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Solarium Zoo on Enchantment of the Seas 7/7/05

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This thread is too funny!!! However, I do think that some of the parents who take their children from hell on a cruise and use the ship as a babysitter have finally decided to post :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Kewlguy, NancyB, and Dad Son Team, it's VERY unfortunate that you experienced lack of parenting on your vacation, sorry! This makes me soooooooo mad :mad: :mad:



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Is it only me? The primary thing that comes to my mind is the SAFETY of these children!!! I would go nuts seeing all these unattended children in the pool or the hot tubs, because they are kids and unattended kids can DROWN!! I'd be hammering on the staff for that reason more than the inconvenience.


Where the heck are the parents?


No, it's not only you.


Of course the parents nor the children run the line! (as previously stated) However, there is such a thing as personal responsiblity. As these are children that we are talking about, isn't it the parents responsibility to see over their children? Would you be as willing to blame the cruise line and/or it's employees if there was a child at your dinner table wrecking havoc? or if you were in the Broadway Melodies and a child wandered in and ordered a drink? Even if parents are on vacation, they are still responsible for their children and said child's behavior.


What if, God forbid, one of these children were running around alone on the ship and decided to swim in the "big pool" outside the ship?????


The cruise line furnishes a VERY NICE children's program with plenty for the kids to do. It is not the cruise line's fault if the parent's choose not use that program.


As I spend the good part of most of my days caring for 280 (give or take a few) children I REALLY look forward to my cruise time and yes I get frustrated when I come across unruly children. Yes, I get frustrated when the staff does not put an end to the problem. However, let's not ever forget, folks, that ultimately WE are responsible for teaching our children better behavior and respect for our fellow cruisers.


End of sermon and thanks for allowing me to get this off my chest!! I am now jumping off my soap box. (it's a rather large leap! :rolleyes: )

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ok, this is a little off topic but it still kinda applies....


As you can see by my avatar, I am not really what I am going to portray, but think about it.


I am Mr. Sex Offender and I love to cruise. I also like little kids around me. I see a bunch of little kids in a hot tub with bubbling water and no one can see what I am doing. I watch these little kids run around and no parents are around to stop me. Yes, I am in an adults only area but these kids aren't supposed to be here. I am going to tell this little one to leave and then follow him. I still don't see any parents around as I talk to this little one.


Oh look, RCI staff member is watching me talk to this little one, but he/she doesn't know that I am not related or a friend. I still don't see any parents around after I have been talking to this little one for 15 minutes in the hot tub.


Ok, I am going back to my real self..... As a law enforcement officer, I have seen many kids get in trouble because of the lack of parental supervision. Look at recent events. Yes the parents want time without their kids, but it is still their responsibility to monitor them. Yes the RCI staff can run the kids out of the Solarium, but where are they going to go. Where are the parents when their kids are going down the hallways and into some of the remote areas of the ship.


I worry about my 23, 22, 19 and 16 yr old kids when we are out. We were at a store not too long ago and our 19 yr old son was in the swimsuit area and a strange lady was talking to him. Yes, we watched to see what was going on. I did not approach since I didn't want to embarass him, but I did watch him.


Don't rely on the staff to make the total decisions to run kids out of the Solarium. They don't know who the kids belong to. I hope I don't have the same situation, but I would take the child to the parents and let them know that just because we are on a ship doesn't isolate their child from the real world.


Ok, I will don my flame retardant suit now.

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ok, this is a little off topic but it still kinda applies....


As you can see by my avatar, I am not really what I am going to portray, but think about it.


I am Mr. Sex Offender and I love to cruise. I also like little kids around me. I see a bunch of little kids in a hot tub with bubbling water and no one can see what I am doing. I watch these little kids run around and no parents are around to stop me. Yes, I am in an adults only area but these kids aren't supposed to be here. I am going to tell this little one to leave and then follow him. I still don't see any parents around as I talk to this little one.


Oh look, RCI staff member is watching me talk to this little one, but he/she doesn't know that I am not related or a friend. I still don't see any parents around after I have been talking to this little one for 15 minutes in the hot tub.


Ok, I am going back to my real self..... As a law enforcement officer, I have seen many kids get in trouble because of the lack of parental supervision. Look at recent events. Yes the parents want time without their kids, but it is still their responsibility to monitor them. Yes the RCI staff can run the kids out of the Solarium, but where are they going to go. Where are the parents when their kids are going down the hallways and into some of the remote areas of the ship.


I worry about my 23, 22, 19 and 16 yr old kids when we are out. We were at a store not too long ago and our 19 yr old son was in the swimsuit area and a strange lady was talking to him. Yes, we watched to see what was going on. I did not approach since I didn't want to embarass him, but I did watch him.


Don't rely on the staff to make the total decisions to run kids out of the Solarium. They don't know who the kids belong to. I hope I don't have the same situation, but I would take the child to the parents and let them know that just because we are on a ship doesn't isolate their child from the real world.


Ok, I will don my flame retardant suit now.


There is not anything to flame here. The only exception I have to this is I really don't read that any of the participants in this post are the kind of parents who believe it is OK to let your kid run wild on a cruise ship. Most of those people don't post to forums like this because they know it is wrong and what can happen out there.

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part snipped


ok, this is a little off topic but it still kinda applies....


As you can see by my avatar, I am not really what I am going to portray, but think about it.



What you said made perfect sense. Too bad that some parents can't understand the dangers that are out there for their kids. I think that too many people feel that a ship is a safe haven where nothing bad can happen. Some people just need to think.

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ok, this is a little off topic but it still kinda applies....


As you can see by my avatar, I am not really what I am going to portray, but think about it.


I am Mr. Sex Offender and I love to cruise. I also like little kids around me. I see a bunch of little kids in a hot tub with bubbling water and no one can see what I am doing. I watch these little kids run around and no parents are around to stop me. Yes, I am in an adults only area but these kids aren't supposed to be here. I am going to tell this little one to leave and then follow him. I still don't see any parents around as I talk to this little one.


Oh look, RCI staff member is watching me talk to this little one, but he/she doesn't know that I am not related or a friend. I still don't see any parents around after I have been talking to this little one for 15 minutes in the hot tub.


Ok, I am going back to my real self..... As a law enforcement officer, I have seen many kids get in trouble because of the lack of parental supervision. Look at recent events. Yes the parents want time without their kids, but it is still their responsibility to monitor them. Yes the RCI staff can run the kids out of the Solarium, but where are they going to go. Where are the parents when their kids are going down the hallways and into some of the remote areas of the ship.


I worry about my 23, 22, 19 and 16 yr old kids when we are out. We were at a store not too long ago and our 19 yr old son was in the swimsuit area and a strange lady was talking to him. Yes, we watched to see what was going on. I did not approach since I didn't want to embarass him, but I did watch him.


Don't rely on the staff to make the total decisions to run kids out of the Solarium. They don't know who the kids belong to. I hope I don't have the same situation, but I would take the child to the parents and let them know that just because we are on a ship doesn't isolate their child from the real world.


Ok, I will don my flame retardant suit now.



Great post and eye opener! You don't need a flame retardant suit!!!! You are pointing out the facts that obviously parents don't think about or could care less about while on a cruise. Your points are well spoken and can happen anywhere not just a cruise......why would any parent want their kids to be in a adults only area while the parents themselves are not there to supervise them? They are just asking for trouble and then blame it on the cruise line!



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When I originally started this post while on board, it was with the idea that Royal would respond to a loyal customers complaint. The following day amazingly the Solarium rules were being enforced (although by the final day it was back to mayhem again). If my posting played some small part in this, then it was worth it.

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This is a big board and not everyone is going to agree with you. Because they are not in agreement that does not mean they are on anyone's payroll and that insult is pretty... well it's not exactly mature now is it? I read your thread with interest and thought you had some really valid points, then I saw your bump and wondered why you had done that when it was against the rules of the board. Then I saw your defense of the bump and you insults and now I am starting to think that you have a "I will abide by the rules I elect to abide" attitude. I am sorry if I am calling this wrong but you are being quite insulting to people and it seems to be getting a little personal. Not everyone is going to agree with you and yes, a cruise is largly what you make it, even though you paid a lot of money for it. Should the kids have been there? Absolutly not. It was rude and insensative of the employees not to addres this. Shame on the parents who could not control their children and shame on them for breaking the rules, but shame on you for bringing this to a level that is argumentative and just plain childish. And no, before you state it, I am not on the RCI payroll.


I wasn't trying to be insulting. I was being honest. Read their posts. Sounds like employees to me.

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kewlguy, Please explain to me why, just because I question you, that means that I am an employee of the line? You have yet to answer any of my questions. I have explained where I'm coming from but you don't answer any of my questions. Your fall-back that some of us are employees really is a bit childish on your part and appears more and more like a cop-out!

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kewlguy, Please explain to me why, just because I question you, that means that I am an employee of the line? You have yet to answer any of my questions. I have explained where I'm coming from but you don't answer any of my questions. Your fall-back that some of us are employees really is a bit childish on your part and appears more and more like a cop-out!



Let's get back to why some parents use the ship as a babysitter, please :rolleyes:



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kewlguy, Please explain to me why, just because I question you, that means that I am an employee of the line? You have yet to answer any of my questions. I have explained where I'm coming from but you don't answer any of my questions. Your fall-back that some of us are employees really is a bit childish on your part and appears more and more like a cop-out!


Your issue with me was that I brought the post back to the top. Why would it bother you so much? Seems you wanted it to be forgotten. I explained to you why I bumped it. That does not seem to be a good enough explanation for you. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask. I have no idea what you mean by using the term "cop-out. Why does it bother you that this issue is getting so much attention? It's almost as if you are taking the criticism of Royal personal. Never mind a member with 4 posts lecturing me on forum rules. All a bit strange to me.

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Please read the forum guidelines. Bumping is prohibited in the rules. I am sure you just missed this rule, as I can tell from your posts that you follow all the rules.


Hmmmmm, another self-appointed board monitor :confused: :confused:


Bicker, is that you :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



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Your issue with me was that I brought the post back to the top. Why would it bother you so much? Seems you wanted it to be forgotten. I explained to you why I bumped it.


kewlguy: Here is your FREE lesson in board/forum etiquette for bumping a thread. Listen and learn from the master. (mistress? ;))


When you want to bring your thread back to the top of the page, DO NOT WRITE:

BUMP. that is a board no-no.




Does anyone else have an opinion?


See how easy this is? You accomplish the same thing, without annoying our friends, jlmza and ilionite.


Don't thank me now; just pay it forward. :D



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Also, I have attacked noone, and I don't think that Marion mom's comment, the one excluding me from the intelligent readers of this post, was necessary. However, if that is the way she approaches things, so be it. I know who I am.


Ship is beautiful, staff was very friendly, and I currently have two more cruises booked with Royal. My comments are constructive criticism, not bashing.


Don't worry, kewlguy, that is exactly how intelligent CC members read your posts.


It IS fair to warn others who are going on the Enchantment that, at least so far, the crew is not enforcing the "16 years and older" rule in the Solarium. Why is this a good idea? Well, if this happens on MY cruise, in five weeks, I won't WAIT to see if it gets better......I'll know that it happened before and YOU spoke repeatedly to the staff, so I'll go straight to the CD and strongly request enforcement. I might even have to come out of vacation mode and use my best teacher's voice to chase the little darlings away.


ilionite, now WHY would you assume that I was referring to you? Mine was the 27th post on the thread, and I was quoting kewlguy. Of course, if the shoe fits.................


Oh, and by the way.............

I work for noone!

How DO you afford to cruise?!?!?!?!?


Carol (notice that *I* took the time to spell *your* name correctly.

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Thanks for the advice Carol. :)


As soon as I returned home on Monday morning, I logged onto this web site to start a fresh thread regarding my cruise on the Enchantment, as well as to update everyone on the situation with the Solarium problems. I had no intention of bumping the thread which I had started on Friday night from the ship. After my first post on the other thread (Just back from the Enchantment) someone asked me what I was referring to regarding the Solarium problems since they had missed the original post on the subject. Since I was tired as well as not being blessed with the greatest typing skills I came up with the idea to bump this thread so the person would know the history of the topic, rather than have to retype the entire story over again. I was trying to be informative for the members of the web site and if I violated forum rules by doing so I apologize to the people that run the board. That's about all there was to it. I did not start two threads at one time.


Yes, besides the Solarium we witnessed children roaming all over the ship after 1 am (no parents in sight), as well as gangs sitting all over the stairs which you had to literally climb over to get passed. Is this Royal's fault? Of course not. Are the other cruise lines guilty of the same non enforcement of the rules? I'm sure they are. But if I go on certain unnamed cruise lines I expect that type of behavior. I really thought Royal was different but I'm starting to have second thoughts about that opinion after what I witnesses these past few days.

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I think you should sail Radisson or another primarily-adult-line. The families are here to stay. Apparently RCI has sold you down the river?


(response to Justaknucklehead)


(Beachchick here)


I know this wasn't in response to me, but I will respond anyway.


Yours is a rote response from many, many parents. Let me point out that RCI markets themselves as a cruise line for everyone, not just families. They show how romantic it is for couples, what a great way to celebrate a wedding or anniversary, etc. RCI ships are designed to accommodate the desires of all kinds of people, including (but not exclusively) families.


Just as there are many adults who say, "leave the kids at home," (and they are wrong) there are just as many parents who say, "cruising is for families" (with the implication that it's not for adults or that families are simply being nice enough to let adults cruise too; these parents are wrong too). None of us "own" cruising.


We are simply asking (begging, ranting, or hoping) RCI and parents (and BTW, most of us are parents) to enforce/follow the very simple rules that allow adults some adult only areas. We are simply asking that parents insist that their children behave properly and respect the rules.


And before you flame me, NO, I most emphatically do not think this means children should be expected to sit in the corner quietly and not bother people. Children are by nature exhuberant and excitable--they need places to be kids. That is why there is AO and nearly constant activities for kids. That is why there are "everyone" pools and "adult" pools. In fact, some ships have "kids only" pools. That is why there are set hours for kids in the Solarium pool during inclement weather. BTW, parents are expected to be at the pool at all times with their children under 12 (I think it's 12; could be older), regardless of where that pool is. Why on earth would any parent leave their child alone at a pool (or any other inherently dangerous place)?


So, please stop telling us to cruise elsewhere. Just as adults don't "own" RCI, neither do families with children. All of us, adults too, should respect the rules of civilized behavior. Being on a cruise ship doesn't mean we leave our manners at the dock. (You will notice I don't let adults off the hook here--as I've always written, rules are for adults too.)



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I am a parent of an 11 year old. If he ever acted in the ways described here, I would confine him to the cabin. I was thrilled to see the solarium is for adults (some down time is nice) and I will be very quick to report those that do not comply. I will also ask for the kids' names. It so drives me insane that some parents are more concerned with being their child's friend than being a parent. It makes it so much harder for the rest of us that follow the rules and control our children...

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