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Do you disinfect your cabin upon arrival?


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Nope, never have, most likely never will. I don't sanitize other places either, just use normal healthy practices like hand washing.


I survived 20 years of teaching in elementary schools so I think my immune system is pretty good!

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try not to think what has happened in your cabin after.....shall we just use as an example....a Swingers' Cruise?.......get the black lights out for that....:eek:


Not any worse than what happens in cabins on a non-swingers cruise. If swingers had a monopoly on that, the world population would be shrinking.

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I don't consider myself a germophobe...BUT...I carry a travel size Lysol spray and the wipes. I wipe out the drawers and do the usual when I arrive at a hotel or a cruise ship cabin. I also use the zip-lock baggies for my undies and whatever else possible. Even if I didn't get sick from the germs, I just don't want to put my clean things where someone else has thrown a sweat-covered t-shirt or their dirty underwear. I've seen the open door of cabins as I go down the hall and I know that I wouldn't want my things put in a drawer they've used without some sort of disinfectant. I just can't get away from it. It takes about two minutes and gives me peace of mind for the rest of my cruise/hotel stay. Everyone is bothered by different things.

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Nope, never have, most likely never will. I don't sanitize other places either, just use normal healthy practices like hand washing.


I survived 20 years of teaching in elementary schools so I think my immune system is pretty good!




A healthy immune system depends, in part, on constantly overcoming small challenges to stay "in shape" to meet bigger ones. An oversimplification, but that's the general idea.


I travel a lot (quick business trips, cruises, Europe, & more exotic destinations) but not in a bubble. All I've ever caught is the very occasional cold.

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Nope, never.


Try camping out with 4-5 other guys in the outback for 2 weeks, shovels for toilets, water from the creek. To the vets, you know what I mean ;)


Or living in the hills in Thailand with the villagers and helping them get a reliable water supply into the village.

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Absolutely. I take a can of Lysol in my carry on and spray every knob and handle, the bathroom and the phone and tv remote.

Same here! We always arrive a day or two early. Purchase Lysol and use it in the hotel room and then again on the ship.

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I read in another thread about someone cleaning their cabin as soon as they enter. So I purchased some disinfectant wipes to do the same on my next cruise - less than 48 hours! Does anyone else do this and do you have a cleaning ritual?


Yes I do. In fact, when I get on an airplane, I clean the seatbacks, tray table, arm rests, and seatbelts. The things you touch on an airplane, have way more germs then the air. And they are FILTHY!


When I get to my cabin or hotel room for that matter, I wipe down all door knobs, light switches, phone, clock, and remote control. I even do the chairs and table on the balcony.


It may sound extreme, but I don't care. I also know that Clorox wipes don't kill Norovirus, but it does kill other germs. It makes me feel more at ease, and I haven't gotten sick yet. I don't know if it because I wipe things down or not, but I not taking any chances. :)

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No way. Hate the smell of those chemicals (Lysol is especially vile) and beside cleaning on vacation? Not happening and totally unnecessary.


Tend to agree. Sometimes the smell of those cleaning things can be enough to trigger allergic reactions. :rolleyes:



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We do not.

I do always shine a flashlight under our bed to figure out luggage space and to make sure it's clean. A couple of times I've found some rather gross things under there. :eek:




Looked under our bed once and found a large empty suitcase!


Any time I stay in a hotel or cruise ship cabin I disinfect ALL door handles, light switches and remotes. If the cabin steward can miss a 27" suitcase, just how particular will he be cleaning the unseen germs?

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Always (in hotels, too) wipe down the door knobs, and tv remote. Also if you have real glasses wash those. Saw a tv documentary and it showed cleaning staff wipe those with a towel and use the same towel on all rooms! Also never sit on bedspread-remove it since they are rarely washed.

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Yes I do. In fact, when I get on an airplane, I clean the seatbacks, tray table, arm rests, and seatbelts. The things you touch on an airplane, have way more germs then the air. And they are FILTHY!


When I get to my cabin or hotel room for that matter, I wipe down all door knobs, light switches, phone, clock, and remote control. I even do the chairs and table on the balcony.


It may sound extreme, but I don't care. I also know that Clorox wipes don't kill Norovirus, but it does kill other germs. It makes me feel more at ease, and I haven't gotten sick yet. I don't know if it because I wipe things down or not, but I not taking any chances. :)


I also do that on planes..esp those tray tables, Yuck! People look at me like I'm nuts but hey..I've seen those wipes be black from the dirty..Last time on a plane the person next to me asked if she could use a wipe & told me the next time she flew she'd start bringing wipes.

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Yes, we bring the wipes and spend a short time wiping everything we think previous guests would have touched. It takes almost no time, and some of those wipes come away looking pretty dingy.


For the record, I worked as a chambermaid in a swanky resort hotel when I was a student many years ago. If it looked dirty, I cleaned it. Otherwise, I moved along as fast as possible. No reason to believe anything in that industry has changed since then.

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Always (in hotels, too) wipe down the door knobs, and tv remote. Also if you have real glasses wash those. Saw a tv documentary and it showed cleaning staff wipe those with a towel and use the same towel on all rooms! Also never sit on bedspread-remove it since they are rarely washed.


No kidding... those drinking glasses are disgusting.

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Nothing here.. just like hotel room and or cabin they are the least of your worry.


Think of the handrails, elevator buttons, air in the theater from the thousands who just landed going thru terminals where they brushed with millions other travelers.


If it don't kill ya it makes you stronger.


Just wash your hands and use your utensils like your momma taught you :D


I read in another thread about someone cleaning their cabin as soon as they enter. So I purchased some disinfectant wipes to do the same on my next cruise - less than 48 hours! Does anyone else do this and do you have a cleaning ritual?
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K, wiping down the surfaces of your cabin along with other precautions is just what the CDC recommends to help prevent the spread of the Norovirus (Stomach flu). It is a highly contagious virus that causes inflammation of the stomach and intestines. This can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pains. It is the number one cause of gastroenteritis in the US and can be very serious. People are hospitalized every year from this virus as well as dying from complications.


Being in a closed place such as a cruise ship can cause the virus to spread quickly. It just takes a few particles of the Novovirus to make you sick. The virus can remain on surfaces for several weeks once it has been contaminated. Putting your fingers in your mouth after touching the surface can lead to being sick. You can also become sick from food and liquids that have been contaminated from someone that is sick.


There is no vaccine against this virus nor is there a cure once you have it. The main way to prevent spread is good hand washing, with warm water and soap. Wash your hands before touching your hands to your mouth (eating, drinking and brushing your teeth) and after going to the bathroom, changing diapers, or touching high-hand contact surfaces (door knobs, elevator buttons and railings), returning to your cabin, helping a sick person and blowing your nose.


So would I wipe down the surfaces of my room? You bet I would. As a nurse I know that I can't always prevent myself or others from getting sick but if there is something that I can do to ante up my odds you bet I am going to do it. I also carry diarrhea and nausea pills as well as Tylenol. And if I have small children with me I also carry fluids to help prevent dehydration. Call me a worry wart but I will be prepared if the worst happens. And if nothing happens than I smile as I go down the gangplank and remember to wash my hands as soon as I can!!! So don't let the neysayers get to you. You do what you need to do to keep yourself and your family members safe and well.


Best cruis}ing to you and may you never get sick on board (and remember to wash your hands!!!!)!_


I think that we might be in the minority. I have an auto immune disease and take steroids that suppress my wacked out immune system. In short, I have no immune system. My body may or may not fight typical germs that do nothing to other people. I have to be pro-active on my war on germs. :eek:


In hotels & our cabins on the ships, I wipe down anything and everything that I might touch and do so more than once on our cruises. I don't touch handrails or very many things in the common areas of the ships. In the buffet I'm screaming inside as I touch the serving utensils. I carry/use my own hand sanitizers (I know, I know all the stories on hand sanitizers) after a trip through the lines. I also wash my hands as often as possible with soap and water. I know that I can't kill every germ lurking out there, but I feel better trying, lol.


On our last cruise my pulmonologist loaded me up with two different antibiotics as precautionary for what might come. Luckily, I didn't have to use them. So, anyway, prior to having this crappy disease, I may have wiped down a doorknob or two, but now I don't have much of a choice. :mad:

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I don't bother because most of you do it for me. In all seriousness, exposure to basic human germs makes the immune system stronger. I do practice frequent hand washing and rarely get sick.

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No, it's not possible to sanitize everything I touch nor would I want to. I have better things to do with my life than worry about germs or catching something. Just think about all of the germs on the menus in the MDR -do you sanitize those also? How about under the seat of a chair when you reach under it to move? I understand that area can be swarming with nasty things!

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I think that we might be in the minority. I have an auto immune disease and take steroids that suppress my wacked out immune system. In short, I have no immune system. My body may or may not fight typical germs that do nothing to other people. I have to be pro-active on my war on germs. :eek:


In your case I 100% agree that you should take every precaution you can and I wish you safe and healthy cruising, traveling and every day living. For most of us though, come on people, you can't put yourself in a bubble.


Do you remember being a kid 50 years ago (okay aging myself) and drinking water out of the garden hose. We all lived. No bottled water, no wipes, no hand sanitizer. Go figure.

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No, it's not possible to sanitize everything I touch nor would I want to. I have better things to do with my life than worry about germs or catching something. Just think about all of the germs on the menus in the MDR -do you sanitize those also? How about under the seat of a chair when you reach under it to move? I understand that area can be swarming with nasty things!


Funny you should ask...I use hand sanitizer or better yet wash my hands with soap and water after touching a menu IF I touch a menu at all. I normally do NOT touch under the chairs, arm rests on chairs or even the backs of chairs. I use my foot to gently coax the chair out and when I slide my chair in, if I have a coat on, I pull my sleeves over my hands and slide myself in.


Trust me, this is no fun way to live, but I have to protect myself the best I can. Trying to avoid germs is now second nature, having been diagnosed 15 years ago. I was trying to avoid germs long before it became the "thing to do". I know there are all kinds of germs that I still pick up anyway, including airborne. Having a fear of touching things is no picnic. Fear of whooping cough (been there done that), or even the fear of a common cold is much worse. And then add Noro to that and I'm even more cautious.


Not for everyone (or most people), but a way of life for me. :(

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In your case I 100% agree that you should take every precaution you can and I wish you safe and healthy cruising, traveling and every day living. For most of us though, come on people, you can't put yourself in a bubble.


Do you remember being a kid 50 years ago (okay aging myself) and drinking water out of the garden hose. We all lived. No bottled water, no wipes, no hand sanitizer. Go figure.


Thanks for the kind words. Oh, and I used to drink water out of hoses, climbed trees, played in the creek or ponds on a daily basis when I was much younger. I baited my own hooks, raised small farm animals and cleaned out coops. Those germs are usually far less problematic than those we humans spread, lol!

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Ok, so let us assume as soon as we get to our cabin we take some hydrogen peroxide (you need this or bleach to deal with Noro) and scrub every surface in our cabin. Then a few minutes later our steward pops into our cabin to bring our luggage. Then later, a bar services person stops by our cabin and checks our cabin fridge to inventory our drinks. And then a few hours later one of our team of stewards stops back in our cabin to replenish our ice, clean our bathroom, turn down our bed, etc. So now, all that work we did scrubbing down our cabin is worthless and so we must start the entire process all over again. In fact, at least twice a day we will have to scrub down our cabin (because most everything would have been recontaminated by one of our stewards. And of course we have to remember to always wear our surgical gloves whenever we leave our cabin, and change those gloves every time we touch anything (so we need to bring several cases of surgical gloves). Then, when we go to dinner we need to remember to run to the rest room, as soon as we have finished with our menu (which is always contaminated) so that we can scrub with soap and water for at least 30 seconds. And when the waiter later brings us a menu so we can order dessert, we again need to run to the nearest rest room to again scrub our hands (although I suppose we could put on a new pair of surgical gloves.


So folks, you see the problem. We just do not live in a sterile world and wiping down a few surfaces might be good for your psyche but will likely have no appreciable positive effect.


I might add that DW and I have managed to spend more then 3 1/2 years on cruise ships without ever getting Noro...although we have sure had more then our share of respiratory infections (I guess we could wear a surgical mask all the time). Our secret, other then dumb luck, is to routinely scrub our hands with hot soap and water (at least 30 seconds) and try to avoid ever touching anything on our face.



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