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Good job Chel!! I am proud of you!!!! Breaking the soda is hard...but it can be done...the first few days are the worst but once you get through that you will feel amazing!!!


Keep up the good work everyone....I was bad this morning..my DH went and got me a little B-day breakfast treat worth 28 WW points:eek:...I am only allowed 27 for the day...so I only drank 1/2 of the drink....but we have dinner reservations tonight...:rolleyes:...I took the day off from work so I plan to work out for several hours today before we go:D.....I got this:cool:...but no B-day cake for me. Today is a pre-planned well deserved cheat day!!!


Have a great day everyone!!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :D I never count points on my birthday as its only once a year so enjoy your day and refocus tomorrow.:)


I did not have any soda yesterday as well and it was hard felt like poo all day long.. On another note I received my fitbit bracelet in the mail and instantly started tracking my movements. I am really surprised that as of 1 pm I have already walked over 6,000 steps which includes my 2.25 miles I walked this a.m. I'm hoping by the end of the day I will reach the recommended 10,000.


Good Luck Ladies...



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Thanks for the Birthday wishes!! My DH surprised me with edible fruit arrangement with pineapple and strawberries instead of a cake!! It was sooooo good...much better than a cake too!! Almost too pretty to eat! I actaully did pretty good at dinner. We went to Texas De Brazil and I ate all lean meat and fresh veggies with water to drink....I think I did pretty good!


Chel...is that 2 days now with no soda??? Thats great!! You will start feeling better in another day or two...you just gotta stay strong. If it gets too bad you can always take an Excedrin...they have a little caffeine in them and it will be just enough to take the edge off. Only use that as a last resort or you will end up replacing soda with Excedrin...I took two on day 2 and day 3 of my soda withdrawal and it really took the edge off.


That's awesome about the Fitbit...a friend of mine told me about them and I looked at them online. You have to keep me posted on how it is working for you.


Have a great night ladies! Keep up the good work!!


Keep up the good work!

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Hey Ladies, I feel terrible today so I have spent most of my day in bed. I don't know if this is because of the soda or if I caught something either way I don't feel good.:( Well today is day 3 of no soda and to be honest I don't really want it today either but instead I find myself craving water :eek: I guess my body knows what it wants.


Hope everyone else is having a great week and I will talk with yall later.



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I hope you are feeling better today!!! It could be both...everyone at my work is sick and I am trying to stay away from them all....keep drinking the water and flush it all out!!!


Happy Friday!!!


I have some cruise planning to do this weekend...after my workouts of course!!

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I am feeling much better today which is good since we are going to the rodeo tonight. I just need to stay clear from the beer so I wont be bloated come WI on Sunday but that's easier said than done when your having a great time with friends and family. :D


Good luck with your cruise planning and have a great weekend.



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Hello all. I just found this thread and if not too late would like to join in. I'm going on my first cruise this September and would like to lose at least 35 more pounds. So far since 1st Jan I have lost 17.8 pounds.

I know I can lose it, have lost 140 pounds before in the past. Was doing pretty great at maintaining until Halloween 2011 when I feel and broke my ankle in 3 places, had to have 2 surgeries and be bedridden for 4 months. It took physical therapy to re-learn to walk. Needless to say, I gained back over 50 pounds and it's been hard to lose since the accident. I now walk extremely slow compared to the past. But I am determined because I would really like to walk on my first cruise on my birthday with atleast the weight I weighed the day I broke my ankle.

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I am feeling much better today which is good since we are going to the rodeo tonight. I just need to stay clear from the beer so I wont be bloated come WI on Sunday but that's easier said than done when your having a great time with friends and family. :D


Good luck with your cruise planning and have a great weekend.




I am so glad you are feeling better!!! Hows the no soda going? Replacing it with beer I see...LOL:D

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Hello all. I just found this thread and if not too late would like to join in. I'm going on my first cruise this September and would like to lose at least 35 more pounds. So far since 1st Jan I have lost 17.8 pounds.

I know I can lose it, have lost 140 pounds before in the past. Was doing pretty great at maintaining until Halloween 2011 when I feel and broke my ankle in 3 places, had to have 2 surgeries and be bedridden for 4 months. It took physical therapy to re-learn to walk. Needless to say, I gained back over 50 pounds and it's been hard to lose since the accident. I now walk extremely slow compared to the past. But I am determined because I would really like to walk on my first cruise on my birthday with atleast the weight I weighed the day I broke my ankle.


:eek: 17.8!! That's great!!! Congratulations!!!! Sounds like me and you are on the same schedule...I lost 18.8 so far and I want to lose another 40 at least by our cruise in Aug 2013!!!


I lost 80 pounds years ago and kept most of it off until I quit smoking last July and then my Dr. changed one of my meds and I blew up like a balloon...I put on 25 pounds in 6 weeks and it had nothing to do with me overeating...I didn't even get to enjoy gaining all that weight:mad: So here I am stuck having to lose it all again.





What are you doing to lose? Are you working out at all?

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:eek: 17.8!! That's great!!! Congratulations!!!! Sounds like me and you are on the same schedule...I lost 18.8 so far and I want to lose another 40 at least by our cruise in Aug 2013!!!


I lost 80 pounds years ago and kept most of it off until I quit smoking last July and then my Dr. changed one of my meds and I blew up like a balloon...I put on 25 pounds in 6 weeks and it had nothing to do with me overeating...I didn't even get to enjoy gaining all that weight:mad: So here I am stuck having to lose it all again.





What are you doing to lose? Are you working out at all?



Thank you :) Congratulations to you as well! :D Being that we're both on the same schedule I know first hand the hard work you have put in to lose that 18.8 pounds. People who don't have to worry about their weight have no idea how hard it is to get the weight off. Unfortunately much easier to put on than to get off. But I look at it this way, I have done it before and I can do it again. Although I'm older now, and have other obstacles in my way.... I know the tools this time and I may be slower but what matters is each step is a step closer to reaching my goals!


Don't you just hate the fact of gaining without getting to at least enjoying it with food. A LOT of people look at over weight people and think every single last over weight person has gotten that way because of their food addiction.... the weight I gained back wasn't due to I was in that bed eating myself over weight. My metabolism went down the drain, I wasn't moving or getting out of bed and sadly I later learned my thyroid wasn't the numbers it should have been either. Those meds they give you for thyroid can be scary too, a lot of them cause weight gain.


Anyways, I am now working out on a treadmill. It took me a long time to get back on one, but once I decided to get this weight off before our first cruise in September, I told my husband I could either be afraid and over weight or I could get busy getting this weight off and living the healthy life I worked hard to get to back in 2008. I get a bit aggravated on the treadmill now because I have to go slow between 1.8 mph to 2.2 mph but I work out about 2 hours a day. And I also got weight that I have been adding in as well.

I also drink water like it is my job and I watch my calorie intake. I stay between 1300 and 1600 calories of food intake a day.


What are you doing to lose? Are you working out as well?

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Hello ladies :) I would love to join you,

just this morning I was saying to my daughter that I am not going to do my next cruise fat. I have about 70lbs to lose before mid September. It was great to find this thread and well done to those of you already losing weight!


I have been using the fitbit for about 2 weeks and found it very helpful, it's made me much more conscious of the amount of steps I do each day. I plan on doing some cooking for the freezer tomorrow and then starting on Monday. I do best when I eat the McDougall way which is no fat vegan - lots of carbs and veggies.


have a great day everyone :)

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Anyways, I am now working out on a treadmill. It took me a long time to get back on one, but once I decided to get this weight off before our first cruise in September, I told my husband I could either be afraid and over weight or I could get busy getting this weight off and living the healthy life I worked hard to get to back in 2008. I get a bit aggravated on the treadmill now because I have to go slow between 1.8 mph to 2.2 mph but I work out about 2 hours a day. And I also got weight that I have been adding in as well.

I also drink water like it is my job and I watch my calorie intake. I stay between 1300 and 1600 calories of food intake a day.


What are you doing to lose? Are you working out as well?


Its amazing how booking a cruise can light a fire under us!!! LOL


I have never been able to do the treadmill, the walking kills my knees. We have an elliptical but I never use that either. I am a video kinda gal...my DH is the gym rat...he has everything you can imagine including free weights and all the crazy videos.


I am currently doing Weight Watchers and Richard Simmons HOPE videos. I just started drinking Shakeology this week and I am about to switch my workouts to that Brazilian Butt Lift...I saw the infomercial and decided to give it a try...my whole life I have been blessed up top but nothing in the back...DH was very enthusiastic about me getting it! I just hope it works. It got a lot of good reviews.


My main focus is health right now. Now that I quit smoking and gave up soda I am really trying to fix all they years of damage I have done. I have a large belly and it scares me because it puts me at a higher risk for heart disease. I just had a birthday this week and I am at the age my father was when he passed away from heart disease. I am only 38 and I have been on Blood Pressure meds for 10 years and I am supposed to take cholesterol meds but statin drugs make me so tired. Its time for me to take control of my health so I am going full force...If I can quit smoking cold turkey after 25 years I can get my heath back with no problem!

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Hello ladies :) I would love to join you,

just this morning I was saying to my daughter that I am not going to do my next cruise fat. I have about 70lbs to lose before mid September. It was great to find this thread and well done to those of you already losing weight!


I have been using the fitbit for about 2 weeks and found it very helpful, it's made me much more conscious of the amount of steps I do each day. I plan on doing some cooking for the freezer tomorrow and then starting on Monday. I do best when I eat the McDougall way which is no fat vegan - lots of carbs and veggies.


have a great day everyone :)


Welcome Jayne!


Chel just got a fitbit too...I need to get one!


No fat vegan? Do you always do vegan or are you just doing that to lose for the cruise? I don't know if I could do that. Good for you!

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Good Evening everyone... just back from the rodeo and I did NOT have any soda or beer :D stuck with my water all night YAY and I only ate about 400 calories for dinner so it was a win win for me tonight..


Welcome to the latest additions to our group glad yall are with us.


Well its late but I just had to pop in and pat myself on the back :cool:


Talk with yall later



Edited by chelllll
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Good Evening everyone... just back from the rodeo and I did NOT have any soda or beer :D stuck with my water all night YAY and I only ate about 400 calories for dinner so it was a win win for me tonight..


Welcome to the latest additions to our group glad yall are with us.


Well its late but I just had to pop in and pat myself on the back :cool:


Talk with yall later




Thats great Chel!!! I am so proud of you!!! You know...on cruises all the beer and rum punch is fat free:D I can't wait!!!

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What is a fitbit?

These upcoming cruises have me so motivated. I checked my weight this morning and as of this morning I have lost 20 pounds since Monday December 30th when I was weighed at my doctor.

How often do all of you weigh yourselves?


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A big Welcome to all of the new comers. The more the merrier.


Chell, glad you are feeling better and wow, how awsome that you had the will power to stick to water at the rodeo.



My Friday weigh-in, I was only down 1 lb. I am so discouraged!! I have done my excercise this week and stuck to my healthy eating plan with the exception of 2 instances where I had 2 mini-sized bags of M&M's. Perhaps the sugar had something to do with it or, like another poster mentioned, one of my medications. I am on High BP meds and a med for issues with some discs in my back. That medication has a steriod in it, which does make it more difficult to lose. I drink plenty of water, so I know that's not an issue and am down to only one diet pop per day.


The frustrating thing is, I've lost 1-2 lbs per week and now that I am down to my last 10 lbs. My body just does not want to let go of them.


I am bound and determined to stick to my clean-eating plan this week and also get in my excercise 5 out of 7 days. I do skip 2 days, usually Sunday and Friday.

The M&M's are gone and it will stay that way.


Wishing everyone a continued good week.



Cari H.

Edited by FlaGrl4Evr
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What is a fitbit?

These upcoming cruises have me so motivated. I checked my weight this morning and as of this morning I have lost 20 pounds since Monday December 30th when I was weighed at my doctor.

How often do all of you weigh yourselves?


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Forums mobile app




First of all, good for you on the 20 lb loss. that is a great loss since the 30th of Dec.



I have a home scale and was very guilty of weighing myself each morning upon waking up. I now, stick to just a Friday morning weigh-in.


There was good and bad about the everyday weigh. The bad, at least for me, was sometimes I would see the scale drop and then the next day or two, go back up. By weighing only once per week, I feel that I am getting a true-like picture of what my accomplishments, or lack of, have been for the week.


This is just my opinion and what is working for me. Some like to weigh each day, but it is so stressful waiting for that number to pop-up.

My WW leader suggested only the once per week weigh-in and that has seemed to be the best solution for me.


Cari H.



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Cari, don't get discouraged! 1 pound is 1 pound! Just keep going and you will get there. Are you doing the points or the Simply Filling? People at my meeting have switched between the two when they reached a plateau. It kinda tricked that body. You will get there!


I agree that weighing once a week is better. I weigh in on Thursdays at noon. I also take my measurements and pictures every Wednesday night right before I work out. Sometimes I lose inches and no pounds. Sometimes I lose pounds and no inches...I had one week where I gained .8....its life. Weighing everyday can be discouraging. I try and only get on the WW scale at my meetings but sometimes I peek at home just to see where I am on my home scale.


Firbit is a device that tracks your activity level. I believe it can track your sleep cycles too (please correct me if I am wrong). Its is designed to help you keep a realistic journal of your activity so you can make sure that you are getting enough activity.




I know WW has something similar. I think other companies have them too.

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Good morning everyone!!!!


Bahamma Mamma~ Thank you, the rodeo was hard but I survived I think the fact that I had not been feeling very good made my decision much easier but that's ok with me. Oh and not only is all alcohol fat free but its calorie free carb free just all around non guilty pleasures while cruising.. ;)


Cari~ Thank you, I am feeling awesome today I think I'm over whatever was killing me. Congrats on your lose this week I know how hard the last few pounds are but stick with it and try not to get down on yourself ok :)


Porrhouse~ Fitbit is basically a device that counts your steps, calories burned and sleep. I ordered the Flex that you wear on your wrist like a bracelet. You can then log in to your computer or phone and track your food calories and water consumption. So far I love it, it has kept me on track and when I wanna grab something bad I look at my phone and realize if I eat it I will be over and then I put it down. Look it up online and you can get a better explanation.


Ok Ladies I have to go get my last 2 miles in for the week and once I do I will have hit 13 miles for the week and 23.5 miles since I started my walk to Miami :D


Talk with yall later



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Welcome Jayne!


Chel just got a fitbit too...I need to get one!


No fat vegan? Do you always do vegan or are you just doing that to lose for the cruise? I don't know if I could do that. Good for you!


hi bahama mamma, the fitbit has been great, it's just increased my awareness about what I actually do, which is different to what I think I do lol!

I eat vegan at home most of the time, but when I'm out or visiting I don't. I also am celiac so I have to eat gluten free, adding the two together tends to cause difficulties for other people. I lost nearly 20lbs eating no fat vegan and really like it, once I added back processed foods and a small amount of fat my weight loss just stopped and I've stayed about the same for the last month or so.


I weighed and measured this morning, stocked up my fridge and am in the right frame of mind to get back on track.


It will be nice to be able to shop for a new cruise wardrobe eventually - what I want most is to wear something with a waist again!

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I weighed and measured this morning, stocked up my fridge and am in the right frame of mind to get back on track.


It will be nice to be able to shop for a new cruise wardrobe eventually - what I want most is to wear something with a waist again!



Jayne...sounds like you are on track!! Tomorrow is my shopping and prep day!


I am also looking forward to a new wardrobe....DH said when I get to my goal I can buy all new clothes! I am very excited....The only downside is that last year I bought this awesome bathing suit that will not longer fit me when I reach my goal...I just hate swimsuit shopping but I am hoping this time will be better with a new body:) I would LOVE to wear a low wasted bikini, but I will settle for a high wasted one as long as I don't look pregnant anymore!!

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Good morning everyone, today is WI for me and I lost .2 lbs this week but Im pretty bloated this morning because I went out with friends last night and had margaritas and ended up over eating so I believe my .2 loss is low due too all that. O well moving on on the plus side I did complete 13 miles on the treadmill so that's a big plus in my book.


Gotta run children need breakfast and I need coffee :D



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Good morning everyone, today is WI for me and I lost .2 lbs this week but Im pretty bloated this morning because I went out with friends last night and had margaritas and ended up over eating so I believe my .2 loss is low due too all that. O well moving on on the plus side I did complete 13 miles on the treadmill so that's a big plus in my book.


Gotta run children need breakfast and I need coffee :D





Congrats on the 13 miles...and the .2!!! Losing .2 is much better than gaining .2 because then you would need to lose .4 to get to where you are now and that's double the work;) Its all about the perspective:D Keep up the good work!


You are probably just bloated from the salt in the margaritas...which is acceptable since drinking margaritas is actually considered prepping for the cruise by raising your tolerance!!:p OK, maybe I need to take my meds this morning!!! Have a great day!!!

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Chelllll, hang in there. I would have drank the margarita too. A .2 loss is better than a .2 gain. ..... and lmao about the pre-cruise prep. So true.



Bahama- I have been a WW member since 2002 and a lifetime since 2003, but not always at goal. I am at what they consider within my goal weight but on the upper 2/3 area of the chart. I want to get down 8-9 more lbs or so which would put me at the lower 1/3 for my height.


With that said, I am doing the points plan but have been just keeping track of the actual points not writing down each and everything - just the # value. I still measure everything faithfully and try to eat clean.

I TRY not to eat too much processed foods. I eat a lot of lean chicken and pork with fresh veggies, salads and fruit with very little carbs. If I do eat carbs, it's usually in the way of a small amount of brown rice, a baked sweet potato (a small one or just half) or a lite-high fiber, whole grain but for my Boca Veggie burgers.


Below is an example of what I usually eat each and everyday. Perhaps I'm not losing because my body is getting used to the same-ole-same-ole.



Bkfst- Coffee with 2 TBL skim milk. A serving of either Cheerios, Puffed Wheat or Special-K High Protein cereal, 1/2 of a sliced banana and a 1/2 cup of skim milk. Sometimes I will replace the cold cereal with low-sugar oatmeal.



Mid-Morn snack- half a grapefruit or a whole orange.




Lunch: A serving of a Healthy-Choice type soup and a small salad with low-fat or fat-free dressing.




A Boca Veggie burger on a lite whole grain bun.




A few slices of lean turkey in a lettuce wrap.




Mid-Afternoon snack: I rarely have an afternoon snack but occasionlly I will pop one of those mini-bags of 94% fat-free popcorn. I never do this the day before a weigh-in however.


Dinner: a lean meat, lots of veggies, a salad. -or- sometimes I will have the Boca burger for dinner in lieu of lunch. I really love them and have my freezer stocked with about every flavor.


Dessert- if I have any, it's usually a small container of low-fat or fat-free yogurt topped with 2 TBL of fat-free Cool Whip and sometimes a serving of berries.


I drink lots of water and am down to one diet pop per day. I limit my alcohol intake but do have a glass of red wine or a Mich Ultra occasionally and if I have the extra points...... just not any beer the night before weigh in.



My workout routine 5 days per week is: 35 min on the treadmill @ a comfortable 3.2, 100 crunches, 4 sets of leg-excercises and 50 push-ups. I have some back issues so my workout is approved by my doctor and if I'm having a bad day, I may scale down the crunches or push-ups.


And that's what I have been doing on a regular basis and have lost successfully until the last 10 lbs that I would love to have off before my move to Fla on March 30th.


I am just going to keep on, keeping on. If I follow the plan and I at least lose a little, I will still be happy. I was just really hoping to hit the mid 130's but whatever will be , will be.


*** I do tend to cheat a little here and there but I really do try to keep the cheat days in proper perspective and not let them take over.



Wishing everyone a blessed Sunday,


Cari H.



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