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Cruising with a Toddler. Our Photo Intense Trip Recap of the 9-7-13 Carnival Dream


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Day 12, Part 1: Universal Orlando Resort


It was our last full day of vacation in Orlando. And after a busy cruise we figured we would try and take it a little easier today. We of course would get out to Universal Orlando again eventually but we used the day to actually sleep in and take our time getting ready before heading out for the day. And Daniel even slept in a little bit today as well. Outside the weather was warm and beautiful and across the interstate was our first destination. The Factory Outlets of Orlando.





Shortly after noon we finally finished getting ready and left our hotel for the day. The drive to outlets was short since they were right across the freeway. Just like the other outlets parking is kind of rediculous though so don't even bother trying to find parking in the flat lots. We went strait to the parking structure in the back of the Outlets and at about the 3rd and 4th level you can find plenty of spots to park.




In the past we have usually spent time walking around and checking out the different outlet stores. But today we only had one objective and that was to check out the Disney Character Warehouse. We quickly found a map and found the store to not be too far from our location. In fact it was located right next door to the food court. Which was good as we were starving having not ate anything yet. So before we went to the Character Warehouse we grabbed some lunch. I think we got some Chinese food.





After lunch we checked out the store which I still don't think has as good of a selection as the Character Warehouse located at the Outlets by Universal. For those not familiar with the Disney Character Warehouse this store is where Disney sends its outdated and discontinued theme park merchandise to sell discounted. We've found some good things here in the past so a lot of times its hit and miss. Still its a store we always check out on our trips. We didn't find anything for us on this trip but we did pick up a "My First Disney Trip" costume for Daniel's Duffy Teddy Bear that we wanted to get for him on our trip in 2012. After we checked out we went back to the car and made the drive back to Universal Orlando to spend the rest of the day.



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We parked the car and made our way thru Citywalk just as we have many times before. Today though I took some pictures of Universal's Hollywood Drive-In Mini Golf Courses. There are actually two Mini Golf Courses. One that is horror themed and one that is sci-fi themed. The courses are pretty well themed and look a lot of fun. But we have never actually done them.






Today we would be heading over to Islands of Adventure first.




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As we entered the park though it was kind of errey. We were shocked to see how incredibly empty the park felt. The Port of Entry is usually bustling with tons of people but it seemed like nobody was around. This must have been what it seemed like in the dark years of Universal before Harry Potter saved the resort. The super low crowds though made for one awesome day though.






Suess Landing echoed the lack of crowds that we saw in the Port of Entry. But we didn't stop and stay here. We took the shortcut thru the Zak bypass to continue on towards the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. There was nothing going on in the Lost Contenant ether.





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We finally approched the entry arch to the Wizarding World with construction walls to our right hiding the construction of the Hogwarts Express station. This area really looks sad now as well as it is now alley with Construction walls on each side as the old Lost Contenant carnival games have been torn down to make way for a larger Wizarding World Plaza. If you stand far enough back you can see the large Hogwarts express station in the distance behind the walls.





You will typically find the Wizarding World to be the most packed area of Islands of Adventure. And that was no different today. Well except for the fact that even the Wizarding World seemed empty and like it does when the park is closing. Once again these small crowds were so odd and even though we were visiting in the slow season, this just seemed so abnormally slow.





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First and foremost we needed to quench our Butterbeer thirst so we headed to the Three Broomsticks which we found to have our favorite mixture of the frozen butterbeer. In the past we have never had any problems with bringing Daniels stroller into the Three Broomsticks or the Hogshead. But today there was a Team Member that was quick to tell us Strollers had to be parked outside. Something we thought odd as we've taken it inside many times on this very trip and the fact that the park was so abnormally empty. Still we listened and went inside, got our butterbeers, and then enjoyed them at a table in the Hogs Head. Daniel was really enjoying it today probably drinking more of it then Kiera did. He also got a laugh every time the Large Hog's Head would move and snort.








After we finished with our drinks I retrieved the stroller and then we continued thru Hogsmead and towards Hogwarts. As we passed the stage the Hogwarts Frog choir was performing to a small crowd. We continued past this though and parked the stroller in the stroller parking area for the Forbidden Journey. But instead of walking up to Hogwarts we instead turned into the que for the family coaster called Flight of the Hippogriff.



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Believe it or not we have not rode the Flight of the Hippogriff since the first day of our very first visit to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. This is a family roller coaster that kids 36 inches and taller can enjoy. It is also the only way that you can see Hagrids Hut in the Wizarding World. The ride is set up as basically Hagrid teaching you how to ride a hippogriff. There is even an Animatronic Buckbeak that will bow to you as you begin your flight. With how slow the park was the ride was practically a walk on. However since its an outdoor roller coaster Child Swap is done a little differently since there is no child swap room. I let Kiera ride first and Daniel and I were directed to walk thru the Roller coaster train and to wait outside the exit gate of the load platform. One thing about waiting here for a longer period of time is how obviously the Forbidden Journey show building pops out to you thru the trees.



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After Kieras short ride it was then my turn where they then brought me back thru the exit gate to load into one of trains. After buckbeaks bow the coaster began its decent where you can get some great views up high of Hogsmead village and also Hogwarts Castle. Then the coaster begins its short journey. I forgot how fun this little coaster can be as it has a bit of a kick to it in the corners. It may not be a must do ride but its a fun little diversion if the line is short. This may be just a small kiddie coaster at the Universal Resort but had this track been built back home at our local Amusment park called Lagoon it would be billed as a major roller coaster.



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With our flights over we next moved on to one of our favorite rides. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. And this ride probably had the longest wait we saw all day long with a wait time of 15 Minutes. With a wait time like that its likely a continues walk thru the normal que with no stall at all in the Greenhouse. But we would once again utilize Single Riders which was a walk on.





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After the Forbidden Journey we were done with the Wizarding World for now and would continue in to the rest of the park. But not without a family picture with Hogwarts. The pictured turned out decent but it could have been better as the castle isn't centered liked I hoped it would have been.






We next entered into Jurassic Park and continued thru the island until we got to the River Adventure where I once again debated going on it. The wait posted was only 5 minutes which ment it would probably be a walk on. And in all our visits to Universal Orlando I have never rode the River Adventure more then once each trip. This even with it being a version of my 3rd favoirte ride of all time (that being Jurassic Park: The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood).





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Kiera and Daniel went towards the Splash Down area to await my boat to come down as I entered the ride. Sure enough the ride was a walk on and I got right on to a boat. The whole walk thru the line I just hoped that I would be put in the back of the boat to lessen my chance of getting wet. And it worked out this time when I was placed in the back row. The ride was good and come the final drop I sure enough stayed dry after the splash down. After meeting back up with Kiera and Danny we continued on with our loop of Islands of Adventure.











Sorry for the long delay between updates. Had a lot of stuff going on at home and that mixed with it always becoming tough for me to finish the last couple days of my recaps has led to the delay. I'm gonna try to be better and finish this off in the next couple of weeks with how little I have left to report. So thanks to those still sticking with me. I appreciate the support.






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I am still reading and I don't mind the delays. I have been crazy busy as well and life creeps in there every so often!

Your day looks great.

I had hoped to get on the Dream this year, but it didn't work out yet for us. Instead we booked a 3 night cruise on the Disney Magic at the end of our WDW trip. My husband is coming along and he doesn't want to go on a long cruise (mostly for work reason, but he also fears he will be bored :confused:) So we settled on a happy medium. I am hoping that I can get another longer cruise in later this year though.


Thats crazy how slow IoA is. But that is awesome for you. I never got to do the Jurassic Park ride, but I really want to, but I don't want to get soaking wet....so the key is to be in the back then? I might give it a go...along with a poncho....next trip.

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I am still reading and I don't mind the delays. I have been crazy busy as well and life creeps in there every so often!

Your day looks great.

I had hoped to get on the Dream this year, but it didn't work out yet for us. Instead we booked a 3 night cruise on the Disney Magic at the end of our WDW trip. My husband is coming along and he doesn't want to go on a long cruise (mostly for work reason, but he also fears he will be bored :confused:) So we settled on a happy medium. I am hoping that I can get another longer cruise in later this year though.


Thats crazy how slow IoA is. But that is awesome for you. I never got to do the Jurassic Park ride, but I really want to, but I don't want to get soaking wet....so the key is to be in the back then? I might give it a go...along with a poncho....next trip.


Thank you for still following along. I know i've slowed down but theres just a few updates left before its done for good. Jurassic Park is weird as between Orlando and Hollywood I've walked off the ride dry more then I have wet. I've only really gotten wet when i've sat near the front of the boat. In the rear you tend to stay more dry. Its my 3rd favorite ride ever so its a must do for me each time. Now Duddly Do Right and Popeye there is no chance of staying dry on those rides.

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Day 12, Part 2: Universal Orlando Resort


The next Island we would be in would yet again be Toon Lagoon. Probably the Island and area of the entire resort that we spent the least amount of time in. Once again I debated if I should ride Duddly or Popeye especially after watching log after log come down the Duddly falls empty but I again decided that I didn't want to get soaking wet this early in the day.






Since Daniel really hadn't had a chance to get out of the stroller yet and really run around we decided to give him some time to play here. Over by the Popeye rapids ride there is a small kids play area on Popeyes boat called "Me ship the Olive Oil". I hear this playground use to be better then it is now but Daniel still enjoyed it. There multi levels with slides and interactive buttons to push and things to pull.





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The ship also overlooks the Rapids ride and has some free water canons that you can spray at the people on the rapids ride as the drift past the ship. Its pretty fun as people don't expect it down below. You can also get some pretty good views of the other islands across the Lagoon from here.






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After we were done at the Me Ship we continued on thru Toon Lagoon. We took it slower now then we did probably any other time of the trip as this would likely be our last visit to Toon Lagoon. Although theres not much here other then the soaking wet rides it does still have some of the best props and photo ops that you'll find in any of the islands. So have some fun with them.








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Marvel Superhero Island is another place that is usually bustling with people and the 2 signature attractions here pull some of the longest waits in the park. Again it was so odd to see nobody there. Even more odd seeing Spiderman with a posted 5 minute wait. With the exception of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey no other ride in the park had its Single Rider line open as the waits were so rediculously low at everything in IOA today.






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After our quick stop in the Comic book store that had full size models of some of the Avengers we went to ride my favorite ride of all time which is Spiderman. We walked right thru the line with no wait whatsoever where I boarded the ride vehicle and Kiera and Daniel went to the Child Swap room. I'd like to say this ride was good but about half way thru the ride it was having some minor issues as the sound and screen weren't sincing up. Obviously this was the worst ride I had on it this trip.




When I got back to the Child Swap Room I told Kiera of the problems and she told me to just go and ride it again and she would wait again. So off i went to ride again and was once again loaded into the same vehicle as the people I was with before. This time the ride worked perfectly and was a great ride. Kiera then took a turn on the ride now knowing it was working find again while I waited with Daniel. I don't recall correctly but I may have rode it a third time since the wait was nonexistant before we left it for the day.





Continuing thru the Island we next went to the Incredible Hulk coaster again. I rode it the day before but Kiera did not. She took Daniel up the exit ramp to head to the Child Swap area while I walked thru the line and directly on to a car with absolutly no wait whatsoever. Seriously I can not get over how enjoyable the parks were with it so uncrowded. Kiera then took her final ride on this beast as well and we finished up with Marvel Superhero Island.





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Now that we were back at the Port of Entry you'd think we would head over to the other Park. But we couldn't leave Islands of Adventure without some more Butterbeers. So yet again we made the trek to the back of the park, thru Suess Landing and Lost Contenant and into the Wizarding World. I once again grabbed the drinks from the Three Broomsticks as they just seemed to taist better from there. As I purchased the drinks Daniel and Kiera looked at all the different window fronts outside in the village. Daniel really enjoyed seeing them as they are all animated and do different magical things. So take the time and check them out. Especially if the rumor of interactive wands coming with Diagon Alley is true.




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With Butterbeers in Hand we were now done with Islands of Adventure for the day. We would of course hop over to Universal Studios to finish out evening there but not without a stop in the Islands of Adventure Christmas shop to pick up an Ornament to represent the Universal portion of this vacation. Citywalk seemed to be just as dead as IOA was. We wondered if the Studios would be just as empty.






I'm not really sure why but instead of heading to the main entrance to the park we turned by Rockit and walked up by the Blue Man Group theater. We have always exited the park this way but we had never entered it from here. Frankly with how empty the resort felt I wasn't even sure if it would be open. Luckly for us though it still was so we were able to enter the park there right next to Despicable Me and the Studio tour. Look closely at the Trees next to the Despicable Me que and you'll find them to be Banana Trees with Banana's growing on them (there Minion's favorite food).





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USF seemed to be a little more crowded although I can't say for sure as IOA has much wider walkways and more room to spread out. Wither it was busier or not though doesn't matter as the park was still very lite and practically everything was a walk on here as well.






Our first ride in the Studios would be the Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit coaster. This happened to be a ride that still had its Single Rider line open so we hopped in that. Kiera and Daniel then went to the Rider Swap room to await while I rode. Its now been so long that I don't recall who I listened to on the ride but it was another great one and I've lived to ride it again another day. Kiera also had a fun ride on the coaster.



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If you think i'm refering to the Mummy then your wrong. The Mummy is still my favorite ride in the Studios. My 2nd favorite though (for the moment) is Transformers. It too had the Single Riders line open so we hoped in to it and I practically walked on to the ride. Today the ride ran flawlessly and Kiera also took a spin on it after my ride. It is seriously such a good ride but still not as good as the Original Spiderman on the other side of Citywalk.




After Transformers we would head towards Hollywood and then towards Kidzone and Springfield. Many more Halloween Horror Nights props and signs had been set up as the event would be starting in only 4 days from now. It really made me sad that we were so close to the event again yet still so far. Besides we wouldn't do the event with a toddler in tow anyways. Unlike so many others. I also made another stop at the Delorean.



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