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Looking for a weight loss/workout buddy!


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As always, I come back to the idea that this is just TOUGH to do alone, so I'm looking for a new friend to perhaps email daily with, share recipe ideas, and motivate to work out. I know that I do better when I have someone to be accountable to.


A little about me: I'm 30 years old, happily married with a 3 1/2 year old son. I've been on the weight loss wagon since January 2010, and I lost 110lbs and maintained my loss for about two years. I just sort of suffered a motivational crisis at that point, so while I was able to maintain, I had absolutely zero desire to continue losing. I look "normal" now, if a little chunky, and I can wear regular clothes instead of plus size, and since I was no longer in danger of imminent death (exaggeration) I guess I figured I was okay to slack off.


I want to finish the job I started. I did the work and I am just kind of wasting it if I don't finish! I've already proved to myself that I am capable of maintaining my weight, so I just need to DO it.


I recorded my previous weight loss journey in my blog at http://stomach-rumblings.blogspot.com but haven't updated it in ages; guess I need to get back to it. I used Nutrisystem to get myself started, and still order their food occasionally, but I do a lot of cooking myself now.


I HATE exercise. Loathe it. I feel great afterwards, but it's always tough getting off my rear end to do it! I'm starting the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Slimdown and hopefully that will help.


Anyone interested in chatting? I think I'm finally ready to get back to it, but it's so much easier to have someone to talk to about it!

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Omg your story sounds like mine! I lost 80 lbs and made it to a sz 12. I maintained for over a yr and 1/2 but since thanksgiving I have gained back 20#. My current goal is in 3 weeks - climb the leaning tower of Pisa. The first time we went to Pisa I was at my highest weight so no way I would even attempt it. I need to workout to get some stamina!



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Hey Miamichic, that's awesome! I have never been to Italy but it's on my bucket list for one day!


I regained about 15lbs myself, and they've got to go! It was one thing to be maintaining higher than I'd like but something else entirely to start going backwards- and my favourite black jeans don't fit anymore.


I'm on day three of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Slimdown. Today is my weights day but my three year old really wants to exercise with me after his preschool so I might end up doing my weights and adding 20 min cardio as well.


Oh well- it gives me more calories even if I suspect I'll be hurting tomorrow!


So what are you doing right now to lose the weight? I'm using the Lose It! app on my phone to track calories and exercise.

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My name is Jo. I am 33 and want to lose approx 40-50lbs before our cruise in November.


My weight has been a huge battle ever since 5th grade. Finally in 2007 (after many failed weight loss attempts) I had gastric bypass (worst decision of my life). I lost 120lbs after bypass but after I had DD 2 yrs ago I haven't been able to shed the rest of it (I'm 180 now).


I could really use a cyber weight loss buddy and would do my best to keep you motivated, empowered and focused on our goal! :)


I would love to hear from you!


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Hi Jo! It's so nice to hear that there are others in my situation!


We cruise in October and again in January so I really need to do it for real this time. My husband and I are talking about renewing our vows on the January trip. I wore a size 20 wedding dress back in 2005 when we got married. I'm a size 10 now but still chunky :(


What was so bad about the gastric bypass? I agree that it sounds scary and I'd never want to have surgery for something I feel like I should be able to do myself, but what happened that it was so awful?


If email's easier, you can reach me at susiev_18@hotmail.com


I did finish my workout today :)

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Hi Susie,


I will email you tomorrow. My email address is theclawsoncrew@Gmail.com


Gastric bypass was all fine and dandy at first but the long term effects have really messed my whole body up. I don't absorb nutrients very well which has led to horrible anemia requiring iron infusions every 6-8 weeks. I also have real problems with hypoglycemia.


Its a daily battle.


WTG for going to the gym today! I have to wait till 6/16 to be able to go back to the gym (membership restarts). What "diet" are you following?


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I'm sorry to hear that- it does sound awful!


I'm not really following a diet now. I am counting calories via the Lose It! app, and I am doing my Jillian Michaels exercise DVDs. I still eat some of my Nutrisystem meals, and I also buy Weight Watcher's Smart Ones so that I have portable stuff on those days when I am just too tired to cook (you're a mom, you know what I mean!). I try to focus on high protein and low GI carbs, but I believe in balance. I don't cut any food groups out because I don't believe it's ultimately healthy.

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Sounds like we are basically doing the same thing.


I don't have enough motivation to do the exercise DVD route and with the 2 kiddos I will use the gym as a "mommy escape" lol


Since you know about the Smart One's meals may I recommend my favorite frozen meal....its the lean cuisine Turkey Breast & Veggie (Green beans w/roasted red peppers). It is great! I am a very picky eater and that's the one meal I can eat, get full and stay satisfied.


I hadn't heard about the lose it application... I'll have to download that.


What I have started is:

Breakfast: Yoplait light n fit Greek yogurt

Snack: fruit/veggie or cheese stick

Lunch: lean cuisine or some sort of protein & veggie

Snack: fruit or veggie

Dinner: usually chicken or fish & veggie or salad.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! I cruised with my husband and some friends two years ago and before that cruise I lost weight and got new clothes. I was going to the gym daily and then I couldn't afford to go anymore and my shoulder started hurting, they say its arthritis. Well I gained some of my weight back. We cruise again in October and I don't want to be the biggest person in our group. I want to be able to wear my smaller clothes. I have lost a couple of pounds in the last week and I can start going to the gym again on July 1st, it's being offered for free through the gym and our school system. I have found that I have to be held accountable for my daily progress or I don't stick to it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I can so relate to all your stories. I am so weak when it comes to weight loss, but if I have a weekly challenge I think I will do well. Thinking of order JM new DVD - she has a book with what you are suppose to eat everyday. Plus I am thinking of joing the Dietbet and maybe making some money for my cruise. Ummmm - Would love to be support for someone as well, as I need support.

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Mind if I join in too? I am a "27" year old mom of three (I never insert my real age). With my last, who is now six months old, I gained about 60-70 pounds. I've lost close to 50 of that, but still want to lose another 30 before my big trip next March.


I'm currently on WW; I love it and it is so easy. I don't even crave carbs anymore (I'm a sweets girl). I've lost almost 30 pounds with the program since February.


I can tell I'm older though because I am a total gym rat. About six days a week, countless hours....but it's still not doing much. I CAN do a real sit up though...


Anyhoo, that's my background story....30 pounds to go!

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  • 3 months later...

I just posted on another thread about needing support. I really need support to become healthy and to lose weight.


I am in my 40's. I do not work out side of the home. I have never had an issue with weight until I started gaining 3 years ago (30lbs). I am still considered average. However, I am totally out of shape. I am not a big eater and need to change my diet. I tend to skip breakfast and not really hunger until mid-afternoon. Of course I allow myself to get so hunger that by night time I eat not too much just do not always make the best choices calorie wise.


We got back from a cruise almost 2 weeks ago. I did not gain any but DH and I decided we both were going to try to lose weight once we got home. I have started on my vitamins and supplements again. I do not take diet pills.


I am going to attempt to start eating a low calorie light breakfast daily. I feel if I have a good size healthy lunch I will not be as hunger in the evening time.


I know I need to go back to the gym but I hate going by myself but when I do go I feel so good about myself afterwards. My DH travels and is gone most of the week so he is not a workout buddy for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've read the posts on this thread. I feel sooo bad for everyone here that truly is trying to lose weight, and is struggling. I have a unique situation that up til now, has been like a plague to me for the last two years.

I have the OPPOSITE problem.

I'm not allowed to eat much of anything, if I screw up, I almost instantly get visciously painfully ill.

No cheating allowed.

My weight stays low, or even drops if I don't force myself to eat the foods I am allowed to eat in quantities that keep my weight up.

I know I have something in place that "forces" me to eat totally healthy, but

I've often wondered if I shared what I eat with someone that really WANTS to lose, could it help someone ELSE?

Its just so common sense my gastro doctor says, major healthy. But the key is, NO CHEAT.

I have a fused spine, so I can't excercise to lose weight, its all controled with food.

I'm 5'7" tall, 140 pounds, 55 years old.


My daily diet in a nutshell.... no dairy at all, no grains of any kind, no pre-processed foods (no additives or preseratives), no sugar of any kind except raw honey, yes to fresh fruit, yes to fresh meat & fish/seafood, yes to eggs, yes to fresh veggies (except starches ie:no potatoes of any kind, no beans, no parsnips, soy sauce, soy beans,etc), no sauces gravies etc unless made from scratch with fresh stock, use your own seasonings & herbs.....


This isn't for everyone, it was a HUGE lifestyle change for me! But I'm healthy finally because of this diet, it wasn't to lose weight (I really didn't need to lose much), that was just a side effect for me.

But I thought I'd share it here with you, as I KNOW its really healthy, and even if someone can use even just a piece of it in their quest to their goal, that would be great.

Bless you guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I think having a weight loss "buddy" is a great idea. It's much easier when you have someone to help keep you focused, and if you're trying it together, you're not only letting yourself down by cheating, you're also letting THEM down... And that can be huge motivation. Learn to count on each other!


I've read the posts on this thread. I feel sooo bad for everyone here that truly is trying to lose weight, and is struggling. I have a unique situation that up til now, has been like a plague to me for the last two years.

I have the OPPOSITE problem.

I'm not allowed to eat much of anything, if I screw up, I almost instantly get visciously painfully ill.

No cheating allowed.

My weight stays low, or even drops if I don't force myself to eat the foods I am allowed to eat in quantities that keep my weight up.

I know I have something in place that "forces" me to eat totally healthy, but

I've often wondered if I shared what I eat with someone that really WANTS to lose, could it help someone ELSE?

Its just so common sense my gastro doctor says, major healthy. But the key is, NO CHEAT.

I have a fused spine, so I can't excercise to lose weight, its all controled with food.

I'm 5'7" tall, 140 pounds, 55 years old.


My daily diet in a nutshell.... no dairy at all, no grains of any kind, no pre-processed foods (no additives or preseratives), no sugar of any kind except raw honey, yes to fresh fruit, yes to fresh meat & fish/seafood, yes to eggs, yes to fresh veggies (except starches ie:no potatoes of any kind, no beans, no parsnips, soy sauce, soy beans,etc), no sauces gravies etc unless made from scratch with fresh stock, use your own seasonings & herbs.....


This isn't for everyone, it was a HUGE lifestyle change for me! But I'm healthy finally because of this diet, it wasn't to lose weight (I really didn't need to lose much), that was just a side effect for me.

But I thought I'd share it here with you, as I KNOW its really healthy, and even if someone can use even just a piece of it in their quest to their goal, that would be great.

Bless you guys!


Have you tried much quinoa? I recently started eating it, and it's really healthy. No gluten, lots of protein, and NASA is even looking into how to grow it on space ships since it's so healthy! Crazy. :eek:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Nice to hear that you really care about your weight, it is always possible to control your weight constantly if you have a proper diet and follow a systematic regime .Instead of a workout you could have an early morning jog or a walk.

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Hi, I'm Mary from Michigan and also want to finally, FINALLY get back to my "fighting weight"...lol! I was 86 pounds in high school (I'm only 4'10") and would like to lose at least 10 lbs but preferably 20-30 lbs. I live in the frozen tundra where winter is roughly 3/4 of the year (or feels like it) and really hoping we can join the local gym which is super expensive. ($160 for the two of us per month!) Looking forward to getting to know you all!



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Mary from Michigan!! I'm Lizz from Michigan! Are you still looking for a weight loss buddy? Sorry this has taken so long, I just haven't been on here until recently and didn't see your post!

Our cruise isn't until Christmas..

I've been on a special diet for two years now because of belly issues, my weight is under control but I would be more than happy to be a weightloss partner for you if you need still need it! LMK...

I care and I think I can help [emoji2] I eat just all natural foods, I'm not allowed to exercise because of a bad spine, I keep my weight down just with food.

I know it works. I'm 5'7", weight 138 and size 6 - 8 . My weight never changes now. Not on a "diet", just know what I can & I can't eat (I truly get sick, mixed blessing? Lol) it's easy now... Been over 2 years as of April.

Hope I can help!

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Hi Mary. Hi Lizz!!


I am from Michigan as well and would love a credibility partner. Any takers?





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I live outside Ann Arbor...you?

Debbie, let me know a liitle about your situation, ok.

how long have you had the extra weight? Do you think its from food, or is medication also involved (I know some does that! Ugh!)

What methods have you tried to lose in the past?

I think i can help even if I lived on the moon if you want encouragement and honestly and care, thru internet & phone in case we live too far apart!! Dont let that be a factor, you CAN be your most gorgeous healthy self by February... Im SURE of it!!!!!.

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