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Just Booked and UPSET! Advice?

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I'm sorry, and I'm sure no one will care, but I came here to find some advice, and now some of the comments are actually more frustrating than RCI's people. I should probably just disengage.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read through this conversation and for offering your opinions, suggestions, and potential solutions. Most of them were EXTREMELY helpful, even the ones that were suggesting moving to Celebrity etc.


You've hung in there much better than most OP's would have in your situation (in regards to cruise critic posters). As far as thread-starters go you're doing a remarkable job at replying to everyone's comments, advise, and criticism. Most OP's would have disappeared after their first post or two. I knew from the beginning you were going to get a wide variety of responses. You've probably got a lot more positive support than most people get on here (believe it or not), so you should actually be quite proud of yourself. :) Good luck with your situation.

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I am glad you understand that the HC cabin goes to the HC guest and that you are compassionate people. But really, bumping an AbleBodied person from an HC cabin is not compassion, it is the rule (and I think compliant with US law). And, for heaven's sake, no OBC should be expected if you are ever that bumped AB guest; you are fortunate to be AB; somebody else is not. the AB guest does not even get an explanation; just a new cabin.


I am not sure why you mention corporations and money:confused:. The cruiselines do not make more money from HC cabins; they make less as those cabins consume more precious space. think about it: Healthy guests who try to book an HC cabin just for the extra space are the greedy ones inappropriately trying to get more cabin for less money. I doubt that was your thought process for this last minute booking. As you were booking last minute, you were going to get what ever cabin might be left. Once in a while that leftover by chance is an HC cabin; usually it is not. again, I think the HC cabin on your sailing was already booked and the cabin number was misread or misunderstood during your initial phone call.


Valid in every way, it's hard to argue with your philosophy, and I won't. Just to clarify... My train of thought when I made the statement about the money/corporations.... was directly pointing to my situation. (I didn't make that clear). I meant that the company mistakenly "sold" me on a cabin that I couldn't get..... here's another tidbit I just realized I never mentioned here. THE CABIN IN QUESTION was booked since february!!! I can see why the RCI reps are questioning my recount of what happened on that call. It's such a blatantly dumbfounding experience that they are having trouble believing it's authenticity.


Anyway, I agree.... HP's deserve the first dibs on these rooms, because their circumstances warrant this. As a society, who are we if we don't go even just a little out of our way to accommodate space for a wheelchair?


My OBC remark was more a playful comment... even if I was a total ***** (i'm not), I wouldn't have the audacity to make a fuss about a change for this sort of thing. With that said, if you know you need a room to accommodate your HP, you book early. When it's last minute, as far as what other posters have said concerning polices, it's fair game. If the line chooses to accommodate a last minute HP booker, than they should compensate the person they are moving, as a sign of good customer service. 110 sq ft is a big deal, and that's my thinking.


And to add, if these HP staterooms were filled up for a potential last minute HP booker, than it wouldn't be an issue. Like I said..... and I'll say again so no one questions my character... I'd give it up without question and wouldn't ask for a dime. But I would be pleased with the Line for offering a small token for the "inconvenience". Wouldn't you?


Again, this is certainly roar from topic, so hopefully any newcomers understand that we are only speaking hypothetically for good forum banter.

Edited by dinzitari
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You know what, in this scenario.... If I arrived and they told me about the situation, I'd offer the cabin switch, and so would my wife. If it's about compassion...i'm all for it. If it's about money, than that's on the corporation to handle. A perk such as OBC, like an airline would offer, would make us a even further gracious :)

Actually, if it's compassion you want, please leave a baby at home, as much as you will miss her. She's too young to understand what a cruise is all about, and your neighbors will thank you for not having to hear her cry at all hours!!

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NORO? Yup - happens on cruise ships, hotels, schools, and DAYCARE centers /NURSERY schools. You expressed concern that the Explorer had a Noro outbreak months ago? That shouldn't concern you anymore than sending your child to daycare or taking a trip to the mall! Exposure to Noro and a whole host of contagious diseases can happen anywhere!!!


I felt bad at first with the mix-ups you experienced regarding your cabin assignment but now you seem to be looking for any possible reason to not go on this sailing.


Why even exert anymore energy fighting with Royal if you've already moved the funds out of your checking/debit account and are booking the competition? Case should be closed -

Every ship, every cruise line has good, bad, and indifferent. You will find this out for yourself now that you've discovered Cruise Critic.

This should really be the least of your problems - just move on and enjoy whatever cruise you decide to take.

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Actually, if it's compassion you want, please leave a baby at home, as much as you will miss her. She's too young to understand what a cruise is all about, and your neighbors will thank you for not having to hear her cry at all hours!!


Actually, my Daughter is an Angel and amazes those that watch her while we work. Really, she's less annoying than most adults I know. (I'm doing no work now, apparently). But thank you for thinking of your fellow cruise mates.

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Actually, my Daughter is an Angel and amazes those that watch her while we work. Really, she's less annoying than most adults I know. (I'm doing no work now, apparently). But thank you for thinking of your fellow cruise mates.

Everyone's child is an Angel, don't ya know.

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I (should) be sailing on July 26th on RCI for the very first time. (NCL in the past). Wife and I decided that we needed a vacation last minute, after our first year with our Daughter. I have been running my business AND just finished my masters full time, so this is soooo welcomed.


We booked two days ago over the phone, and the rep sold us a handicap room, (only available at the time) and said that it would be perfect because it is bigger to accommodate us and all that comes with an infant, and right near the nursery. (room 1337).


Come to find out, I look at my documents and the room she gave us is actually 1377!!. She obviously misread whatever she was doing, (very disappointing because she was a pure joy to chat with), and now we are stuck in just about as small and as poor a location as you can get on this ship. And since the ship is near full, This was NOT cheap. $2,900 for an interior, one guest is an infant and two adults.


I called in and the rep said that they contacted escalation and they couldn't do anything for us, because even if they stuck us back in a handicap room, the boat would ask for proof. Even though he acknowledged that this wasn't my fault (I never asked for handicap to begin with), he said my options were to upgrade to a balcony for an additional $1,400, or cancel and pay a termination fee. Mind you, I booked this 2 days ago, and my wife jumped through hoops to get off from work on a two week notice. No way to change our dates, and even if RCI refunded us in full, there are no other cruise options for us that will fit my schedule.


I am so irate right now, and did send an email to customer service after hanging up with the rep that "couldn't" help. Does any one know of any other options I could use to get this fixed? My wife is not happy.... "happy wife=happy life"


Promising one thing and delivering something different doesn't add up regardless of the item. May be hard to prove though unless there's documentation.


Keep calling.

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Everyone's child is an Angel, don't ya know.


No I don't. My niece and nephew (in laws, but like my own) are VERY tough to deal with. They live in a constant competition, over everything from soccer to who will dare eat a Brussels Sprout. (That actually happened yesterday, BTW.) My Daughter seriously is very reserved... only time she surprised me with her fussing is when I take her out of the swing at the park.... that's a deal breaker for her. From what i've seen with other babies, we are very VERY lucky with her. It's tough when you both are go-getters... and I couldn't imagine if our Daughter was more needy. Though, I know we aren't in the clear yet.


TRUST ME when I tell you. I am very empathetic to the blending in, which had me researching infants on cruise to a very long extent. I eventually ended on a great comment by a poster in the forum, who brought up the "same fare as you" point. (talking about blow up pool between chairs). I pity the fool who comments about my daughter on any ship.... my reprimanding is on tap :D


I need to stop these emails every time someone posts.... I'm going to clog bandwidth at this rate.

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Thank you for providing me with another thing to google/obsess over. You are a blessing.


Well I will give you another thing to google/obsess over, for your own good. And that of your daughter. Google something on the order of "does a cruise to Bermuda have rough seas" and "is Bonine safe for babies."


A cruise to Bermuda has two days on the open Atlantic, which can be unpredictable. You can go across and have the smoothest sailing ever...or not. It's not like cruising in the Caribbean Sea! You must take that risk into account. You may get seasick, even if you've never gotten seasick before. Bermuda is a crapshoot as to what the Atlantic is going to give you. Sure, you can take Bonine to handle it, but your daughter cannot. Is it an acceptable risk for you to take a toddler to Bermuda on a cruise knowing that you might not have five days of smooth seas? I don't know if I could take that chance with a child.


While I think it is admirable for you to want to have a family vacation, I'm not sure a Bermuda cruise is entirely in your daughter's best interests. I think you want to take her more for YOU--and that's an understandable feeling for a new parent. But if she's used to daycare, she's used to being away from her parents for the better part of a day. It's not like this would be the first time you've ever left her in the care of other people. She's not going to freak if you leave her with her loving grandmother for five short days, trust me. It's better for her and I haven't a doubt it would be better for you, too.

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Well I will give you another thing to google/obsess over, for your own good. And that of your daughter. Google something on the order of "does a cruise to Bermuda have rough seas" and "is Bonine safe for babies."


Did that yesterday actually....and came across conflicting information. It ranged from "babies are immune to it until they can walk easily" to "the sensory pathways that control balance in the brain aren't fully developed until 12 years old" to "my baby is extremely susceptible to motion sickness.".


I think we will be fine... we've taken lots of road trips and she's been fine. I did hear about a baby bracelet that can help with motion sickness, and might just order it to be safe.


And to add. my last cruise to Bermuda we literally celebrated the above referenced niece (Brussel spout incident) on her first B-day. It was no problem at all! Though, the bus to Horseshoe Beach was scary... I held her the whole way too. Here is a flashback pic: 3127gx1.jpg


While we are at it, let me show you all my precious Ella, and see why I can't leave her home! :


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Just for fun, I'm curious as to how you knew about these message boards at Cruise Critic? I see you joined yesterday to specifically post about this. And before anyone jumps down my throat, come on.. you were all thinking it too...


:D ;) :D Bwahahaha!!






What exactly is your point? I saw his post count, but did not think of it at all! Did you ever hear of "lurking"?


I notice that of all your cruises, only 3 have not been on RCI. What was it, 2 Princess and 1 HAL that are exceptions?


I don't list my 44 cruises as, frankly, I can't remember them all except the number of them! However, I know the ships and cruise lines, and I know my past passenger status with those that are still in business. I have TOP STATUS on Cunard and Celebrity, and a token Diamond status on RCI due to Celebrity.


Yeah, you think the OP is a phony, is that it? I don't think he is!


I dunno, and no offense, but to me it sounds like you are just a RCI cheerleader or "forum detective".


Why don't you try Celebrity, or step up your game and try a northern Atlantic TA on Cunard in shoulder season. After you've managed to have dinner and walk around a ship under force 10-12 conditions, then come make assertions about others here. :cool:

Edited by loubetti
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Wow. Sure are a lot of judgmental people here.


Glass houses, people. Glass houses.


OP has a legitimate issue. He states that the tapes prove his point and is ASKING RCCL to listen to them. Why question his credibility. First he was given the wrong cabin after DISCUSSING it with the booking agent. THEN he

Discovered that there's no nursery onboard.


A nursery is DIFFERENT than a baby sitter in the room. Been there, done that.


And, why are some of you insinuating that he and wife want to get sloshed while they "party."


Glass houses people.

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Valid in every way, it's hard to argue with your philosophy, and I won't. Just to clarify... My train of thought when I made the statement about the money/corporations.... was directly pointing to my situation. (I didn't make that clear). I meant that the company mistakenly "sold" me on a cabin that I couldn't get..... here's another tidbit I just realized I never mentioned here. THE CABIN IN QUESTION was booked since february!!! I can see why the RCI reps are questioning my recount of what happened on that call. It's such a blatantly dumbfounding experience that they are having trouble believing it's authenticity.


Anyway, I agree.... HP's deserve the first dibs on these rooms, because their circumstances warrant this. As a society, who are we if we don't go even just a little out of our way to accommodate space for a wheelchair?


My OBC remark was more a playful comment... even if I was a total ***** (i'm not), I wouldn't have the audacity to make a fuss about a change for this sort of thing. With that said, if you know you need a room to accommodate your HP, you book early. When it's last minute, as far as what other posters have said concerning polices, it's fair game. If the line chooses to accommodate a last minute HP booker, than they should compensate the person they are moving, as a sign of good customer service. 110 sq ft is a big deal, and that's my thinking.


And to add, if these HP staterooms were filled up for a potential last minute HP booker, than it wouldn't be an issue. Like I said..... and I'll say again so no one questions my character... I'd give it up without question and wouldn't ask for a dime. But I would be pleased with the Line for offering a small token for the "inconvenience". Wouldn't you?


Again, this is certainly roar from topic, so hopefully any newcomers understand that we are only speaking hypothetically for good forum banter.


I agree, this is hypothetical banter. evidently on this cruise, like most HC cruisers, the HC person did indeed book long before you. No greed at work here, there was a likely just a misread or mis understood cabin number.


As mentioned in an earlier post, the more likely issue when an Ab person is moved last minute out of an HC room is not late bookings by a long term disabled person, but instead a new need arising for an already booked guest. heaven forbid it ever be you or I or someone we love, but each and every one of us might only be one fall or accident or illness away from needing a chair or scooter or grab bars, etc. Needs can change in an instant, and business are required legally and ethically to try to accommodate the new needs. HC cabins are a solution for HC guests, not for extra space for the able bodied families. they are not a profit center for the cruiselines...not even close.


I have been assigned an HC cabin when I booked a gty. I asked that my reservation be marked that I'd move anytime if the cabin was needed by an HC person. And NO, I Absolutely Would Not Expect A Dime In Compensation for such a move. Why would one ever think they did? :confused:


No AB person has a claim to an HC cabin, no matter what. those 110 sq ft belong to a HC person, and never, ever to you, so long as you and yours remain healthy...health is way better than space. those 110 sq ft in an HC room aren't for sale. If a healthy person wants that much space, they need to buy a much, much higher cabin category...and to do that, the healthy person may have to book earlier (um, just as you said the HC person should do;))

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I agree, this is hypothetical banter. evidently on this cruise, like most HC cruisers, the HC person did indeed book long before you. No greed at work here, there was a likely just a misread or mis understood cabin number.


As mentioned in an earlier post, the more likely issue when an Ab person is moved last minute out of an HC room is not late bookings by a long term disabled person, but instead a new need arising for an already booked guest. heaven forbid it ever be you or I or someone we love, but each and every one of us might only be one fall or accident or illness away from needing a chair or scooter or grab bars, etc. Needs can change in an instant, and business are required legally and ethically to try to accommodate the new needs. HC cabins are a solution for HC guests, not for extra space for the able bodied families. they are not a profit center for the cruiselines...not even close.


I have been assigned an HC cabin when I booked a gty. I asked that my reservation be marked that I'd move anytime if the cabin was needed by an HC person. And NO, I Absolutely Would Not Expect A Dime In Compensation for such a move. Why would one ever think they did? :confused:


No AB person has a claim to an HC cabin, no matter what. those 110 sq ft belong to a HC person, and never, ever to you, so long as you and yours remain healthy...health is way better than space. those 110 sq ft in an HC room aren't for sale. If a healthy person wants that much space, they need to buy a much, much higher cabin category...and to do that, the healthy person may have to book earlier (um, just as you said the HC person should do;))


About my 180 degree turn comment, it applies here. Touche. The world would be a better place if all looked at things the way you do... With that said....i'm not budging on the nursery!

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In the past, it was a money issue


But you were willing to pay 2,900.00 for an INSIDE cabin on a 5 nite cruise??? We've done nine 7 night cruises for three people and never paid that much........


I'm sorry but as others have said I was on your side for a while (and I guess still am for the most part). I thought your 2:00AM idea to cancel the debit was awesome :) . But once the noro thing came in, it's getting harder to buy into the whole story or excuse. Makes it sound like you realize maybe you don't have a real case to argue and are trying to come up with another reason to cancel..........

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Side note, I asked the supervisor last night that if they review the call and I don't get he expected result, will I be able to obtain a copy for my own person preview?


The response was that there was legality and privacy issues that could prevent that. My response: "Well, it's my privacy we are discussing, isn't it?"


I don't remember the exact response, but I can assure you it was difficult for them to muster. (I know how to file a subpoena without a lawyer, BTW).


Anyway, I just remembered that after that last comment from that guy ^^^ questioning my authenticity. This whole thing is starting to become hilarious, and honestly, since they can't get anymore than the 300$ from the initial call, there's not much for me to really be worked up over.


I will still report back for all those that took the time to read such a long winding thread. The only reason they don't have all the money is because my debit card was in my wife's car. After all this, I now see how lucky I truly am!

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but it's ignorant to do so when a parent is concerned about their child's well being. SHAME on you.


You were the one who booked the cruise, didn't you do your research if it is so important not to take an infant on a noro infested ship?!?! SHAME ON YOU........:rolleyes:

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Wow. Sure are a lot of judgmental people here.


Glass houses, people. Glass houses.


OP has a legitimate issue. He states that the tapes prove his point and is ASKING RCCL to listen to them. Why question his credibility. First he was given the wrong cabin after DISCUSSING it with the booking agent. THEN he

Discovered that there's no nursery onboard.


A nursery is DIFFERENT than a baby sitter in the room. Been there, done that.


And, why are some of you insinuating that he and wife want to get sloshed while they "party."


Glass houses people.


Well, Rob, we have something in common don't we? WE FLY PLANES!!!


Me, a Cessna 210 Turbo, and you... sorta looks like a Cessna from your avatar.


Anyway, what we have in common most people do not have here, and will give us judgement most have not yet developed the skills for. Piloting planes will certainly teach you about judgement real fast! The OP is learning the hard way as to booking a cruise.


Otherwise, we should both know never to throw stones at glass houses, as we ALL live in them!


I certainly believe that the OP is VERY legit.


Happy flying, and "keep the blue side up"! :)

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Uhh, no. I was sincerely and merely curious. I have no ulterior motive.



No harm, no foul. Honestly, I was surprised that I received so much response on this forum. I signed up and as a big poster on unrelated forums (filmmaking), I actually assumed you would all think I was a slander by hire or something like that because I was brand new with such a heated topic.


Despite some of the people who have contested me here, this is easily the most active, and productive forum i've ever posted on. Too bad i'm not an avid cruiser like most of you all! You've been gracious responding to my posts despite your curiosity... no harm in asking!

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Me, a Cessna 210 Turbo, and you... sorta looks like a Cessna from your avatar.


Hey all trades come with these qualities. I'd like to see you choose one of 15 planned shots on a feature film because the NYPD is there to shut you down earlier than expected on a main avenue.... talk about crisis!!! :D


What's your rate to Bermuda by the way, and do you take children?


(side note, my bro is in Alabama fro Blackhawk school right now, so I know how mentally sharp a pilot must be)

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