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Cruising with a Toddler. Our Photo Intense Trip Recap of the 9-7-13 Carnival Dream


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Thanks again everyone. Sorry that I haven't got another update posted in the last few days. Life has been very busy this week as we celebrated Kiera and Daniels Birthdays plus I transfered to a new location for work so thats been a challenge. But I started working on the next update so hopefully tomorrow I will have it posted. Thanks again for your patience and support though.

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Subscribed...Can't wait to hear more! You have a beautiful family! My husband and I will be cruising with our 7 month old in the Dream in a couple weeks. We have cruised 7 times, but this will be our first time since little man was born. The sea has been calling my name, and now that our little guy is old enough, I willingly answered back ;) I am trying to learn everything I can about traveling with a very young child so when I came across your review, I knew it was a must read! Thank you for going into such detail!


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Day 3, Part 1: Universal Studios Florida


Another day was upon us. We had a good nights rest and Daniel actually stayed on the bed without falling off this night. Just as it was the day before we weren't in a real rush to get to the parks at opening. We got up and took our time getting ready and ate some breakfast in the hotel room before we would be leaving to the parks again for the day. Once again Daniel seemed to want to sleep in and we found ourselves waking him up when we were done getting ready and about to go. The weather outside looked much like it did the pervious morning so we hoped it would stay this way all day long. At 10am we finally left the hotel and took off to the parks.




Today we would be spending all day in the Universal Studios Florida Park. The park had been opened until 8:30pm all week however tonight it would be closing at 6pm. Thats because tonight was the first night of the upcharge Christian Rock festival held in the park called Rock the Universe. I knew we would be taking a chance with crowds today as I read the park will get pretty busy as Rock the Universe crowds arrive. Just like it does for Halloween Horror Nights. I just hoped we could get everything we wanted to do done before they arrived.






We entered the park and the crowds still seemed pretty mellow at this point. Well for everything except for the Despicable Me ride. The mix of a Popular IP, with it being the first ride you come to, and a low capacity ment it was already posting a 60 minute wait. That was not a wait that we were about to wait in. Especially since we already rode it a couple nights earlier with a much shorter wait. But we did stop in to the shop and went back to the Dance Party area to see if any Minions were out. And this time there was one there. We thought Daniel would go crazy when he saw the Minion because he loves the Minions so much. But he was pretty scared of him lol. We made it right in time and got our picture as the ride was just letting out and the Dance party was beginning. The Minions will only meet and greet after the Dance Party. So keep that in mind as the Dance Party lasts I think about 3 minutes.




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Shrek across the street was basically a walk on but we decided not to do it on this trip. We had been on it so many times that honestly its kind of a bore now. Especially since you can watch the video for the ride on Netflix. Plus we doubt Daniel would stay sitting in one of the moving seats.


So instead we continued on to the Next ride which was one we would want to do early. Not only was it one of the few Outdoor rides in the Studios but its also prone to breaking down fairly frequently. It the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit coaster. The wait time was only 10 minutes which isn't bad for the ride. But we jumped in the Single Rider line instead to do Child Swap and that was practically a walk on. I went first and had a great ride on the coaster. The ride is unique in that you get to pick what music you listen to on the ride. For this ride I choose a ZZ Top song and then I was on my way. I'll admit that the coaster isn't the most intense or Extreme out there. You never even go upside down. But that verticle lift hill is still freaks me out each time I go up it. You can also get some decent air time on this coaster but I pulled my lap bar down way too tight so it hurt more then any airtime was given. After my ride Kiera took a spin on the coaster as well and had a good time.






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After the Rockit we stopped at the nearby Popcorn stand to get a souvinier Bucket of Popcorn. The bucket cost about $8 however after your first purchase you could get the bucket refilled for only $1. It was a pretty good value that we took advantage of thruout the trip. Yes that is $1 forever. So long as you keep bringing the bucket back. They also have a similar program from Soda if your a heavy soda drinker.








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We continued on into the New York section of the park and to the next attraction. Which was one that Daniel could do with us and also one that we hadn't done since our first vist back in 2009. We would be going on Twister. The wait said 10 minutes but we were able to make it into the building right before the doors closed for the first pre-show area. Look towards the backstage areas though while in the outdoor que and you can catch a glimpse of the Hogwarts Express track from here.





Twister is more of a special effects show then it is a ride. The show will put you in the middle of a Tornado. And we being the awesome parents we are were taking our Toddler on this who is very scared of Thunder and Lightning. Two effects that not only happen during the show itself but many times during the pre-shows lol. If you can't guess Daniel was not a fan of the attraction lol. The pre-show rooms are pretty cool as they look like your walking thru a house that was completly distroyed by a Tornado. Then the actual show is actually pretty neat to and seemed to have more effects working then it did last time we saw it 4 years earlier. Its not an attaction that I consider a Must Do but if you've seen everything else in the park and still have some time then check it out. The effects are pretty cool.




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After Twister (which does seem out of place in this area of the park) we continued further into the New York Section. As you walk thru New York take it slow and take in the themeing of the area as its among the best in the resort. Some of the buildings are themed after some real life locations and even some locations from movies and tv shows.





We soon made it to the next ride that we were going to which is one of the best in the park. Revenge of the Mummy. This ride has recieved some minor work since the last time we were here. Most notibly was the que reconfigurartion. You use to enter the ride right thru the Museum facade. Now though you enter the theater facade and go thru part of the rides extended que before entering the museum and main que. I'm not positive why the change was made as it seems somewhat pointless. As the other rides we did Single Rider with Child Swap here and walked right on to the ride. In addition to the que change there is some slight changes to the ride too. Mostly in the form of the projectors used as I thought I read these too were upgraded to 4k HD. The beetle scene is much more clear now as well as the imohop projection. The turntable room also has them but it makes the room much brighter then it was before. Other then that the ride is still the great and amazing ride its always been. Although the story and ending are pretty weak still the ride is significantly better then the Hollywood version and still a Do Not Miss in the studios. Its a ride that you will likly want to do multipule times. After my ride Kiera went as well and I stayed with Daniel in the Child Swap room. The room is unthemed here but they do have a TV playing the Mummy Cartoon show to keep kids entertained.





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We were now done with everything in the New York section of the park. Across the way on Delancy Street the Blues Brothers performance was going on. But we decided to look around some of the other less traveled areas of New York and found our way to and down Sting Alley. Again the themeing here is so great and Kiera mentioned how cool it could be for locals to come here and have photos taken with such great backdrops. Sting Alley dumped us out in front of the lagoon and just down the street from Transformers. So I bet you can guess where we would be heading next.







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And if you guessed Transformers then you'd be correct. Kiera didn't ride this the other night when I did and with it being one of the best rides in the resort I was ready to go on it again. The line had a 25 minute wait posted but we once again did Single Rider with Child Swap and only waited about 5 minutes before we were at the load area. The ride was amazing again but its still no Spiderman. After my ride I meet Kiera in the Child Swap room and then she went and took her ride. Now I have said that the Orlando version of Transformers has been better then the Hollywood version in practically every way except the que. Well another area where Hollywoods is better is in the Child Swap room. Both versions have TV's that play the Transformers prime cartoon but in Hollywood there are tons of buttons and screens that the waiting kids can play with and push that make sounds and activate content on the screens. I thought it was great that Universal created a interactive child swap room for those kids not tall enough to ride so I was dissapointed that Orlando didn't do this. Soon enough Kiera was finished with her ride and we walked into the Transformers Gift Shop which unlike in Hollywood is located in the same building as the ride.





With Transformers done now we continued thru the park to make our way to Kidzone. As we were heading that way we passed one of the stages that was set up for Rock the Universe that they were doing some soundchecks on. Walking thru Central Park we also got our first looks at some of the scarezone sets for Halloween Horror Nights that were being set up. HHN usually has like 6 different themed scare zones for the event. However for the first time this years HHN scarezones are all themed to the TV show "The Walking Dead". So each scarezone is from the show in one way or another. I don't watch the show so I don't know for sure what it all is but in Central Park there was a bunch of forest themed props and right before entering Kids Zone there was a large campsite set up with tents and a motorhome. Again i'm sure if I watched the show they would make more sense.





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We went into Kidzone to do some of the Rides and Play areas in there but we noticed that the Animal Actors show was about to begin. Daniel loves animals so we figured that this was a show that he'd probably really enjoy. Plus in all of our visits this is something that we had never done before. We entered the theater and found some seats and soon after the show began. Now they say that all of the animals in the show are screen used animals that were used in the movies. I don't know for sure if thats true or if there just look alikes but the show is pretty cute and most of the kids in the audiance really seemed to enjoy it. Daniel really thought it was great. There is whole assortment of different animals in the show from Dogs and Cats to Birds and Pigs. I would guess the show likely changes based on what Animals are currently there. This show is something I wouldn't consider a must do but its something that most kids are sure to enjoy. Afterwards you can even go up close and get some pictures with some of the animals.






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Across from the Animal Actors theater is the new Spongebob Storepants store which was under construction last time we came. This is where you can meet Spongebob and Patrick and the entire store is themed to Spongebob. We didn't go in it at this time but we would later in the vacation.



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Its whats next to Spongebob Storepants though that we would be heading to. The E.T. Adventure. This is pretty much the only Nestolgic thing Universal has left in the park. In fact its the only Original ride left from when the park opened in 1991. With how fast Universal is replaceing there classics we find E.T. a must ride as we don't know if its time is numbered. I really hope it never gets removed but with it being removed already in Hollywood and Japan, Orlando is the only one left. Although the ride is family friendly it still has a ride height of 34 inches to ride. We really hoped Daniel would hit 34 so that he would have another ride to go on. When we messured him right before the trip he was a little taller then 34 inches so we thought he would be good. But at the ride he was slightly under 34. We figured the parks probably do set the signs higher to account for shoes but we figured it would probably be for the best. With the freak outs he seemed to be having on most the rides theres no way he would stand being held down by himself on E.T. So we would do Child Swap instead.




The wait said only 10 minutes so we entered the que and got thru the Pre-Show. Its after the pre-show where child swap is and the good forest portion of the que starts. I would go first but as I entered the forest que I didn't make it far before I was meet with a line. there is very rarely a line in the forest que. I could see the load area from where I was and noticed no vehicles moving. The ride was broken down. I waited for a few minutes and the ride did eventually start back up again. But with the entire indoor forest que being full I figured it was probably a 30 minute wait before I would get to load. So I walked back out of the Que to where Kiera and Daniel were and told them we would just come back later once the line had lowered.


Next to E.T. is Fivel's Playland (do kids even know who Fivel is?) Since Daniel hadn't really done anything he liked yet we decided to let him play around in here for a while. This playland is a little kids paradise as theres so many things for them to do and play on. There are slides and ball pits and things to climb up. He was having a blast. This was the first time he had ever been in a ball pit before and he had a blast in it. So much so that I had to go in and get him out as he would have stayed there all day long otherwise.






There is a small ride in the playland too. Its a water slide that you go down in a raft that I thought Daniel would really like as he loves slides and it didn't have a height limit. Well we climbed all the way up the tower to the start of the slide and sat down in the raft. Heres where we had a problem though. The Ride attendant wouldn't let me just hold Daniel between my legs. He had to be able to hold the raft handles on his own. Which he could normally do but he also started to have a freak out again like he had on other rides. So since he wouldn't hold the handles He couldn't ride so we exited the raft and walked back down the tower.



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He played on a few other slides before we were finally starving and ready for lunch. The Fivels play area is big and cute but honestly kids don't know who Fivel is so its time for it to go. And with rumors of a whole Kidzone makeover happening in the next few years it likely will be very soon. Daniel wasn't happy to leave but we would be back to Kidzone later. It was time to eat and I knew just the place where I wanted to go.




And thats all for today everyone. I hope to have another update posted soon. Thanks for your continued support and as always please feel free to ask any questions or comments that you have and I will be happy to answer them. Thanks everyone.





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I am so happy to see another one of your reviews and that you're little guy joined you on this cruise. :) He is so adorable and you are a beautiful family.


I've loved your past reviews and am subscribed and looking forward to more. In addition to the details, I really enjoy your beautiful pictures. I have to tell you, I just finished a review of our cruise on Valor this past May and I had a feeling that reviews took time, but wow, I didn't realize just how much time. I have loved reading reviews of all the itineraries and ships in the past, but now I have a greater appreciation of all the work and time that go into them. Thank you for again sharing and so glad that your little guy is now an official cruiser.

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Day 3, Part 2: Universal Studios Florida


Right next to Kidszone if you recall is the new Springfield land. This formerly bland area of the park is now the mecha of some of the best food offerings in the whole park. Once again by getting to the park later in the morning we had missed the lunch rush so we wouldn't have to wait long to get some food. Although there are food offerings outside at Lard Lads doughnuts or Bumblebee Mans Taco Truck we would be stopping in at Fast Food Blvd where the majority of the food options are located.








We entered thru Moe's Tavern. Which as I mentioned is a full size replica and seperated from the rest of the food options. This was the first we stepped foot in Moe's and other then being lite much brighter then it is in the cartoon it looks identical to the TV show.



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In the back of moes theres still an entry into the restaurant area. Before Fast Food Blvd this restaurant was known as International Food Festival. This area was not themed at all and seemed more like a restaurant you would find on film backlot. Inside the food options were set up like a cafeteria food court. There were different stations offering different foods. You pick up what you want and then go pay a cashier. FFB is still set up this way. Its a large room with different stations. Except the stations are fully themed to resemble some of the restaurants from The Simpsons.




The options you have are Lisa's Tea House (Of Horror) which has ready to eat healthier options, Luigi's where you can get Pizza, The Frying Dutchman which has Sea Food type entrees but thanks to Homer is no longer All you can eat, Cletus' Chicken Shack which is original and created specifically for the park and serves chicken type dishes (I hear the Chicken and Waffle Sandwich is great), Krusty Burger which is your typical fast food burgers and hot dogs, and theres also Flaming Moe's which has a number of different specialty drinks.





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