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Treatment of the sick on Explorer of the Seas


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I had noro on my last cruise (on NCL) and the last thing I wanted to do was get more than 5 feet from the bathroom.


I did go the medical clinic for a variety of reasons:

1. Their anti-diarrhea meds are stronger than and OTC meds (based on my opinion)

2. They were also able to give me meds to stop my heaving stomach. There is nothing worse than not being able to stop heaving

3. I knew there would be no cost and I'd get the correct advise on when I was approved to leave my cabin.

4. Our room steward was notified when DH took me to the medical center and our room was immediately sanitized. This was a blessing.


The medical clinic asks that you don't leave the room for 24 hours after your last "incident". It's a smart move and helps prevent more outbreak on the ship. I was under the weather for around 36 hours.


I was not confined to my room - I had no interest in leaving. When you have noro can be utterly miserable and I was. DH, thankfully, didn't get sick. It's never a fun way to spend a vacation but in the interest of not spreading germs it's the best for everyone.

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This made the front page of CNN.com *surprise surprise* :rolleyes:


"Vacations gone wrong" in big bold letters. What they fail to mention is that this illness happens on land too, it's just not required to be reported. Smh.




It won't be long until they start calling it the poop cruise (or worse).

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I get it just fine. Cruising is about the bottom dollar. I wasn't like that years back. It used to be a relaxing, luxurious vacation for a very reasonable price. Our first four cruises were on Dolphin line and everything was literally white gloved service. Now a days its about jamming as many people as possible onto a ship, charging as much as you possibly can for things like coffee, water, juice and soda, cupcakes, hotdogs, hamburgers, steak, lobster, etc. They need to pay more attention to the health and wellbeing of the customer.


BTW... I have not cruised in the past 5 years because of the poor service and the nickel and diming... I am only doing it this year because it is a family thing and I was out numbered on what kind of vacation we should do.


As far as Noro being rampant on land.. if you go to a doctor for it on land they do not lock you in your home.. they treat you like sensible human beings that live in the free world and hope that you won't go out and spread your sickness!!! CRAZY!!



My MIL came home to her assisted living facility after visiting us for Christmas to find the whole place was on quarantine due to an outbreak of noro. Even though she was not sick, everyone was confined to their rooms - no communal dining or social activities. This lasted for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, noro is now making its second pass through the facility and she caught it this time. So, yes anywhere there is potential for mass outbreak - people may be quarantined to prevent the spread. And I bet your doctor will tell you not to leave your house while you are still contagious!

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The real question is, if you're confined to your cabin, can you smoke on the balcony?

Now that was a chuckle - good one!:D


Seriously though wonder why the attack rate is so much lower amongst crew, who are more tightly housed than passengers. Younger average age?
I have wondered about this phenomenon as well. Maybe the crew is much better at hand washing. And maybe the crew mess is not a buffet, but more like a cafeteria line where food is served on the plate by a server and serving utensils are not handled by everybody??


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The real question is, if you're confined to your cabin, can you smoke on the balcony?



Now that's funny!!! Or not funny if you are a smoker and on top of having noro, you are confined to your cabin suffering from nicotine withdrawal on top of it!


Actually, it's interesting about the crew. In most cases I've read about, the incidence among crew members is much lower. Maybe they are just more conscious of taking preventative measures?

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One more clarification.

Whereas avoiding the buffet may help I contracted Noro this cruise and had not been to the buffet at all.


Now that you cannot touch anything it is probably the safest place. In the dining room even if you are served you have to touch the menus. At this point I decide what I want before going in and decline the menu.

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All went well until...



We arrived in Ft. Lauderdale the day before our departure. I received a phone call from RCCL with a voice message stating not to arrive to the ship before 1:30 PM because they were sanitizing the boat due to an outbreak of the Norovirus. I was glad they were taking pre-cautions. However, I learned on this trip that they seem to be overly cautious.



On the 4th day of our trip, my 7 year old son was running around, eating greasy food every night (pizza, French fries, chicken fingers) and had his third dessert for the night.



He vomited. We called housekeeping and was told by the staff that we should have our son checked out by the medical staff. My husband and I were fine with that but we knew our son just vomited because he ate too much and was running around. He had no fever or diarrhea.


You brought your child to the doctor because housekeeping told you to, LOL? Especially when you knew the cause?

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1. I am not trolling.

2. I have been on 32 cruises in the past, not a 1st time cruiser.

3. I read right on these boards that a family traveling on the Oasis a couple of weeks ago had a son who was only sick from eating too much pizza and junk. The went to medical and were told he was confined to the cabin... and they took his SAIL & SIGN CARD! I didn't make that up.

4. The CDC report for the Explorer that is now being returned home states 577 passengers and 49 crew are sick... That is over 600... NOT 300!! That is the fact, so you my friend should get it right.. I already did!

5. The people responding to my post are down right mean. That is really uncalled for.

6. What should the cruise line do??? Not lock up paying passengers on vacation. How about being clean and not have these things break out every other cruise?? That would be nice.

7. My husband had noro-virus on a cruise we were on 5 years ago. We handled it ourselves because those on our cruise that reported it to medical were telling everyone not to report it because of how terribly they were treated.



What a load of crap.


It´s not the cruise line not being clean, it´s mostly those paying passengers that spread noro:rolleyes:. The cruise line can do as much cleaning they wish and they actually do, but there´s no way to prevent noro with passengers coming and going. Quarantining passengers is the only and best way to help to prevent spreading.

BTW you and your husband are one of the reasons noro is spreading around. Not reporting noro and "handling it yourself" is the worst Thing you can do and a sure matter of spreading it around.

You say you didn´t Report, kept in your cabin and didn´t spread it - well how do you know? You have no idea how many People you infected by getting out of your cabin maybe too early while still contagious and as you didn´t Report it, you put your cabin attendant at risk infecting him/herself when cleaning your cabin, not knowing there´s noro around and taking extra precautions. If the cabin attendant didn´t know he could have easily spread it from your cabin to all cabins in his area as well.


To answer your original question, with your attitude I would say do all of us a Service by cancelling your cruise and stop cruising alltogether. It will make it safer for all of us.


Fortunately your next cruise is in your signature so easy for me to avoid.

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I'm interested in knowing how the almost 600 passengers are being treated on the Explorer of the Seas. It is concerning that it seems that when this outbreak happens the cruise staff is mostly interested in locking the passengers up in their cabins... I totally understand the concern of getting those that are still healthy infected but what about the ones that are already sick... take their keys and lock them in the cabin?? Crazy! They are not prisoners, they are on VACATION and became ill.


This really concerns me because we are booked on the Oasis in November. I am extremely claustrophobic and would not take kindly to having my sail and sign card removed from my possession and locked in my cabin because I am not feeling well. I'm really starting to rethink cruising at all. Between the nickel and diming and the treatment of passengers in emergency and/or infectious outbreaks it really seems that it is more of a hassle to cruise.


Don't go to the medical center as that is how they find out about infected pax to quarantine them


I am not advocating this I am just saying that is how they know you are Noro sick or whatever and not just sea sick


Fwiw no one can nickle and dime you unless you allow it. There is no rule that says you must drink gamble buy pix play bingo or take the ships excursions

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on earth does the age of the patient have to do with it? They took the sea pass card so this child could do nothing on the ship... BECAUSE HE HAD TOO MUCH PIZZA!


What is to keep him from going anywhere on the ship with his parents? The ship is not a facist regime that requires you to "have your papers" at all times.


Perhaps they took his seapass card to prevent him from going ashore? The review did say they were in St. Thomas.

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Just think of the number of passengers who stopped by their doctor's office a few days before the cruise to pick up a prescription.... OR someone who stopped by to visit their loved one in an extended care facility OR stopped at Walmart to pickup that bottle of water..... A thousand different places can transmit Noro. What may just seem like you ate the wrong thing - can be Noro. It will declare itself within 24 hours.


One thing that was starting to be researched a while back was a vaccine - sounds like a good idea.

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Don't know where Tbill is getting his or her info from, but he/she is full of it. Those who unfortunately get sick are NOT locked in their cabin and there cards are NOT taken away. Sounds like someone got ticked off by RCI on another or maybe this cruise and is just blowing off steam. RCI and other cruise lines go out of their way to prevent people from getting sick but you will always get some idiot who doesn't think it's a good idea to wash hands and use sanitizer. I've seen people skirt past the crew staff at the buffet door and not use the hand sanitizer.


I have read many times on these forums that the hand sanitizer does not kill the norovirus. I doubt that it would kill ANY virus -- it's anti-BACTERIAL, not anti-VIRUS.


I have a friend who is a vet, and she says if the sanitizer were so wonderful, surgeons would use it before surgery. Do they? No, they scrub their hands with soap and hot water.

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I'm interested in knowing how the almost 600 passengers are being treated on the Explorer of the Seas. It is concerning that it seems that when this outbreak happens the cruise staff is mostly interested in locking the passengers up in their cabins... I totally understand the concern of getting those that are still healthy infected but what about the ones that are already sick... take their keys and lock them in the cabin?? Crazy! They are not prisoners, they are on VACATION and became ill.


This really concerns me because we are booked on the Oasis in November. I am extremely claustrophobic and would not take kindly to having my sail and sign card removed from my possession and locked in my cabin because I am not feeling well. I'm really starting to rethink cruising at all. Between the nickel and diming and the treatment of passengers in emergency and/or infectious outbreaks it really seems that it is more of a hassle to cruise.


Picture yourself on the terlet, bucket in your hands, filling up both simultaneously. Would you really want to be anywhere except your stateroom?

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Really?? I have been cruising since the 80's. This stuff never used to happen. It is just in the recent years that you hear of this and it is getting more and more common. The cruise lines have cut back on everything. When you have thousands of people confined to a ship there are going to be germs and Yes, it is the cruise line's responsibility to prevent these germs from spreading around all over the place. Have servers at the buffets, disinfect more often, do what ever it takes to keep your customers safe and happy.

Been cruising since 1978. This stuff has been happening, just not reported as much as in the past few years. Tell me, why don't the cruise lines just cut back on Noro?

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I've been on 36 cruises and many of them had some sick people on board. It becomes evident when they start serving passengers at the buffet, take away salt and pepper shakers, etc. Illness is found everywhere so it isn't surprising it can be brought on board intentionally or unintentionally. Poor hygiene can be seen easily on board in the public bathrooms which doesn't help the spread of illness either.


I was sick on a cruise last year but don't believe it was the noroviris it wasn't very acute. I did report to the medical clinic even though I was sick only once in the morning. I was asked to stay in my cabin for 48 hours. I was told if there was a port I wouldn't be allowed to get off the ship. No it wasn't pleasant sitting in a cabin for two days. I was treated very well with extra in depth cleaning and room service. I was not charged at the medical clinic. By reporting yourself you're doing a service to the passengers who embark next in that cabin. A special cleaning is done. I for one would like to think when I arrive in a cabin that the person before let it be known if they were sick.


This was exactly my question. If you "Treat it yourself and lay low until you feel better", how is the cruise line to know someone was sick in your cabin. I would not want to be the next person to use that cabin if it is just given the normal cleaning job. How do people think "keeping to yourself" is possible in this situation. We all want the very best when we vacation but keeping an illness to yourself is very selfish and dangerous to the next passengers.

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Really?? I have been cruising since the 80's. This stuff never used to happen. It is just in the recent years that you hear of this and it is getting more and more common. The cruise lines have cut back on everything. When you have thousands of people confined to a ship there are going to be germs and Yes, it is the cruise line's responsibility to prevent these germs from spreading around all over the place. Have servers at the buffets, disinfect more often, do what ever it takes to keep your customers safe and happy.


The fact that you never used to hear of it (which isn't really true) doesn't mean that it didn't happen but was more likely due to the fact that reporting of such incidents wasn't required by law as it is now. We also didn't have the access to the internet that exists today and allows every incident, major or minor, to reach the mulitudes connected to this and other internet sites. Also, the numbers of passengers onboard ships is considerably larger on average than in the 80s which increases the chances that an infectious person will be among the passengers. The cruise line TOOK responsibility to prevent the germs from spreading but you object to the measures that they have instituted, perhaps the only measures that could possibly reduce the problem. Put the blame where it belongs and quit making claims that the line is taking draconian methods to combat what can be a very serious public health issue

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Do you think there is going to be a vaccine for Noro or at least have the Norovirus as part of the annual flu shot?


If passengers would just wash their hands after every bathroom visit and use a paper towel to turn off the faucet and open the door there would be less chances of spreading the virus.


I use Hand Sanitizer before and after visiting the restroom/eating etc. I have not gotten any GI virus on my last two cruises. On my first cruise I had a cough but nothing major just like an allergy. I drank lots of tea and felt better.

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1. I am not trolling.

2. I have been on 32 cruises in the past, not a 1st time cruiser.

3. I read right on these boards that a family traveling on the Oasis a couple of weeks ago had a son who was only sick from eating too much pizza and junk. The went to medical and were told he was confined to the cabin... and they took his SAIL & SIGN CARD! I didn't make that up.

4. The CDC report for the Explorer that is now being returned home states 577 passengers and 49 crew are sick... That is over 600... NOT 300!! That is the fact, so you my friend should get it right.. I already did!

5. The people responding to my post are down right mean. That is really uncalled for.

6. What should the cruise line do??? Not lock up paying passengers on vacation. How about being clean and not have these things break out every other cruise?? That would be nice.

7. My husband had noro-virus on a cruise we were on 5 years ago. We handled it ourselves because those on our cruise that reported it to medical were telling everyone not to report it because of how terribly they were treated.


I think you should find something other than cruising to spend your vacation time on.


A cruise line can be very clean, ... but if the passengers aren't, 'stuff' is still going to happen.

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I have read through the posts. Let's put this into perspective. You get a call from your son or daughter's school nurse during the flu/cold season to have you come and get them. There are lots of selfish parents out there who would send their kid to school when sick.


A good parent would bring their child home and keep them away from others until they are past the contagious portion of the flu.


I have worked in Student Health Services at a College as a student ambassador. The nurse told me that if you feel too sick to go to school then stay home.


There are flu vaccinations for a reason and for those who are advised to take it then I would recommend getting one every flu season especially if you are going to travel.


If a Yellow Fever Vaccine is required or Malaria pills for a certain area and you don't take them the consequences could be severe.


The same goes for Norovirus. I don't see why people here are making such a hoopla over being quarantined in order to prevent others from getting sick. I feel bad that you got sick on your cruise but as they say ship happens. You could get sick anywhere even at your local cafe.


I have gotten a GI bug not on a cruise but after eating at a local restaurant. I stayed home and drank clear liquids such as Seven Up/Ginger Ale, Soups without any spices etc until my symptoms passed. You do not want to be far from a restroom if you are so sick. I felt dehydrated but had to replenish my liquids. If I felt like I was getting worse I would see the doctor.


Back to Noro Virus if the Housekeeping attendant asked me to go to the Nurse onboard just in case it was Noro I would go there no questions asked. If the nurse told me to go to my cabin you can be sure that is where I would go right away as I am not one to defy medical advice. If I was getting sicker I would call down to the medical center. At least there is room service and I can relax in bed watch TV, read a book etc.


Having friends that are Registered Nurses they told me to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer and to listen to your body. If you see something that you have second thoughts about eating then don't eat it. Just because the food is all included does not mean you have to eat something that may not agree with your stomach. If I smell something that doesn't smell right then I would just pass on it and eat something else.


Please just be thoughtful of your fellow passengers. If you are coughing or sneezing please cover your mouth and try to sneeze into a sleeve. Wash your hands and be careful not to touch your face. Take Purell Wipes like they use at the supermarket and wipe down the surface.


If you are too sick to see the show then please go to your room as you do not want to give your bug to someone else. I can't stand people who know they are sick and just keep on coughing without even covering their mouths. I have told people Please Wash your hands after blowing their nose. I have small bottles of hand sanitizer and use it before and after the show just in case I touched a door handle that could have a disease.


I'm sorry to sound so OCD about health but because of following these precautions I have not had one cold this year.


If you feel a cold coming on take Vitamin C(Airborne or Zicam) and try to cover your mouth etc.

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Fact: Noro is a VIRUS. Hand sanitizer will not work against it. Nevertheless, the CDC says to use it in combination with WASHING YOUR HANDS.


'Noroviruses can be found in your vomit or stool even before you start feeling sick. The virus can stay in your stool for 2 weeks or more after you feel better. So, it is important to continue washing your hands often during this time.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be used in addition to hand washing. But, they should not be used as a substitute for washing with soap and water. See “Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives.”'




But do not use it instead of washing your hands.


We were on a HAL ship that had Noro for 12 of a 14-night cruise. None of the six of us got it even though the number of ill on the ship was high. We always used the bathroom in our staterooms. We tried not to touch our faces after touching anything else too. Maybe we were just lucky, but I think the main thing you can do is:


WASH, WASH, WASH YOUR HANDS, people! Hand sanitizer is a placebo.



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OP, your hyperbolic ranting, refuting or ignoring reasonable responses, and your general negativity leads me to think that your "extreme claustrophobia" may be at the root of all this anxiety and is getting the best of you. After many years of enjoying air travel, I became terrified of flying and would engage in the same sort of behavior you're exhibiting.

I may be totally wrong about you, but, I do hope you can deal with whatever's going on before that upcoming cruise. I say that for your sake and your family's and RCL.



Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

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There are a lot of things that cause vomiting that aren't not norovirus. One day at the doctor, I was very dizzy and started vomiting. It turned out, my blood pressure was too low. Vertigo can also cause vomiting.


Personally, I think they should allow people in their staterooms as soon as they board. If people are feeling ill, they can retire to their stateroom instead of spreading germs in the Windjammer.


You are empowered. If you are feeling ill, you can proceed directly to your stateroom and do not have to infect people in the Windjammer. If you are feeling ill, do not board the vessel until after 1:30PM and your room will be ready and waiting.

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I have read many times on these forums that the hand sanitizer does not kill the norovirus. I doubt that it would kill ANY virus -- it's anti-BACTERIAL, not anti-VIRUS.


I have a friend who is a vet, and she says if the sanitizer were so wonderful, surgeons would use it before surgery. Do they? No, they scrub their hands with soap and hot water.


The Purell web site makes no claim of killing the virus. All they say is ..."the CDC recommends alcohol-based hand sanitizer in addition to handwashing to reduce the risk of norovirus infection."


Purell 2013 Norovirus Infection


I always buy Purell because it has higher alcohol content than any other brand. And a higher price to reflect that too.


LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray "Brand III" is effective against norovirus. However, LYSOL® Disinfecting Wipes are not effective against norovirus

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