmed down in the HOUR that he has been there. Poor baby. So, a shove a VERY tasty bite of pasta down my throat and bid the rest of the family good night and ask them to try and have them “box up” something for me.


The rest of the courses were:

Fourth: wild salmon with Borek Farms Tuscan kale & cannellini bean ragout

Fifth: slow roasted and grilled Harris Ranch beef short rib with roasted cipollini onions, Swank Farms cress, romesco sauce

Sixth (last): strawberry shortcake with lemon olive oil cake, lemon curd, slow roasted strawberry, basil, sweet cream


The rest of the family said everything was great (FIL wasn't too impressed overall, just don't think it was his cup of tea) except that the dessert was just good (however, they could have just said that to make me not miss the fact that I missed it and they failed to bring it back for me…….jury is still out on that one). No more pictures from this night except one, I leave 5 adults and they come back with this picture! It is of BIL's glasses from his wine pairing (apparently they leave them on the table and you start to make things out of them after several courses and rounds later). So, all in all I would say 150 is worth a stop (just perhaps in shifts if you have a DS in the nursery. ;)




Anyway, I was feeling my one martini as I was walking to the nursery to get DS2, I actually walked to the complete wrong end of the ship (forward) before realizing I should have taken a left instead of a right (however, I could have done that just drinking my usual ice water with dinner). I walk into the nursery and poor DS2 was standing at the gate with his lovey (the soft blanket with a frog head he has had since he was a newborn) just crying away. They told me that he had been crying on and off for the last hour (it was now 8:30). He would calm down for a few minutes but then start right back up. As soon as he saw me and I picked him up he stopped, so at least we didn’t traumatize him completely. I paid and we made our way back to the room. I had him walk as trying to navigate the hallways in heels and a 30 pound 2 year old didn’t seem like the best idea. He was in the BEST mood once we were back in the room. It was almost comical, so playing with him and just hanging out while I got everything ready for bed made it worth being called away from dinner. He went down just fine around 9:00 and I just got under the covers and watched something on the TV.


Cute DS2 excited about something, I will say SUPER excited about one on one time with mommy.




DH and DS1 came back just after 10:00, their time was up at 10:00 so he and SIL had to leave a little before everything was done at 150 to get all of the older kids. He said he had a good time and I am glad that he went and had fun. I had my plate of food (pasta, salmon and short rib) and enjoyed every bite. I was lying in bed with DS1 while he told me about his night while eating this food that was good even room temperature, again not a bad night. Now, you are probably asking yourself…what about her dessert, well even if you aren’t I WAS ASKING that very thing to DH. So, he went back out and got me some goodies from Café Promenade since the Windjammer was already closed at this point. It was yummy.


Tonight solidified that we were not going to take DS2 to the nursery anymore, he was on a not so gradual scale to absolutely FREAKING out if we even walked in that direction so…no more nursery time. General info on the nursery: I will say that since they do not have the bracelets for the younger kids, they put a sticker on their back each time they come in that lists their information including our muster station. Again, it made us feel better that they were very much aware of our specific children’s information and where to take them in the event of an emergency. You pay each time you pick them up. $8/hour and all the ladies we met while there were very nice and seemed VERY engaged with the little ones. It was a real shame DS2 didn’t like it, I am sure he would have had a lot of fun if he would have given it a bit more time. Oh well, more time with mom and dad (and let me tell you, it took him an ENTIRE week to be dropped off at Mrs. Shirley’s (daycare) without CLINGING to us since we had been together so much. Hee, hee…sorry Mrs. Shirley. :o


End of Day 3, so far we are having a great time and eating our weight each day!!! Tomorrow is St. Thomas and DS2's second birthday!!!!!!:D

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What an attentive mom you are! I work as a pre school teacher and i know how hard it is to parent this age ( personally, too) but ive seen some parents who consistently put their needs ahead of the children's, when it's not necessary (like to go to work) . Of course it's always good to take care of mom too, but too often it's mom and dad first and the children's very real needs are ignored. Do you know how many reviews here have mentioned that people's dinners have been ruined because folks thought they should bring their 2 yo to a four hour dinner?! :eek: That's not great for anyone!


We only have them for a short time, and too soon, that little one wll be saying "see ya Ma! I' ll be back at 1am":eek:) I don't think you will regret your choice to make decisions based on their cues...when you raise kids who know you've got their back- they trust you and trust me when I tell you that will mean a lot in 10 years:eek:;)


Anyway, a plate of cold food is a small price to pay...we can all spend 4 hours at 150 when we are old and grey and the kids are grown!:p


Another, developmental thought for anyone reading this that may cruise with tots- our little ones often " hold it together" for time away from mum and dad and the things they are familiar with, but once tired- look out! It's just too much for them to manage their emotions when tired and thus the melt down. It's an excellent idea to try to schedule me time during an earlier part of the day or evening ( some of the specialties do a similar lunch menu) so that our tots are feeling fresh and capable of handling the challenge of all the newness!

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Very much enjoying your review! We are a family group (DH's parents are taking us all- so inlaws, their four kids and spouses/grandkids- total 13pll)

so enjoying hearing about how you make it work as a group. Also, my BIL/SIL will have their 2 year old, so enjoying learning about how your little guy handled the trip..


Would love to see your spreadsheet also if you would like to share :) I love doing trip spreadsheets!

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FamilygoBoston and tarajean1962,


Such kind words, thank you. :) I feel every other minute that I should be doing something different, something else or something better..... We try our hardest, but I always feel there is more to give, do, etc. Hope they look back and remember some of the times of just sitting in bed talking about our days (vacation or otherwise). We shall see. :confused:

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Very much enjoying your review! We are a family group (DH's parents are taking us all- so inlaws, their four kids and spouses/grandkids- total 13pll)

so enjoying hearing about how you make it work as a group. Also, my BIL/SIL will have their 2 year old, so enjoying learning about how your little guy handled the trip..


Would love to see your spreadsheet also if you would like to share :) I love doing trip spreadsheets!


Traveling, especially cruising and more specifically the Oasis class, with family is the BEST. Cruising with extended family gives everyone a chance to be together but to also NOT be together. This class of ship had the perfect balance of the whole group activities as well as individual or single family activities. Book it, you won't regret it. :)


As for the spreadsheet, I will try to find some time tomorrow to figure out how to post it to provide a link. If that doesn't work, I will ask for your email and send. It is basically just my own version of something a fellow CC member sent out prior to this cruise. ;)

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FamilygoBoston and tarajean1962,


Such kind words, thank you. :) I feel every other minute that I should be doing something different, something else or something better..... We try our hardest, but I always feel there is more to give, do, etc. Hope they look back and remember some of the times of just sitting in bed talking about our days (vacation or otherwise). We shall see. :confused:


Sigh...sadly, there is no manual! We had good friends with kids exactly 10 years younger ask us..." Ok, what's the magic formula" ;) but all we could tell them is you have to lead, not push; live how you want them to live. And hopefully, it all comes together! That you are willing to struggle with it, is a sign that you are doing the right things, and none of us is perfect!:p


Anyway - I'm OT :D

Back to your fun review!

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Kids woke up to the chairs being put out and I went on the usual Starbucks run (swinging by the Café Promenade on the way back to pick up my newly found marvelous muffins). Came back to the room to the kids playing and got everything out for everyone. Today was DS2’s second birthday and we had put his birthday in the compass. The night before I had shown him and told him what it was and he kept saying “Hap Durday” so DH couldn’t understand what he was saying while I was gone as he shoved the cruise compass in his face. =P


We got ready and were headed to Johnny Rockets for breakfast so the kiddies could get a good pancake breakfast. We ran into BIL and the kids (on their way back to their room from the Donut station) so we took them with us so they could play on the Boardwalk and perhaps get something else to eat (apparently the plan was try to get the kids to eat a BIG meal just before we got off the boat in case we couldn’t find much for them to eat at the beach…so SIL tried to give them something smaller so they would eat more before we left, oh well……). We sat outside and ordered quickly and the older kids went to the big bus that is down there and played and then made it over to the big boat on the other side to play. Came back and ate and then ran right back. We stayed down there a bit just letting them run around on the play things as they wished.


We then dropped niece and nephew off and headed out to the front of the boat in Deck 14. We were able to see the ship dock very well from this point (there were quite a few people here, so if you want a spot at the glass then you should time it to get there a little before we are “pulling in.” I made a few calls to my family back in Orlando since we were in US territory and they were able to wish DS2 happy birthday.


















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After we docked, we just went back to the OS and let the kids play a bit. We had the kids eat a bit from the Windjammer before we got off. At 10:30 we all headed down by pressing the much talked about Gangway button in the elevator (however if you have a stroller or wheelchair, don’t get off at the first stop after pressing Gangway, get off at the second as you have to go down an escalator at the first stop). It was VERY quick and easy to get off, just be sure to have your cards out and sunglasses off your face.


We followed the foot traffic to the taxi’s and quickly got a taxi headed to Sapphire Beach (most wanted to go Downtown, but it was easy to find one going to the beaches). The taxi’s are open air and it was a very nice (although some of the family thought it was LONG) ride. The hills here are CRAZY, but the views were very nice. Our taxi included two other groups and stopped at Coki beach and Sugar Bay before dropping us off at Sapphire Beach. The cost is $11/person, including the kids.


We originally thought we were going to Sugar Bay for the day; however DH had read a lot about the different options just before we left and the group decided that since we were going to The Westin on St. Maarten we would skip Sugar Bay and just head to Sapphire Beach. The cost would have been $89/adult and $45/kids for Sugar Bay plus the $11/person for the taxi, and even though that was all inclusive and we read a lot of good things about Sugar Bay, the total cost did not seem worth it since we would be doing almost the same thing the next day. The beach at Sugar Bay was nice, however everyone RAVED about Sapphire Beach and with all the trees and such, we figured that we would be just fine going there. I am so glad we did, as we had a great time and the kids had a blast and we spent FAR LESS going there. Money doesn’t usually make our decisions while on vacation, if reasonable...we aren't millionaires, but this time we are glad we just went with the beach as the water here was FABULOUS and we had a great time.


We arrived about between 11:00 and 11:30 and rented chairs straightaway. It was very easy and quick. The cost was $7/chair and they set it up wherever you wanted. We ended up moving them down the beach a bit, under some trees but close to the water. The kids just played in the water and on the beach (we had brought some sand toys from home). DH and BIL rented snorkel stuff from the same place we rented the chairs at $8 for 3 hours. The coral was nice and it was calm enough to be easy. After a few hours, we ordered pizza from a flyer we were given by a girl was we walked up. We got 2 larges for $36 plus tip. They brought it out to our chairs and we ate it right there at our chairs on the beach. WONDERFUL. Kids continued to play the rest of the time.










This guy followed us around a bit, smelled the pizza I think.



We had pre-arraigned with our taxi driver to pick us back up at 4:00 and after we all got dressed, he was waiting for us. The bathrooms there are decent, not great but useable. We made our way back to the boat, DS2 fell asleep and got a bit of a nap on the ride back (wish I could have too). Again, the open air taxi was very nice. Same price going back, $11/person.

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Once back on the ship, we cleaned up to get ready for dinner and Oasis of Dreams. The in-laws went to Chops, using the reservation we made for them, and the rest of us went to the Seafood Shack. DH and I got the seafood gumbo that comes in a bread bowl (if we had known about the bread bowl, we would have split one). The table shared the calamari and we both got the Seafood combo/mixed grill. It was good, however if going again on the Oasis I would probably skip it. We were able to order the kids stuff from Johnny Rockets (it apparently happens all the time) which was wonderful. They come over and take your order, bring you the food and you pay there. DS1 and niece got the sundaes from JR’s too. It was nice to sit outside and being close to JR’s was good too. No pictures of the food, bummer.


After dinner, the kids picked out stuffed animals from Pet’s Ahoy…it was fun for them, but basically Build a Bear under a different name. While they were doing that BIL snuck over to the ice cream parlor and got himself an ice-cream cone, UM HELLLLOOOOOO someone can’t get ice-cream without me!!! :eek: So, I of course went over and got myself a vanilla cone with oreo’s on top! YUM! The kids then took their new pets on the carousel a few times before we headed over to the Aqua Theater to get seats for the show at 7:00.




We sat in the backed chairs in the last row of the “splash zone.” The kids were just playing in their seats with their new pets. DH walked around with DS2 so he wouldn’t get antsy before the show even started. Once it started, we were all riveted the entire hour! DS2 even sat through it all and only got antsy during the synchronized swimming parts (sorry ladies). The show was GREAT, a must see in our opinion. We didn’t get wet, but the rows in front of us did. I won’t go into specifics, but they did dive from the very top and from start to finish I thought it was wonderful.


We headed back to the OS for a bit and when the in-laws got back said the meal at Chops was great and thanked us again (they did say that at the end that the meal was compliments of Stephanie Schutt as my card was the one on file for the reservation…nice touch if you were surprising someone with a meal). We headed back to our room and were met by these guys (missed getting the picture the first night).




The kids were in bed soon after, with one last Happy Birthday to DS2. We called it a night and got in bed early. Day 4, in the books.




Next up, St. Maarten….

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Started the day like normal, the kids waking up to the chairs being pushed into place then went down for the morning coffee run. Came back to kids and daddy playing on the balcony. Got everyone dressed and headed down to the Windjammer for breakfast, everyone ate their usual (yum, muffins). Met up with everyone else in the OS at 9:00 and after getting all the beach stuff ready we headed on down to disembark. It was quick and easy again; they really have mastered this on these big ships. Once off the ship, we followed the clearly marked signs to the taxi area. There are different sections of the covered area for the different destinations/beaches on the island. We were able to get a taxi right away headed to the Westin (it was a 10 passenger van, so it only held our family) at $6/person. It took about 15-20 minutes to get there, the ride was just fine.


We arrived at the Westin about 10:00; we were quite pleased with the resort. It was big, clean and very nice. When we went over to the check-in counter, we learned that they had our reservation listed incorrectly. They had us arriving the day prior, but seeing as how we were in St. Thomas, we knew it was not our mistake (we had our paperwork printed, but they didn’t question and called to have the same rooms “refreshed” for us). It took awhile for this to happen, so BIL roamed and we kept the kids who were running around and having a grand time (quietly, we aren’t THOSE people). BIL came back and got the rest of his crew to roam with him. After about 20 minutes, we had keys to all three rooms and we on our way down to the pool. The Westin is $149/family (up to 4 people) and you get access to the entire resort: their pools, bars, casino, restaurants and their private beach as well as a room per family to use the entire day. I really didn’t think prior to going that we would use the room, but it was the same price with or without so thought “what the heck.”





We went straight to the pool and stayed there through lunch. The pool is very large and is set up to make it seem like more than one pool. It is infinity (the biggest infinity on the island, according to them, however it doesn’t look out over the water…it looks out over a built in bar, kinda weird but still nice). There are tons of chairs around the entire pool as well as little tables. Lots of trees around as well, so there is shade if you want it (I NEEDED it as most of us got more sun than we wanted the day before). We spent most of the time in the shallow part of the pool as the kids, especially DS2, could play in the water and swim if they wanted just beyond that area. Got a few drinks for everyone at the bar, they were good…nothing spectacular but nice and cold. There were iguana’s roaming around, which the kids got a kick out of. We even saw lizards big enough to make you question if they were actually baby iguana’s.





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Next up was lunch outside, near the pool (the main restaurant wasn't open for lunch yet, so we thought quick and easy was just fine for us). The food was nothing to write home about, but it was decent and filled everyone up. Since you had a room key, you could charge everything to your room so no credit cards were actually needed while on property. It was just a nice and relaxing morning by the pool.


After lunch, we headed down to the beach. The water here was just as beautiful. We learned that they have these blue “clam shell” umbrella things with chairs under that are free to the first 15 people that claim them, then they are $25/umbrella. We didn’t know that and the 15 were already given away. They also had private cabanas for $125 I believe, but they were pretty far away from the water (and with kids running in and out as well as playing in the sand….). So, we got two of the clam shells and were happy campers.














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DS2 was completely exhausted by this point (he has napped EVERY SINGLE DAY OF HIS life even if in the car seat), so it was high time for some shut eye. DH carried him down the beach and he fell asleep on his shoulder.





We waited a bit to ensure he was REALLY asleep and did the arm swap. He slept with me under the clam shell for about an hour and a half. I never did go in the ocean this day, nor the pool, but I did get to do this……you see one happy momma, as I haven’t done this since he was super little.






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The other kids, along with other adults, just played in the water and on the beach. SIL relaxed with me some of my baby holding time (you know, girl talk and whatnot).







There were waves, but they were calm enough for all the kids to handle. There was no snorkeling at this beach, but since the guys did it the day before that was no problem. It looked like it might rain for a bit, but all that did was give us some cloud cover for part of our stay and while some/most people would hate that…it was nice for us to have a break (even if short) from that crazy Caribbean sun. The kids really did have a great time at the Westin.





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I forgot to say Happy Birthday to your adorable little boy! But, I knew I would be back to read more of your fabulous report, so I saved it!:D. I love St. Martin. It is beautiful and relaxing! Glad you guys enjoyed your day there!



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