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Live review: MSC Armonia from Las Palmas to Venice

Skipper Tim

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Thursday, 27th March. Good morning from the Vitamin Bar, in the forward , starboard corner of the pool deck. We have just had the daily announcement so I can report that we are on a heading of 82 degrees, speeding along at 20 knots towards Tunis, some 470 nautical miles distant. The North African coast is clearly visible. The sea temperature is 18 degrees and the air temperature is currently 16 degrees though it feels very pleasant in the sunshine.


The deck is alive with activity. Forward of the pools there are around 25 taking part in the 'Aerobics and Stretching' to some sort of repetitive techno music. Immediately in front of me, on the other side of a group of chattering Italians is the first of a series of stalls set up on deck to sell various merchandise and services: the MSC logo stall, jewellery, excursions, 'beer offer' and, curiously, the Nutella stall. On the other side the pool towel man appears to be doing good business with a small but steady queue.


The Vitamin Bar has just opened behind me and I have gone for 'Strawberry Bliss'. It is very strawberry.


There is not much I can remember from after posting yesterday. As the waiting staff have got to learn my habits, their service has become more efficiently devastating. I sat in various sub-groups of our roll call in different places, at different times and discussed various things. We had dinner, implementing the 'never in the same seat twice' rule. We caught Mairi (Amomondo) on her way out of the show before her dinner sitting. I think I wandered off to Il Girasole and finished with a couple of caipirinhas before bed but I am not entirely sure.


The deck activity has now switched to 'Dance lesson with Leonardo and Patricia - Country'. Just by looking at it, I cannot determine which country that is. According to the Daily Program (in English), there is also 'Fruschoppen' taking part on deck simultaneously. This may explain the couple of chaps dressed in over-the-top Bavarian regional costume.


Today's highlight will be Chung's party. The whole roll call is invited so it may be a question of how many guests can fit in one cabin. We shall see. I have also been invited to cocktails with the Captain - I assume this is the MSC Club event. I waited all this time to be invited to a party then two come along at once. One party also clashes with the 'Behind the scenes of MSC Armonia' talk which I would have otherwise attended.


Tonight will also be our second gala night.


Until tomorrow.





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Friday 28th March.

Yesterday was the second at sea day or more accurately for us the social engagement day.


Chung and I both had the Black card lunch with the officers. It's used to be dinner with the captain and a few other officers at one large table! now it's numerous tables for lunch. Such is the growth of Black card membership. They opened up the smaller Pergola restaurant on deck 6 for us. As there are a fair number of Nglish speaking passengers onboard, I was not the lone one at the event. I was seated with Chung and an another solo English lady travelling solo! the ship's charming purser Antonio and one of the Social hosts, the delightful Stella from Argentina. Lunch was the MDR lunch time offering but with wine etc included. Service and presentation were a step up from the norm. We had a fairly pleasant time, with conversation flowing freely.


After lunch, I was bound for my cabin for a change into more casual attire for the cabin party when I encountered Tim, Molly and Necia (Angela if you were also there, apologies, it's all becoming a blur!) seated outside the casino, so stopped to catch up.


Then onwards to the next gathering the cabin party. It was held in 2 suites with adjoining doors, which the stewards had opened up and we all fitted in very well. We had 2 freebies of bottles of Moët thanks to black card perks and others came clutching contributions acquired from various bars and the good old Allegrissimo. Nibbles were courtesy of a raid on the buffet!


There was also a captain's cocktail party for all club members. Actually on conferring at the party, there were actually 2 of them. Those on first sitting had an invitation to the 17.45 and others on second at 20.15. For some reason, I'd been given the 17.45 also despite always having been on second. Wasn't concerned as I wasn't going to go anyway. Allegrissimo somewhat diminishes the attraction of for Prosecco when you can get it anywhere at no additional cost. Some first time cruisers were keen to go, so those of us not intending to use our invitation, donated them to those who would use them.


After that it was our second gala evening. Tim was our guest, moving from first to second sitting. Gabriel our fairly unflappable Romanian waiter easily accommodated another seat and place sitting for us. We were after all, 7 at a table for 8. The steak came highly recommended from both the waiter and first sitting. I omitted to ask for it to be cooked rare, so mine was overlooked for my taste, but no one to blame but myself for that. I did finally remember to also order some steamed veggies. They used to provide a separate platter of them, which I'd have happily shared with the table but on this occasion it was just a portion on my plate. MSC like many Restaurants in Italy do not provide much in the way of veg with main courses but will happily provide them on request. Evidently the scallop risotto was good but rather lacking in scallops! I had the carapaacio and consommé which were both good. Dessert for me was once again ice cream - coconut for a change.


Few after dinner drinks and my obligatory night cap of a shot of espresso with Tim and other enjoyable day came to an end.


Just had breakfast in the MDR - I like the fresh fruit salad and omelettes. The fruit juice is still the I drinkable highly coloured saccharine water which I strongly recommend you avoid.if you really must, then go for the tomato. It's not exactly good, just less awful. Alternatively go with Ti 's approach of pool deck grill which has limited breakfast offerings but does allow fresh squeezed juice and decent coffee all in the one location.


I will have the second of my treatments from the Platinum Relax package in a little while and that will take me nicely up to lunch time. We are due to dock in Tunis (or rather La Goulette) at 13.00. I'm undecided whether to venture ashore or stay onboard.if I do venture off, it will just be to the shops and facilities in and around the terminal. I just don't have the patience for the aggressive taxi drivers and general hawkers.


Wishing you all a good day. I'm off to catch some sun and read a chapter of my book before the spa.



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Friday, 28th March. Good morning from the Lido pool bar, deck 11 where 'Muscular Awakening' is currently in full swing. I am sitting half in the sun to keep warm and half in the shade so I can see the screen of my iPad mini, replete with cafe Marochino (a condensed cappuccino with a dash of chocolate sauce - and only €1.60 if you are paying) and water to wash it down. We are not due into the port of Tunis until 1pm so there is a relaxed atmosphere with many late risers after the gala night before.


Chung's party yesterday afternoon extended into James' and Jeffrey's suite next door and they had had their interconnecting door opened for the occasion. Chung, sadly, does not have the stamina of some of us. One strawberry daiquiri and she was done and I mean 'done' - she toppled over on her bed and was lost to the World. At least she looked happy before she went. The rest of us got through copious quantities of wine obtained by the bottle on Allegrissimo from helpful dining room waiters as well as champagne given to the two black card members - Mairi and Chung. Various nibbles had also been smuggled including some delicious but extremely fragrant garlic salami. Consequently some of us were taking the fresh air on the balcony including Mr. Moo in his new MSC captain's hat when, looking forward, we saw one of the deck officers in the wing of the bridge waving - apparently summoning Captain Moo to the bridge. He declared the purchase of the hat the best €12 he had ever spent as people clear a path for him wherever he goes and he now gets priority service at the bars.


Most of the party goers who had been invited to the repeat guests cocktail party at 17:45 wanted a break before dinner so we transferred their invitations to MSC first timers James, Jeffrey, Ali and Andi. We curtailed Chung's party to give us 30 minutes to change for the evening and the five of us proceeded to Captain's cocktails. There were around 100 guests and half a dozen of the senior officers. I thought the captain looked very young - but that says more about me than him.


The Cruise director was keen to talk to Ali, having heard of an incident in the disco the night before and, significantly, looked up his photo in order to recognise him. The incident was explained thus. A large group of young Spaniards had bordered at Malaga. We don't know their age but they certainly appear too young to be served alcohol on board yet there were a group of them in the disco in the early hours drinking. Ali, being a high-moralled chap, was concerned that the lyric of the track currently playing, involving kissing and bottoms, may have been inappropriate for such young people and had a word with the DJ to say so. There was obviously at least one misunderstanding because the DJ's reaction was to call security who then tried to escort Ali away. The situation was quickly diffused but it was yet another curious end to another curious day on board MSC. The cruise director sought Ali to explain, apologise and ensure Ali was still happy with his cruise, which he is.


I left my regular first-sitting table for one night to join the Mairi, Chung, Michael and the boys at their second sitting table. Hence there was time to collect drinks and go to the show before dinner. The first act was four tall ladies wearing silver-sequinned bikinis and holding two giant, fluffy, pink pom-poms each. When the lights came up and they started the cheesy dance routine I laughed out loud assuming it was an ironic comedy act. It wasn't and I was the only one laughing. I quickly retreated to Cafe San Marco, immediately aft of the theatre which was blissfully quiet and was far better entertained by the otherwise idle waiting staff.


Dinner was lively, helped by the bottomless wine glasses, but I recall the beef being a little tough. I chatted with Mairi. She was kind enough to humour me by joining on deck at Il Girasole where I habitually finish the day. From the evidence in my cabin this morning, I must have visited Bar del Duomo on my way to bed as there was red wine in one of the superb large glasses only available from that bar. I rinsed and retuned it this morning.


On top of the on board credit I have (compensation and out of pocket expenses for the complete change in itinerary plus the value of a 'Choose Today, Cruise Tomorrow' voucher), I need to spend a further €50 to obtain the next MSC Club point. The internet is part of that (€16.90 for 60 minutes), newspapers for my remaining days (€2.50 per newspaper) then a Captain's hat would have been the obvious choice :). Sadly, none of the three left in the shop fit me so the challenge goes on.


Until tomorrow.





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Many thanks for the live review, very enjoyable !


We are planning on a 14 night Canary Isles cruise late November early December this year. Hoping that the price will be similar to last year when you could get a Junior Suite for £249 a week, plus flights, on a last minute deal.


Looking forward to the next instalment.

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Saturday, 29th March. Good morning from Il Girasole where the sun is shining but the wind is a little on the cool side. It is 9 a.m. and the ships horn has just made most of the breakfast-goers jump out of their skins as our approach into Valletta is announced.


I have an ever greater number of converts to this location for breakfast. Il Girasole is the outside area on the pool deck (11) immediately forward of the buffet. There are no sun beds here, it is exclusively tables and chairs creating an outdoor cafe area. There is the all important bar open from 6:30 a.m. until midnight but there are also two small outside buffets, one on either side of the ship. At breakfast time, the starboard side buffet has all the sweet breads and pastries which I can go without. On the the port side, to me, there is all the best of the breakfast offering - bacon, fried eggs, baked beans, sausages omelettes, the delicious white and brown bread rolls and a range of yogurts - and a chef cooking things in front of you so they are hot. There is also a drinks station here for teas coffee, pineapple and grapefruit effect juices, hot and cold water and milk. However, as the bar is just here too, one has the luxury of ordering freshly-squeezed orange juice, the full range of speciality coffees and sparkling wine, should one feel the need with waiter service. My regular is a bacon sandwich in a roll, omelette, yoghurt, orange juice and a cafe Marochino sitting in the sun, followed by a jacuzzi to aid digestion.


Yesterday we explored the new cruise terminal at La Goulette. We met in the reception area forward of midships on deck 5 which is where the main guest exit/entrance point is. Before leaving the ship, I was sent to collect our Euros from the safe in my cabin - a bit of a trek given that it is at the rear of deck 9. When I got there my cruise card failed to operate the lock. This had happened a few days earlier and involved a trip to reception to have my card reprogrammed. So I returned to reception, explained to the waiting shoppers then to reception, had my card reprogrammed and set off again for my cabin. Again it failed to open my door. I tried every possible orientation and speed without success. My patience was being tested. I returned yet again to reception The shoppers decided to share Euros if needed while reception decided it was a problem with the lock on my cabin and I would have to wait for the assistant housekeeper. I opted to deal with it on my return. Later, when the assistant housekeeper and I arrived at my door, the lock worked without issue! Grrrr!


Now, I mention this story because when I retired early last night again my lock would not open. My thoughts were turning to demanding an alternative cabin, if not an upgrade, as this had gone beyond a tolerable malfunction. Thankfully my cabin attendant appeared and he was able to open my door. "That is the third time today!" I told him. I wasn't sure how I would handle the situation at reception in the morning but merely sending the assistant housekeeper to make me look silly again was not going to suffice.


My cabin phone woke me up in the night. It was Angela. Keith could not get into his room and did I have his card? I checked. "Yes". We had obviously exchanged cards when 'paying' at some point and the immediate mystery was solved. One final trip to the opposite end of the ship that day and the World was put to rights. It was just as well I had not gone to reception to complain. I would have looked even sillier.


La Goulette cruise terminal is new but designed and built in stone to look old. It is fairly extensive with a series of interconnected buildings housing dozens of small shops, a central information desk, Turkish baths and a cafe set in one of the courtyards. There were camel ride merchants as well as exotic birds to be photographed with (for a fee) and a rag-bag collection of musicians playing a mis-tuned drum and the inevitable sawn-off clarinet - both of which could clear an area of cruise passengers at a hundred yards. I saw two of the senior officers, dressed in their finest, disembark the ship just to spend time tickling the camels while I got conned 3 Euros for a coffee on the promise of free wi-fi which was so unbearably slow and unreliable that I had to give up. Caveat emptor!


We are now docked in Valetta and I am planning on having a little wander before returning for a civilised lunch in the Marco Polo restaurant.


Until tomorrow!





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Tim ... I wonder why customer services did not spot the issue with the card, ie wrong cabin number on it lol. I hope you guys managed to find the Lift along the main street that takes you up to the Gun battery and saves a long walk uphill.

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Tim ... I wonder why customer services did not spot the issue with the card, ie wrong cabin number on it lol. I hope you guys managed to find the Lift along the main street that takes you up to the Gun battery and saves a long walk uphill.



I don't think there are cabin numbers on the card, right?



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The cabin card has room number, name, dinner assignment and even MSC Club status on it now.


Out of the wind Valetta is lovely. Had a walk round and lunch with Jean and Paul and then returned to the ship to finally win an afternoon quiz. To the victor the spoils of an MSC lanyard.

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The cabin card has room number, name, dinner assignment and even MSC Club status on it now.




Out of the wind Valetta is lovely. Had a walk round and lunch with Jean and Paul and then returned to the ship to finally win an afternoon quiz. To the victor the spoils of an MSC lanyard.



Yikes....don't lose that!! One more safety item to remind my pretty 18 year old young women about (dd and friend)



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We had cabin numbers on the cards last November but in reverse which we thought was odd until one of the customer service staff explained it.


With Tim i meant he was likely using the other card he had with him which would be the wrong room number for his cabin.

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Tim ... I wonder why customer services did not spot the issue with the card, ie wrong cabin number on it lol. I hope you guys managed to find the Lift along the main street that takes you up to the Gun battery and saves a long walk uphill.


This was my fourth visit to Valetta but the first I'd heard of the lift. Woman in the pharmacy told me about it and what a breeze. Only €1 to avoid that very steep hill or all those steps. Great view from the top across the harbour and so handy for the centre of town. I shall use it on all future calls to Valetta, that is for sure.


First time I've been there on a Saturday and there was a market on in the centre of town. Some fairly talented buskers too. Wendy and I both bought a CD of a young oboist. Looking forward to playing it when I get home.


After a rather good lemon meringue pie (sadly the amaretto cheesecake was sold out) washed down with cappuccino, Wendy and I strolled back to the lift and then back to the ship. I was back too late for the MDR, so headed to the buffet. The cassoulet was rather good and so was the gnocchi. Also been paying a daily visit to the bit in bar. The fruit and veggie concoctions are €4.10 plus service charge but thankfully included in Allegrissimo!


It's Italian night tonight. I've not seen Tim yet but I'm told that he's dyed his hair green for the occasion,


Must go dinner and no doubt tiramisu awaits!

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Sunday 30th March. Good morning once again from Il Girasole where I have just emerged from my regular jacuzzi. The sea is almost flat and there is hazy sunshine.


There is a system for obtaining pool towels where one's cabin number is taken from the cruise card, entered into a laptop, receipt issued and then cancelled off again upon its return. Now they know me, they don't bother with any of that.


It is Mother's Day today so I collected a full cooked breakfast from the buffet and delivered it to her cabin. The clocks also went forwards last night which may explain why Il Girasole is still deserted, apart from the staff, at 8 in the morning. A forward time change always makes early breakfast especially quiet.


We are currently cruising on a course of 65 degrees towards Kefalonia where we are expected at 1pm. I love Greece and have never been to the capital of Kefalonia so this has long been down as my personal highlight of the cruise. I shall do my usual wander and perhaps practice my Greek and have an ouzo on the harbour front.


Yesterday it was 'Italian Night' and the suggested dress code was red, white and green - the colours of the Italian flag. Bright green is not one of those colours that many people have in their cruise wardrobe, especially when travelling hand luggage only, and it certainly was not in mine. So I went ashore in Valetta to find something green. In the immediate shops, all I could find was some green hair spray. Green hair it was, together with a white shirt and red tie and pocket square. I was admired by two Italian ladies and stared at by many others. The moral of the story is be prepared - there will be an Italian night on every MSC cruise. If you want to play along with the dress code pack something green. The suggested dress code for tonight is 'white' which I can do without artificial aids.


After we had finished eating dinner, we had a parade of the restaurant staff set to some patriotic Italian music with much napkin-waving. We returned to our regular evening perch in Cafe San Marco just before the second sitting crowds piled out of the theatre. The period between the end of the first show and the start of the second dinner sitting is always busy in the central bars of the ship and so it is best to be in position before.


I will be posting photos on this thread when I get back to the UK. It will be so much easier on a fast, reliable internet connection.


Ciao for now,



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Tim ... I wonder why customer services did not spot the issue with the card, ie wrong cabin number on it lol. I hope you guys managed to find the Lift along the main street that takes you up to the Gun battery and saves a long walk uphill.


I had my card with me most of the day and that is the one which genuinely gave me issues. It was only in the evening that the switch occurred, most likely in the bar after dinner where they still ask for more than one card for a few drinks. Our dinner waiter is happy with one card between six of us.


I think I turned MSC Club gold yesterday!



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I had my card with me most of the day and that is the one which genuinely gave me issues. It was only in the evening that the switch occurred, most likely in the bar after dinner where they still ask for more than one card for a few drinks. Our dinner waiter is happy with one card between six of us.


I think I turned MSC Club gold yesterday!




Thank you for the nice updates from the Armonia, great :) Welcome to the Gold level :D

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Toilets. Having covered this subject on the MSC Fantasia and MSC Musica, I feel obliged to cover it on the MSC Armonia.


Firstly, the Armonia has clearer signage on the doors of the public loos. It is quite easy to differentiate the gents from the ladies. The gents symbol on the Musica and Fantasia looks like a women wearing a trouser suit and it is only when one sees that the person depicted in the ladies symbol is wearing a mini-skirt that one can deduce that the other must be the male. Men were forever walking between the two. There must be a whole load to discuss on this subject must I must move on.


Secondly, the usual MSC rule that gents is on the starboard side and the ladies is port side is broken on the Armonia in several locations including the White Lion pub and Bar del Duomo where both facilities are on starboard side. The MSC signature placement is off the stair wells behind an unlit dark wooden door set in a dark wooden wall often behind a blind, unlit corner. They are practically invisible but once you know where to look, they can be found. Not so on the Armonia. The facilities are inconsistently placed and this is very un-MSC.


Thirdly, I have, in the past, praised MSC for its lack of urinals and all-cubicle policy. In this regard, the Armonia disappoints. All public gents I have thus far experienced have urinals. Especially when some of the very few cubicles are taken out of service, as some currently are, there is the risk of awkward conversations arising with people one has only just met. The urinals are really not the place to socialise. Please MSC, when the Armonia is stretched, remove this hangover from Roman antiquity and install all-cubicle facilities for all.


Fourthly, I also applauded MSC's use of paper towels over hot air hand dryers for hygiene reasons. I am pleased that the Armonia loos are similarly equipped in this regard. However, I miss the signs encouraging guests to use a paper towel to operate the door handle when leaving the loos. This measure could save many outbreaks of Monte Sumo's revenge, and far worse, each and every cruise. Do it, do it, do it. The measure costs practically nothing.


Finally, there are certain aesthetical expectations which are simply not met. Just as one occasionally descends behind the scenes on deck 4 in order to leave the ship when docked and runs across battleship-grey painted walls and surroundings devoid of decoration, going to the gents feels like men who need to urinate do not count as far as the onboard experience is concerned. We are actors who have to slum it in our times of need. It should not be like this. Major luxurifications are required. Public loos set the tone and should be among the most luxurious spaces aboard. All the glitz and charm front of house counts for nothing when you feel you are the lowest class on a Greek ferry when you need to have a wee. The illusion is shattered immediately.


That is the end of my toilet blog.





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Monday, 31st March. Good morning from the Lido Bar, pool deck. It is 8:30 and so I have 45 minutes before the noise starts in this location. It is yet another calm and sunny day as we head towards Dubrovnik with a scheduled arrival of 13:00, like yesterday.


The capital of Kefalonia is called Argostoli and this is where we docked yesterday. It is set in a huge natural harbour giving the appearance of being totally landlocked with mountains all around. The town itself is modern, I imagine due to the serious earthquake (1953?) but charming enough. We had a little walk. I had the ouzo I promised myself and watched the world go by. They were mostly going by on 'noddy trains' that passed packed with cruise passengers every few minutes. From where they came and to where they were going I still have no idea. I am not sure if the passengers did either then noddy trains are like that - if you see one there is a much greater natural urge to get on it than there is with any other mode of transport.


I should mention the Allegrissimo wines. The reds available throughout the ship are a merlot Venezia and Dolcetto di Piemonte. Of the two, the latter has a little more body and taste but both are fairly light and flavourless. However, available only in the restaurants (including the buffet) is a sangiovese which is a marked improvement and our red of choice. The white of choice is the Trebiano, the same as has been available on my previous MSC cruises. I don't drink white but I am told it is like a reasonable Chardonnay. Sparking wine comes in either dry or sweet and is also available in the restaurants. Previously sparking has not been.


Also, starting part way through this cruise, we have been receiving separate dessert menus with a list of suggested 'digestives' down the left hand side, e.g. limoncello, Pernod, brandy, etc.. They are priced but all are included in the Allegrissimo package further extending its worth and enhancing the dining experience.


Last night the dinner menu was entirely Greek themed and to me the best so far. We had practically everything between us - stuffed vine leaves, tzatziki, Greek salad, Mousaka, fried cheese and baklava among others - and all went down well.


Fay asked if it was possible to have a copy of the menu. Robiano, our waiter, told her to keep it as they are only thrown away after each meal anyway. Therefore if you would like this unique memento of your cruise - just keep every menu.


Time for another Marochino!



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I think I turned MSC Club gold yesterday!


Welcome ... :D


Tim ... does the Armonia have Hot water in the toilets ? unlike the Divina, i guess the toilets are out of sink with the other ships due to Armonia etc having been built for other cruise lines ?


Amo monda .... Glad you found the lift so much easier that the other route .. :)

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Tuesday, 1st April. Good morning from the beautiful little islet of Harjejvcakaka!


Last night was the final gala night of the cruise and our table was honoured to have the presence of 2nd officer Roberto at table 62. I am not sure whether he knew in advance just how merry our table is and how much alcohol we can tolerate before we reach that state but he seemed to enjoy it and us. He did mention that he was about to be "officer of the watch" when he left us which I gather means taking charge of the steering wheel. He also mentioned his love of animals and we had a good discussion about our rescue doggies back home. Anyway, according to Ali who was just leaving the disco at the time, the ship changed course to do a 'fly by' of an iceberg, not really expected in the Adriatic at this time of year, and was, somewhat incredibly, home to a small family of polar bears. I woke up when we started listing and, given the Concordia incident, the masses were soon on deck in their Mae Wests and demanding to be put ashore. The attempts of the entertainment team to involve us in a cake-decorating dance failed after 20 minutes minutes or so as the queues to pay the final accounts down on deck 5 were over-taken by the desire to keep one's feet dry.


The captain, who I had previously thought was someone I would not wish to meet in a dark alleyway, welcomed us ashore and has been very generous buying us all drinks. So what may read as a maritime disaster in tomorrows's papers has actually been a very jolly party.


Ciao for now!



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I think I turned MSC Club gold yesterday!


Welcome ... :D


Tim ... does the Armonia have Hot water in the toilets ? unlike the Divina, i guess the toilets are out of sink with the other ships due to Armonia etc having been built for other cruise lines ?


Amo monda .... Glad you found the lift so much easier that the other route .. :)


Yes. We have conferred and there is hot water in the loos both male and female. Why?

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does the Armonia have Hot water in the toilets ? .... unlike the Divina


Tim ... I just wondered seeing as the Divina did not and as cruise lines are quite fond of telling people to wash their hands etc it seemed odd that there was only cold water available! whereas on all the other ships we have been on i recall Hot water in every one of the public toilets.

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On the subject of toilets, the opera and Lirica not only have hot water in the ladies toilets on deck 5 but also have extremely hot water in the toilets too. Spend a penny and have a sauna, albeit a different sort of one. Very pleased to report that one does not have one's nether regions steamed on the Armonia (thankfully).


So we made it into Split today nice and early. I was awoken to clattering outside, by the promised balcony cleaning about to start. This gave me a bit of a start and got me swiftly into gear to shut the door before I got deluged in water. As it turns out it wasn't the automatic cleaning system but a man with a bucket, so I need not have panicked.


I was suffering the effects of a lingering cold and a series of B52s in the casino bar the previous evening. My voice had disappeared and had been replaced by an intermittent squeak. I decided rather than go ashore with some of the others, I'd go back to bed for a few hours.


I eventually resurfaced at around midday, intending heading to the buffet but met Tim and the gang and had a pleasant lunch in the MDR instead. After that, headed off the ship for the short walk to the beautiful old town. Basically head for the bell tower and all the interesting streets are in that area. Managed to spend a few kuna at a lavender stall before having a walk along the seafront. Lots of benches and little garden areas enroute, so it makes for a lovely stroll in the sunshine.


Once back on ship, caught up with some of our group at the aft pool bar. We then ordered Proseccos all round for a impromptu sailaway party out on the aft deck. Decks 7 upwards have really nice secluded back decks which are ideal for watching the ship leave port.


There has been a rumour circulating that we will not dock but tender into Venice tomorrow when we disembark. There is no mention of tender boats in the daily Programme, so I'm hoping the rumour is untrue. Can't think why we would have to tender unless there are a lot of ships in tomorrow. We shall see. Hopefully not. Venice is a chaotic enough port to disembark from without adding tendering to the mix.


I've really enjoyed this cruise. The Armonia is a lovely little ship and the vast majority of the crew friendly and obliging. It was not the itinerary I'd originally booked but we've had some great ports along the way. However what has made this one of my favourite voyages has been the fantastic company. I've laughed so much and had such great company.


We will soon be going into our final dinner of the cruise, so I will close now. Look out for some photos once I 1. Get home & 2. Work out how to attach photos,



Edited by AmoMondo
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Tuesday, 1st April. Good morning from the beautiful little islet of Harjejvcakaka!


Last night was the final gala night of the cruise and our table was honoured to have the presence of 2nd officer Roberto at table 62. I am not sure whether he knew in advance just how merry our table is and how much alcohol we can tolerate before we reach that state but he seemed to enjoy it and us. He did mention that he was about to be "officer of the watch" when he left us which I gather means taking charge of the steering wheel. He also mentioned his love of animals and we had a good discussion about our rescue doggies back home. Anyway, according to Ali who was just leaving the disco at the time, the ship changed course to do a 'fly by' of an iceberg, not really expected in the Adriatic at this time of year, and was, somewhat incredibly, home to a small family of polar bears. I woke up when we started listing and, given the Concordia incident, the masses were soon on deck in their Mae Wests and demanding to be put ashore. The attempts of the entertainment team to involve us in a cake-decorating dance failed after 20 minutes minutes or so as the queues to pay the final accounts down on deck 5 were over-taken by the desire to keep one's feet dry.


The captain, who I had previously thought was someone I would not wish to meet in a dark alleyway, welcomed us ashore and has been very generous buying us all drinks. So what may read as a maritime disaster in tomorrows's papers has actually been a very jolly party.


Ciao for now!



Hi Tim, are you serious about the story of the iceberg? In the adriatic?


Edited by travelberlin
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Can you tell me more about the lift?? - last time I was in Malta we caught a local bus up to the town for 1 Euro - but the wait for the bus to come back down was painful. I would like to know how to find the lift and not have to wait for the bus. I will be In Malta again in November with my elderly mother.

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Can you tell me more about the lift?? - last time I was in Malta we caught a local bus up to the town for 1 Euro - but the wait for the bus to come back down was painful. I would like to know how to find the lift and not have to wait for the bus. I will be In Malta again in November with my elderly mother.


Come out the port and turn right. Pass the taxi ranks and HOHO bus, then cross the road. About a 5 minute walk you'll see an opening for the lift. It's one euro to get up and free to come down. There is a machine just before the ticket barrier to get the tickets.

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