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!!! BREEZE !!! Western Caribbean ^_^ The Ultimate Review and Complete Pictorial Guide


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So personally I don’t see the point of getting off the ship just to eat in port, unless it is something very specific. Just my opinion, it seems to be quite popular because those restaurants are always jammed with people having a great time. But I rather save my money for amazing shore excursions like the one I just got off from.


I took a few pictures before heading back on board.


They were remodeling this one.









Here is the menu for another one.






I mean $14 for a burger is not exactly a reasonable price. I don't mind paying bucks for a good burger, but that thing better be amazing. There is a restaurant here in Ft. Lauderdale and they offer kobe beef burgers. Trust me I have paid a lot more than that for a burger, but it was divine!




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And heading back to the ship. Something to note here that if you want to get back on board they make you go through a long shopping plaza. On the bright side this plaza is air conditioned, the negative side is that it gets very crowded and walking through it is a bit of a pain. Well at least for a none shopper like me :D. I think every 5 seconds I had a product offered to me, just saying... They don't have this in the RCCL pier.




Back on board the pool had some little action.




So when in Mexico, you eat what? Yeah thats right, Blue Iguana :D


My usual 1 fish, 1 shrimp and 1 steak. Again AMAZING!!! Why would I pay in port when I have these beauties onboard already payed for?


I decided to eat those in the room and take advantage of the cold AC. I was a very hot day, and I was still overheated from all the action.






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After I ate those I was still a bit hungry, so I decided to try Mongolian Wok.




The way this works is that you create your own bowl with what you want on it, then you tell them what kind of protein you want on it and then the sauce. I originally had confused this venue with Tandor and I avoided it because I heard it was spicy. But Mongolian Wok can be made 100% mild, so no worries there. Like I said, I can tolerate spicy food, but I don't particularly enjoy it.


The line was not bad, I think a total of 10 minutes.




They had your basic veggies and whatnot, everything looked nice and fresh.






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Here is mine, a lot of mushrooms and onions.




Protein selection




And the sauces, I asked for black bean. I think they can also be made sauceless.




They make 3 at a time.




It was actually very good, I really enjoyed it. The problem is that I was pretty full already, I think the tacos had kicked in by then. I think I ended up eating most of it. Wish I had a longer cruise to try out more of these. The Breeze really does have possibly the best for free lunch selections out of all of cruises. Well Disney still wins with free crab claws and lamb. But Carnival does an amazing job at keeping me very happy for lunch. Ill take this lunch over RCCL, NCL and X anytime!


I think it comes down to the personalization of the items.




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I went touring the other food stations and getting some pictures of what was available. Again keep in mind they are all spread throughout the entire buffet area.






Remember I spoke about these, but there was no way I could of eaten them by then.






The Deli is one of the venues located towards the back of the buffet, near the main dessert selection.





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This picture came out horrible, the RX100 struggles with situations like this one at times.




I wanted to try out the carrot cake, but quite honestly I know if I did I would be paying for it later on. I had already pushed it with the Mongolian Wok, so I simply decided to skip it.






I never ate in this area, everything here looked delish! Until next time Breeze!




That coconut fish was calling my name!






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I then went to the tides bar to get a long island ice tea, the tides bar is the one in the aft pool. By the way here are were all the LGBT meetings are held, I think they had one nightly. Never made it to any of them, I usually travel with mom so I am not accustomed to frequenting them. The one time I walked by one on a cruise (I forgot which one), it was dead, maybe 3 people or so. Maybe attendance depends on the cruise line, who knows. I did see quite a few gay couples walking throughout the ship.






I really wanted to try something different, but I mostly always stick to my usuals. That chocolate martini that I got the other day was a rare act, but a delicious one.




I think the drink menus are the same throughout the ship, I found that on the limited side. The most variety that I have found by far was on Celebrity, their drink list is just insane. I heard that some ships have an Alchemy bar? what is that about? same drinks or specialty ones?




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I don't think I have mentioned this before, Carnival has drink servers making rounds by the pool constantly. I know other lines offer it as well, but Carnival differs in that they have them walking with drinks in the specialty souvenir glasses. Now, personally I would not buy them from them. Simply because these drinks have exposed to the sun and are not at their prime by then. I think I rather walk to the bar and have them make me one. You know I regret not buying a coconut fresh water in Grand Cayman, I completely forgot about it.


You can see some of the the glasses there behind my drink.




Again, fun times available everywhere in the ship! :) How hard is it to do this NCL? RCCL offers them, but only on specific areas.




I decided to get my drink and head to Lanai and get some jacuzzi time. My muscles were really worn out :D




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People kept yelling from one side to another having fun. One guy kept trowing an imaginary football to the Triumph and asking for his ball back. It was kind of funny, some people went along with the game, while others looked at him thinking what the hell is he doing...




All for myself, and with plenty of shade.




And all my stuff, I usually bring everything with me to cover my cell phone from any accidental splashing.




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Since I was running low on booze I decided to leave. By the way I that drink did nothing to me, while I still believe it was weak. I also think that the fact that my stomach was so full also contributed to that. Either way I needed another drink so I went to look out for one. Usually you see the crew coming around the Lanai offering drinks, but this time none had come since I got there. So I knew unless I got up from my lazy butt, I would not get another drink.




Something funny to note is that till this day I had not noticed the forward jacuzzis for the crew. They are kind of hidden, and since this area tends to be windy people don't last there very long.





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I headed up to serenity and left all my stuff on a chair, not usually my style, but I did not feel like going to the room to drop off my phone. I wanted to go down the water slide just once, so I figured it would be fine. In the past I had stuff stolen and since then I am very careful about leaving my belongings unattended.








It would be really nice if those partially covered areas in Serenity were actually fully covered.




The couple from the regatta told me that the basketball court on the Triumph was a joke. Now I could see why, quite honestly for me it's not a problem. But I did see a lot of action on our court, so I can see how this can be a problem for some.




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This picture came out really nice, one for the books =)




When I got to the top deck I was told that the yellow was malfunctioning and only small children could go on it at the time. Later on that day I spoke to a CC member who told me the she basically almost got stuck in there, my guess is that one of the water pumps was out. Later on in the cruise they fixed it because I saw adults on line.


Anyway, so the only option was to go on the orange one or walk down. I really did not want to use orange one, mainly because the first time I used it, it hurt my back. But then again I did not feel like walking down either, so I decided to wing it and try it again.


I tried lifting my back slightly, but I still managed to scratch my back again. I am not sure if this a common problem or it was just happening to me.








Aside from the scratching it is just not a fun slide, or at least I don’t think so. There is always a longer line for the yellow one, and rarely a line for the orange one.


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I stop at the restroom near serenity. Nice and Clean.








I decided to stop by the Serenity bar and test my luck there.


This time around I went for orange vodka straight up, they did not have any martini glasses. So they give you some kind of plastic wine glass. Makes sense, trying avoid broken glass everywhere.


Keep in mind that the only orange vodka they had up there was Grey G, so you will be paying a premium for this martini. But, then again if you're a martini drinker you know that by now ;)




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And for the second time in this cruise I decided to check out the serenity jacuzzi.




I did not last long there, but it was fun while it lasted. I think once the drink ran out, I was pretty much out of the place.


Anyway, then the Triumph started leaving.






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And I retreated to my balcony to relax for a little while. I really think I got my moneys worth with my balcony this time. I always make lots of use with my balconies, but this time I really enjoyed a little extra. The location was just perfect for me, I wish I could afford this location all the time.








Something a little funny is that I had no idea I was a Art enthusiast, or even more so that one of my favorite artist was Peter Max, just a little inside joke there :D




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I noticed that I was charged by mistake on the Serenity bar, so I headed down to take care of it. It was actually for a soda that they had confused my order for.


Again guest services was quick, and really nice to deal with.




Then I headed to the red frog to try out that place. Everything is priced reasonably.









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I am not entirely sure what I was thinking, but I decided to get a pitcher of their specialty beer. I am not much of a beer drinker, but I was still attempting to get my buzz going on and so far I had failed at it :D. I saw a good deal on the pitcher and decided to go with it. The reason I don’t drink beers often is because they make me feel bloated, and it also makes go to the bathroom very frequent.


Those peanuts are spicy as hell! But very tasty.




Little did I know that by then my stomach was pretty empty and the beer hit me hard and quick. I was feeling great, but I knew if I drank the entire thing I would run into problems. It was then that a nice lady stopped by and asked me how the beer tasted. Apparently she was a beer fan, but she was not sure if she wanted to spend the money to try it. I asked her if she wanted to try it and she said no, I insisted and asked my server for an extra glass. Long story short she scored a full glass of beer, we chatted for a little while and then she left. She said it was a great beer and that she would be back later one. Honestly I can’t say much about it since I don’t drink beer often. But I enjoyed it, it was nice, mellow and easy to drink.


I also ordered the conch salad. Quite honestly I did not enjoy it as much, the conch was chopped in tinny pieces and I can bet it was mixed shopped shrimp as well. Maybe they were running out of conch and mixed it with shrimp? I still ate it all as I was starving by then. It was also tinny.




The conch fritters on the other hand were good, not great, but good. If you like spicy sauce you will do just fine here.




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Service was great and very friendly, one thing that I noticed is that when they take the order they sit with you on the same table. It is a nice gesture of a relaxed environment and makes you feel welcomed.


I worked on my food, while listening to some good music. They also play the music videos on 2 monitors on each side of the restaurant.


I was pretty much done with all my food, and I decided to go check out the other show “Motor City”.




Since I had not finished my beer I asked if I could take the pitcher and they said yeah sure. Walking with the pitcher around the ship got me some funny looks from several people :D, not that I cared.




I stopped by the atrium and they had some live music going on.




And some folks having a great time dancing.




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It was really good music, great singers. I think this is why I like Carnival so much, the ambiance is just amazing.



Here is the Video





I decided to go wait for motor city to start.


Pre-Show picture




Also pre-show picture, prior the copyright warnings. This is how they get the audience ready. And guess what even I was jumping around. I am not sure what it was, maybe the beer, maybe the energy, or maybe I was just having an amazing time!




Motor City was great, Carnival does a magnificent job at engaging the audience before the show starts. Usually with a little contest and followed by some dancing or something. I truly enjoyed myself during the show. My only complain again it is the same bare stage, but technically that could be an easy fix for them if they decided to improve it. While I am sure that shows like “Chicago” on the Allure have a much better cast, production and stage. But one thing the Allure never manage to do was to keep me awake during an entire show. Maybe big show productions are not for me, who knows, all I know is that I really enjoyed myself.



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I had one big problem during this show, I had to run to the bathroom 3 times and I missed a great deal of it. Then it was that I remembered why I don’t drink beer.


Here is me making a run to use the facilities. Still with a bunch of beer in hand :D






When I got from the last time this had happened :( it was over…. and I had missed the ending...




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I decided to head out to the Lanai and enjoy my beer while relaxing a bit.




I really like the blue lighting, its my fav color.




Then I was just walking around when I met our CC group, they were going to have dinner. They told me to go with them, and I said yeah why not. I just needed to run to bathroom one more time… lol Ummmm Yeah….


Anyway, granted I really did not have plans on having dinner that night. But this group was great and I knew it was going to be a fun time at the dinner table. Pretty funny thing is that they stuffed us on a corner table to minimize the damage from our loud noise. Like I told you, it was the table that everyone looks at with dirty looks :D.


Some of them were really red from Cozumel, they all went to passion Island. 1/2 of them went through the speed boat and the other half went in the Catamaran. From what I could gather they had a great time, and plenty of sun exposure :D. The only thing that I gathered that was not that good, was the food and that they water toy area was kind of small. But they said there were very little crowds, and they had hammocks in the water. That I would like to see.


Anyway here are the menus for that night.




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I really had no intentions in eating, but I figured with all that beer inside of me I might as well put some food in my stomach.


I went for the Oysters for my starter. Again blahhhh…. Very little oyster, too much stuffing… Not horrible, just not memorable either.





And for my main I ordered 1 shrimp cocktail. There server insisted that I make it 2, and it was a good thing he insisted on 2. While they were small, they did taste nice and fresh.






For dessert I went for what I knew was great.





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I also got a cheese plate, I ate very little since I did not feel like going up to the room and getting the enzymes. It was ok I guess, nothing to write home about.




Service was slow that night also, not bad, just slow.


A lot of shenanigans happened during dinner, it was really funny. But I will just leave it like that, a few inappropriate situations that have no room for CC :D. We had a great time, well I can speak for myself, I had a great time. But everyone seemed to be having a blast. Actually a few more people joined us for dessert that night. One of the members I had not met till then, he had a great personality.


We left, but agreed to meet again to play a dice game. We each needed to get 3 dollars and meet back in the red frog pub.


I took some pictures on the way there.






The latin group was playing again.




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I have no idea what the name of the game was, but I am sure someone from our roll call can remind me here.




I don’t have much luck with any kind of card/dice game, after a few rounds I decided to call it a night. Till then I had not won a single round, not that I was expecting to anyway. I was worn out, my legs were starting to hurt and I was ready for bed. You could tell that a few of them were also tired, most likely from the sun exposure. I know I was.



Here is what happens when I forget to take the camera out of “Illustration mode” :D






And here is the TV malfunctioning again.





It was a very rewarding day with lots and lots of fun, definitely one day that I will never forget!




Day 5, End.



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