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Most weight you have gained on a cruise


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Thanks! I've been cleaning out my closet and donating all my too large clothes. I started replacing things after seeing somebody at a store and thinking "Look at that person in the too-big clown clothes" and then realizing it was my reflection in a mirror. :eek:


That's smart. Saving your "big" clothes is like having a safety net. Wearing clothes that fit actually make you look slimmer. I have a pair of jeans that I put on as a way to measure how I am doing. Pounds lost are important, but inches lost can show up even when the number on the scale doesn't budge.

If you are a member of the "clean plate club" like me, try not to be on your cruise. I try to think like a celebrity taster on "Iron Chef" and that I need to save my appetite so I can try some of each dish. That way, I don't feel compelled to finish any one course.

Have you checked out the gym on the ship? It's a totally different experience from regular gyms, being able to walk on the treadmill with the ocean view right in front of you. Afterwards you could take a sauna. Gotta love a little "me time"!

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We are going on a 14 night cruise in a month so I am trying to lose about 10 lbs in this month as my clothes are a bit tight on me right now. I find I can do this quickly and easily with only 3 hours exercise per week on one of those low carb milkshake diets. I will feel more confident and it's nice starting the holiday with my clothes looser!


On past cruises I never eat the bread served at dinner, or any bread actually! I also try not to order any pasta or rice dishes. We always eat in the MDR at dinner as it's more focused on fine dining rather than a buffet where I feel compelled to try it all. I drink lots of wine and love cheese but try to skip dessert. I might try to replace some of the wine with spirits and soda water as I have started doing this at home.


We also always try to take the stairs and go the the gym for 45mins most days. This time we've taken private ballroom type dancing lessons and hope to include an hour or more of dancing each night.


I always return home having gained weight but at least not as much as I could have!



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Hubby and I have figured out that we tend to gain a pound a day on seven or eight day cruises, but on longer cruises the weight gain slows down because I guess we get tired of eating. When we get home we drop about four pounds in a couple of days. I believe that is water weight we gained on the ship or it couldn't possibly drop off so fast.


We normally eat very little salt, but ship food seems to be loaded with sodium. It could be the salt air too.The best way to unload that extra water weight is to sweat it out with long walks or similar activities. Just cutting back on sodium-laden foods is a big help too.

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We are going on a 14 night cruise in a month so I am trying to lose about 10 lbs in this month as my clothes are a bit tight on me right now. I find I can do this quickly and easily with only 3 hours exercise per week on one of those low carb milkshake diets. I will feel more confident and it's nice starting the holiday with my clothes looser!


On past cruises I never eat the bread served at dinner, or any bread actually! I also try not to order any pasta or rice dishes. We always eat in the MDR at dinner as it's more focused on fine dining rather than a buffet where I feel compelled to try it all. I drink lots of wine and love cheese but try to skip dessert. I might try to replace some of the wine with spirits and soda water as I have started doing this at home.


We also always try to take the stairs and go the the gym for 45mins most days. This time we've taken private ballroom type dancing lessons and hope to include an hour or more of dancing each night.


I always return home having gained weight but at least not as much as I could have!

A 14 day cruise sounds wonderful! Are you cruising from Australia? Visiting the Gold Coast is on my bucket list. Ballroom dancing is so much fun! I tell my clients "plan your work, work your plan" and it sounds like you have it all planned out! Keep up the great work and have a wonderful cruise!

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About 15 pounds in two weeks, although part of that was due to a medical problem which has since been diagnosed and remedied. Goal for next cruise is an hour of yoga every morning and no weight gain. My bikini will make me behave. :)



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I lost two pounds on 7 night Alaska cruise last May. I did not eat any potatoes at meals. I love Piña Coladas, but they seemed out of place on very cool Alaska cruise so I did not have one. We cruise this next week to SA. Oh, oh, Piña Coladas here I come.
I'm impressed that you lost weight on a cruise! My first cruise was to Alaska and I'd love to go back.


I appreciate all the weight loss tips here. Like Taniamusic, my friend and I eat most of our meals in the MDR. My friend says she's on vacation and wants people to wait on her and I can't argue with that. I try not to overload my plate when I'm at a buffet, but it's hard because so many things look good. I try to remind myself that I can always go back if I really want more. I'm always amazed by the amount of food some people will pile on a plate. Just because it's there doesn't mean you need to eat it.


I'd like to go to the gym onboard. My friend is not a gym person at all but maybe I can persuade her to do some of the easier things. We're fortunate to live within driving distance of our port, but it's still hard for me to limit what I'm bringing so my bag doesn't weigh a ton. I'd have to wear my gym shoes when we board to save room in my bag.

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I'm impressed that you lost weight on a cruise! My first cruise was to Alaska and I'd love to go back.


I appreciate all the weight loss tips here. Like Taniamusic, my friend and I eat most of our meals in the MDR. My friend says she's on vacation and wants people to wait on her and I can't argue with that. I try not to overload my plate when I'm at a buffet, but it's hard because so many things look good. I try to remind myself that I can always go back if I really want more. I'm always amazed by the amount of food some people will pile on a plate. Just because it's there doesn't mean you need to eat it.


I'd like to go to the gym onboard. My friend is not a gym person at all but maybe I can persuade her to do some of the easier things. We're fortunate to live within driving distance of our port, but it's still hard for me to limit what I'm bringing so my bag doesn't weigh a ton. I'd have to wear my gym shoes when we board to save room in my bag.


Stuff your socks and work out gear Into your shoes. If you wear tech gear, you can wash it out while I. The shower and it will be dry in a couple of hours, so you only need one or two sets.


You can go to the gym by yourself while your friend does something they would enjoy.


As far as buffets go, just take a taste of things. I prefer to not eat at buffets, it's much easier to control what you end up with on the table.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got home from a 7 night cruise on the Allure (RC), I was shocked to see the scale up 13 lbs! For some reason my legs hands etc were very swollen (fight? temp difference florida vs michigan - idk), but having been home 5 days I have gone down 6 lbs already and my ankles look/feel much better.


I drank mostly water at meals and didn't go nuts eating combined with a lot of walking (big ship active schedule).


Now that I am back home I am eating drinking normally and everyday the scale goes down so I hope most of the 13 was this water retention, I couldn't even get my wedding ring off and it's normally loose!


Still not sure why I retained so much fluid but glad to see it's flushing out now that I am back home, I thought it was NUTS to see the scale up 13 after not even being able to account for any crazy amount of food eaten on the ship (but I did have desert at dinner everynight) hehe.


Bill :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

10 lbs is the norm for me.


But you have to remember, that while its true, you are consuming excess calories than normal....most of that "weight" is just water, and at least half should come off if you go back to whatever you were doing before the cruise in terms of working out and eating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am looking at some long term cruises (greater than 100 days) and I was wondering how much weight people put on on these cruises. Based on the comments above, it appears the average for say 7 days is 5 pound if I use this formula then a crusie for 118 days is about 84 pounds. I am sure people dont put on this much, but can anyone give me an idea of how they went on longer cruises. thanks

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I think it would be much easier to maintain your weight in a longer cruise as you won't have the "but it's only a week so I can cheat" mentality, plus you should have plenty of sea days to spend in the gym.


I would suggest avoiding buffets.


Have things like egg white omelettes with veggies for breakfast. Ask them to cook the eggs in real butter and not pre-cook the veggies in the grill, it is actually healthier for you and less calories than the oily stuff they use. Oatmeal with fresh fruit and no added sugar and a hard cooked egg is another good breakfast choice. Stay away from the pastries, breads, juice (tons of calories!), etc.


For lunch, stick to a lean meat or fish and salad with a splash of olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette or steamed veggies. Stay away from sandwiches, potatoes, chips, etc.


For dinner allow yourself either a roll and butter or dessert but not both, and try to avoid items like heavy sauces and pastas. Have an extra serving of steamed vegetables in place of potatoes and other starches--although if it's available, quinoa is a good starch as it's loaded with protein.


Keep alcohol consumption down to one or two glasses or wine or mixed drinks made with club soda a day.


If you start to see swelling in your hands and feet, use a diuretic (check with your doctor pre-cruise to be sure you don't have a medical condition that would make this contraindicated.)


Just use some restraint and common sense, and allow yourself a small indulgence each day. If you see your weight creeping up, either spend more time in the gym or cut back on the indulgences. Have a great cruise, I'm envious!






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I came down with food poisoning just before my 10-night cruise and lost 11 lbs. in 2 days. I thought I would have to cancel the cruise but managed to haul myself out of bed the evening before the cruise and start packing. I was better by the time we sailed but still not feeling completely well and didn't eat much and slept a lot for the first few days. I was dehydrated from being sick and drank lots of water and unsweetened iced tea. Our waiter would sometimes bring me two glasses of tea at a time because I was guzzling it so quickly.


My favorite breakfast was the oatmeal. We stayed away from the buffet, and I didn't eat pasta or much bread. I didn't go to the gym as planned, but I did do laps around the deck several times each day.


I gained 5 lbs. on the cruise and have taken off 3 lbs. My Christmas present to myself was an exercise bike. I think I lost the 3 lbs. hauling the box into the house (the bike weighs 115 lbs.) and putting it together by myself. ;)


My goal this year is to exercise more and to take off more weight.

Edited by Moto Guzzi
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That's smart. Saving your "big" clothes is like having a safety net. Wearing clothes that fit actually make you look slimmer. I have a pair of jeans that I put on as a way to measure how I am doing. Pounds lost are important, but inches lost can show up even when the number on the scale doesn't budge.

If you are a member of the "clean plate club" like me, try not to be on your cruise. I try to think like a celebrity taster on "Iron Chef" and that I need to save my appetite so I can try some of each dish. That way, I don't feel compelled to finish any one course.

Have you checked out the gym on the ship? It's a totally different experience from regular gyms, being able to walk on the treadmill with the ocean view right in front of you. Afterwards you could take a sauna. Gotta love a little "me time"!


That is so true. That is biggest problem in america..they focus so much on scale and less on how cloths fit. So many variables to weight like water, food in stomach, crap and othrt bodily fluids. I find a better way is have a measuring tape. I had 46 inch waist and weighed 240. Forst month I weighed myself I was up to 250 I felt like crying as I was working outnand gaining weight. But when I measured my waist it said 44 inches. I lost two inches off my waist!. Muscle weighs more them fat and was gaining muscle..I kept it up and now down to 38 waist and 204 pounds...my advice is to ditch scale and use measuring tape.

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That is so true. That is biggest problem in america..they focus so much on scale and less on how cloths fit. So many variables to weight like water, food in stomach, crap and othrt bodily fluids. I find a better way is have a measuring tape. I had 46 inch waist and weighed 240. Forst month I weighed myself I was up to 250 I felt like crying as I was working outnand gaining weight. But when I measured my waist it said 44 inches. I lost two inches off my waist!. Muscle weighs more them fat and was gaining muscle..I kept it up and now down to 38 waist and 204 pounds...my advice is to ditch scale and use measuring tape.



Actually the best metric is none of the above, it's body fat percentage. You can be skinny and still not be healthy, because there is no muscle on your body. I take my BFP every morning and don't really worry about what the scale says. I met a woman last weekend who is my height and size, yet I weigh almost 20 pounds more than she does, because my body has so much lean muscle while she looks like an emaciated stick.


PS--BMI is absurd. Using that metric puts the majority of athletes into the "obese" category.





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  • 3 months later...

Hope this works...it's my favorite visual.




And I hope it doesn't gross anyone out.


I gained about 6 lbs on my last cruise. I am hoping to lose weight before the next cruise and keep it off while cruising.

Edited by MooseyMoo
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Hope this works...it's my favorite visual.




And I hope it doesn't gross anyone out.


I gained about 6 lbs on my last cruise. I am hoping to lose weight before the next cruise and keep it off while cruising.


Love it! I tell this to my exercise classes that I teach and clients that I train, but this visual really spells it out. Thanks for posting this pic!

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