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Solarium Zoo on Enchantment of the Seas 7/7/05

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One thing to keep in mind with that comment. A lot of areas now have year round school seasons so that means some kids are indeed out of school when the majority are in. As more areas move to this then we will see more kids on board duing what we would normally think of as off season.

Exaclty - geographical areas vary tremendously. Spring break can be almost any time in March or April, depending upon the school district. Many districts end the school year in May, and many don't begin again until September. Add to this the long-weekend breaks for Labor, Columbus, Memorial, Veterans Days, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and many districts have off an entire week for Presidents birthdays in February. There can't be many weeks left for kid-free cruising...

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I still do not agree that there is an unequivocal rule about liquor, and I think it should be rewritten so it makes more sense to all. I do also think they manage to take care of those who clearly need to be put off the ships.


HUH? I don't understand this comment?:confused: Are you saying that the rules are clear, or aren't clear? It makes sense to me;


From RCI;


Can I bring my own liquor onboard?

We apologize for any inconvenience but due to our regulatory and licensing requirements guests are not allowed to bring alcoholic beverages of any kind onboard for consumption or any other use.

Alcoholic beverages that are purchased duty-free from the Shops On Board or at ports of call will be stored by us and delivered to your stateroom on the last day of your voyage. A member of our staff will be at the gangway to assist with the storage of your purchases. Should you choose to consume alcoholic beverages purchased from the Shops On Board, a consumption fee will apply at the time of purchase. Note that no open liquor bottles will be permitted to be brought into dining areas or public areas.


And, I will post this page again, from the documents;


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This policy may not apply to every ship or itinerary depending on local laws, customs, or license requirements. Royal Caribbean is not responsible for fines imposed or items confiscated by local authorities.


So there you have the caveat. Still seem clear cut to you? :confused:

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children running wild is something that will ruin any old cruise! frequent cruisers have learned which cruises are better for avoiding these problems. smokers in the non smoking area; chair hogs; drunks in the hallway late at night - these things occasionally happen! But the kids - well, that's just plain avoidable! As y'all have said: "where are the parents?" So, here's my recommendation: All children under the age of 18 must register with The Principal! I think that's an appropriate title that the wee ones will understand;) Passengers will be informed to report names of offenders to The Principal! The Principal then will act accordingly to notify the parents to pick up their offspring in The Principal's Office:D Parents must be held responsible. Regarding: Adventure Ocean. Have only ever found this to be an eriching Day Camp for which, on land, we'd pay dearly. Have you ever checked out the creditials for the staff? These folks are very well trained! The 'camps' are well appointed with excellent programs. We have never thought of Adventure Ocean as a babysitter - our kinder have been cruising since age 3 and look forward to each cruise as a new opportunity for Fun and Adventure. p.s. I, too, have had to shoo folks under the age of 18 out of too many venues....it really does frost my cookies....especially when the parents are with them and feign not being able to speak English! grrrrrr..... but, Rules is Rules!

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We have only had this happen once on a cruise and it was just this past May on Explorer. There were three teenagers, about 14-16, that went into the hot tub. We politely told them you had to be 18 to use this area. They said they did not know that. I pointed to the sign, they read it, and left. I guess we just got lucky. Had they not left, I would have gotten someone from RCL to handle it. If that had not worked, I would have asked to see the supervisor and GOT something done.



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This policy may not apply to every ship or itinerary depending on local laws, customs, or license requirements. Royal Caribbean is not responsible for fines imposed or items confiscated by local authorities.


So there you have the caveat. Still seem clear cut to you? :confused:


Yes, it still does. But I don't go around looking for the caveat, or loophole so I can break the rules when I feel like it. ;) :) :D I take it at face value, the way it is in the Doc's.


I also think they are eluding to a situation if you get caught smuggling it onboard, say somewhere where they would fine you, as in another country's law.

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I don't. I think they are stating they are not going to allow alcohol to be brought on board and doing the usual turn the other cheek with the disclaimer and feel good about the caveat. While you may not be looking for an out, they certainly are, along with many other cruisers. Regarding this policy, how about this then; Drop the corkage fee and refuse to open any wine that is not purchased from the wine list!


They have signs posted in the solarium, rules in the compass, directives in the cruise packet, and none are enforced.


Now whose fault is it that they are not enforced?

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I don't. I think they are stating they are not going to allow alcohol to be brought on board and doing the usual turn the other cheek with the disclaimer and feel good about the caveat. While you may not be looking for an out, they certainly are, along with many other cruisers. Regarding this policy, how about this then; Drop the corkage fee and refuse to open any wine that is not purchased from the wine list!


They have signs posted in the solarium, rules in the compass, directives in the cruise packet, and none are enforced.


Now whose fault is it that they are not enforced?


FC, we've all had this debate many, many times on this board. For me, it all boils down to respect. Whether or not it is ambiguous is irrelevant to me. If they spelled it all out, line by line, word by word, someone would still find a caveat. right?;)


My position is, I would like to see them check all bags, and confiscate ANY alcohol brought onboard. But I'm not sure what act of GOD it will take for them to do that.....maybe, unfortunately, a tragedy, with a law suit.

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Grocery stores are no different. The sign says 10 items or less which is in clear view of everyone and people have 40 items in the grocery cart.

Do the cashiers say anything? Heck No!!!

I wish it were legal to flatten the tires in thier car when they do that. :mad:

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Soory to hear you are having this happening on your cruise.

I agree that is a huge safety concern about kids alone in hot tubs and pools.

Anything can happen, what would they -RC & parents- do if one of the little darlings drowns?


Next time this happens and no one does absoultly nothing about it.....:eek:


:D :D :D Gather a group of adults and invade and take over AO not letting the kids play with the toys, games or do activities. :D I think that would work!




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Gather a group of adults and invade and take over AO not letting the kids play with the toys, games or do activities. :D I think that would work!
What a great idea! You can bet if a few adults entered the teen areas, something would be said about it being Teens Only. Then, we could turn around and say "Fine!...We will get out when you get the kids out of the Adult Only areas.":D
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I have cruised with Disney five times, and the enforcement of the adult-only areas is sadly lacking, and getting worse each time we return. On our last cruise I had been "meeting" with the asst. CD about all the teens in the adult pool, and strollers and crawling babies in the spa. I gave him one last chance at enforcement-upping when we were on the private island. I told him that on past cruises I had seen several children over on the adult-only beach, and that I better NOT see ONE on this cruise. He told me to give him a call if I did see children, and that he would personally see to it that they were removed......but he was SURE that no children would be there. I had his private pager number. Well, we trammed over to Serenity Bay, and there were whole families on the tram to the adult-only beach. We listened to them discuss their right to go there because they had paid for the cruise and the family beach was too crowded. We watched them confront the crew members that poplitely told them that the children would not be allowed. We listened as they yelled and bullied the crew member and asked him how he was going to stop them from entering the area. They proceeded down the beach and set up shop. I stopped to encourage and console the poor crew guy.....he told me that scenes happen like that on EVERY cruise. I told him to just wait and see what kind of suprise I might be able to cook up to cheer him up. I asked for his phone and called Brent, told him where I was and what the situation was, and how the passengers had behaved. I handed the phone to the crew guy who answered a few questions, and low and behold if about 15 minutes later the CAPTAIN and the asst. CD and head of security showed up on the beach. By this time the adults in many of the family groups were very intoxicated, and you can just imagine the screaming and yelling and gnashing of teeth that ensued. They ended up pulling the cruise cards of one family who really was horrible, but since Castaway Cay is the last day there was no port to cast them off on for bad behavior.....too bad!!!!!


I know this ONLY happened on this cruise because I was calling the CD's bluff...I am sure if I had not been pointing out their lack of following their own rules, nothing would have been done. In a conversation a day or so earlier I told Brent that I had had a sudden urge to go play on the pirate ship in the kids' club andthen I needed to invade the teen club to hang out a bit and then I would be so tired that I would enjoy a nap in Flounder's Nursery. He looked rather shocked and told me that I was not allowed in those areas, and if I insisted in going there I would be breaking my cruise contract and removed from the ship at the next port. I just sat there quietly and let that remark sink into his brain. I then told him that I knew a good lawyer who would easily convince a judge that DCL could not enforce the cruise contract for one set of passengers and not enforce it with another. I KNOW that was why he KNEW he had to respond to my page.


And so it goes......every cruise DCL makes I still hear at least one complaint about kids in the adults-only area.....they don't do any better a job than any other line. $$$$$$ drive the lines, and they would rather have a big happy family with kids than adults who wish only to use those areas that are set aside, in writing, for them.


I've raised my two kids. When they were small we did those activities that were legal and appropriate for them to do. What kind of example are these adults setting when they scream and yell and abuse crew for trying to enforce the rules.


OK......now I'm off my high horse:mad: :mad: :mad:

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I guess I should be really glad that I would never even remotely consider getting into a hot tub on the ship.


The very thought of going into water that strangers and their body parts have been in, makes my skin crawl.


Germs love hot water. blech.

I'm with you. Sue (figuratively, that is)

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Hi all,

We think there should be an adults only ultra inclusive cruise ship. With all the cruiseships that they are making these days, they should have at least one adult only ship. And a bonus would be ultra inclusive-meaning everything would be included, such as all drinks, all shore excursions and all restaurants. That would be our ideal cruise. We don't have any kids, and whoever else that doesn't want to deal with these wild unruly rugrats we should all write to all cruise lines telling them what we want. Last cruise we went on outta Puerto Rico, was a nightmare. Those darn kids I wanted to punch them out. Not only were they in the adult only areas, but everywhere on the ship. And to top it all off those darn kids tried to act like they didn't understand English. Anyways, we know how you feel, it is quite annoying...


I don´t want to change the topic of this thread and I know this has been discussed on many many threads already. Anyway kids running wild should be disciplined and as I said earlier the ruls should be enforced in my opinion.

I have had no bad experiences with unruly children on my cruises. Having no children and don´t care about dealing with them they don´t disturb me usually either. The really bad experiences with unruly, nasty and rude passengers have been with adults and seniors. So I´m not sure if I want to have an adults only cruise.


I also think it has nothing to do with age, so I´m not sure if it´s realy correct to have an age limit or adult only area. Kids are very different especially when coming into the teens. Some are wild and some are not. I for example see a problem with people running, screaming, talking loud, splashing etc. in the Solarium area regardless if they are over or under 18. I wouldn´t care if I sit in the Hot tub next to some teens as long as they are just sitting there and relax as myself although they are from the rule not to be expected there. On the other hand I might be disturbed by a group of people aged around the 20´s splashing around and having a party atmosphere and they would be legally there.

Also a let´s say 14 year old teen lying on a lounger in the Solarium reading a book might be not considered to be there from the adult rule, but I don´t think anybody should be disturbed.


Sorry for getting a bit lengthy but I wanted to try to make clear it sometimes has nothing to do with age but behaviour and for this reason the age related rule might not be the best choice, but it´s the cruise line who set up the rules and enforces them or not. so we have to follow.

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I just wanted to chime in with my two cents. I work in customer service for a large corporation. I learned a long time ago that the customer is right even if the customer is very, very wrong.


If a customer calls the complaint line, unless they are breaking the law, they get what they want. When the company does not back its own employees, the employees learn quickly when to look the other way.


I love the idea of the complaint card but please use it for the manager and not the poor crew member.:)



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I just got off the same ship. One thing you failed to mention is that the weather was horrific those two days(cool ,rainy on/off) and even yesterday with high winds and cool temps. As an experienced cruiser and a realist...i saw the kids but realized this was a time an exception should be made. DO you deny other cruisers the use of pools and jacuzzi's just because of the adult only rule , ignoring the fact that the weather was a HUGE reason most came into the solarium with their kids? This isn't a Voyager or Radiance class ship with tons for the kids to do mind you. In fact the Adventure Ocean Facilities are tiny in comparison and the kids do not have a very big spot on the ship. The pool in the Solarium was probably one of the few things for kids to do


I've been on other RCCL ships and would say that the Solarium most times doesn't interest the kids or teens and rarely do I see them.


I don't have kids but was certainly empathetic to those who did. What was a minor annoyance to us...probably kept the sanity of many a parent.


Also, I had the pleasure of dining at table #15 on deck 5...Emin was our waiter. He was one of the best I've had and the food seemed better than Serenade 3 months ago. His service was impeccable even though he had a brand new assistant(first cruise).


Also...the new structure has little to do with wind as the glass outside the bridges is as high as the pool deck windows. We walked the front of the ship...by the bungee trampolines everyday...it was very windy there...way forward of the new bridges. I think it was good old fashioned weather causing the high winds...not the alteration to the ship.


Cruising is so subjective isn't it?

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Every adult we spoke to in the Solarium was very upset by the zoo like conditions. Except of course the parents of these children. The weather was not that bad. We used the jacuzzi on the pool deck last night and the wind was not an issue at all in the jacuzzi. My cruise experience should be ruined because the chief purser wants to pacify the little darlings on board? I think not. It was a bad call. How anyone can defend infants in a jacuzzi is beyond me. Imagine relaxing in the adults only jacuzzi and within 15 minutes you are surrounded by 6 children kicking and screaming, some wearing snorkeling masks. Disgraceful. Children have Adventure Ocean as well as the main pool and jacuzzi's. All the adults want is one area to get away from the madness. That area was denied to their loyal repeat customers on this cruise. I'm not upset about it anymore. I see who comes first on Royal.

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It really bothers me that some parents who let their kids do whatever they want give all kids a bad reputation. I would not allow my kids in the solarium pool and don't know why anyone else think's it's acceptable at all??


I also agree that you are on someone else's ship and you should follow the rules. It is not about which rules appeal to you individually.

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We we on the voyager in May and had no complaints at all about the adult pool and hot tubs, HOWEVER, there were many children in the hot tubs around the main pool area. Their behavior was unacceptable, they had all of their toys in the there, throwing them up in the air, splashing water, etc. Since that was the atmosphere, we never attempted to use them at all. First its the parents responsiblily to keep their rug rats in control, then it is the cruise lines responsiblity to enforce the rules. I have nothing against children, I have 6 of them.

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i believe that the people who want to cruise without a ton of kids should be able to do so, in the off season. If you see a few kids, no problem. My problem is with all the parents who take their lovelies out of school for the sake of a vacation because they don't want to cruise with a ton of kids either. The numbers will catch up and all cruises will be filled with kids.


Well as I have stated before my husband could not get vacation over the summer because of several key upgrades to servers they are making at his employer. Since it was October or nothing we chose October and chose to take our kids out of school. half our kids are staying home and half coming along. The problem is not kids on the ship the problem is parents who think vacation means vacation from being parents.

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