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What chance would a bomber have on getting on a ship?

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[quote name='cruise182']No "paranoia" here. I'm more afraid of being a passenger in a cab on an island. Some of the cab drivers drive insane!!![/QUOTE]

No doubt. Jamaican cabbies are some of the craziest. I just keep my eyes closed....
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[quote]As an example at the port of Miami, all kinds of people gather alongside the bank of the port to watch the ships depart. [u][b]The ships are easily within two hundred yards of these people and their cars. There is never anyone patrolling this bank.[/b][/u] Hmmmm....[/quote]

Yes hmmm is correct.

If the bad guys get a hold of something like a [url="http://www.filefarmer.com/krk3561/Anti-Tank-Missile.wmv"]javelin missile[/url] and use it I pity everyone onboard. Sink a ship? Most likely not. Cause major scale terror/scare? Most definitely. This is afterall why they are called terrorists.


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[quote name='NormanW']Yes hmmm is correct.

If the bad guys get a hold of something like a [url="http://www.filefarmer.com/krk3561/Anti-Tank-Missile.wmv"]javelin missile[/url] and use it I pity everyone onboard. Sink a ship? Most likely not. Cause major scale terror/scare? Most definitely. This is afterall why they are called terrorists.



That crossed my mind too, I just hated to say it.
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[quote name='NormanW']Yes hmmm is correct.

If the bad guys get a hold of something like a [url="http://www.filefarmer.com/krk3561/Anti-Tank-Missile.wmv"]javelin missile[/url] and use it I pity everyone onboard. Sink a ship? Most likely not. Cause major scale terror/scare? Most definitely. This is afterall why they are called terrorists.



That's really scary. But I'm more concerned about the ship being shot by a laser from a satellite in outer space. It could ruin my eyes while sunbathing on the pool deck and then I wouldn't be able to find my way to the bar.

If getting hit by a javeline missile was a major security concern, then they might need to beef up security in the port in Costa Maya. I don't think I've ever seen the Coast Guard there armed with automatic weapons protecting the ship. Although the mosquitos there could be carrying a deadly virus planted by a radical terrorist group :eek:
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[quote name='Fritz265']That's really scary. But I'm more concerned about the ship being shot by a laser from a satellite in outer space. It could ruin my eyes while sunbathing on the pool deck and then I wouldn't be able to find my way to the bar.

Don´t worry just raise your arm when you hear the magic words .......
" Bar Service" :D

I´m not concerned about any terrorist attac!

If I were, let´s think about it.
I couldn´t fly anymore, I couldn´t use the subway anymore, I couldn´t go on a bus anymore, I couldn´t go on a train anymore, I couldn´t set step in any large building anymore, ................
Hey I think I couldn´t live anymore.
Don´t want to be insensible and I really think something must be done against all these terrosist attacs, but it will not stop me from living. Security be it as high as it could but it will never stop something happening.

If it should hit me, so be it. Hopefully it hits me at the end of vacation and not the beginning.

I was on a cruise during 9/11 and had to fly back home out of Boston the same day the airport opened up again. It was the very first flight back to Europe again. Have I been worried or frightened ? NO. I just thought well it won´t happen that soon again. Maybe naive, but it ease my mind.

BTW you all know the most dangerous place on earth? The place where most people die?

It´s the bed! But I´m sure you still sleep well there every night;) .

Live your life happily with caution but without too much worry.
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**What chance would a bomber have on getting on a ship?**

From what I understand, with the Freedom of the Seas, a B-2 might be able to land on the pool deck if the wind conditions are right.
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If someone wants to bad enough, it will happen. But,........

Since there are soooo many nationalites (sp) on the ship, I think most terrorists would not attack a cruise ship. I really don't think they want to kill their own type or nationality, just themselves so they can get their 21 virgins in their "heaven."

As far as those that think this should not be discussed on this forum, I think you are WRONG!!! Terrorism is a way of life today and it must be on the top of our minds. Should we change our way of life because of terrorists, ABSOLUTELY NOT, that is just what they want us to do. We must keep it in the top of our minds so when we see something suspicious we report it to someone that can follow up on it.

Let me give you an example, we were in line to board our airplane to fly back home after our cruise this past May. While waiting, we saw a person looking around and walked past us and in the gate right into our plane. At this time, they had not started boarding. When someone from the airline got to the gate, there was about four of us in line that told the gate attendant (I guess that is what you call them) that someone had boarded and no one from the airline was at the gate to allow them passage. This attendant told us he caught them in the gate "walkway." The attendant informed us that the person was on a connecting flight and had gotten off and right back on with the airlines blessing. After we told the attendant this, he thanked us for watching this and stated that we did exactly what we should have and not to be embarrassed and keep up the good work.

Tim & Crystal
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I personally am not going to spend my time worrying about this----If I do, then the terrorists win, because they have made us change our way of life. I have a better chance of being struck by lightning and I don't worry about that.

With that said, I am in full support of greater security measures throughout the country.
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[quote name='smeyer418']The QM 2 is not a low value target. The USCG guards with loaded machine guns all cruise ships in US ports. After the incident with the USS Cole, they are much vigilant. On ships in port in the US the CG puts armed guards on until the ship leaves the harbor. Getting a bomb on board would not be that difficult. I would put it with the food stores and have a crew member remove it. Remember how the bad guys used to get arms on guarded airplanes. and if you think I am telling the bad guys stuff they don't already know you are niave. IMO.[/QUOTE]
There was a segment on the Travel Channel about the Adventure of the Sea.
Every Food Pallet was checked with a bomb sniffing dog as it was loaded.
All baggage is also scanned with Xray - is it possible - sure is it likely - NOT
Am I going to let it screw up my vacation - NO WAY
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Its like anything,

Anyone that hell bent on doing it is gonna do it. Certain precautions will stop the crackpots and the half cocked attempts, but anyone who wants to do damage that bad and has the technology and the desire to do it will.

Its like all these car and home alarms and anti theft systems. Some of them will deter the teenage punk with the coat hanger, but the professional car thief with the high tech tools is getting in.

Of course we all need to take precautions and be more alert these days, but you can't live in constant fear and live like a hermit
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Terrorists are everwhere today! However, We can't let them run our lives. We must be vigilant and do what We like or "They Win"! There is always the possibility of terrorists taken over a ship like the Achille Luro. If they are willling to die for a cause, nothing will get in their way. I am going on a cruise in Sept. #49 for me. Love to cruise and no way will any terrorists prevent me from doing what I love. Ike
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Now, get on with your cruise vacations and starting living the American way! Dampering your cruise with the "what ifs" is not worth the stress. We are all put in some kind of situations everyday. Life is just toooo short to not enjoy every moment of all the fabulous food, extraordinary service, sitting on your balcony with the "drink of the day", the sound of the ocean, the sunsets, partying like your 18 again at Carlos and Charlies.....need I say more........
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I don't think the terrorists would be cautious about many nationalities being on board. There were many nationalities in the Twin Towers. There were many nationalities in London's tube attacks. That didn't daunt the terrorist one bit. They don't even blink at killing their own nationality.

If a terrorist were to attempt to set off a bomb on a cruise ship, the best way might be as a crew member or a cell of crew members. But they must have to undergo extremely rigorous vetting to even get a position as a crew member.

Still, if they are determined to attack a cruise ship one way or the other, they will. But I think they try to do things the easiest way for the greatest result. That probably puts crusie ships quite low on their list of targets, because the planning and risk of getting caught in the act are too great...I hope.
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[quote name='ado']Now, get on with your cruise vacations and starting living the American way! Dampering your cruise with the "what ifs" is not worth the stress. We are all put in some kind of situations everyday. Life is just toooo short to not enjoy every moment of all the fabulous food, extraordinary service, sitting on your balcony with the "drink of the day", the sound of the ocean, the sunsets, partying like your 18 again at Carlos and Charlies.....need I say more........


Beautifully said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!

maybe these nut jobs have been brainwashed since birth that suffering and blowing yourself up for a "cause" puts you at Allahs right hand in the after life.

But I believe this is your life kid, you don't know what tomorrow brings so ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[QUOTE=Nothin' But Sun]I am curious about the security and baggage and someone being able to run onto the ship. I realize if a ship were a target then they could figure out a way but how easy would it be? Sorry for the downer post in case I offend anyone so early this morning.[/QUOTE]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorchid]sadly, if someone is willing to sacrafice themselves for a preverted cause..well then........however, it is not as easy as you might think to effect this sort of outcome! for reasons that must be clear, i wont go into it in any detail. i will just say that we have been on 3 cruises in the last couple of years, we have a med cruise in june AND I CANT WAITE. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN FREEDOM![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorchid] dean & alice[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#9932cc]ps god i sound soooooo right wing,,im not. i just think if we chose to have a capital based economy and gov,e we have the right to do so without the threat of harm![/color][/size][/font]
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[quote name='Fritz265']Rather than dwell on the question of "what chance" I focus more on "for what purpose" would a bomber even want to do harm to a cruise ship. Terrorists perpetrate bombings to make a statement or to instill fear. Cruise ships generally are not allied with any one government or political faction, therefore, causing harm to passengers on a cruise ship does not serve their purpose.

If you think about things in those terms, why wouldn't terrorists focus on large entertainment venues like concerts or sports events where they could harm tens of thousands gathered in one place with relatively weak security?

Personally, I don't worry about such things. Vigilance is good, constant fear is not.[/QUOTE]

If a terrorist wanted to really make a statement, they'd hit a target where everyone feels safe. For example, people living in "the sticks" ... Why would any terrorist attack here and take 10 lives when they can hit a city and take 100?
If something happens in the sticks, then there's a feeling that "nobody is safe anywhere".
Same thing with a ship. Everyone feels safe - I mean, people think of these things happening on airplanes, buses, but never on a cruise ship. Something happens on one of those, and then there's that feeling "nobody's safe anywhere".
I, do, however agree with you in that we have to go about our normal lives, plan things as if everything is "business as usual" and be vigilant. If we stop doing that, and plan everything out of fear or "what if..." then they've reached their objective.
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[quote name='Overtyme']If a terrorist wanted to really make a statement, they'd hit a target where everyone feels safe. For example, people living in "the sticks" ... Why would any terrorist attack here and take 10 lives when they can hit a city and take 100?
If something happens in the sticks, then there's a feeling that "nobody is safe anywhere".
Same thing with a ship. Everyone feels safe - I mean, people think of these things happening on airplanes, buses, but never on a cruise ship. Something happens on one of those, and then there's that feeling "nobody's safe anywhere".
I, do, however agree with you in that we have to go about our normal lives, plan things as if everything is "business as usual" and be vigilant. If we stop doing that, and plan everything out of fear or "what if..." then they've reached their objective.[/QUOTE]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorchid]large ico-like targets are at greater risk than targets in "the sticks" , ball parks, large buildings,wall st. large cruise ships....etc. this being said, doing so is not as easy as many people think, sadly though it can be done. but as you said to be afraid is to lose the battle, which we wont do![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorchid] [b] dean[/b] & alice[/color][/size][/font]
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[quote name='Overtyme']If a terrorist wanted to really make a statement, they'd hit a target where everyone feels safe. For example, people living in "the sticks" ... Why would any terrorist attack here and take 10 lives when they can hit a city and take 100?
If something happens in the sticks, then there's a feeling that "nobody is safe anywhere".
Same thing with a ship. Everyone feels safe - I mean, people think of these things happening on airplanes, buses, but never on a cruise ship. Something happens on one of those, and then there's that feeling "nobody's safe anywhere".
I, do, however agree with you in that we have to go about our normal lives, plan things as if everything is "business as usual" and be vigilant. If we stop doing that, and plan everything out of fear or "what if..." then they've reached their objective.[/QUOTE]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorchid]large ico-like targets are at greater risk than targets in "the sticks" , ball parks, large buildings,wall st. large cruise ships....etc. this being said, doing so is not as easy as many people think, sadly though it can be done. but as you said to be afraid is to lose the battle, which we wont do![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorchid][b]dean[/b] & alice[/color][/size][/font]
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I'm so worried about terrorists that I just booked the entire family on Freedom next year. Now if a terrorist can't hit the Freedom with a missile, he needs to just off himself right there at the pier.:p
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