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What type of cruise for newbies is best?

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I suppose I'm the only one here that would suggest the Summit. That would be my vote. Love that ship


I'm with you. I've done both AOS and Summit and loved them both. Try to make sure whichever itinerary you select hits Dominica. It's a beautiful island that was used for some of the location shots for Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest. There are some great guides there. I'm doing a Summit sailing in Feb 2014 so I can avoid watching the Winter Olympics. :D

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You've checked, so I'll take your word for it; but I would have expected that flights to San Juan would have been much more expensive than Fort Lauderdale or Orlando.


Maybe you said and I missed it, but how enthusiastic are your siblings about this trip? If it's "I CAN'T WAIT LET'S GO TOMORROW!!!" then I think a 7 day would be great. But if you're trying to nudge them along, because "Well, I don't know, I guess it could be fun, but I'm just not sure . . ." then I really would recommend reconsidering a 5 day cruise. I know it's short to those of us who love cruising, but for someone who's on the fence, those extra 2 days may be the difference between being willing to give it a shot, and figuring it's just too long to be "trapped" so forget it.


If you decide to stick to your top 2 choices, I would go for the one that had the two sea days interspersed. Personally, I would find 5 port days in a row exhausting. I did 4 in a row once, and honestly I was worn out by the end of it. Because, as has been said already, newbies will feel like they HAVE to get off at each port and go exploring, whether they're tired or not.


If you do decide that you'd be willing to do a shorter cruise, I would suggest a 5 day that includes 2 ports and 2 sea days (1 before and 1 after the ports), so you get a good mix of both. To my knowledge, this would restrict you to doing itineraries out of Florida to the Western Caribbean, which may or may not be a deal breaker for you.


Finally, the sibling who has kids in high school will probably not want to pull his kids out of school for a week. So you would either need to pick a cruise during the week of their spring break, or write them off.


Good luck!

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I apologize if this was in the thread, but why a 7-nighter out of San Juan as a first cruise? That sounds like a tremendously expensive option to take for folks who might not be certain about cruising.


Any chance there are some shorter - 5 or 6 night - options available that might work for your group? We introduced my parents and our kids to cruising by taking them on 5-nighters. That made them wish they could go on a 7-nighter the next time.


Actually, our first cruise was out of San Juan and it was amazing. It was a 7 day cruise and I didn't really want to leave the ship. I think, for a first timer, SJU is a great choice. You get a day, or two, on an island before boarding the ship so you are primed for the experience. Win,Win:p

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Bus Man, I appreciate the comments.


I have to start somewhere so I've started with these. If the feeling is for a 5 day, then we'll do that. I just want to get people on a ship. And yes, 5 days have lots of flexibility.


I really wanted to cruise out of Galveston or New Orleans again, although I wasn't too keen on going back to Cozumel. My brother wants to take the others to the Islands (mon!) So just some more background on the decision making process.


PS Thanks for the comments LarryL and geduffer. Don't count out Summit yet! One of its itineraries has 4 stops, a day at sea, and then another stop. That helps break it up. OTOH, I do like a day at sea early so as to get to know the ship. (Although I'm still checking the "You are Here" maps on the last day.:cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I made the PowerPoint presentation yesterday at the Family Reunion. Lots of good good questions, which and my brother and SIL answered. Even some siblings I'd never think would go on the cruise asked some good questions.


I've posted it on my Microsoft SkyDrive for them to review at any time. I've also sent them the spreadsheet of dates and prices.


Now it's just a matter of waiting for them to think about it and review. AND to answer follow up questions.


I'm excited!

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Well, I made the PowerPoint presentation yesterday at the Family Reunion. Lots of good good questions, which and my brother and SIL answered. Even some siblings I'd never think would go on the cruise asked some good questions.


I've posted it on my Microsoft SkyDrive for them to review at any time. I've also sent them the spreadsheet of dates and prices.


Now it's just a matter of waiting for them to think about it and review. AND to answer follow up questions.


I'm excited!


That's great! Be sure and let us know how it turns out.

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Hi, I'm an experienced cruiser, as you can see by my signature. Apparently I developed a whole in my head which can be the only explanation for why I would volunteer to organize a family cruise! ;)




Here is what I suggest. You organize the cruise for your entire family. However, you know that nobody will be satisfied with anything you do. There will be constant complaints and it will all be your fault.


So, right before final payment date, you cancel your booking without telling them and you take a cruise on another ship.


They are stuck and you can't go with them.



Edited by donaldsc
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Here is what I suggest. You organize the cruise for your entire family. However, you know that nobody will be satisfied with anything you do. There will be constant complaints and it will all be your fault.


So, right before final payment date, you cancel your booking without telling them and you take a cruise on another ship.


They are stuck and you can't go with them.




LOL I'll keep that in mind.

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  • 1 month later...

....I can devote more time to this cruise.


Whilst on the Alaskan cruise, I took some pictures and collected some more info with an eye towards being better able to answer others questions.

And, from my Twitter feed, there have been some nice Royal Caribbean articles that explain the Wine Package and the All you can drink Liquor packages.


And there has even been some refinement of available dates. For example, it turns out that DW's niece is getting married towards the end of Jan 2015 and that will be across country in California. DW and I would have trouble getting off work right away again for an early Feb cruise.


Looks like we'll be looking at late Feb or Early March.

Still have to confirm Spring Break 2015 for those that have kids in High School. Once that is done, we can move right along.


Hoping to get some commitments by Christmas time, or at least early 2014.

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  • 1 month later...

Things are moving along nicely for planning the family cruise. I collected a lot of info on our last cruise and also from various articles here, or from other websites.


My plan is to send out some more info in a week or so. This will give families the time to start reviewing and thinking seriously of going on the cruise. Plus, with all the holiday activities coming up, I want to be respectful of those commitments.


I'm going to ask people to start letting me know if they are interested (seriously, or still thinking), or are not interested. And, then I'm going to ask them to start thinking of a date, or at least to let me know if they have dates that will not work.


For example, DW and I will be at a wedding in CA the end of January 2015, so February 2015 is out for us. But March 2015 is fine.


I'd like to begin the booking process about 12 months before the cruise, especially if we have 8 cabins (group rate!) committed. Of course, people would still have the opportunity to sign up later, as well as cancel with 100% refund for some time. But I gotta nail some of these people down, commitment wise, or nothing will get done!


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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I think your plans and presentations are great.

I would be one who would do a power point too LOL


Having planned many family/friends cruises and trips, I can usually tell right away who is serious about going, who is a "maybe" and who won't go in the end.


I keep them all in the loop, until they say no.

I insist (nicely) they fly in the day before.

I suggest we all eat the evening meal together and get caught up on what everyone did that day.

I have them make their own airline reservations.

But, I try to get us all staying at the same hotel pre-cruise.


I make a calendar of the week and laminate it...listing the ports, the times we are in port, what nights are formal, etc. Give one to each cabin.


I also do not take it personal when they back out, or don't like the "cruise" idea. Hard to do sometimes when you are passionate about cruising or your ideas :)


Thanks for coming back and keeping us posted...please continue to let us know how it's going.


Getting that many people together for a trip.....like trying to put socks on a Rooster :D

Edited by FoghornLeghorn
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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


It's time for an update.

By last count we have about 12-14 people committed in 6-7 cabins. I think a few more will commit as the end of the year comes around.


1. We have finally decided on a date. It will be a cruise that departs either Saturday March 14, or Sunday March 15. That's huge as it allows us to really focus in.


2. However...my brother (the other experienced cruiser) has found a totally different cruise that he wants us to consider. That's just how my family rolls, so I'm not too frustrated. (a little frustrated, yes). It is an NCL cruise (DAWN) out of New Orleans to Cozumel, Costa Maya, Belize and Roatan. IT has a day at sea for first full day and also the last full day, so it meets those original guidelines. I said to him, "What about the decision to 'take these people to the islands'", and he said "My wife wants to see some Mayan ruins. And you can drive to New Orleans."


That's fine. I'll let people vote on 1 of 3 options.

I personally do not like the 5 stop cruise as I really think that is too many stops for first timers (and even myself).


We are having a huge Family Christmas party (could be 80+ people there) and that is when I'm going to try to get votes in.


We are hoping to book by March, which would be about a year out. I like that. We'll see what happens.

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SnowBird, Agree with Krazy about San Juan. Airports a zoo, flights often late. They lost my bag once. Someone will miss the ship.Hotel probably necessary. We are talking Mid Westerners here, right? Conseratives. I would choose a newer Celebrity,Princess, RCL out of Miami or FtL. You can get on brand new Celebrity Reflections out of Miami(fly into either airport),early Jan. for $549 on discount sites. Eligible for Celebrity 1-2-3 promo if you book soon. Both AOS, Summit getting a bit old.After watching TV ads your family may expect better. Talk with GROUP desk at cruiseline or Discount cruise agency. I think you as booker get 1 free berth for each 8 berths booked. ASK.

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Me again, You will spend the next few months being a combo scout leader, travel agent and excursion leader if you do not put this on cruise line/ travel agency.It will drive you nuts. So you put the responsibility on the experts who know the answers.You are hiring and paying them. Your relatives will pay deposits, air fares directly to them.All questions go to experts. It is not your job. Remember, probably half of group will cancel.You cannot control OP.
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Not only am I first time cruiser, but I also just started taking a [URL="http://www.skin-lightening.net"]skin lightening[/URL] treatment, so I can't really go out in the sun a whole lot. The cruise I picked has a lot of indoor activities which is exactly what I was looking for. I am super excited now!
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[quote name='SnowBird Cruzer']Hi all,

2. However...my brother (the other experienced cruiser) has found a totally different cruise that he wants us to consider. That's just how my family rolls, so I'm not too frustrated. (a little frustrated, yes). It is an NCL cruise (DAWN) out of New Orleans to Cozumel, Costa Maya, Belize and Roatan. IT has a day at sea for first full day and also the last full day, so it meets those original guidelines. I said to him, "What about the decision to 'take these people to the islands'", and he said "My wife wants to see some Mayan ruins. And you can drive to New Orleans."

That's fine. I'll let people vote on 1 of 3 options.
I personally do not like the 5 stop cruise as I really think that is too many stops for first timers (and even myself).

We are having a huge Family Christmas party (could be 80+ people there) and that is when I'm going to try to get votes in.

We are hoping to book by March, which would be about a year out. I like that. We'll see what happens.[/QUOTE]

Remember, I told you so.

If dear brother wants to do his own thing, let him. If you give him a chance to put in his 2 cents, it will be going on forever.

Also - no vote. You are doing all the work so you get to make all the decisions without any input from the rest of the family. If they do not like your decisions, they can take a walk and go by themselves.

You will have an ulcer and nobody in the family will be talking to any other family member before this whole thing is done.

Mark my words.

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Thanks for the comments. I guess I've got a different family experience than you do. I'm still being very optimistic. This new cruise option isn't bad at all. I want to go back to NO. I'd love to visit Belize and Roatan. I'd love to go back to Costa Maya and see how it recovered from its hurricane. And DW and I would love to go back to Cozumel so we can stay onboard the ship. We haven't done that yet.

I think the voting, if they want to will be fine. I'm not going to dictate anything.

The secret in all this is the fact that we'll be settling my parents estate this Spring. I think many are looking for a way to stay together.

And we have a history of taking vacations together. It'll be okay.

I'll keep you all informed as to what we end up with. It shouldn't be too long.
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  • 1 month later...
I sent out an email to family last week that they can vote on which cruise to go on, RCCL AOS out of San Juan or NCL Dawn out of New Orleans.

I'm hoping to get responses by Valentines Day and then book the first rooms by 03/15/14, one year in advance. Of course, more people can join us as the year goes on. Hoping to have enough to get a shipboard credit for all.

After going on 3 cruises in 18 months, I'll go about 18 months without a cruise. I'm not sure how, but I know I'll get through it. I've heard some people have survived tougher circumstances. :eek::D
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