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2015 Brides!

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Hello beautiful brides! Im also a 2015 bride and we went on our first cruise last year ( Carnival Pride ) and loved absolutely every minute of it! Now we are definitely wanting to get married aboard a ship :) I'm just not sure how to do it or what our best options are. Decisions...decisions... For the ones that have booked through their cruise line is there several options? Anyone book with Carnival Pride? I'm completely new at this :)



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If you go to the CARNIVAL website they have a page with all of the options and a pdf to download with details and pricing. If you choose to book through carnival your cruise must be booked first. Then you'll call the weddings area are carnival to book your wedding package. You can get married on the ship on embarkation day or at many of the stops on your cruise.

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AHHH! I feel like I have been MIA for a few weeks. It is that time of year where everyone is VERY busy. I am wishing we would have done a wedding date before the Holidays to save on some stress but it will be nice to get to warmer weather by April! Today marks 4 months exactly that we will be married! :) So excited. So far in the planning process we are kind of at a stand still. Mostly everything is paid for and taken care of, now it's just the finishing details and touches that I think will come closer to the day. We saved some money by switching our reception stuff. We cancelled our "wedding reception" and booked a group reception instead. Everything is really the same except we decided to save some money by giving up the appetizers because we will be having dinner right after the reception. My only problem with it is, we will have to settle for a sheet cake because apparently they don't sell tiered cakes in group sales..... Has anyone seen a nice decoration on a sheet cake? (FH and I don't even like cake so this really is just for a picture or two to make people happy for following tradition) I still would like to make it decent looking though, anyone have any ideas?!

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Here are some decent ones I have seen

These don't look too bad! The second one i think is what it comes as or close, you can of course pay more to design it how you want but this is just not something we care too much about so i guess i might just have to jazz it up with our topper and possibly ribbon or flowers of some sort.

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These don't look too bad! The second one i think is what it comes as or close, you can of course pay more to design it how you want but this is just not something we care too much about so i guess i might just have to jazz it up with our topper and possibly ribbon or flowers of some sort.


You can get the rhinestone type ribbon and a cake topper. I think that would be really nice. :) My mom used to make wedding cakes when I was younger and she almost always made accompanying sheet cakes and would decorate them to match the main cake.

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Hello! We are getting married next NYE (Dec 31st 2015) on Carnival Victory at the dock in Miami!! I have so many questions that I don't know where to start!


You've found the right place. This forum is great! I have learned so much just using the search feature on the forum plus with the wonderful ladies and gents who share their experiences here.

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Hi all! Hope everyone is well and planning is going swimmingly! I literally took the day off work to go grocery shopping - LOL So I wanted to check ing quickly since I had time. I also have a little dilemma that I need advice on....


I'll try my best to make a long story short: My brother and his fiancee have split up. They were together for 8 years and their break is going very, very badly. My problem is that they are both in the wedding. Days after their split my brother told me that he wouldn't be at the wedding; my reply was that it's a long ways away and if he changes his mind our offer (to pay for his travel since he is in the wedding) still stands; at that point there was a hope they would reconcile...but now that is def not an option. He's been on and off as to whether he is going because he doesn't want to have to be around her for a week. This is completely understandable because she is being a major PITA about things and honestly not being a nice person (to put it very politely). She has even stopped talking to me regularly, and I think it's because she knows that my brother and I are close and I side with him on their breakup. UGH - what to do!? I can't just kick her out of the wedding. But, I would be crushed if my brother wasn't there.


I havne't asked her but apparently she told him that she doesn't know if she is going anymore either. What a mess for all of us. I've felt stuck in the middle since this whole thing began, since she is one of my best friends, but now it's even worse. And ever since their split she hasn't been very "best friend"ly (i.e.: I only hear from her if I initiate a conversation). I know it's a long ways away and things can change but I feel so stressed about this right now.



Stacy your cake dilemma made me laugh....Troy hates cake, I L. O. V. E. cake. But not thinking I asked him about what flavor cake he wanted, flavor filling, color frosting, etc. and he was like I don't care. I kinds got upset and though how can he not care?! Then it hit me... I do a little cake decorating on the side and there is a website called Cake Central you might want to check out. You can search for "sheet AND wedding" on the site and then just click on images - there are a ton of pics (689 actually). I found these cute beach ones....maybe a little too extravagant but just ideas.







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Hi all! Hope everyone is well and planning is going swimmingly! I literally took the day off work to go grocery shopping - LOL So I wanted to check ing quickly since I had time. I also have a little dilemma that I need advice on....


I'll try my best to make a long story short: My brother and his fiancee have split up. They were together for 8 years and their break is going very, very badly. My problem is that they are both in the wedding. Days after their split my brother told me that he wouldn't be at the wedding; my reply was that it's a long ways away and if he changes his mind our offer (to pay for his travel since he is in the wedding) still stands; at that point there was a hope they would reconcile...but now that is def not an option. He's been on and off as to whether he is going because he doesn't want to have to be around her for a week. This is completely understandable because she is being a major PITA about things and honestly not being a nice person (to put it very politely). She has even stopped talking to me regularly, and I think it's because she knows that my brother and I are close and I side with him on their breakup. UGH - what to do!? I can't just kick her out of the wedding. But, I would be crushed if my brother wasn't there.



Honestly if I had to choose between my friend and my brother... my brother will always win. I think I would just ask her, Since things have changed with my brother and his being at my wedding is very important to me, will this impact your involvement? Offer her a way out. Sounds like she wants one but doesn't want to completely burn her bridge with you. Tell her you understand things have happened and if she wants out, you are ok with it. Tell her you would rather remain friends and hopefully once the pain of the break up fades some the two of you can still keep your friendship instead of put her or your brother in the awkward position of the wedding and cruise.

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Honestly if I had to choose between my friend and my brother... my brother will always win. I think I would just ask her, Since things have changed with my brother and his being at my wedding is very important to me, will this impact your involvement? Offer her a way out. Sounds like she wants one but doesn't want to completely burn her bridge with you. Tell her you understand things have happened and if she wants out, you are ok with it. Tell her you would rather remain friends and hopefully once the pain of the break up fades some the two of you can still keep your friendship instead of put her or your brother in the awkward position of the wedding and cruise.


Thank you so much for that advice!! I think that is a very polite way of approaching her. Why couldn't I think of that?! :) I can't help but think too that maybe this is the way things were supposed to play out.... From the beginning I have had one more bridesmaid than Troy had had groomsmen, and also when I ordered the girls' gifts (hand made clutches) I was only able to order 4 (because the fabric wasn't available any longer). It may sound silly, but maybe this is just the way things were meant to work out, and either way everything will still be amazing!


On a happy note, it's time for Christmas break - ahhhh no students for 16 days! :D After the Christmas craziness passes hopefully I can get back to wedding stuff. Time seems to be flying by - 250 days!

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I havne't asked her but apparently she told him that she doesn't know if she is going anymore either. What a mess for all of us. I've felt stuck in the middle since this whole thing began, since she is one of my best friends, but now it's even worse. And ever since their split she hasn't been very "best friend"ly (i.e.: I only hear from her if I initiate a conversation). I know it's a long ways away and things can change but I feel so stressed about this right now.


Here is my opinion: Family comes first no matter what! She would obviously have to understand that no matter the situation and if she doesn't, she can't be that good of a friend anyway. I put myself in her shoes when I thought about it and I would withdraw automatically knowing that you shouldn't have to choose between her or your FAMILY. It's pretty straight forward in my opinion but then again I know how frustrating bridesmaids can be LOL I had to ask one to not be in my wedding as well due to some unforseen events and I have an even amount of people now too! ;) So it just feels right.



Stacy your cake dilemma made me laugh....Troy hates cake, I L. O. V. E. cake. But not thinking I asked him about what flavor cake he wanted, flavor filling, color frosting, etc. and he was like I don't care. I kinds got upset and though how can he not care?! Then it hit me... I do a little cake decorating on the side and there is a website called Cake Central you might want to check out. You can search for "sheet AND wedding" on the site and then just click on images - there are a ton of pics (689 actually). I found these cute beach ones....maybe a little too extravagant but just ideas.








I LOVE These ideas!!!!!! I think the sand one with the chairs is freaking adorable! I have yet to buy my cake topper (I made one but it will be too small for a sheet cake) but I think it might look nice on any cake, I'll post a picture.


Hope all is well! We are still plugging along just getting all my little stuff, ordered a foot jewellery thing today that I liked, and now just concentrating on getting everything together! Wooftah. 110 Days!!! And if you don't hear from me this week MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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Hello everyone!!


I sorry I haven't updated in a while. Tis the season to be BUSY! Lol. So I have been working very hard at my actually job and haven't had a lot of time to actually plan. I do need to get formal invitations out but I kind of haven't ordered them yet. The goal is to have them sent by end of Jan and rsvp by March 1st. I have found my makeup artist and hair dresser. Put a deposit down for that. We decided to do a cocktail hour type of thing before we all go to lunch. A few people who said they were going are now saying they just want to give $$ and I'm fine with that!! Lol so it's now looking like 20 people for the wedding. That's all I've really worked on. I don't have my fitting until February, but my dress is all paid off. Making payments on cruise, final payment is due end of January. Just trying to make it all work :)


Merry Christmas to all of you!!

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Final fitting, my dress is done! She added a bustle so I had to learn how to do it up and I am now completely ready beyond final packing and getting my hair trimmed and colored and my nails done! YAY! 34 days!


34! That's coming so fast! I can't believe how fast the days go by. It really is true when they say enjoy it because it's over in a flash! Do you feel like everything is well organized for yourself or are you still getting it all together? I'm nervous that these last final months for me I will be a nervous wreck, to top it off we put down our deposit on our at home reception so in the meantime we are planning that too!


I'm so excited to hear everyone inch closer to their dream weddings! To think I started this thread back in April and all the people have put in their thoughts, i can't wait to see it come to life! I wish more people would come back and post pics! Have a Merry Christmas and i will talk to you all soon!

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34! That's coming so fast! I can't believe how fast the days go by. It really is true when they say enjoy it because it's over in a flash! Do you feel like everything is well organized for yourself or are you still getting it all together?



Honestly I feel like everything has gotten done as it should have. I have my marriage license ready to go, his suit, my dress, the bouquet will be done by the end of next week, the kilt pin boutinierres are ready, mothers' pins, rings and ring box, You name it. Honestly the only real hiccup I would say we've had, and it's not really even a hiccup, was that in order to get the ceremony outlines and all of that I had to actually reach out and contact the wedding experience. It seemed like after i told them I was getting my marriage license on my own and they weren't getting that extra $125 from me, they became very distant and I had to force communication. But it's done now and I'm sure they like me even less since there are no floral upgrades or salon appointments for them to book either. My menus and programs are done. Everything is ready to go.


Merry Christmas to everyone here! And may we all have a very very happy New year!

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We are getting married in one week on the Carnival Glory!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. We had some drama with the marriage lisence, but praying that is all taken care of. Other than that we are good to go! 40 guests attending the wedding and 20 sailing! Can't wait!

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Hi 2015 brides!


I am actually going to be a 2016 bride but this thread is so helpful! First of all - THANK YOU! Secondly, please keep posting after your cruises. I look forward to seeing how the experience was for you from start to finish. I just read every post in this thread and can't wait to get the ball rolling!


My love and I live in Orlando so we are hoping for an Embarkation ceremony and a quick weekend trip on the Sensation with our families and friends. Essentially, we have the mentality of, "This is where we will be getting married, we hope you all will be able to join us but if not, we will see you when we get home". I have been a bridesmaid about a dozen times and can't even count the number of weddings I have attended. At this point I am choosing to release the control and focus on the feeling of joy and happiness over the stress of details that are rarely even remembered. Of course, this is subject to change at any time. I wonder how many of you just read that and thought, "isn't she cute...just wait". Hahahaha.


Anyhow, thanks again! I look forward to all the great advice that is still to come. :D

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We are getting married in one week on the Carnival Glory!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. We had some drama with the marriage lisence, but praying that is all taken care of. Other than that we are good to go! 40 guests attending the wedding and 20 sailing! Can't wait!


Fingers crossed it all has been taken care of.

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I'm so excited for those of you with wedding coming up soon!! I can't wait to see pictures anther your stories!


On the kicking-a-bridesaid-out front I've made my decision....I am just kicking her out. She has pushed my last button with my brother and burned her bridge with me. I'm at the point where I don't even want to be nice about it anymore. On a happy note, since we will be saving money by not having to pay for her to cruise with us we can now hire the steel drummer that we want for the wedding. So it all works out. :-)

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AHHH! I feel like I have been MIA for a few weeks. It is that time of year where everyone is VERY busy. I am wishing we would have done a wedding date before the Holidays to save on some stress but it will be nice to get to warmer weather by April! Today marks 4 months exactly that we will be married! :) So excited. So far in the planning process we are kind of at a stand still. Mostly everything is paid for and taken care of, now it's just the finishing details and touches that I think will come closer to the day. We saved some money by switching our reception stuff. We cancelled our "wedding reception" and booked a group reception instead. Everything is really the same except we decided to save some money by giving up the appetizers because we will be having dinner right after the reception. My only problem with it is, we will have to settle for a sheet cake because apparently they don't sell tiered cakes in group sales..... Has anyone seen a nice decoration on a sheet cake? (FH and I don't even like cake so this really is just for a picture or two to make people happy for following tradition) I still would like to make it decent looking though, anyone have any ideas?!


Hi, we did the same of ordering a sheet cake, they gave me lots of options for flavours, fillings, icing etc. They told me I was more than welcome to bring whatever I wanted to go on top of the cake. I was contacted by the steakhouse day of embarkation and asked to bring everything and a sketch of how I would like it decorated to the steakhouse (where we had our reception). We were very pleased with what we ended up with and the cake is delish! Hopefully this pic turns out :)

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Hello 2015-brides!


Here is one more ;)


I am pretty new to Cruise Critics and so as well to this forum. I was and still am searching for help, support, ideas, hints, sharing and recommendations to keep my blood pressure down thinking of my „big day“! Please also bear with me my English and possibly not understanding the used abbreviations right away.....


So is here anyone who recently got married on Cunard QM2 and can share a bit the procedure, timing and possibly can answer my 1000 questions? Or would it make sense to open a new thread on this?!?



We are getting married in June 2015 during our first cruise ever and it is the Transatlantic from Hamburg to New York on QM2! :D As we are living in Hamburg and in walking distance to the river Elbe, we since years always are the banks of the Elbe each time SHE is coming in and leaving again – never mind the time of the day. And each time I had „water“ in my eyes and goose pimples and we were saying: „Some day.... we will be ON her!“ WOW - and now we are! A dream comes true! We decided to be on our own for the cruise and wedding. So all the family stuff and stress we do not have – lucky us. And all are fine with it as well – so again lucky us! Most of them will be at the banks when we are leaving and they are preparing something special for us to wave good-bye. And we tend to do a nice reception after the cruise for sharing our pictures, stories etc.

There is currently no night I am not thinking of the cruise and wedding, and upon waking up my first thoughts are again on the QM2.... How to survive the next 5,5 months??? I have no clue! :confused:


So it would be just nice to share this excitement here with lots of useful tipps!


Is anyone out there???

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Hello 2015-brides!




We are getting married in June 2015 during our first cruise ever and it is the Transatlantic from Hamburg to New York on QM2! :D As we are living in Hamburg and in walking distance to the river Elbe, we since years always are the banks of the Elbe each time SHE is coming in and leaving again – never mind the time of the day. And each time I had „water“ in my eyes and goose pimples and we were saying: „Some day.... we will be ON her!“ WOW - and now we are! A dream comes true! We decided to be on our own for the cruise and wedding. So all the family stuff and stress we do not have – lucky us. And all are fine with it as well – so again lucky us! Most of them will be at the banks when we are leaving and they are preparing something special for us to wave good-bye. And we tend to do a nice reception after the cruise for sharing our pictures, stories etc.

There is currently no night I am not thinking of the cruise and wedding, and upon waking up my first thoughts are again on the QM2.... How to survive the next 5,5 months??? I have no clue! :confused:


So it would be just nice to share this excitement here with lots of useful tipps!


Is anyone out there???


I love your story and how much getting married on QM2 means for both of you. I am a Carnival Bride in the United States so I don't have any insight into how Cunard handles these things. Don't let that discourage you, we will all jump in to help with any information we can. Welcome!

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I love your story and how much getting married on QM2 means for both of you. I am a Carnival Bride in the United States so I don't have any insight into how Cunard handles these things. Don't let that discourage you, we will all jump in to help with any information we can. Welcome!


THANK YOU! And congrats to you! Only 26 days to go for you on the start of something beautiful!

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