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Coral Photo Review Sailed on Jan. 8/14


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Thank you so much for the offer, but I do not know anyone that has a 3D TV. Althought, that may be a good excuse to get one for ourselves. LOL. I can only imagine how nice they look in 3D. They are amazing just as you posted them.

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I chuckle at the discussion of your ISTP. We have been married for 32 years. My husband has been thru the program as well. Other wives marvel at some of his training and I tell them he didn't come out of the box like that, it took years of training. I am not fond of finding a new recruit and going thru the training process again so I take care of him, to keep him around. :D

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Well the time came for Coral Princess to relieve herself of some great internal pressure that had been building since our departure from Fort Lauderdale. To this end she disgorged more than half her passengers onto the shores of the Panama Canal.


In less than one hour Coral Princess transferred herself from Cruise Ship to Personal Yacht. Everywhere you looked there were open spaces and vacant decks making for beautiful views in all directions for our return trip through the Gatun Locks to the Caribbean Sea.


For some ungodly reason, that still confuses me to this day, we, after clearing the locks, had to go into the Colon Cruise Ship Terminal and let those mutineers back on board. More about this in the next post.



















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Doing a full transit, we didn't debark anyone at Gatun Lakes. So it was interesting to see your photos of the procedure. We continued on the Fuerte Amador just outside Panama City, and spent the next day exploring Casco Viejo and other fascinating places there.

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So after finally getting rid of the riffraff we hoisted the tenders and set "sail" for the locks on our return to the ocean.






I felt like I had the whole ship to myself and readied myself for some fantastic photo opportunities. Just as we arrived at the top of the first lock the batteries in my camera died. Can you believe it? After only running for 8 hours non stop taking photo after photo the darn batteries decided to quit on me.




I felt so abandoned. There I was, alone, with so many things to see and no camera to photograph them. I mean really, life had no purpose at all! My very "reason d'etre" was gone, like the mutineers we had just discarded on the shores of the canal.


After a couple of hours of charging, the cameras were ready to get back to work. Just in time to see the shore excursions returning to Coral Princess. I also got some shots of Colon Panama. I found it fascinating as I had read so much about this city in the book "The Path Between the Seas".











Next post, hopefully later this evening, "Reflections of the Panama Canal".

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I'm really enjoying your review... love the pictures and review!


My Wife and I will be cruising in Hawaii this year but every other year we get together with Family and friends to do a group Cruise. We'll soon be planning for our 2015 group cruise and we will most likely do this cruise to the Panama Canal on Princess.


I do have a 3D TV and would love to see some of your photos... maybe even show them to the group when we get together for our planning party.

if you would like to share some you can contact me at: tomhelen at roadrunner dot com


thanks so much for sharing your review



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No bucket list would be complete without a transit of the canal (or at lease a partial transit.)




What you insinuate is that you are coming home "From Work". I used to do that as well. You need to get a life, quit work and take up travel full time. Life begins in retirement, spending the money my girls think they are getting:D


Thanks for the posts.


I actually am retired, but work half days 3 days a week. I work for mental stability and shoe money. :) Although some people would argue that that first part isn't working too well. Hehe

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I'm really enjoying your review... love the pictures and review!


My Wife and I will be cruising in Hawaii this year but every other year we get together with Family and friends to do a group Cruise. We'll soon be planning for our 2015 group cruise and we will most likely do this cruise to the Panama Canal on Princess.


I do have a 3D TV and would love to see some of your photos... maybe even show them to the group when we get together for our planning party.

if you would like to share some you can contact me at: tomhelen at roadrunner dot com


thanks so much for sharing your review




Tom, the photo file is on it's way.


Let me know how it works.

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I actually am retired, but work half days 3 days a week. I work for mental stability and shoe money. :) Although some people would argue that that first part isn't working too well. Hehe


Debbdo; I cruise for mental stability :)

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I would be very interested in seeing the card of the person that did your private tour of Cartagena if you can find it.




Well Whimsey;


After much ado about something, I have finally beat her into submission and she has reluctantly given up the business card you have been waiting for!


I hope you appreciate it, as I will be paying for this for some time if you know what I mean :(




If you can contact Edgar, I am certain you will be happy with the tour he provides. Good Luck

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For some reason, that is way beyond me, every time I go on vacation and take a large number of photos, something strange and interesting happens. I don't always know it is happening and I most certainly did not plan for it. I just arrive home and during my production of the 3D photos, PRESTO there it is! Something special, enjoyable and sometimes artistic.


This was most certainly the case on this trip.


First thing in the morning as we approached the Gatun Locks of the Panama Canal, for some unknown reason, on the fore deck of deck 11, I turned and took photos of the Coral Princess Bridge.


There were lookouts up there, there was the Captain and of course the Panama Canal Pilot. What I did not notice was that the large panes of glass from the bridge were reflecting images of the Canal as we approached it. Had I had any idea this effect was taking place and what the results would be I would have taken many many more of these photos from various points through our transit. But as I already stated, it wasn't until I was at home that I realized what I was getting.


I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do.




















More to come

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Thank you for posting. I just added this cruise to my bucket list!


Wilfros - thank you for this thread. I have thought about the Panama Canal cruise but it wasn't high on my list. Now it is. You should sell this cruise for Princess! I loved your pictures of Cartegena. This is definitely somewhere I have wanted to go since I met a Personal Trainer I worked with who was from Columbia.


Linda, Jess and Sally are here soon. Sally expressed interest in this cruise. I will see if I can persuade them to lean this way. Save your vaca days and you can join us if we go!

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I purchased two Olympus Tough TG-2 iHS 12 Megapixel Compact Cameras. I then went to a metal works shop and had them cut a piece of metal on which I mount the two cameras side by side.


I have tried many other market place ideas but find that the stereo base is just too small to give good depth to the photos in most general circumstances. When at home I can play with the stereo base but on vacation I want a setup that is as close to "point and shoot" as possible.


This is the most versatile setup I have ever had and it even works when we go kayaking as it is completely waterproof to 30 feet deep.


If you have any other questions please let me know, I would be happy to share information on whatever you would like to know. Or if you wish to share your knowledge I would love to learn.


Thanks for your post.


Loving your review! I am curious to see a picture of your cameras on the metal rig you mentioned. I didn't read the rest of the thread yet, so sorry if someone else asked this question already.

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Loving your review! I am curious to see a picture of your cameras on the metal rig you mentioned. I didn't read the rest of the thread yet, so sorry if someone else asked this question already.


OH, Shoot! I was hoping no-one would ask. To get the photo correctly I need to have both cameras in the picture, but then I don't have a camera to take the picture :confused::confused:


Give me an hour or so and I will come up with something (involving my wifes iPhone, she will be thrilled to let me use it :eek:)

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She wasn't looking so here are the photos of my 3D setup







So the next question will be ... Why is one bezel red and one black? I need to always mount the cameras on the same side of the rig after charging the cameras. Thus red indicates the port side of the setup as I view the cameras (from behind). Then when I download to the computer I know which camera too the left side photos and which took the right.



Please... If there are any other questions about this please ask away.

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She wasn't looking so here are the photos of my 3D setup







So the next question will be ... Why is one bezel red and one black? I need to always mount the cameras on the same side of the rig after charging the cameras. Thus red indicates the port side of the setup as I view the cameras (from behind). Then when I download to the computer I know which camera too the left side photos and which took the right.



Please... If there are any other questions about this please ask away.

My son rigged up a system like this to take 3D pictures a few years ago. People were always asking him what the heck that was. He also got the attention of security a few times who asked him to prove it was really just a camera. Now he uses a single 3D camera that he bought online. He likes it better, easier to carry ... and no stares.
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My son rigged up a system like this to take 3D pictures a few years ago. People were always asking him what the heck that was. He also got the attention of security a few times who asked him to prove it was really just a camera. Now he uses a single 3D camera that he bought online. He likes it better, easier to carry ... and no stares.


Hi Jasperd; I understand what you are saying about the concerns of others. I have tried many of the "over the counter" rigs out there but none would measure up to what I was wanting out of my camera set up. In order to take this setup on an aircraft I place the base metal piece in with my regular luggage and only board with the cameras themselves. Once we arrive I assemble it all together.


I have searched and found that there are no commercial cameras (3D) that are waterproof (to up to 30 feet deep). This one issue more than all others put together meant that I had to create my own.


We love to kayak (see earlier post with photo of the beluga whale, originally taken in 3D) and there was no comfortable way to take a camera onto an unstable kayak and feel secure that you weren't going to loose many dollars of equipment because of a spill or a wave coming over the side of the kayak.


I am certain, while difficult, someone somewhere can always find something more advanced, smaller, easier to use, better quality etc etc. but for my all around needs and restrictions this is the setup that best suits my situation.


Just as we have CC here for cruise enthusiasts, likewise there is one, I belong to, for 3D photography. It was through their combined assistance that I managed to get my setup started.


BTW: I would love to see some of the 3D photos your son is taking.

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She wasn't looking so here are the photos of my 3D setup


So the next question will be ... Why is one bezel red and one black? I need to always mount the cameras on the same side of the rig after charging the cameras. Thus red indicates the port side of the setup as I view the cameras (from behind). Then when I download to the computer I know which camera too the left side photos and which took the right.



Please... If there are any other questions about this please ask away.


Ahhhh. Cool! And yes that was going to be my next question!

I have 3D glasses that they give you at the movies. The all black ones. Would those work to view your pictures or they have to be the ones from 3D tvs? Bf was thinking about getting a 3D tv but decided to get a larger screen instead of a smaller one w 3D capabilities.

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Ahhhh. Cool! And yes that was going to be my next question!

I have 3D glasses that they give you at the movies. The all black ones. Would those work to view your pictures or they have to be the ones from 3D tvs? Bf was thinking about getting a 3D tv but decided to get a larger screen instead of a smaller one w 3D capabilities.


OK, there are a number of problems with this post.


Lets deal with the most important first... "Bf was thinking about getting a 3D tv but decided to get a larger screen instead of a smaller one w 3D capabilities." The obvious solution was to get a larger screen WITH 3D capabilities. I mean really that is so obvious.


The black 3D glasses are the glasses you need to view these files when they are shown on a 3D TV. Otherwise I would need to send you, what they call an anaglyph photo. It is basically a photo with a red/blue tinge to it. It looks out of focus until you view the photo with the red/blue glasses you can buy on the internet.


If you want to try that let me know and I will forward an anaglyph photo to you. Just let me know which photo you would like from this thread.


Hope this helps, and... Let the poor guy have a BIG 3D TV, take that old one back to the shop and treat him :D

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OK, there are a number of problems with this post.


Lets deal with the most important first... "Bf was thinking about getting a 3D tv but decided to get a larger screen instead of a smaller one w 3D capabilities." The obvious solution was to get a larger screen WITH 3D capabilities. I mean really that is so obvious.

The black 3D glasses are the glasses you need to view these files when they are shown on a 3D TV. Otherwise I would need to send you, what they call an anaglyph photo. It is basically a photo with a red/blue tinge to it. It looks out of focus until you view the photo with the red/blue glasses you can buy on the internet.


If you want to try that let me know and I will forward an anaglyph photo to you. Just let me know which photo you would like from this thread.


Hope this helps, and... Let the poor guy have a BIG 3D TV, take that old one back to the shop and treat him :D



The problem is he is a Samsung guy and they don't make a 75" with 3D. At first he wanted an 80" but we shop at Costco and they only carry Sharp at that size. I believe the largest 3D tv that Samsung makes (that Costco sells) is 60" and it's just too small for our room. And actually we haven't purchased it yet. He will pick it up in the next few days. I think he is going with the 75". The 60" 3D is much more money than the 75" without the 3D.


Anyway, I love all the pics but of course don't send me all of them. Just send me which ever one you want. Please.:) cosplay_life_for_me at yahoo dot com

Oh so I guess the black glasses from the movies will work?

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The problem is he is a Samsung guy and they don't make a 75" with 3D. At first he wanted an 80" but we shop at Costco and they only carry Sharp at that size. I believe the largest 3D tv that Samsung makes (that Costco sells) is 60" and it's just too small for our room. And actually we haven't purchased it yet. He will pick it up in the next few days. I think he is going with the 75". The 60" 3D is much more money than the 75" without the 3D.


Anyway, I love all the pics but of course don't send me all of them. Just send me which ever one you want. Please.:) cosplay_life_for_me at yahoo dot com

Oh so I guess the black glasses from the movies will work?


OK I don't think we are communicating here. The glasses you have (from the movies) will only work on certain 3D TVs. You must have the 3D TV.


Now there is another option but you need to go on the web and purchase red/blue anaglyph glasses. I would be happy to send you a link of where you can get them on the web. Once you have these glasses then I could send you "anaglyph" images that can be viewed in 3D. These are good and certainly fun to view but are not at all the same as watching on a 3D TV.


I could send you a 3D TV File but you would have nothing that would display the image. It must be put on a flash drive or flash stick and plugged in behind a 3D TV to display it.


I hope this clears things up. Sorry for the confusion.

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