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Let's lose weight together for next cruise

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Starting a new thread so that we can start together rather than joining an existing thread.


I am cruising in January so I have 7 months. I have a hypothyroid condition (I'm on medication) so I lose weight slowly. That said, I want to lose 20-30 lbs in the next 7 months.


I am going to the gym or doing some form of exercise at leat 3 times a week AND I have cut down my portion size and have lost 20 lbs during the past year (not sure when I actually started to lose the weight but clothes that didn't fit last summer fit now and the doctor I see once a year stated that I had lost 20 lbs since she saw me last).


My plan is cut back on the empty calorie carbs and replace them with more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I have found out from past attempts at losing weight that if I cut out specific foods (such as bread products), that I will eventually binge and gain back the weight.


Therefore, I'm eating what I want, but listening to my body and not eating when I'm not hungry and finish eating a meal when my body says it is satisfied.


Anyone else want to lose with me?



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Hey there, Debbi - I'd love to join you!


I have much more time before my cruise -- a whole year in fact! But I'll definitely hang with you for the next 7 months.


I think a 20 loss is doable -- we'll have to get through the blasted holidays, though!



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Blasted holidays or not - we will both have better eating habits which hopefully will help us.


BBQ season has begun. ours was broken, but DH fixed it. Tonight we had BBQ lamb chops (only have them a couple of times during the summer - we love them, but they are fatty). Made a knish and cauliflower. The lamb chops were small, so the the vegetable gave me food on the plate!


This weekend, I'll be buying more salad stuff and corn on the cob has started coming up from Florida. Can't wait for the local corn - it is really good! I limit myself to only 1 ear. with the salad and the meat, I have plenty.


Good luck to you.



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Hi ladies! My cruise is probably in between you two. I need to lose 65 pounds but am hoping to lose 30-40 pounds by the holidays. That is about a pound a week, should be doable even with a few summer splurges! Lol I started weight watchers a year ago March and lost 20 pounds. I have kept it off but up and down the last 2-3 months. I agree with Debbie. I do My Fitness Pal to keep me in check. It also helps to see that your "friends" are doing well. My biggest issue is exercise. I have everything and then some at my disposal but I don't do it! I will be retiring the end of the month so I am putting together a Dailey plan of exercise with a few days off. Wish me luck!:eek: Cindy

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I'm trying to lose as well! I'm cruising October 6 and would love to lose another 30lbs. I've lost 20 since the beginning of the year. For a solid 8 weeks I was working out six days a week plus eating better and barely lost anything. I've slowed down and am working out four days a week now plus trying to eat well. I work in a large office with a lot of birthdays and I like sweet AND salty, so it's a really hard task of turning down goodies. I know I can lose the weight (I've lost it before and slowly re-gained it back over four years), it's just a matter of actually doing it. Let's do this!

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xostaceylee, I am with ya on the office sweets! So difficult! I will be retiring the 19th and then I will have NO excuses. (I will have to find a new one) lol On a serious note I think I will do much better then mostly because I will be bored enough to walk outside more. I hope we all turn into nothing but BIG LOSERS! :D

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xostaceylee, I am with ya on the office sweets! So difficult! I will be retiring the 19th and then I will have NO excuses. (I will have to find a new one) lol On a serious note I think I will do much better then mostly because I will be bored enough to walk outside more. I hope we all turn into nothing but BIG LOSERS! :D

Just one tip I would like to share. In the office...if there is a homemade cake...cookies...brownies..etc,...I picture dog and cat hair all over the place...OR a disgusting kitchen...OR someone sneezing or coughing on the baked goods,,,,,get the picture???? This helped me A LOT. My kitchen is immaculate. To know that the disgusting things in peoples kitchens really makes me ill. :eek:

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Just one tip I would like to share. In the office...if there is a homemade cake...cookies...brownies..etc,...I picture dog and cat hair all over the place...OR a disgusting kitchen...OR someone sneezing or coughing on the baked goods,,,,,get the picture???? This helped me A LOT. My kitchen is immaculate. To know that the disgusting things in peoples kitchens really makes me ill. :eek:


That's too funny!! I'm also trying to lose b4 i cruise in Oct 20 (we leave for Barcelona on the 16th) but i just constantly sabotage myself. I get soo frustrated, i just want to eat but hate myself when i look at the mirror especially trying on clothes. So, my next excuse, if i don't do something for myself no one will and i won't look sexy for our vacation, as well as ugly pictures. I will start walking and limiting my sweet and extra food intake. I weighed myself couple of weeks ago and not doing it again until a June 20th so by then i'll see where i stand. For now, i will join all you beautiful ladies (i really didn't look if there was a guy in this thread, if there is sorry). Have a wonderful weekend!

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Just one tip I would like to share. In the office...if there is a homemade cake...cookies...brownies..etc,...I picture dog and cat hair all over the place...OR a disgusting kitchen...OR someone sneezing or coughing on the baked goods,,,,,get the picture???? This helped me A LOT. My kitchen is immaculate. To know that the disgusting things in peoples kitchens really makes me ill. :eek:


Lol, I will try it!

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When I started this thread, I didn't expect so much excitement. Thanks to all of you for joining me.


I, too, need help staying on track. I like some of the tricks mentioned above. I'll try the sneezing one on the baked goods. I am going to the gym 2-3 times a week - and trying to get other kinds of activity in on the weekend - walking, dancing (see below), etc. I do the elliptical once or twice a week and Thursday evening is Zumba. I listen to my ipod and get lost in my music and the time on the elliptical goes quickly. For those who are gym averse or concerned about boredom or soreness - start slowly. First time i did the elliptical, i was done after 3 minutes on the lowest level! Now I do 30 minutes and am increasing my level. Right now I'm on level 3. As soon as that is 'easy', I will increase to level 4. Then add 5 minutes to the elliptical...


Last night, there was a pool party at the community I live in. Basically - BYOB and there were some snacks provided and you can bring some to share.


I had only one glass of wine, then switched to bottled water. We brough pistachios with us. The only provided food that I ate were the vegetables, a few cubes of cheese and 3 crackers. We ate dinner before going so I wasn't very hungry.


There was a live band - they weren't very good - but I got up and danced with some friends. Music was primarily Motown tributes and I danced for about an hour before sitting down from exhaustion.


I weighed myself this morning - NO GAIN!!!!! :D


I have to now work on the next step - less bad carbs and more healthful choices. I sometimes lose my motivation for that since I'm losing weight eating what I want but with portion control.


Experience has taught me that denial of some foods will cause binging, so I'm not eliminating all of the bad carbs - I WILL EAT BAGELS ON SAT.!!! and only one ear of corn when I want to.


That said - now that the produce is fresh and it is BBQ season, I will make more salads and skip potatoes and sometimes steam a veggie to add to my dinner (and for hubby who insists on a hot veggie with his dinner in addition to the salad).


My goal is to lose 10% of my body weight by August 8th (the weigh in date for the slim-down challenge at work).

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I have two downfalls... mexican and sushi.

I live in the TexMex capital of the world, so it's not surprising that when there are social gatherings, they are likely at a mexican food restaurant.


I also learned about a year ago that I adore sushi. My husband does not like it at all, so when a co-worker or friends wants to go eat sushi for lunch, I have a very hard time declining!


I don't really have a problem with the workplace snacks, thank goodness. My office is in the front of the building and the breakroom in the back. So aside from going back there to refill my water glass, I'm rarely in the breakroom. I do have a private office and have put in a little mini-fridge that I'm using to store my brought from home lunches. I figure I can bring a healthy lunch from home, AND save some money for my cruise at the same time!



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Mamaboss - congrats on your soon retirement.


I have downloaded onto my smartphone the "My Fitness Pal". Today - my first full day after downloading - I have entered everything I have eaten and everything I plan on eating. I am below the daily calorie estimate it gave me :D although I have gone over on the sugars and proteins. I will most likely always go over on the proteins, but I will work towards getting the sugars down. Bad carbs need to be the exception -not the norm!!!


Going to the gym after work - 30 minutes on the elliptical then some strength and abs work. Thursday is Zumba - which is lots of fun for me since I love to dance!

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Yesterday was raining so me and my DH started walking around our neighborhood this am. Came home and had green tea, coffee and breakfast and every 2 hours (instead of 3 because since I had b-fast around 10 eating every 3 hrs would put my dinner like at 10pm!) and have been doing great. Had the biggest meal for lunch and have to eat no later than 8pm. Went and bought some bananas and strawberries to make my smoothies for hunger. 8oz of fat free almond milk and half of a banana, 2-3 strawberries and ice, that will fill me up for a long time. Being on weight watchers so many times have taught me a lot, I'm just lazy

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Hello, I am also on a diet because I have my wedding anniversary cruise in February and taking a cruise on the AOS out of San Juan, also my stepdaughter is getting married in the summer of 2014 and I will definitely not step into that city until I have lost the weight I want to lose. I love Zumba so I have decided to joint the classes. I also have a thyroid condition that makes losing weight a slow process.

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Hello, I am also on a diet because I have my wedding anniversary cruise in February and taking a cruise on the AOS out of San Juan, also my stepdaughter is getting married in the summer of 2014 and I will definitely not step into that city until I have lost the weight I want to lose. I love Zumba so I have decided to joint the classes. I also have a thyroid condition that makes losing weight a slow process.



Uri1961 - I also have a thyroid condition - Hashimoto's - and am on Synthroid. So I truly empathize with you and have the same difficulties losing weight.


I find that exercising helps my metabolism, in addition to the other health benefits. I recently joined a Zumba class (Thurs. evenings) and I love it. I do the elliptical for 30 minutes once or twice a week along with strength training and abs work. I try to do some extra walking on weekends or during lunchtime in addition to the gym or instead of one trip to the gym.


Good luck to you and welcome to the thread.

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good morning.


At work, we are having a slim down challenge. a local hospital is working with us (they are actually running it). As part of the challenge, we all had metabolism screenings. Of course, mine - due to thyroid condition - was off the chart below 'slow'.


therefore, they changed the # of calories per day that I'm permitted according to Myfitnesspal. (lowered them by 100, AND it includes exercising - instead of adding the exercise in). the assumption in the calories permitted is that I'm going to be exercising 3 times a week. :eek:


That said - last night I went to the gym and did the elliptical for 30 minutes. I increased the level of resistance to 4 and burned 300 calories! :D


tomorrow night is Zumba - i don't know how many calories I burn with an hour of Zumba but I do know that I work up a sweat very quickly.


Friday - back to the gym.


Plus - Sat. we are going into DC and will be doing alot of walking (weather permitting, of course). So a bonus!


Hope you are all doing well and trying to stick to your individual plans.



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Not a good week for me:


Zumba was cancelled last night due to the severe weather (dangerous lightning - lots of rain) :mad:


had a hot dog for dinner (the SALT!) - the ankles are swollen :eek:


Ate dinner out twice this week (restaurant week - tried 2 new places with friends)


I hereby promise to do better starting today (as I eat my oatmeal for breakfast).



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Hey everyone. I really need to lose before my cruise. We cruised in feb and before that feb 2 years previous. I hate all of my pictures from the current cruise. I'm way too heavy. I love to cruise and I love taking pictures just not of me. We cruise in December so I have some time to make a dent.


I'm using the approach of WW and reducing the bad carbs and increasing activity. I don't work and my kids are adults. It's terrible I have too much time to cook, eat, eat out. I also enjoy wine way too much.


I'm starting tomorrow. We are going out to eat on Sunday for Father's Day.


Good luck to everyone! It's such a personal journey that so many of us have in common.


Looking forward to hearing about tools that people are using, to the successes and hopefully not too many failures. After all we are just human.

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Whole 30/ "It Starts with Food"

also read Gary Taubes: "Why We Get Fat, and What To Do About It"-

If you want to look like a woman, don't eat like a man...portion size.

Everthing we do is a choice; learn to make good ones.

Good luck, homework time. :)



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Pay attention to portion control and your stomach. when you feel like you have eaten enough - stop eating!!!


The harder part - and this is where I am stuck right now - is trying to eat healthier! My mind says eat a salad with that steak, but my taste buds say corn on the cob slathered in butter along with baked potato. :eek:


it is a constant battle. Although I have lost 20 lbs, I still have at least another 40 to go - so I am working on the healthier decisions!

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Chia seeds.. 4 tablespoons in 6 oz of almond milk, minimal sugar version, stevia to taste, a drop off vanilla extract- stir, and in 15 minutes a low calorie, high nutrition snack or breakfast.

Could also add soaked chia seed to yogurt or fruit.

The seeds swell and become similar to tapioca.

Complete protein, high iron, high fiber- staves hunger and helps keep you on track.

Check out "Aztec diet- Chia Seeds".

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Chia seeds.. 4 tablespoons in 6 oz of almond milk, minimal sugar version, stevia to taste, a drop off vanilla extract- stir, and in 15 minutes a low calorie, high nutrition snack or breakfast.

Could also add soaked chia seed to yogurt or fruit.

The seeds swell and become similar to tapioca.

Complete protein, high iron, high fiber- staves hunger and helps keep you on track.

Check out "Aztec diet- Chia Seeds".


another chia seeds person! i've been putting 3 tsps in my oatmeal in the morning. sometimes, i just add water, let it gel, then it eat it. it is bland, but crunchy!!!:D I have not added stevia to it, but i might try that.

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