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Princess has become a 2nd rate cruise line!

Sue K

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Regarding the internet charges, they billed me for the whole cruise and should have taken it off at the end, since I am elite, but they did not. I went to the pursers desk and they figured out how much was owed to me and they credited my account and it showed up 3 weeks later on my statement. no big problem

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Don't look for the internet charges to be removed or credited from your account until your final bill that last morning. They will charge you each time you log on, but the actual total charges will not be removed until the end of the cruise, so don't get too excited if they are still showing up throughout your voyage. ;) But if they are there the last morning, just pop down to the purser's desk and they will remove them. Sometimes even the cruise lines have computer problems. :)

Just the way I want to spend my last morning onboard, standing in a long line to get the internet charges that I shouldn't have had to pay, removed from my bill. If you aren't supposed to pay for internet service because of your status as a past Princess passenger, Princess should have a program in its billing computer that sees to it that the charge doesn't ever appear on your account. It can't be that difficult to do and would reduce the pursers office staff workload, and make for happier passengers. The same with the automatic tip. Why should you have to again stand in line to have the charges removed if you prefer to pay your tips in cash? (And please don't claim that everyone who has the charges removed intends to stiff the staff). Let me make the choice and if I wish to have the charges automatically charged to my account, I will willingly stand in line or sign a form authorizing Princess to do so. And if two thirds of their passengers request a traditional dining time, reconfigure the dining room assignments so that two of the three dining rooms are traditional and the other one is anytime dining.

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Sue K,


I am sorry you did not enjoy your cruise and appreciate what you have to say. I do remember when past passengers did recive gifts from Princess but will say that has not been done for at least 5 years or more. At lot of what you experienced is the shock of cost cutting measures that have been happening slowly over the years. I won't repeat what others have said. I enjoy cruising and very much like Princess but I do miss the way cruising was and the fun and pleasant interaction between passengers and crew. Also, the little special things that could be done for passengers because crew had more flexibility. Unfortunately some of the old ways have had to be changed.


I hope your letter to Princess has given them some helpful criticism.



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For Sue K:


I am a travel agent and have never heard any complaints from past passengers that Princess is a 2nd rate cruise line. As a matter of fact, this will be my 4th cruise on Princess and I have sailed on almost all the cruise lines and I find Princess to be one of the best.


You did not mention what ship you were on or the problems that you encountered. If you are that unsatisfied with your cruise, you should contact your travel agent so they can contact Princess, or if you booked on your own, you should call Customer Service with your complaints.

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For those of you who never received any gifts for being past passengers and were wondering what they were...


Princess gave out champagne flutes etched with the seawitch, the name of the ship, and the year of the cruise. These gifts were handed out from the time of the merger with Sitmar to, at least, the early '90's. My last champagne flutes date from the Crown Princess in 1992. Back then, there was also tableside preparation of special pastas, Caesar salad, and flambe desserts. Yes, I miss it, but... Princess is STILL by far my favorite cruise line.


Joan, Elite

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They now have special restaurants with extra charges for special dinners. All their food used to be that good, now we have to pay extra for it? There no longer are the grand extravaganza dessert nights, no more gifts for Captain's Circle members, no more tableside Ceasar salad or pasta preparations.
When do you suppose that she cruised last? Ten years ago? They have been phasing out these things for years, ever since Personal Choice dining came in!
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Just the way I want to spend my last morning onboard, standing in a long line to get the internet charges that I shouldn't have had to pay, removed from my bill. If you aren't supposed to pay for internet service because of your status as a past Princess passenger, Princess should have a program in its billing computer that sees to it that the charge doesn't ever appear on your account. It can't be that difficult to do and would reduce the pursers office staff workload, and make for happier passengers.
I’ve never had internet charges not removed from my account and never have had to stand in line to get it done – it’s always been done automatically. While there may be a couple of instances of problems, I would say it is not the norm. It would seem to me there is an accounting reason for putting the charges on an account and then crediting them back – I’m sure Princess doesn’t do it just to waste ink and paper. And I wonder how many of the complaints that the charges have not been removed have been rooted in mis-reading the statement?
The same with the automatic tip. Why should you have to again stand in line to have the charges removed if you prefer to pay your tips in cash? (And please don't claim that everyone who has the charges removed intends to stiff the staff). Let me make the choice and if I wish to have the charges automatically charged to my account, I will willingly stand in line or sign a form authorizing Princess to do so.
I think this is a different story and you don’t have to stand in line on the last day of the cruise to get these removed…you can do that from day 1. If the auto tip isn’t automatically added, then it’s not an auto tip…so you’re really saying the old method of tipping should be brought back? Given the expansion of services – especially in dining – it’s difficult to imagine how everyone would get tipped fairly without the auto tip.
Back then, there was also tableside preparation of special pastas, Caesar salad, and flambe desserts. Yes, I miss it, but... Princess is STILL by far my favorite cruise line.
Um – my last Princess cruise was in April on Island Princess. We had Cherries Jubilee, Bananas Foster and Pasta prepared tableside by the Head Waiters. Last August we had the same on Regal Princess. The only thing they don’t seem to do anymore is the Caesar Salad and that’s fine with me – I have issues with raw eggs.
I called Orbitz to ask about cruising and the fellow I spoke with said that Princess gets good marks....hmmmmmmm.
Maybe the Travel Agent was trying to humor the original poster… :rolleyes:

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Maybe the Travel Agent was trying to humor the original poster… :rolleyes:


I'm wondering if the agent might have picked up on their expectations and was trying to do them a favor...maybe he was able to pick on their potential dissatisfaction...they don't turn down bookings or try to un-sell someone without a darn good reason. Or maybe this is all just a put-on. Ain't worth worrying about any more, at least to me.

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I am very disappointed in many of you for first of all, not being patient enough for her reply, and second, when she did reply with details, you were no less harsh! She had a very bad experience, it happens. And it apparently was about more than just a Caesar salad. Wow. I guess I'll think twice before posting a negative experience. Three Princess cruises ago I came close to hanging it up after an awful experience with the Dawn. I gave it "one more try", and here I am, leaving in less than two weeks on the Caribbean Princess (oh no, MUTS). Let's not be so mean.

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For those of you who never received any gifts for being past passengers and were wondering what they were...


Princess gave out champagne flutes etched with the seawitch, the name of the ship, and the year of the cruise. These gifts were handed out from the time of the merger with Sitmar to, at least, the early '90's. My last champagne flutes date from the Crown Princess in 1992. Back then, there was also tableside preparation of special pastas, Caesar salad, and flambe desserts. Yes, I miss it, but... Princess is STILL by far my favorite cruise line.


Joan, Elite


Thanks for explaning that. It shows me why we have never seen any gifts, since we first started sailing with Princess in 1993, just missed it by one year. But I still remember the tableside preparation of foods in the dining room. Didn't really impress me much when they used to do it, guess that might be why I never missed it.


This post may be making sense to me now. If the OP last cruised with Princess prior to 1993, I can see why they thought things have changed. But what hasen't changed in this world since 1993 if you think about it. :confused:

If that is the case, I think it very unfair of the OP to condem or complain about Princess if they were actually expecting the same type of cruise as was experienced pre-1993.

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Princess gave out champagne flutes etched with the seawitch, the name of the ship, and the year of the cruise. These gifts were handed out from the time of the merger with Sitmar to, at least, the early '90's. My last champagne flutes date from the Crown Princess in 1992.
We have flutes but only with seawitches, no ship names or years. Do they still give out inaugural freebies?



Thanks for explaning that. It shows me why we have never seen any gifts, since we first started sailing with Princess in 1993, just missed it by one year.
I'm pretty sure we got gifts after 1992, but it certainly wasn't guaranteed. So maybe the whole 'gifting' thing was sporadic?



This post may be making sense to me now. If the OP last cruised with Princess prior to 1993, I can see why they thought things have changed.
To say the least. :D We're looking forward to returning to Princess in a few days after a 5-year hiatus. We go with the assumption that things are even drastically different now than they were in 2000. Nevertheless, sorry to Sue for the bad experience. It sounds like you got more than your fair share of bad service/luck.
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Hi Sue K,


First off I am sorry you had such a terrible experience with Princess.

Being an Elite Member, and cruising only with Princess since 1996 I was saddened to read your post.

Personally I have always had excellent service & cruises all around.

I certainly hope you do get a reply from Princess. Especially about your anniversary gift missing $400.


Princess Air has good points & bad. Usually I use Princess Air if I am travelling to Europe or have different ports for embarkation & disembarkation. You can deviate for a cost if the flights are not good. Or book your own air, as many do.

For my Baltic cruise I did use Princess Air. I arrive in Copenhagen at 4pm, ship leaves about 9pm. ?? No worries.


As for the free internet service. I use it always. It can be confusing the way the run the fee thru, then show it as credit.


Yes, there have been some Dining Room changes. Most of which were resulting from passenger suggestions/comments.

I know now that they do not make the ceasar salads tableside, as it is offered all the time. But, have had special pastas & desserts made tableside.

Frequent cruisers enjoy the dining alternatives, as the traditional menu does not change much. I do believe all the food served on Princess cruises is excellent. Yes, they have done away with the traditional midnight buffet, to offer 24 hr. service in Horizon Court.


Princess has not done special gifts in some time now. The Captains Circle Tiered Program offers nice perks in my opinion.

I have had wine in my cabin that I assume is from Princess.


All said, everyone has their own opinion, and for me Princess is my cruise line.


Good Luck :)

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I'm fairly sure that even as late as 1997, Princess was still giving out gifts like the champagne flutes to repeat passengers. Some pax received plates. Not everyone qualified, of course, only those with x number of Princess cruises (or maybe it was based on number of days cruised).

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I’ve never had internet charges not removed from my account and never have had to stand in line to get it done – it’s always been done automatically. While there may be a couple of instances of problems, I would say it is not the norm. It would seem to me there is an accounting reason for putting the charges on an account and then crediting them back – I’m sure Princess doesn’t do it just to waste ink and paper. And I wonder how many of the complaints that the charges have not been removed have been rooted in mis-reading the statement? I think this is a different story and you don’t have to stand in line on the last day of the cruise to get these removed…you can do that from day 1. If the auto tip isn’t automatically added, then it’s not an auto tip…so you’re really saying the old method of tipping should be brought back?


No, I'm really saying to let me decide if I want my tip added to my account instead of adding it and requiring me to stand in line (and I didn't indicate that this had to be done on the last day) to have it removed. [ If you are going to comment on my remarks you can at least read them.] It allows me to decide how the tip is paid and if I choose to have them add it, then it is as automatic as it has to be. I can't think of any reasonable accounting requirement to post a charge that is going to be removed. Princess may not want to waste paper and ink but they are effectively doing just that. Never underestimate the ability of even the largest corporations to do things inefficiently. :)

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For someone who has not cruised in a while I guess the changes could be unexpected...


however, when you consider how the prices of cruising has remained relatively steady over the course of so much time, changes have to be made. Our first cruise was on the RCL Song of America around 1987-1988 or so and the cruise cost us about $1000 per person (cruise and air, inside room). When you compare that to what an inside cabin now on either Princess or RCCL costs, you'll observe that over the course of about 18 years or so there has been very little change in the cost of the cruise. Back then there were things that were included that now there are charges for (ex; bottles of water to take with as you get off the ship), but the cruise line has to make up the difference somehow.


I do remember salad and pasta preparation at tableside, but now the new trend is for mega ships and frankly its would be logistically difficult to have salad and pasta preparation at table side for the number of tables and guests that now need to be served.


If you are looking for that type of experience, then your travel agent was at fault for recomending any of the larger lines. Sounds like you would prefer one of the luxury lines such as Crystal or Radisson.


Frankly, I think you get alot of value for the $$$ with Princess or RCCL.

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I'm sorry the OP had a bad experience, but like many others I am a platinum Captain Circle member who happens think Princess is one of the best lines out there. That's not say every thing has always been perfect on my cruises, but then, I don't expect life to be either. I was raised to believe that there is always at least two sides to every story and I don't know what cruise line's side is. Just my humble two cents.

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No, I'm really saying to let me decide if I want my tip added to my account instead of adding it and requiring me to stand in line (and I didn't indicate that this had to be done on the last day) to have it removed. [ If you are going to comment on my remarks you can at least read them.]

I did read your remarks. I guess I’ve been incredibly lucky because the only time I’ve experienced lines at the Purser’s Desk is on the last day of the cruise – I read “line” in your post and assumed that’s what you meant. What I should have said is that I have observed ample opportunity to take the auto tips off your account when there are no lines at the Purser’s Desk.

I do remember salad and pasta preparation at tableside, but now the new trend is for mega ships and frankly its would be logistically difficult to have salad and pasta preparation at table side for the number of tables and guests that now need to be served.
Princess continues to do this in the Traditional Dining Rooms. Perhaps it has been alleviated for logistical reasons from Anytime Dining?
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We've always had small frustrations with travel. Traffic, parking, flights, boarding, luggage, lines, lines, lines, and the saddest frustration, disembarkation! I know inconvienciences are going to happen and I do my best to take them in stride. I have to admit, I don't always succeed! :o Does anyone else think that a 'suggestion box' on this board for Princess could be a help for them and of course, a help for us. For example, on our last cruise (Sapphire, July 3 thru July 10), we received 6 luggage tags with our Final Cruise Documents, but with the disembarkation packet we were issued only 4 tags. Not a big deal, but this meant a 45 minute wait in the Purser's line for 1 extra tag I needed, on the last night, right after dinner. I chatted with the folks in line and tried to make it the best possible, even tho I didn't want to be there. Couldn't Princess just issue the same amount, 6 again? Yes, we did put this on our comment card along with many compliments.

We are sailing Princess to the Mexican Riviera in December RT from San Franicisco, and RT from LA to Hawaii in January 2007. We Love Princess! I would have used caps, but, well, you know!

Maybe a 'suggestion box' for travelers, on this board, can make their journey more pleasant. For example, on our Millenium Cruise, we left on Christmas Eve (on the Sun Princess), I wore my Santa Hat and passed out Candy Canes to the kids (and many adults too) in the airports we visited - I think I enjoyed it more than they did. I had a great time! :)

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Sue, I am sorry you had a bad time on your cruise. Yes, Princess did drop the ball for you more than once!


I haven't had any table side dishes made since 1999. I have seen long lines at the Purser's more than on the first and last days....in fact mid week. I too, had to stand in line on my last Princess cruise to have my internet charges taken off my bill....should not have to do that at all! You swipe your card and they know you are Platinum...no charges should appear at all on your bill!


My last Princess cruise was on the Diamond this past April. I have never seen a more apathetic and uncaring crew on a ship ever! NO was the most common answer for any simple request (like a different dressing for the salad that was offered for a salad in the dining room - I had never been told NO before - and this is just one example); EXTREMELY slow bar service at all times (took 10 minutes to get a bar waiters attention more than once when I was in a relatively empty bar..............they were busy talking to the bartenders or talking to the pax sitting right at the bar instead of doing their jobs......); room stewards not complying with simply requests like an extra blanket (was told I should not have the a/c set so cold - gee, sorry I like to sleep in a cold room with an extra blanket - should NOT be that big of a problem!)


I was shocked at the service and the attitude of the crew and staff on this cruise.......it was my 6th Princess cruise. There has been a decline in service over the last few years, but the difference between this cruise and my previous Princess cruises was VERY noticeable. I do have an open booking and will give them one more try, but if they drop the ball on that one, it will be my last Princess cruise. I was one of Princess' biggest fans until my last cruise. And before people ask when the last Princess cruise I took before the Diamond in 4/05, it was the Dawn 7/04 to Alaska.

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When you are really dissatified with the cruise line, it is probably a good idea to choose another where you will hopefully have a better situation. As for my husband and I, we sailed with another cruise company (just to experience another line) and we came right back to Princess. We have also sailed on Carnival with our children and had a wonderful cruise experience. Remember Carnival owns Cunard.

I'll tell you one thing. I would NEVER let the cruiseline arrange my air again. I had a similarly bad experience on HAL. If there was a more inconvenient air itinerary, they would have been hard pressed to come up with it. I sat in the airport for hours, at both ends of the trip, because they booked me on a flight to Miami that was so early that we had to hang around the airport for three hours before they would even transfer us to the pier. By the way, the pier was in Fort Lauderdale. Why the hell did they have me flying into Miami?


On the return leg, they had me booked on a 3:30 flight. I was at the Miami airport by about 10:30 or so. Guess what? There were no earlier flights to Philadelphia on that particular carrier, thus I couldn't get another flight. I had to hang around the airport for close to five hours waiting to fly home to Philadelphia.


Never again. I take care of all my own air arrangements now.


As for your onboard billing problems, I know how frustrating that can be. Again, I had the same problem with HAL. Made the mistake of visiting the spa. Never again. Got my hair cut. It was pricey, but hey ... I figured I was on vacation and didn't have the time to get my hair cut before leaving. So, I splurged. Gave a nice tip too. What I didn't count on, though, was being billed twice for the same service.


Took me quite a while to get that one straightened out. Lesson learned. Never again will I use the spa. I had to keep fighting with them even after I got home from the cruise. The charge was still on my bill at final settlement on the last day of the cruise. I eventually did get it straightened out, and got a credit to my charge card for the amount, but not before a lot of aggravation.


I guess the point of this post is that these problems can occur on any line. If I were the OP, I would maybe give Princess another try and see if the experience was an isolated one on this particular cruise. Sadly, all the lines have gone "down hill" a bit with cost-cutting and personnel reductions. We are basically paying the same amount or less to cruise today than people paid many years ago. So, unfortunately, some things have slipped because the cruise lines have to cut expenses somewhere.


But, all in all, I think cruising still represents the best vacation value for the money spent and I would give Princess another try. I'll bet even if you sailed another line, you would find the service and ammenities to be about the same, if not worse.


Just my opinion.


Blue skies ...



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