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2 rapes per ship per month on royal caribbean

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Just finished watching a news program on fox news reporting that Royal Caribbean ships have 2 unprosecuted rapes per ship per month. I have heard negative reports about RCCL several times in other media outlets, didn't out about it until this report. It jst seems that there is too much negative press about this cruise line lately and I wanted to let others know. I have a teenage daughter who has sailed with us and would feel irresponsible if I didn't share what I have learned. That is a huge statistic. We're platinum loyal customers, but after that report we will never sail with them again. A case of a missing (presumed dead from the little evidence that they have and the lack of cooperation from RCCl) honeymooning husband was highlighted and they said that it must have taken more than one person to throw him over the railing of his balcony cabin. There was a huge blood stain on the canvas below the balcony (saw picture and looked as big as a body). They mentioned that time and time again these cases go unresolved because the cruise ships quickly sanitize the crime scene so that they protect themselves. They also said that RCCL has the most cases of missing persons and that these cases remain unresolved. I remember seeing a report on abc news about a nineteen year old girl who when her father last checked was sleeping on a chaise lounge on the balconeyof their cabin. When he awoke the next morning she was not on the balconeynd no where to be found on the ship. Rccl was uncooperative with the family and her dissappearance remains unsolved. I continued to sail with them because I thought maybe one or two cases a year happened. Not true. It's much higher. The report on Fox mentioned that you have a crew onboard, passengers and crew who drink, and enclosed environement and very little supervision, and it is a cauldrin (sp?) for the potential of violent crime. Couple that with RCCl's inherint interest to put it's own preservation above the safety and protection of it's customers and of course these kinds of things will happen. Fox news said there are cameras in the most public areas on the ship, but there are none in the hallways where the cabins are located. It seems that RCCl would have done that by now to protect the passengers, with a sign stating such to deter crime. But alas it seems they selfishly put profit above passenger safety. We have been loyal passengers logging at least two cruises a year for the past 18 years with them. We're too afraid to sail with them again.

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I wouldn't be as worried as you sound. As long as people are careful and take precaustions things will normal be fine. You can't predict what people will do. Not to offend either, but Fox news isn't exactly the most reliable source for news. They wanted to scare you and it sounds like they did a pretty good job. Crime happens everywhere. It won't stop me from vacationing with whatever cruise line I desire.

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Did they seem to focus on RCCL as compared to other cruise lines? Didn't see the report but wondered if RCCL seemed to have more problems than other lines or if this is standard for all lines?

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RCCL is being highlighted lately because of the missing honeymooner. He is from a prominent, old money family and "A Current Affair" has had a blast with this one. Perhaps the source should be considered. It doesn't make a good story unless it is sensational. I handle claims for an international company. It doesn't surprise me that the 'suspect incidents' happening on a certain cruise line are being sensationalized.


For example - In Southern California an assault case was sensationalized at the University of Southern California. A lawsuit was filed. The media made a big deal about the lack of security present. It was only when USC was able to provide a defense in the lawsuit that the facts came out. USC actually has a much higher level of security/police presence than the area surrounding the university. USC also had a much lower crime rate than UCLA which is in a better part of town. Just an example. One shouldn't always believe everything that is told in a story in the media. It is always best to do a little research yourself and determine the facts based on everything, not just stories put out by the media. Just my opinion. You are free to disagree with my opinion.

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Yes, they mentioned that this cruise line in particular had more problems than the rest. That's why they were putting the spotlight on them. By the way I don't scare easily, but after hearing on other tv news programs, not only Fox news, but CNN etc. and in written media as well as some other cruise message boards, I finally have become very afraid. And it takes alot to make me afraid. When we sailed on Voyager of the seas this past march, my 17 year old dauther and her friend, mentioned that they felt some crew members onboard were flirting with them by the pool during the daytime. We equipped her with walkie talkies and kept a close watch on them, and warned them about being alone in the hallways because you don't know who's onboard etc. And here they were by the pool with others around and crewmembers were flirting with them. One in particular was 30. We reported the incident and never got a response from the purser. Now after this news report it makes me wonder what kind of background check do they do on the crew members. I know most are good but what kind of rules do they have about fratinizing with customers onboard. There has to be a professional barrier between the two, not snobby, just professional and not flirtatious. And I have to ask why didn't the purser or someone else in charge respond to my concern. Sounds like avoidance to me. So dissappointing, so irresponsible.

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Reporters are infamous for taking a little something and making it into a big something.


I have personally seen the media take a bit of information ragarding a legal case....turn it completely around...and report a lie to the public.


I know crime occurs on ships. We cannot take the words of the media...and run with it as 100% truth. How unfortunate, huh?

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A current affair is like the national enquirer and not on the same level as fox or cnn, which is why I don't watch it or take it as a source of solid news. I do research solidly, which is why it took me months to even make this post, but this news report was the last ALARMING straw for me and I felt it my duty to report it so that others could come to their own conclusions. There are places on the web that list missing person cases on cruise ships. I suggest everyone visit the web sights, which I have, and do your own research and thereby come to your own conclusions. I have conluded, as a platinum customer that RCCl is no longer a safe cruise line to sail.

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Yes, they mentioned that this cruise line in particular had more problems than the rest. That's why they were putting the spotlight on them. By the way I don't scare easily, but after hearing on other tv news programs, not only Fox news, but CNN etc. and in written media as well as some other cruise message boards,


I would like to do some more reading on this could please tell me when the stories were on FOX and CNN news and what other TV news the stories were in. At my work we have access to almost every data base on print media so the dates and papers or whatever type of print it was in would be most helpfull.


Thank You


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They said two sexual assaults a month per ship, not rapes, for whatever that's worth. They also never stated who was committing these sexual assaults. They never said it was the ships personnel. As for the missing honeymooner: I find it interesting that the wife is nowhere to be found. I know if it was my spouse I would be all over TV demanding justice.

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I'm sorry, I am no apologist for Royal Caribbean, but that is the most absurd statistic I have ever heard. FOX NEWS???? Not ANYONE INTELLIGENT'S idea of a "good news source."


If you go to this website, you will see that this is an obsessed guy. He collects every possible piece of data on "events at sea." http://www.cruisejunkie.com


The first sexual assault he reports is this past May, and it took place on the QEII. You don't get to another sexual assault until December of last year, and that report is about a suit that was filed about an assault alleged to have taken place the PREVIOUS December, in 2003. (that one is Brilliance, an RC ship). Then you have one reported in October 2004, about an incident in August '04, which was passenger on passenger assault. NEXT we have August 2004, reporting an incident of crew on crew assault, from December 2002.


You can keep reading the website and infer what you will.


I think that a ship is as safe as any other environment; no more, no less. You can't board a ship assuming that all of the other 4,500 or so people on board are all Snow White and Prince Charming. Some, whether passengers or crew, may not share your morals and values. They may actually FLIRT with an attractive young woman. Someone might even try to take it farther. That's why parents should be responsible for their offspring when they are on board, and not assume that they no longer need care or supervision.


JMHO, as usual. YMMV.



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Here is a link to the video clip:






I hope it works.


I'm not one to over-react to news reports and I understand they can "bend" the stats to sensationalize their stories. But, it is a good one to watch and be aware of. Perhaps more stories like this one will force the cruise lines and the countries they are flagged in to prosecute criminal activity to the full extent of the law. People need to understand that US law is not in effect when you are a pax on a cruise ship.

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Merion Mom. Please enlighten us all. What is the most intelligent news program of all?" Why are you so anti fox and so quick to jump to conclusions about anothers intelligence based on the news programs they watch. You have no idea where people get their information. And to assume that someone is stupid because they happened to get their facts from one program ,one evening of their lives,shows your own ignorance and ???? I have too much decency and intelligence to say it.

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happy ks: THANK YOU for that video clip, for those of us who did not see Fox's report on TV tonight.


IN NO WAY is this an indictment of Royal Caribbean, or even cruising in general. The first three minutes were about Carnival Corporation, most of which were about ONE PASSENGER ASSAULTING ANOTHER, then about 30 seconds on RCI, then the remaining two and half minutes were a few people debating about "cruises as a haven for sexual predators" (what a load of cr*p!), about how to keep yourself safe on board, and to treat this like any other situation where there are other people around.


Anyone who takes this news report as a SCARY WARNING about the safety of cruising really wasn't paying much attention. (see? I didn't call such people "delusional", which was my first instinct.) :D


I am NOT denying that sexual assaults take place on cruise ships. Unfortunately, they take place all the time in all sorts of places. And each one is a horror and everyone hopes that we can prevent any of them from happening.



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Merion Mom. Please enlighten us all. What is the most intelligent news program of all?" Why are you so anti fox and so quick to jump to conclusions about anothers intelligence based on the news programs they watch. You have no idea where people get their information. And to assume that someone is stupid because they happened to get their facts from one program ,one evening of their lives,shows your own ignorance and ???? I have too much decency and intelligence to say it.

That's how, bbrabozo. By actually watching the clip and seeing that it doesn't say what your alarmist first post says at all.


Carol (and I *am* sorry about some of my wording - but not for the opinion)

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Merion Mom. Please enlighten us all. What is the most intelligent news program of all?" Why are you so anti fox and so quick to jump to conclusions about anothers intelligence based on the news programs they watch. You have no idea where people get their information. And to assume that someone is stupid because they happened to get their facts from one program ,one evening of their lives,shows your own ignorance and ???? I have too much decency and intelligence to say it.


Apparently, since it hasn't been on CBS 60 minutes yet, then it can't possibly be true. Maybe Dan will have the secret RCI memo linking Richard Fain and Jack Williams to a cover up. Could this be why he resigned? Maybe he knew he might be exposed! :D


I will trust a news reporter, especially someone at Fox, over an obsessed guy with an independent website (http://www.cruisejunkie.com) at any given time. They have more at stake and are scrutinized far more than any others out there. Fox news and anchors have to be perfect, as is the case with all non liberal media agencies. JMO since you felt entitled to share yours, not to mention your first sentence was set out to discredit the anchor, the network and insulting.

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You are on a ship with 1000-4000 strangers. Of course bad things will happen. Get a grip. People let their children run free on these ships, but won't let them out of their sights at home. Just because you are on vacation does not make it safe.

Are you going to stay away from Aruba? Carnival Cruise Lines? Florida? Las Vegas? The list goes on and on. One must always be aware of their surroundings and not take safety for granted. Geez people, pay attention to the world around you. I think you are over reacting to the cruise line industry. Statisticly, it is probably one of the more safer places to be.



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You have the right to be worried. Anyone with children seem to worry about what might happen to them. Unfortunately, working in a busy ER in Houston we have a nurse on staff specifically for such a thing. Every night we see a sexual assualt and those are just the ones that are being reported. It is all around us and hearing about it on a news program shouldn't be the only reason we take precautions. You can never be too careful no matter where you are.

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That's how, bbrabozo. By actually watching the clip and seeing that it doesn't say what your alarmist first post says at all.


Carol (and I *am* sorry about some of my wording - but not for the opinion)


I watched the clip and I have to agree. Bbrabozo, common sense would dictate that a cruise ship is no different than a hotel--therefore, the same precautions that you take when staying in a hotel should be the same as on a cruise ship. It amazes me how some people throw caution to the winds when they are onboard, letting their children run around unfettered, etc.


Until you see sexual assault figures on all ships, perhaps you should just boycott the industry.

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I also saw the story and there is a difference between a rape and a report of a sexual assault.


Althought the trial lawyer who makes his living suing the cruise line had some valid points, peep holes in doors, chains on doors, cameras in hallways, I noticed he was very sketchy in describing the two "sexual assaults" per month. Did someone have their a** pinched in an elevator, a lewd comment what is his definition of "sexual assault" (the word rape was NEVER used)? He DID NOT mention who gave the deposition. Was it the CEO, the Chief of Security, a ships Captain, or a janitor - what was the source for crying out loud? Where the crew members victims or perpetrators? Where Americans more likely to be victims? What law enforcement agency handles these complaints? Other than ONE deposition (which is verbal), what documentation was provided? I guess he and the news network did a good job of knowing that the public would make the leap from sexual assault to rape.


The lead story in that segment was the missing girl in Aruba who was NOT on a cruise line.


What I also heard was that male voices were heard in that cabin from the cabin next door. Since the gentleman was traveling only with his wife, who let these strangers in his cabin?


The reporter from "A Current Affair" did mention that the wife was seen falling down drunk and from her picture, she is much smaller then her husband. I have serious doubts that a small drunken woman could lift or shove her much larger husband overboard. I think her absence from the public eye has much more to due with her grief and wondering "what if I hadn't..." then guilt. JMHO.

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....the exact reasons why I would never recommend a family use a crew member to babysit their children at nite while they go off for entertainment on the ship......too many parents feel safe that if it's a crew member, everything will be okay. I just wouldn't take the chance. It would be like asking a stranger to come into your home to babysit. All that happens if something goes wrong is the crew member is put off at the next port to go home.



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Just finished watching a news program on fox news reporting that Royal Caribbean ships have 2 unprosecuted rapes per ship per month. I have heard negative reports about RCCL several times in other media outlets, didn't out about it until this report. It jst seems that there is too much negative press about this cruise line lately and I wanted to let others know. I have a teenage daughter who has sailed with us and would feel irresponsible if I didn't share what I have learned. That is a huge statistic. We're platinum loyal customers, but after that report we will never sail with them again. A case of a missing (presumed dead from the little evidence that they have and the lack of cooperation from RCCl) honeymooning husband was highlighted and they said that it must have taken more than one person to throw him over the railing of his balcony cabin. There was a huge blood stain on the canvas below the balcony (saw picture and looked as big as a body). They mentioned that time and time again these cases go unresolved because the cruise ships quickly sanitize the crime scene so that they protect themselves. They also said that RCCL has the most cases of missing persons and that these cases remain unresolved. I remember seeing a report on abc news about a nineteen year old girl who when her father last checked was sleeping on a chaise lounge on the balconeyof their cabin. When he awoke the next morning she was not on the balconeynd no where to be found on the ship. Rccl was uncooperative with the family and her dissappearance remains unsolved. I continued to sail with them because I thought maybe one or two cases a year happened. Not true. It's much higher. The report on Fox mentioned that you have a crew onboard, passengers and crew who drink, and enclosed environement and very little supervision, and it is a cauldrin (sp?) for the potential of violent crime. Couple that with RCCl's inherint interest to put it's own preservation above the safety and protection of it's customers and of course these kinds of things will happen. Fox news said there are cameras in the most public areas on the ship, but there are none in the hallways where the cabins are located. It seems that RCCl would have done that by now to protect the passengers, with a sign stating such to deter crime. But alas it seems they selfishly put profit above passenger safety. We have been loyal passengers logging at least two cruises a year for the past 18 years with them. We're too afraid to sail with them again.


I don't know where you live, but if you pick up the paper or turn on the 6 o'clock news ANYWHERE in this country, crimes are committed every day. And that is just what is "newsworthy". A cruise ship is like a small city and all types of people are on the ship. Passengers and crew alike come from varied backgrounds. Many people tend to over indulge in alcohol and do things that they normally would not do. What does all this mean? Keep your wits about you, don't drink to excess and HAVE A GOOD TIME.


PS. Are you not going to send your daughter to college? I hear that things happen there like date rape, drunken parties, drunk driving, drugs. I would think the chances of "something bad" happening to your daughter would be better at college than on a cruise ship.



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why newlyweds are NOT together on a cruise is quite entertaining. He is off playing BJ & she is at the spa??? That's what they call togetherness???? Then the drunk card players get into a brawl in the casino & we asked to leave. So the jerks followed him back to his stateroom, probably at his invite, got even more drunk, got into another fight which they broke his nose & probably told him to start swimming.......... Next morning they remember nothing.


If this was Vegas, he'd be out in the desert! Or if a rain storm happened, in the Flamingo wash & termed a drowning.


Media from CNN to the grocery store rags love a good story to go into a small mention & blow it up into major news.


To me, the 2 were not even married, she's a hooker & he's her pimp, and he got caught by an unhappy customer. So there is another rag headline......

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Merion Mom. Please enlighten us all. What is the most intelligent news program of all?" Why are you so anti fox and so quick to jump to conclusions about anothers intelligence based on the news programs they watch. You have no idea where people get their information. And to assume that someone is stupid because they happened to get their facts from one program ,one evening of their lives,shows your own ignorance and ???? I have too much decency and intelligence to say it.

Intellegent folks watch SEE BS. ;) :D

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