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Anyone else excited about Rio?


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Well we are now very exited about Rio, we booked on the 27th November 2014 Malaga to Copacabana cruise last year and we have just been advised the details of our day room in Rio that was part of Azamara's package - the 5* Windsor Atlantica Copacabana!! Just wish we were staying a few extra days.


Have to say that we have had a few issues with this booking but throughout the service we received from Azamara UK has been first class, It was a cracking deal when we booked it and continues to get better. Well done Azamara!

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Well we are now very exited about Rio, we booked on the 27th November 2014 Malaga to Copacabana cruise last year and we have just been advised the details of our day room in Rio that was part of Azamara's package - the 5* Windsor Atlantica Copacabana!! Just wish we were staying a few extra days.


Have to say that we have had a few issues with this booking but throughout the service we received from Azamara UK has been first class, It was a cracking deal when we booked it and continues to get better. Well done Azamara!


HiCarol and John, thank you for the kind words about Azamara UK. I'll send them to the MD.

And your excitement is contagious! I love the happy anticipation of a fabulous trip ahead.


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The pricing has been corrected on those tours. Thank you so much for calling our attention to this error. And thank you for being patient waiting for this correction.


Below is the memo I received:


Hi Bonnie,

We just confirmed that due to a system error, the pricing the guest was seeing in the UK was indeed incorrect.

The product development team has addressed this and the correct pricing is now showing online and in the downloadable brochures.


Below is the correct pricing if you'd like to add it in to your response:

The correct price for RJ42 Best of Rio with Churrascaria Lunch is GBP 109.25 per adult / GBP 76.25 per child.


The correct price for RJ71 Best of Rio with Churrascaria Lunch (Ends at the Airport) is GBP 111.50 per adult / GBP 79.75 per child.



Thanks for all your efforts in rectifying this anomaly.

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Hi Bonnie,

We will be sailing for the hollidays from Buenos Aires to Rio with the Azamara Journey. Our embarkation day is on the 22nd in Buenos Aires and the ship is staying overnight in Buenos Aires until the 23rd. Can we embark (check in) at any time on the 22nd or there is a certain closure time for embarkation?

Thanks in advance


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Xport, I'm still waiting it hear if it will be possible for the second tour to return to the pier, for the B2B guests. I've not forgotten.


I noted your post last week and am still extremely hopeful for an affirmative response from Shore Ex... Clearly, it's the tour I want to do on 19 February [with pier drop off] as I don't--despite significant time in Rio [start there, return for an overnight there coincident with Carnival, and turnaround there [with another overnight] for the subsequent cruise--see another reasonable opportunity to do it as scheduled...


I didn't acknowledge your kind promise of follow-up sooner as I noted on the website--several weeks ago--that there are significant additional issues related to the tour postings for the 7 February sailing and thought they might resolve by now... I had a call last week from a Shore Ex Rep with Celebrity in the context of my October sailing with them as they too are having some severe [but different] Shore Ex posting problems on their website... She was generally aware of them--those supporting the Azamara effort may be aware of them too--but did indicate that corrections tend to process when the information systems are backed up each weekend... Two weekends have now passed since I first saw the latest problems with the Shore Ex offerings for my 7 February Azamara trip [and I invited the Celebrity Rep to have someone from Azamara call me; that hasn't happened] but, as of yesterday afternoon, they persist...


As such, you may want to get these to Miami via your more direct pipeline as it is--to my mind--in the brand's interest to get these corrected sooner rather than later...


  • RJ71 [best Of Rio With Churasscaria Lunch- Ends At Airport] is now listed as an option on both 7 and 19 February... The 7 February--that's our embarkation day--offering is likely intended as a disembarkation day offering/should be associated with the prior cruise... The 19 February offering--my turnaround day--is the one you've been working in terms of getting a secondary drop-off at the pier for consecutive cruisers...
  • Two additional tours are now being offered on both 7 and 19 February... They include RJ92 [Panoramic Rio] and RJ93 [Rio's Favelas]... I can't imagine such scheduling is intentional as, once again, they coincide with both embarkation and disembarkation day for the 7 February sailing unless--and it would be unusual--they are intended for back-to-back cruisers...
  • One tour--RJ94 [brazilian Cooking Class] is being offered on 19 February; again disembarkation day for the 7 February cruise...
  • And finally--for the 7 February sailing--another night tour [RJ95 Rio By Night With Show At Plataforma Show House] has been posted as an offering on 19 February; disembarkation day for this cruise with most guests having left the ship hours before... Seemingly, it's the same dynamic as I reported to you--and you had fixed--relative to the Nights In Cool Places/Scenarium Tour that was more appropriately associated as a post-dinner option for those embarking on the 19 February cruise...


I have detected a few issues--but far less goofy--relative to tour offerings during the 19 February sailing too...

  • No tours have been posted during our port call on 1 March at Devil's Island, French Guiana... Perhaps it's a new port and that postings are forthcoming but time is of the essence as we're now just shy of two months away from final payment for this cruise...
  • And then nothing--other than the AzAmazing Evening--has been posted during our overnight [a 37 hour port call!] at Barbados on 3 and 4 March... Surprises me as I know that the RCCL family of brands calls at Bridgetown on a relatively routine basis...


And finally, there's this... I attempted to reserve the AzAmazing Evenings [which are booked like a shore excursion] during both the 7/19 February trips earlier this week... AzAmazingly--and I'm not new to the rodeo--the website kept trying to force me to a payment page requesting credit card information for events that are complimentary ["No Show" fees are added to a guest's onboard account if assessed] and there was no opportunity--as there'd been in the past--to enter an e-mail address for written confirmation of the reservation! After clicking around, I wasn't sure if my reservations were successful or not [they were, but it took a call to the Customer Service Center to get oral and written confirmation]!


I'm truly sorry to belabor you with this kind of stuff... I'll be returning to my Florida home--not very far from Miami Headquarters--in early November and would potentially be amenable to a [well paying] consultancy to put these things through some "logic/smell" tests before they go live! ;)


Thanks and regards,


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  • 4 weeks later...

As the open issue relative to a secondary dropoff for the Best Of Rio tour on 19 February [my turn around day between the 7 February and 19 February sailings]--dating back to early July--is still unresolved... And as you will note from my post here of 5 August [which roughly coincided with your departure for the British Isles], the mess--sorry, but there's no better word to describe it--relative to other Land Discoveries for both cruises has only gotten worse since my initial post on this topic in early July... I just looked at the website and can confirm that neither the initial issue that we discussed nor any of the additional issues I identified--most of which are nonsensical/illogical in the context of logistics--have been acknowledged or addressed in your absence...


I regret my need to raise these issues with you again as you return from well-earned vacation [thoroughly enjoyed your blog; I'm doing a British Isles trip--with some of the same port calls--next July with Celebrity] but time is of the essence... Final payment is due for Journey's 7 February cruise on 10 October and final payment is due on her 19 February cruise on 22 October; I'll be aboard Celebrity Summit from 5 through 19 October and would like to have a very exacting sense of my tour opportunities in South America before fully committing to both [won't do one without the other] before leaving just over five weeks from now...


Thanks and best regards,


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We are going to assume this post has the detail you are referring to on another thread. Let us keep working on this and get back to you.


Just to be absolutely certain that we are on the same page, there are multiple issues--all described on this thread in several posts but covering different observations--that require prompt attention...

  • On 4 July--and as clarified for Bonnie on 6 July--I [a] asked about the feasibility that the Best Of Rio tour on 19 February associated with the 7 February sailing--with airport drop-off--be expanded to include a secondary drop-off at the pier for those of us who are consecutive cruisers, and , noted that the Nights In Cool Places/Scenarium tour on 19 February--originally also associated with the 7 February sailing--seemed to be more appropriately associated as a post-dinner/embarkation day option on the 19 February sailing...
  • On 7 July, Bonnie reported here that my observation relative to the Nights In Cool Places/Scenarium tour on 19 February was indeed correct--the tour had been associated with the wrong sailing/she thanked me for having reported the error--and reported that the website had already been corrected. In addition, Bonnie reported that my suggestion--which she characterized as a good one--of a secondary pier drop-off for the Best Of Rio tour on 19 February was still pending...
  • On 28 July, Bonnie kindly posted here to say that my request for addition of a secondary pier drop-off for the 19 February Best Of Rio tour was still under consideration and that she would continue to follow-up... I've always trusted that she would and, after learning that she would be taking some well-earned vacation, did not particularly expect to hear from her until her return if I did not see a change to the website sooner [it hasn't changed]...
  • When I posted on 5 August--again, before realizing that Bonnie would be away--I reported a whole raft of new/illogical Land Discovery scheduling issues that weren't on the website when I originally posted on 4 and 6 July... These are not repetitive to the ones identified in my earlier posts and I've had no indication--here, or via updates to the website--that they've either been reported to Miami Shore Ex or have otherwise been detected/are in the process of being corrected by Miami Shore Ex in Bonnie's absence...


All one need do is look at the Land Discovery offerings on embarkation [7 and 19 February in my case] and disembarkation days [19 February (which is my turnaround day); 9 March looks fine but I'm home--and could conduct the tours--when we arrive in Miami] to realize that most of the offerings make no logistical sense or have been associated with the wrong sailing... It's obvious that no one has proofread that which has been posted to the website in the context of itineraries/what makes sense from a traveler perspective... I report these issues--and it should not be a guest responsibility to do so; I have far better ways to spend my time and find the apparent indifference to guest "ease of motion"/satisfaction shameful--to maximize my personal experiences in cogent manner during both cruises... But truth is, Azamara has far more at stake--with tour viability and related revenue in play--to get this stuff right than I do; pride ought not get in the way of good judgment when valid concerns are raised via the voice of a customer...


As noted yesterday--I merely wanted to catch Bonnie's attention upon her impending return--there is much to be accomplished to set things right before final payment is due in October...


Thanks for your attention/intervention relative to these matters... Those identified in my 5 August post require timely escalation--and priority resolution--if not already reported to and being worked by Miami Shore Ex... I expect that Bonnie will follow-up relative to the secondary drop-off at the pier for the Best Of Rio tour on 19 February; frankly--at this juncture--I don't think that such accommodation is too much to ask given the amount of time/effort I've expended for what is ultimately Azamara's primary benefit...

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this is a small island that ones walk around in the heat taking pictures of the grounbds. this was a prison island at one point and to can go into the awful prison and look at the ruins.. There are some house there that people live at- only God knows why. very poor people. guess they maintain the island. lastly there is a hotel there=you can have a beer and try to cool off. .food can be brought there too. i just drank beer. .the only air con on island is the little gift shop.. did not buy a thing but cooled off there.


I am finding more and more cruises offers a B2B tour tour at the last minute on the ship.. In Rio i just sit in terminal with blasting music using the internet. also you can shuttle bus to a mass and wall around and shuttle back. .this is not a city i ever want to leave the ship again. not a very safe country for most people- robberies are high and people poor.

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I truly appreciate your insights about visiting Devil's Island...


I'm aware of the significant crime problem in Rio but I am eager to experience it all--particularly at Carnival--with full understanding that I'll likely never return... In fact, the crime and social issues contribute heavily to my desire to tour with the relative safety I perceive to be associated with doing so in the company of cruise mates under the auspices of Azamara-sponsored groups... If it had been otherwise, I'd have scheduled my arrival into Rio earlier and made private tour plans pre-cruise and during each of my subsequent two stops there [two overnights after initial embarkation]--for far less expense and, or so I thought, far less work on my part... This process has been time consuming and arduous in that Azamara Land Discoveries--particularly in Rio--as offered to-date have little basis in reality from a logistical or common sense perspective; it is not the finest performance I've seen out of Shore Ex [and I've had some real challenges with them recently in the context of my trip to Asia earlier this year and in the context of my upcoming trip to Canada/New England] but this one--by far--takes the cake in terms of "Sense & Sensibility"!


Despite their impeccable onboard experience and creative itineraries, I'm quickly questioning if the quality/consistency of several of their pre-cruise landside operations/pre-cruise planning tools and ever-changing policies with inconsistent messages are worth the hassle... On paper, I think--perhaps I'm wrong--that I'm Azamara's desired demographic; highly traveled [264 nights at sea in just over five years with 70 more days planned through next July; all within the Royal Caribbean family of brands] with an intense interest to see/do exciting new things--but I don't see the start-to-end guest focus that will necessarily continue to keep me loyal... When planning fun becomes too much like work, it may be time to move on; that saddens me...

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Xport, we are clear on what you are asking for and the shore excursion team is working on it. We thank you very much for the time and level of detail you have provided. Bonnie is now back from Holiday and will respond with the appropriate information once we have a solution.


Thank you, AZ.

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I truly appreciate your insights about visiting Devil's Island...


you are welcome.


I'm aware of the significant crime problem in Rio but I am eager to experience it all--particularly at Carnival--with full understanding that I'll likely never return... i have been 3 times. once on a land tour and twice with the cruise line. but fro me once you been to the Christ, done one large meat meal what else to do.. on the land tour i did not evenb like my hotel and walked to the Copa for lunch. .a place a rather sleep in. the pool was great. In fact, the crime and social issues contribute heavily to my desire to tour with the relative safety I perceive to be associated with doing so in the company of cruise mates under the auspices of Azamara-sponsored groups... still no watches. nothing.. If it had been otherwise, I'd have scheduled my arrival into Rio earlier and made private tour plans pre-cruise and during each of my subsequent two stops there [two overnights after initial embarkation]--for far less expense and, or so I thought, far less work on my part... where are you overnighting outside Rio .. might have ideas for you as i loved some of the ports.. many safe as all the wealthy rent homes there for their holidays.. This process has been time consuming and arduous in that Azamara Land Discoveries--particularly in Rio--as offered to-date have little basis in reality from a logistical or common sense perspective; it is not the finest performance I've seen out of Shore Ex [and I've had some real challenges with them recently in the context of my trip to Asia earlier this year and in the context of my upcoming trip to Canada/New England] but this one--by far--takes the cake in terms of "Sense & Sensibility"!

i am doing Asia and stil missing cities or towns.. but i iam looking at Tours by Locals in big cities.


Despite their impeccable onboard experience and creative itineraries, I'm quickly questioning if the quality/consistency of several of their pre-cruise landside operations/pre-cruise planning tools and ever-changing policies with inconsistent messages are worth the hassle... On paper, I think--perhaps I'm wrong--that I'm Azamara's desired demographic; highly traveled [264 nights at sea in just over five years with 70 more days planned through next July; all within the Royal Caribbean family of brands] with an intense interest to see/do exciting new things--but I don't see the start-to-end guest focus that will necessarily continue to keep me loyal... When planning fun becomes too much like work, it may be time to move on; that saddens me...


at this point i rather call Azamara daily than deal with a TA who does not answer questions... i called Azamra yesterday asking about Visa's as cruise critic was not helping me for China. Looks like i need one. you think the agent with inform me/ I have 23 Azaamra cruises and i think 17 more booked but wil ldrop something I am sure for a land tour. i no longer like Celbrity as it is its crew are cold and never know your name. rather be back at home on Azamara.

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FWIW, we were in Rio last year and arrived a few days early for an Azamara S.A. cruise. We stayed in Ipanema and walked all around (even up and back to the botanical garden..a must see) and felt quite safe. We had a wonderful private guide for a couple of days and she advised us not to walk at night at Copa and she told us what really bad areas to avoid. With her we visited the suburbs of Rio as well as visiting an indigenous peoples' village. Rio is a lot of fun and we're glad we took the time to stay there.

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i was in the copa area.. will never go back. prefer BA and al lhte wonderful things to see there. .but to me the worse is flying in and out of the airport.. one of the worse ones i have ever been too.


I think we enjoyed Rio because of our guide and because we met up with a Brazilian friend there, but I agree that Copa would not be my choice of places to stay. Our hotel in Ipanema was delightful. BA was great...spent a few days there too after the cruise and walked and walked! Lots to see and do. But I think our favorite of all the ports on that cruise was Punta Del Este Uruguay. Loved it there.

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I think we enjoyed Rio because of our guide and because we met up with a Brazilian friend there, but I agree that Copa would not be my choice of places to stay. Our hotel in Ipanema was delightful. BA was great...spent a few days there too after the cruise and walked and walked! Lots to see and do. But I think our favorite of all the ports on that cruise was Punta Del Este Uruguay. Loved it there.


mare-i have been there 3 times due to B2B cruises.. love that port and felt so safe there! I learned all about Tannets-met locals at that round tall building with the views. shopped and went to that mind blowing artist house that is all white. plus more walking


the hotel in cpa was part of a land tour. if i hd been booking i would of stayed at the Copa and never left there..

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at this point i rather call Azamara daily than deal with a TA who does not answer questions... i called Azamra yesterday asking about Visa's as cruise critic was not helping me for China. Looks like i need one.


A bit off-topic here but, having visited China with Azamara earlier this year, I can assure you that you will need to secure a visa for mainland entry...


Back in June, I shared my experience in securing that visa in response to a similar question that was initially posed on the Celebrity forum but that was subsequently moved to the Asia forum... You'll find that thread here...




Assuming that Azamara still has a relationship with the same visa service they suggested last November, the telephone number for Azamara guests is 1-800-579-2261 and Azamara's account number is 44990...


They are not inexpensive but they were accurate/effective/efficient... There is no charge to access their website or to call them for an overview of China's requirements/processes even if you choose not to use them...




By the way... Sincerest thanks for offering to share your experiences at other South American ports--the same cruise visits Buenos Aires for an overnight as well as Montevideo and Punta Del Este--but, having visited all before [and like you, loving Buenos Aires], I'm covered in terms of knowing exactly what I want to do/see during my return visits...

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Xport, we are clear on what you are asking for and the shore excursion team is working on it. We thank you very much for the time and level of detail you have provided.


Actually, I'm not asking much personally beyond a cogent listing of Land Discovery opportunities at Rio [i have a penchant for sensibility] and reconsideration/potential accommodation for consecutive cruisers as to the terms of the Best Of Rio tour on 19 February which provides only an airport--rather than an airport and pier--drop-off... As I pointed out to Bonnie back in July, that full-day tour is only being offered once otherwise--with pier drop-off--on 16 February but is not a viable option for those who also plan to attend the Sambadrome event that evening [that's why one visits at Carnival] as the two tours--in combination--result in a marathon day of nearly 24 hours of continuous touring! My very specific request is a guest-focus thing; 4+ days aboard Journey in Rio and I can't reasonably get in both a full day tour of the city and the Sambadrome without getting a taxi back from the airport to pier as things stand now...


Let's be clear that the ultimate benefit of providing a logistically feasible roster of Land Discoveries--embarkation/disembarkation day offerings in Rio are most problematic--accrues to Azamara and not to me in terms of sales and/or in terms of potentially disappointing less-traveled and studied guests who may already be booking tours that are likely not viable and will almost assuredly be cancelled... And in one case--as was true of the Nights In Cool Places/Scenarium tour that Bonnie already had corrected at my suggestion--another night offering on 19 February is not associated with the correct sailing [it starts 12 hours after most guests disembark and can't be booked--it's not listed--as a post-dinner offering by those embarking that day]; I'm guessing--just a hunch--that it's not received a booking by anyone paying the least bit of attention [as it's posted now, I wouldn't book it either--even as a consecutive cruiser--as it's sure to be undersubscribed/cancelled unless properly associated with the 19 February--rather than 7 February--sailing]...


It's unfortunate that my attempts to get these things corrected to Azamara's benefit may have turned me--incorrectly/unfairly--into someone who is perceived as a carping nuisance... No good deed goes unpunished...

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A bit off-topic here but, having visited China with Azamara earlier this year, I can assure you that you will need to secure a visa for mainland entry...


Back in June, I shared my experience in securing that visa in response to a similar question that was initially posed on the Celebrity forum but that was subsequently moved to the Asia forum... You'll find that thread here...




Assuming that Azamara still has a relationship with the same visa service they suggested last November, the telephone number for Azamara guests is 1-800-579-2261 and Azamara's account number is 44990...


They are not inexpensive but they were accurate/effective/efficient... There is no charge to access their website or to call them for an overview of China's requirements/processes even if you choose not to use them...




By the way... Sincerest thanks for offering to share your experiences at other South American ports--the same cruise visits Buenos Aires for an overnight as well as Montevideo and Punta Del Este--but, having visited all before [and like you, loving Buenos Aires], I'm covered in terms of knowing exactly what I want to do/see during my return visits...


first off i am calling the number you gave me just now on tuesday. i have been reading that Asian thread but was so jet laged that i called Azaamra and realized it.. to bad my visa's on older passports are not good. i have one stop in Nam and it looks like i do not need one there. at one poin t i did land tours in both countries. the only one i think is still good is brazil.


Like me you are a great cruiser- but even great cruisers can need some help at times. i just posted again on 22 dec 2014 cruise.. i seem to be helping them too. after two B2B's in S America you hsve answers.. have you use the wine tour company mention in that cruise? I have twice. they are great. my favorite port is Punta but i do like others for shopping.


I know in rio we did a tour including lunch that went back to the ship- several of us then jumped into a taxi to airport . people were standing around waiting for the counters to open. one man in my taxi got the wive to watch all our bags and we went to a machine that scan our passports and we were in the lounge about an hour before the people standing around for hours.


so i understand being upset but as i am learning easier to do it yuorself. .why not hire a driver/guide and later have him drop you off. i did that in Southhampton and saw a new town and Jane Austins grave-ship went to Winsor-been there enough...


love to meet you one day. left FL for the mts.. i got some beach in-mexico-now booekd dec 2016 on quest. the ABc ports are so me.


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Like me you are a great cruiser- but even great cruisers can need some help at times.



love to meet you one day. left FL for the mts..


For as much as I've cruised and for as much as I research, I learn new and helpful things--oftentimes here on Cruise Critic--every day...


I have a sense that we'll inevitably have the chance to meet aboard a ship someday; it would be my pleasure to do so... But for as much as I love the highly personal and impeccable onboard experience with Azamara and their itineraries/Destination Immersion concept, I am--as you have detected--more than a bit frustrated with some of the ancillary issues associated with sailing with them... Aside from the Land Discovery concerns I've expressed here [not new but far worse than I encountered with Asia], I've been peeved about their commitment to and repeated delinquency surrounding the Le Club Voyage changes, the continuing website deficiencies, their wavering commitment to the "Savings For Singles" program [i don't like to think of my patronage as an afterthought if/when convenient; doesn't help--as I surfaced here several weeks ago--that they didn't even bother to update the listing of eligible cruises on their website [six were/are missing for 2015], and it took an Act Of [our dysfunctional] Congress to get my invoices right for my cruises next year [actually, after a month of trying it took an exasperated call from my full-service Travel Agent to her Azamara Rep--who in turn contacted an Exec in Miami--to get proper resolution/the matter settled (wasn't looking for/expecting anything other than "correct" in accordance with their policies/practices!)]...


Azamara is rightfully proud of much they offer but I don't know if I'll be back until the start-to-finish experience is of consistent good quality... As I noted yesterday, planning fun shouldn't be so much work... And sometimes, too much pride--especially when unearned by fact and/or failure to act/listen to/read the Voice Of The Customer--gets in the way of good judgment by some [thank goodness for Bill and Bonnie!] so as to foster a confidence that can come across as arrogance/guest indifference... It's a shame as Azamara could--from booking to disembarkation--be truly stellar...

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yes, i want more for being a "top cruiser" 4 times.. but I seem to get what i ask for on the ship. i do ask and do get. i have looked at better or newer cruise liens/ships but no free laundry and internet.. celebrity is boring to me as far as ports...


at least you hve an "act of congress" .. will not or can not say how i feel on here about lack of help from TA. i rather do it alone as i have answers faster than i do now for 2016.


see what i wrote about carnival if you have not.


also travel alone - always get a suite. so i like more perks... but i do ask for and get special meals- tuna etc -not on menu

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Azamara is rightfully proud of much they offer but I don't know if I'll be back until the start-to-finish experience is of consistent good quality... As I noted yesterday, planning fun shouldn't be so much work... And sometimes, too much pride--especially when unearned by fact and/or failure to act/listen to/read the Voice Of The Customer--gets in the way of good judgment by some [thank goodness for Bill and Bonnie!] so as to foster a confidence that can come across as arrogance/guest indifference... It's a shame as Azamara could--from booking to disembarkation--be truly stellar...


Hi Xport, I'm back online for you. Tomorrow I'll see where the Shorex Department is on the issues you've brought up. I am really saddened when I read your statements such as "feeling like you're carping" (you're NOT!) and "Planning fun shouldn't be so much work" (I concur, it should be easy, and seamless for you.)

I'll get back to you soon.


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In regards to the title of this topic " anyone else excited about Rio" have to say we were until the new LCV so called enhancements were announced. Now the excitement has changed to total disappointment.

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