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Random Notes from the Navigator, Vancouver-Vancouver, LIVE


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Thanks for decorating this thread with Gabby's photo, Karen! She deserves our plaudits--she's that good. But let's not leave out Banyar, her very able partner. Banyar is also the Pool Deck juicer in the morning, making Shauna's and my signature concoction (at least for this cruise): carrot, celery, banana, pineapple and watermelon juice. Delicious!


What a gorgeous day in Wrangell today! Low 60s, partly cloudy, tee-shirt weather for us! A couple of the locals told me this is Wrangell's best-weather day of the year so far. Lucky us. The only precipitation we've experienced thus far on our cruise is the mist in Misty Flords (a given). And just to think: The pre-cruise forecast for Ketchikan, Juneau and Wrangell was rain, rain and rain (in that order).


I'll have more to report on our special day in Wrangell later. Need to get up to Galileo's now to have another go at trivia.



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I have the prescription for winning lots of Regent Rewards at trivia. Walk into the lounge, ask if frequent Regent cruisers Karen and Jim are present, and, if so, get on their team. Boy, are they good! We finished second the other day (I forgot to take my smart pill so was basically no help), but I managed to step up my game a notch this afternoon as we cruised to victory. Having snacked on the particular sweet in question in Taormina, I was specially qualified to answer the following: "What dessert treat is Sicily best known treat?" (No, it's not tiramisu.)


Our visit to Wrangell today is the only one the Navigator will be making this season. Because of its somewhat out of the way location, Wrangell gets few cruise ships the size of the Navigator or larger, fewer than ten a year. (By comparison, five ships docked in Juneau yesterday alone.) When, very occasionally, a big ship makes a call, it's somewhat overwhelming for locals. "Looks like a spaceship has landed," said Greg, our bus driver and lifelong Wrangell resident.


We enjoyed our get-acquainted excursion, "Island Highlights and Native Cultural Tour," which consisted of visits to the Wrangell Museum, a small totem park, and Petroglyph Beach. Greg had cautioned us that a particular dog would probably be waiting for us at the beach, stick in mouth, demanding one of us play fetch with him. Sure enough the pooch was there. I threw the stick far enough to send Fido into the water after it. The dog returned soaking wet, and proceeded to shake himself dry next to Shauna, eliciting a shriek from her, and then a burst of laughter. We especially enjoyed every minute of our time at the beach thanks to the glorious weather.


Because of ongoing Jean Ann Ryan cast rehearsals, the Seven Seas Society event was held tonight in Galileo's. Captain Ubaldo, CD Lorraine and Cruise Consultant Gudrun each spoke a few words (Gudrun mentioned the Explorer, noting that since the ship is being built in Genoa, its summer, 2016 maiden cruise will likely be in the Mediterranean), and new lead male vocalist Timothy Cooper sang "Crazy Little Thing Called Love," backed by the orchestra. Then it was off to dinner starring one of my favorite Regent dinner entrees, Miso-Glazed Sea Bass.


We spring forward one hour tonight, but no big deal as we're not scheduled to dock in our last port, Prince Rupert, until 1 p.m. tomorrow.



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A quick hello from Prince Rupert, where we have just docked. It is cool and misty. We will be leaving within the hour on the most ambitious excursion of the day, the seven-hour Khutzeymateen Valley Grizzly Bear Watch. We'll have a two-hour boat ride to the grizzly bear sanctuary, which boasts one of North America's highest concentrations of grizzlies (about 50). The excursion (with a $209 upcharge) was a late add to the Prince Rupert offerings. We won't be back until about 8:30, so we'll have just enough time to freshen up and claim our front row seats for "Cirque Navigator." The new Jean Ann Ryan cast has been rehearsing day and night the last couple of days for "Cirque."



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I like this particular itinerary as it includes some lesser visited ports. We have been to prince Rupert before, but on a land trip from BC. Have not been to wranglell. The bear expedition sounds interesting.

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OOO! Sounds like a great excursion! Will wait for details! Also the latest report on the JAR new show. Our daughter was close do doing a cruise deal with JAR and an "at sea" life, but gave it up for a wonderful man, a desk job and a racing sail boat. All has been wonderful to her, but first love (aside from Bob) was travel and dance......please continue to report on JAR. All ears, here!

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A quick hello from Prince Rupert, where we have just docked. It is cool and misty. We will be leaving within the hour on the most ambitious excursion of the day, the seven-hour Khutzeymateen Valley Grizzly Bear Watch. We'll have a two-hour boat ride to the grizzly bear sanctuary, which boasts one of North America's highest concentrations of grizzlies (about 50). The excursion (with a $209 upcharge) was a late add to the Prince Rupert offerings. We won't be back until about 8:30, so we'll have just enough time to freshen up and claim our front row seats for "Cirque Navigator." The new Jean Ann Ryan cast has been rehearsing day and night the last couple of days for "Cirque."




Wow!! Can't wait for the bear report!! We have been to Alaska on a number of cruises & have not seen many bears ,John thinks they don't exist!! Lol !!:cool:

Have fun!! Thanks again for your reports!!!


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We owe a debt of gratitude to the fellow passenger who prevailed upon Regent to add Khutzeymateen Valley Grizzly Bear Watch to the list of Prince Rupert offerings a week before we sailed, after failing to book the tour independently with Prince Rupert Adventure Tours, the operator. The 50 or so of us who signed up were treated to a fantastic experience aboard the beautiful Inland Passage, which captain/owner Doug Davis had especially built for this excursion in 2007, for $2.5 million.


For 30 unforgettable minutes in Khutzeymateen Inlet, we trained our binoculars and cameras on a mother grizzly and her two cubs as they foraged, hung out, and walked along the water's edge a mere 30-40 yards away from out boat. According to our guide, Elaine, mama bear (who the team had been keeping track of since she was a cub) had lost two previous cubs to a bear attack and was keeping a close eye on these two. The cubs, she said, are in their "second summer" with mom, adding they had one more summer to go under her care.


Earlier, and from a greater distance, we watched a mother grizzly, her suitor and the mother's cub. "That cub doesn't know he is supposed to leave," Elaine commented.


"This is about as good as it gets," our guide continued, referring to our bear spotting. Little did we know that Captain Doug had another thrill in store for us before returning us to Prince Rupert: an early evening bald eagle feeding. In Metlakatla Pass, he stopped his boat, broadcast as eagle sound on the PA and began throwing beef scraps into the water. Within seconds, we were surrounded by upwards of two dozen eagles who soared and swooped as we feverishly tried to capture the amazing moment for posterity with our cameras.


"Spread the word about us!" Captain Doug exclaimed as we walked off the Island Princess. Captain, I just did!



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We didn't return from our grizzly bear excursion until 8 or so, not enough time to eat and still be first in line when the doors to the Seven Seas Lounge opened at 9 for "Le Cirque Navigator." So we decided the sandwiches and drinks we had been served aboard the Inland Passage would suffice for dinner as well as mid-afternoon snack, and nabbed those front-row seats.


Mudhen, you and your daughter would have felt a giddy mixture of delight and admiration as these young folks, exhaustively rehearsed (I admit to taking a peak now and then through an opening in the drapes at the Deck 7 entrance to the theater), went through their "Cirque" paces without a hitch. "Cirque" is really a starring vehicle for "Featured Lead Specialty Artists" Aaron Atkins and Julia Langenberg (we hear Pru Caldwell will be able to return to action in three weeks--yay!), and they were great. Matt Doherty, another JAR vet not to mention Shauna's Beatles night dance partner, also shined as always during his special "Riverdance" themed number, which got one of the several biggest responses from the crowd.


After the final bows were taken, we chatted for a few minutes with friends, and were about ready to put the cap on what had been our favorite day of the cruise. But the Jean Ann Ryan cast and CD Lorraine had other ideas for us. Suddenly the entire cast re-appeared in our midst looking fresh as could be (ah, youth!), with Matt toting an oversized Regent teeshirt, which he presented to a delighted Shauna (hard to believe that seconds earlier she had been in her customary post-show "doldrums"). The shirt carried every cast member's and Lorraine's autographs, as well as various words of endearment. So very touching!


We're asked now and then why we continue to cruise Regent exclusively. I usually respond by making general comments aboard the wonderful service, the ships, the all-inclusive policy, etc. Now I can respond by describing this moment, for it speaks a small volume why Regent is so special to all three of us.



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It was nice, as always, to begin our cruise with a sea day, and it is especially nice to end it with a sea day. And what a busy sea day this will be with the packing, a final morning lecture by Joe Kess ("Russian Alaska Becomes American Alaska"), more packing, deck lunch (weather permitting), Shauna nap and more packing, Chocoholic Tea Time, one more go at trivia with our ace teammates/friends Karen and Jim, final packing, "Krew Kapers," dinner in Sette Mari for the first time this cruise, AND the "Farewell Beatles Dance Party" at 9:30 in Galileo's. We didn't know for sure that the Beatles bash would be on, due the Ryan troupe's rehearsal schedule, and are delighted for Shauna that it is a go (she has only been talking "Beatles" night and day every day). I don't think the new Jean Ann Ryan dancers know what a treat they have in store when they see her array of dance moves for the first time!


The Navigator will be turning the internet off on me at 11 p.m. If I am not able to do another post before then, thanks for traveling along with me on what has been a wonderful cruise, and I'll sum up after we return home.



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I'm going on Mariner in June.


Is the pool deck on Mariner where I can go to get a juice? Any other locations?


thanks in advance! I feel like I should probably make the effort to get a spinach/kale smoothie in my tummy b/c I doubt greens will make an appearance otherwise. hahaha! Your signature concoction sounds AMAZING. MMM WATERMELON!


Banyar is also the Pool Deck juicer in the morning, making Shauna's and my signature concoction (at least for this cruise): carrot, celery, banana, pineapple and watermelon juice. Delicious!

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As always thanks for all the wonderful postings. This last tour sounds marvelous.


No dry eyes here with your comments about the JAR kids and the Cruise Staff . . .glad for everyone.


I hope you all have a good last sea day (enjoy Krew Kapers! and the Beatles Dance Party), easy travels and I look forward to your next cruise!



Edited by xrvlcruiser
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Sarah, pool deck on Mariner is where you go to get a smoothie made of whatever veg and fruit concoction you want. My husband like carrot, orange and mango. He gets one pretty much every morning for breakfast.

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Alainciao and Peggy, I got warm and fuzzy, and a little misty-eyed myself, last night as Shauna was being fussed over, and again this morning as I recalled the special moment. Look forward to cruising with you again one of these days, Peggy! My pleasure to blog this cruise.


Rachel is right, Sarah. I spoke with headwaiter Umberto at the Pool Grill today about special-order items such as kale, and he said all you have to do is corral a headwaiter in any dining venue and make the request, and you'll have that item waiting for you by the juicer on Pool Deck each morning.


What a difference a few days makes. When we were cruising in Queen Charlotte Sound in the direction of Ketchikan we had 40 mph winds, which created a fair amount of motion. Today in the sound the seas are almost glass smooth. Plus it is mostly sunny with a cool breeze. Needless to say, Pool Deck was the place to be for lunch (Ginny, Shauna and I enjoyed our one burger of the cruise--tofu for DW, salmon for Shauna, beef with bacon and gorgonzola for me). A number of sunbathers, too.


Packing's going well. We're hoping Shauna will close her eyes now and get some shut-eye so she'll be well rested for the twisting and shouting tonight.



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We owe a debt of gratitude to the fellow passenger who prevailed upon Regent to add Khutzeymateen Valley Grizzly Bear Watch to the list of Prince Rupert offerings a week before we sailed, after failing to book the tour independently with Prince Rupert Adventure Tours, the operator. The 50 or so of us who signed up were treated to a fantastic experience aboard the beautiful Inland Passage, which captain/owner Doug Davis had especially built for this excursion in 2007, for $2.5 million.


For 30 unforgettable minutes in Khutzeymateen Inlet, we trained our binoculars and cameras on a mother grizzly and her two cubs as they foraged, hung out, and walked along the water's edge a mere 30-40 yards away from out boat. According to our guide, Elaine, mama bear (who the team had been keeping track of since she was a cub) had lost two previous cubs to a bear attack and was keeping a close eye on these two. The cubs, she said, are in their "second summer" with mom, adding they had one more summer to go under her care.


Earlier, and from a greater distance, we watched a mother grizzly, her suitor and the mother's cub. "That cub doesn't know he is supposed to leave," Elaine commented.


"This is about as good as it gets," our guide continued, referring to our bear spotting. Little did we know that Captain Doug had another thrill in store for us before returning us to Prince Rupert: an early evening bald eagle feeding. In Metlakatla Pass, he stopped his boat, broadcast as eagle sound on the PA and began throwing beef scraps into the water. Within seconds, we were surrounded by upwards of two dozen eagles who soared and swooped as we feverishly tried to capture the amazing moment for posterity with our cameras.


"Spread the word about us!" Captain Doug exclaimed as we walked off the Island Princess. Captain, I just did!




Great story! It would even be better with a couple of pictures of bears and eagles.

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Alainciao and Peggy, I got warm and fuzzy, and a little misty-eyed myself, last night as Shauna was being fussed over, and again this morning as I recalled the special moment. Look forward to cruising with you again one of these days, Peggy! My pleasure to blog this cruise.


Rachel is right, Sarah. I spoke with headwaiter Umberto at the Pool Grill today about special-order items such as kale, and he said all you have to do is corral a headwaiter in any dining venue and make the request, and you'll have that item waiting for you by the juicer on Pool Deck each morning.


What a difference a few days makes. When we were cruising in Queen Charlotte Sound in the direction of Ketchikan we had 40 mph winds, which created a fair amount of motion. Today in the sound the seas are almost glass smooth. Plus it is mostly sunny with a cool breeze. Needless to say, Pool Deck was the place to be for lunch (Ginny, Shauna and I enjoyed our one burger of the cruise--tofu for DW, salmon for Shauna, beef with bacon and gorgonzola for me). A number of sunbathers, too.


Packing's going well. We're hoping Shauna will close her eyes now and get some shut-eye so she'll be well rested for the twisting and shouting tonight.




I have only just found your 'live' report from the Navigator and have enjoyed reading it immensely. We have just returned home to the UK after a wonderful 12 night cruise (SF to Vancouver) on Navigator. It was our first time to Alaska and also cruising with Regent - so we were definitely one of the 'newbies'. Gede was also our Steward and he looked after us so well. As for the weather, I am so pleased that apart from the blip at the beginning, the weather continued to be good for you. Thankfully, the weather was kind to us too, but even the one rainy day in Sitka was amazing. Alaska has won our hearts, and to have been able to experience cruising with Regent at the same time, was the icing on the cake. We found Regent excelled in every area to what we have experience in cruising thus far, and loved it so much that we booked another cruise whilst on board!!


We too thoroughly enjoyed the JAR production shows (albeit they were performed by the previous group of artists) and have to say that the 'Le Cirque Navigator' show just blew us away.


So a big thank you from us for spending precious Alaska viewing time to write your daily reports - they have certainly helped ease the post cruise blues in this house.


Best regards

Sandra & Tom

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Late night greetings from the computer room! Thanks for all the comments--I appreciate them all.


Will have a hard time getting to sleep right away because I'm still so "up" after a wonderful cruise that ended on a series of high notes--literally--tonight. It was fun, and eye-opening, to attend Krew Kapers with an audience largely made up of first-time Regent cruisers. The response was the best I've heard to date at the crew show. The audience stood up as one at the closing of "Impossible Dream," clapping and cheering.


And the Beatles bash was a smash, and very well-attended. One hour of nonstop Beatles hits belted out by CD Lorraine and lead singers Tim and Allison backed by members of the Regent orchestra. High moments were the conga line on "Penny Lane," a horde of manic "drivers" on "Drive My Car" and a rock till you drop "Twist and Shout." Shauna left it all on the dance floor, taking on a succession of dance partners. She is one happy, but sleepy, little camper at the moment.


We have a long return tomorrow, but I'll have more once we settle back in, including my usual "A Photo Finish." 2oldforthis, I think you'll be pleased!



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Good morning from Vancouver's airport. Debarkation couldn't have gone smoother. Our tags were called exactly on time and before we knew it we were relaxing on our bus for the transfer to the airport. The gent who took our bags and the gent who drove us were helpful and upbeat--we even received some commentary from our driver during the 45 minute or so drive to the airport.


Love Vancouver's airport! The luggage carts are free, the internet is free (and fast) and there are convenient sitting areas just inside the front doors for those of us who can't check in yet (U.S. airlines have a three-hour check-in rule), plus snack shops.


I stopped my poll of first-time Regent cruisers after I got a second "11 on a scale of 1-10" response, plus two more "10s," and a couple of "9s." In our nine cruises with Regent I've never sensed a happier and more pleased collection of cruisers.



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Hi Rich

It was a pleasure sailing with you, Ginny, and Shauna this week. We loved sharing the Beatles evening, and Shauna's excitement leading up to the big event.


Safe travels, and looking forward to sailing with you again.

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